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St.Mary's Feast -Lady of Good Health- Sep 8 2004

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September 8, 2004 - Wednesday==============================Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary -Birthday of Mother Mary-(Mother of Lord Jesus Christ)


Samratchana at Ramrajya celebrates St.Mary's feast on Sep 8 2004 with special prayers at the Good Shepherd Church at Ramrajya.

Mother Mary called the Lady of Good Health - ========================================================================The "Nativity of Mary" conjures up the beautiful and touching image of the Infant Mary in the loving arms of her mother. We learn from early Christian writers (the Protoevangelium of James - written around 120 AD) about the events surrounding Mary's birth. From this book we learn that Mary's parents were named Joachim and Anne (Y'hoyakhin and Hannah in Hebrew). The feast of the Nativity (Birth) of Mary was first celebrated in the East by the Church of Jerusalem. The Western Church adopted this joyful feast only around the seventh century.


By observing this feast, we not only commemorate Mary's birthday but also focus our attention on the Infant Mary. In modern times, this devotion takes on a deeper meaning as it proclaims the beauty of innocence and childhood to a world which seems intent on destroying both! It can stand as a witness against female infanticide, still practised in many parts of the world, and many have already begun to look upon the Infant Mary as a patroness of the Pro-Life cause!


This feast lasts for 10 days, starting from the hoisting of the flag for Mother Mary and devout devotees wear saffron clothes with their wish and go the Church to pray on all the 10 days.

This year, the hoisting of the flag was on Aug 29 2004 and then the Mary's feast celebrated on Sep 8 -2004, with special masses and prayers, lighting of candles & offering flowers to Mother Mary. It's an holiday for all the Christian Institutions in order to offer their obesiance to the Mother.



The Birth of Jesus to Virgin Mary=================================

This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about.When his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph,but before they lived together,she was found with child through the Holy Spirit.Joseph her husband, since he was a righteous man,yet unwilling to expose her to shame,decided to divorce her quietly.Such was his intention when, behold,


the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said,"Joseph, son of David,do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home.For it is through the Holy Spiritthat this child has been conceived in her.She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus,because he will save his people from their sins."

All this took place to fulfillwhat the Lord had said through the prophet:

Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son,and they shall name him Emmanuel,

which means "God is with us."


************************************************************************************Velankanni Church in TamilNadu - Mother Mary's church-


Vailankanni is fondly known as the 'Lourdes of the East' because like Lourdes in France, millions of pilgrims visit the Shrine throughout the year, praying to Our Lady for various needs and thanking her for the favors received through her intercession.


Tradition recounts that Mother Mary appeared with the Infant Jesus in this small hamlet at the end of the 16th or in the early 17th century. Ever since, Vailankanni is the most important destination and almost the synthesis of all Marian Sanctuaries for the pilgrims of the world. The crowds of pilgrims come here regardless of creeds and languages.


Vailankanni Location=====================

Please view this link for Velankanni Church for Mother Mary:http://www.vailankannichurch.org/about-vailankanni.htm


Vailankanni, a hamlet on the sandy shores of the Bay of Bengal, is located 350 kilometers south of Chennai (Madras) and 12kilometers south of Nagappatinam. Nagapattinam, a town on the coast of Bay of Bengal, was referred by early writers and the Portuguese as "the city of Coramandel' (Imperial Gazetteer of India, XIX, 3). Vellayar river, a minor branch of the river Cauvery, runs on the south of the village and flows into the sea.


"From day one in 1971 (when the church was built) onwards, people started coming to the church to worship Mother Mary and honour her. Every year lots of people come for festival day. We have millions of people during the festival and even on week days. Not only Christians, Hindus, but also Muslims and Buddhists come here. People of all religions flock here to seek blessings," Father Bernanrd Lawrence, the priest in charge of the church, said.


The church often known as the church of Our Lady of Good Health, is located at the shores of the Bay of Bengal.


Legend says that Mother Mary with her infant baby Jesus Christ appeared to a Hindu boy carrying milk, asking for milk for her baby. But the boy found that his pot was full even after he gave away some milk. The locals built a small tank on the spot where they appeared and started considering it as a sacred place.


Second time, the mother and the baby appeared before a crippled boy and cured him. The third story says that Mother Mary rescued a few Portuguese merchant sailors from a violent storm which wrecked their ship. When the merchants reached the shore of Velankanni, they had thatched a chapel for her in gratitude.


More than a million pilgrims visit the church on September 8 when it celebrates the feast of Mother Mary.


St.Mary's feast - Sep 8 2004




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