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Master Hilarion and his teachings - 3 steps to Self Mastery

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Shankaram Siva ShankaramHi All,Listening about the message to Hilda Charlton in a Baba's speech given on Vinayaka Chavathi prompted me to know more about Hilda Charlton. The following is an excerpt (about her contact with a Master) from the website dedicated to her (http://hildacharlton.com) which is very interesting and it gives invaluable lessons.Regards,Srinivas.Master Hilarion is one of the Perfected Beings called the Masters of the

Great White Lodge who, having won his own freedom from rebirth to this Earth, stays close

and encourages others to live a life free from earthly sorrows. He is Greek, seen by many

in a very youthful appearance, and is of a beautiful countenance. He specifically

influences the scientific world and the world of poetic writing, as well as the world of

sound and color. He stresses positivity, as do all the Masters.

The Masters can only influence those who express happiness and joy

while in the midst of earthly life. The Masters' criterion for choosing students to

initiate and train is that those students possess an outward desire to help others in

life, as do the Masters themselves. Few of the Masters are in a physical form, but they

can manifest themselves before the chela, or aspirant, if it be necessary for the

advancement or well-being of the student. Many people of higher consciousness or a

sensitive nature go in their astral or dream bodies during sleep and study with these

Perfected Beings. Often they are not aware of this because they are not yet able to

remember their dream world. Master Hilarion began to teach me to go out of my body

consciously, to enable me to remember the nightly teachings. As encouragement, he would

say, "Where you are, we have been, and where we are, you someday will be. Life is

continuously evolving from one state of consciousness to a higher one."

It is said that in Master Hilarion's last incarnation, he was the

ancient Syrian, Iamblichus, founder of the School of Neoplatonism, and that he keeps this

appearance. The writings of Iamblichus made it clear to me that they were from the same

source as Master Hilarion. It is intimated that the main source of inspiration for the

great prophet Nostradamus was the book De Mysteriis Egyptorum, written by

Master Hilarion in his incarnation as Iamblichus. The prophecies of Nostradamus uphold

this book, telling of the Golden Age to come, when the world will go back on its axis. The

teachings of Master Hilarion were quietly becoming part of my inner thinking as a result

of my nightly travels into places of study while I was out of the physical body in the

dream world. Realizations were opening up within, realizations of the virtues by which we

are united in ecstasy with the One.

That Master Hilarion was drawing me closer was confirmed one day when I

had an inner urge to go to the bookcase in our house to look for something to read. I saw

a strange-looking book which I had never seen before. I did not know how it had gotten

into our library. I opened it. It was by Master Hilarion of the Masters of Wisdom.

I can never forget Master Hilarion's description of the new world in

this book. It enlarged my perspective of life and its true meaning: that we are all

wending towards the millennium, towards a whole and complete life. One part that

enthralled me was the description of what our world will be like when it goes back on its

axis. It would be years and years before this became a popular subject for discussion.

Hilarion said the new race that would emerge at that time would not be

black, white, yellow or brown, but a synthesis of all — a golden-skinned people.

There would be one religion inspired by the One God of All. The climates would change so

that tropical conditions would exist in countries that are now snowy and frigid. He told

of the goodness of humankind during this coming period. Love would be the prevailing force

upon Earth, and humans would at last know freedom from fear, war and disease.

I could not put this book down. I took it everywhere — on

ferryboats, trains, streetcars — as I traveled back and forth daily from San

Francisco to Oakland. It was through this book that I developed the inner closeness to

Hilarion, who was to be my guide through the labyrinth of inner experiences some call the

dream world. When the book was well imprinted not only on my brain but in my heart, it

disappeared as mysteriously as it had appeared. My inner door to the mysteries had been

opened; I could now listen clearly to Master Hilarion and understand when he was in

communication with me.

Soon after the discovery of this book, I was sitting in meditation when

I felt an invisible presence in my room. A softness filled the air and the room became

bright. Master Hilarion, in his etheric (spiritual) body, appeared.

"I will take you before the Masters. Go into deep meditation and

prepare yourself," he told me. I was taken for an out-of-body experience in my

etheric body to a great hall. I seemed to know many of the students who were there waiting

for the Masters to appear, yet they were not people I knew on the Earth plane. I looked

around and saw that the hall had a platform. The auditorium seemed to be large enough to

hold about two thousand students. Suspense, almost a breathlessness, was in the air as we

waited for the Master to appear.

When the particular Master who was training the chelas that evening

arrived, he was dressed in splendor — with a beautiful cape and with jewels upon his

delicate hands. What went through my mind that night was "How come the jewels?"

In my desire to be spiritual, I had just given away some pearls and a few worthless rings

with a "poverty is spirituality" attitude of self-righteousness. There before me

on the inner etheric plane was a Great Being wearing rings. My mind wondered. I had yet to

learn that this Master was on the ceremonial ray and that he used the power of stones as

part of his ritual, as we now use crystals.

At the end of the meeting, I was taken into a small room to meet this

Master. Humbleness entered my heart and I could not look into his face. His power of love

and light was so intense that all I could look at were his beautiful feet. Later I was to

be trained and taught by this Master, Count Saint Germaine, but that night he gave me only

these instructions:

"You are on the last step of the journey. That last step could

last an hour, a day or an eternity; it depends on your earnestness, intensity and the will

power you exert. Hold fast, hold fast, hold fast. Be firm, hold steady, watch every

thought, word and action, for you are to be tried and tested. The path ahead will be

narrow for a time to come. Each side of the symbolic pathway will be slippery. If your

foot slips from the middle, you will slip down the precipice. On one side of the valley

below is hate, pain, fear, despair and depression. On the other side is the pleasure of

the world: intense joy, likes, dislikes, attachments and uncontrolled emotions. On the

narrow middle path called equanimity lies bliss, peace, love and perfection. Tread the

path well, without slipping, and all at once it will widen into a smooth, sunlit road

which will lead you on to the plateau of eternal bliss. There you will no longer be

subject to the extremes of life that bring sorrow and clinging."

I felt myself slowly come into physical body consciousness, and I was

again in my room. I saw Master Hilarion standing in a ray of light in my room. He had

guided me back. He gently smiled at me as he quietly withdrew, but a fragrance and peace

lingered on in the room. The memory of the Master Count Saint Germaine's feet and the

beauty of the essence of peace I had felt remained with me continuously for many days.

I remembered the lesson; the message remained in my mind. It sounded

ominous. Discipline! Discipline! I could understand why it had been said that few people

make it to the mountaintop — why Perfected Masters were so few.

All my attempts at meditation were now for a new reason and had a new

directive. Whereas before they had been for self-development, now I was meditating to

prepare myself so that I could be clear and pure enough to share with others.

I was most anxious to start a class to teach the things I had been

learning. I made a firm decision not to teach anything I had not experienced myself. I had

seen the erroneousness of pseudo-teachers, pretenders, who did not live their message. I

invited a handful of interested friends over one night for meditation. I was busy all day

teaching dance in San Francisco; there had not been time to prepare a lesson. At the last

minute, I ran into a bookstore to get something to teach. At random, I chose something by

Krishnamurti and went home to share it with the group. This zealous attitude to help

others did not go unnoticed by the Masters of Wisdom.

In the evening, after meditating and preparing myself, Master

Hilarion's presence was felt in the room and he began:

"Daughter, we will begin by teaching you control of body. Control

your thoughts and we will proceed. We your guides are planning to dictate to you some

practical lessons of life to be published under the title The Golden Quest."

The following teachings were given to me by Master Hilarion, one of the

Perfected Beings known as the Masters of Wisdom, who call themselves Brothers of Light.



Control of Body


The first step on the hazardous road leading to the Kingdom of God

within is self-control. Self-control of body, mind and emotions is essential. Nothing can

be gained in the spiritual realm until absolute body control is perfected. It is

imperative that every aspirant of the Truth learn this lesson. Get it imprinted in the

subconscious mind that the body is merely a horse upon which you ride and that the mind is

the master. Learn this lesson and learn it well. That is the first step, and you can go no

further until you learn it.

The way to attain this mastery over your body is to sit with your body

relaxed, back straight, hands in your lap one on top of the other, your left hand under

your right, eyes closed or fixed on one point, breathing slowly in and out in rhythm with

the forces of life. This brings a quietness and peace to the body and makes the mind

receptive to the inflow of the spiritual wisdom ever-present in the Universe. Strength,

wisdom, love, beauty and activity are all part of God and part of the essence of every

human being. These qualities are all lying latent in everyone, but they have to be

released. This can only be done by absolute control of the vehicles through which these

qualities flow.

Control of Emotions

The second step in preparing the way for the higher life is the control

of the emotions. This is the bete noire, the stumbling block, of most aspirants,

and it is something that must be learned. A calm, tranquil attitude of mind is a treasure

house filled with the rarest of gifts — gifts far greater than all the gold in the

world and greater than all the rarest gems in the Universe. Value this, my pupils, and

start here and now to learn this second lesson. Of what value is a rare gem if locked with

chain and key? Make your mind a place in which God dwells, a place filled with the Light

of Truth.

The emotions are ruled by the mind, so a peaceful mind means a calm,

unemotional person. Watch every emotion with a rigid mind. Don't let the slightest trace

of uncontrol get by that gatekeeper, the mind. Rule the emotions as you do the body. This

is done by not allowing outside things to affect you.

Get a calm, balanced attitude in life and let nothing upset it. Rule

your emotions with an iron rod. Don't be pushed up and down by the pleasure and pain of

life. Get your feet firmly planted on the path toward the Light of God and let nothing

stand in your way. Discriminate between the real things of life and the unreal. Drop the

unimportant things for the important. Be wise, be wary. Be yearning for the truth, but

only so far as it is to help others on the path. Seek not your own salvation. Seek only

wisdom, knowledge, joy, beauty, love and strength that can help others who are stumbling

along their way to a place of peace. Be unselfish in thoughts, actions and words.

What happiness awaits the truly unselfish joy-bringer no man knows! Why

be satisfied with half-truths? Why drink of stagnant pools? Why not drink the full cup of

life? Live in immortality. Live! Live! Live! Live a life of fullness. Be life itself. Be a

complete manifestation of God. Love all creatures. Love! Love! Love! Be a living God,

worthy of the Father-Mother Godhead. Live in all the glory God prepared for you.

All gifts and powers are yours. God holds out His loving hands filled

with rare gifts. Accept them. Spurn them not. Turn not your back on the bearer of such

wondrous array.

All God asks is that you receive with open hands, with hands always

open, never clutching but always outward-stretched in the attitude of giving, giving,

giving. Give and find the joy of life. Love and find the very well from which God drinks

His/Her fill. Live in all its glory. Cast off the old. Be one of the new creatures ready

to live the life abundant, a life of giving, loving, receiving — receiving only to

give again.

Wake up, Children of the Dawn, and live! The day has come when no

slackers, no drones of God's Truth, can exist. Be wary. Be wise. Learn the lesson of life.

Learn to live, think, act and speak like Masters. All others must perish. It is the will

of God. Help all on the way to the Truth. Neglect no one. Everyone must have his or her

chance. Be tireless. Be ever alert to do a kindness, to give a helping hand. Watch for

every opportunity. Forget self. Forget all save God and His/Her Truth.

There is nothing in life but Truth. All trials, hardships, joys and

sorrows are merely the training toward the mastery of mind, body and emotions on the path

to God. There is only one goal, one ultimate end. All true living is the expression of the

Divine within. Forget all minor things.

Find the goal! Get the vision! Hold fast, never lose it, not for one

moment during the years that flow by so quickly in the life of humans. Be wise and live as

wise ones. Care not for the prattlings of people drowning in their own ignorance. Find

life and live it, caring not for others' opinions, but be kind in your opinion of them,

for they are yourself in another form. They are God. They are Love. They are the All.

Control of Mind

The third step is the hardest and yet is the easiest when learned. It

is control of mind. The mind is a slippery eel if it is not handled with a kind but strong

hand. Be firm but loving, for the mind is the rein that controls the horses — the

emotions and the body — and guides them to safety along the road of life. Train the

mind always to be loving and kind and to see the best in others. In yourself, see the

slightest flaw and ruthlessly correct it. Let nothing escape the eye of the mind.

Concentration is the first step toward conquering the mind. Learn to

concentrate on one thing at a time, for one-pointedness is necessary. Do one thing well.

Think a thought through to its culmination. This leads to meditation.

Now the pupil is entering the outer portals of God. All preparations

that have come before are leading up to meditation, that is, becoming one with God and

feeling His Joy and Bliss. Control of body allows the person to forget the distractions of

the physical body or temple in which God dwells. Control of emotions clears the temple and

makes it a place of peace. Control of thoughts stills the slayer of the Real, the mind,

and allows the real Self to prevail. Learn these well before striving for heights. Learn

the lesson well and God will heap such gifts upon you that you will be a storehouse of

wealth, wisdom, strength and beauty.

Read this intellectually and you will be no wiser than you were before

starting out. You will be wasting your energy and your time. Find God's treasures within

your deepest self. "Seek and ye shall find." Do not stand idly by and let others

pass out of your sight along the path to attainment. Be ready to accept the gifts offered.

These are teachings of rare price. Use them as such.

Nothing is gained by merely wishing. To form a vision and then make the

vision come true with action — this is true genius. Nothing was ever gained by

sitting back and procrastinating. Procrastination is a thief, stealing life's choicest

treasures. Live a life of commitment and action in the Eternal Now. Do it now!

I AM — I AM — I AM



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