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I promise you salvation - provided you qualify - Baba

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Siva Shankaram Whatever

you want to explore, you should explore! Whatever cost! And

everything will be an experience.Some experiences may be positive!

Some experiences may be negative! But both the experiences are relevant.

And it is all right to experience anything as long as it does not hurt

anyone and does not divert you away from your value system. There is

nothing for you to search. Just undergo the experiences of life and when

realization has dawned upon you, you will know that what you are searching for

is already in you and there was nothing to search at all, all along. This

happens on its own, at the appointed hour with the appointed person. GNANA

YOGAM (Meditation): This is the process of reaching God through

the mind. Another aspect of this path is to gain knowledge -- reading books to

understand life. This is the Gnana way. RAJA

YOGAM: This path is through arousing the Kundalini power to

know God's Supreme form.

KARMA YOGAM: In this method, one performs his duties properly.

This includes performance of Yagnas, Homams, etc. BAKTHI

YOGAM: This path includes going on pilgrimage to holy spots,

doing pooja, performing abishekam, meeting saints, etc. It is

possible to reach God through any of these four paths. In this

Kaliyuga, the first three mentioned journeys are difficult to undertake. Bakthi

Yoga is the easiest path. There is no patience to do meditation and there

is no wealth to do Karma Yoga. Therefore Bakthi Yoga is the easiest way in

Kaliyuga. Bakthi yoga means singing the glory of any of the deities likes by us

most and to constantly muse on them. Any deity can be concentrated on since God

is one according to religion. If you have differences of opinion, that is not

religion. Believe in God. Consider God is one. We have

some faith in a particular form of God. We should always think of Him in that

form. For doing that, this Sathsang, devotional songs and Vedas are all

helpful. Meeting saints adds an impetus to this situation. Generally those in

practice and those who want to reach Him have to follow the simple rules.

Bakthi is a manifestation of love. You can have it in any way you want. There

is no sastra (rules) or rituals to be followed. You can perform it in the way

you wish. This process of meditation, Raja yoga, Karma yoga or Bakthi

(devotion) yoga are not performed to reach any specific God in the sky. That

same Godliness is prevalent within you. To understand that Godliness, we

should first obtain it and then distribute it freely to be understood by the

entire world. This is only a tool. You are

a part of God. You are also a fraction of God. That is

why we do yagas here itself. On full moon days, we do Sri Sathya Narayana Pooja.

On Fridays, Lalitha Sahasranama pooja is performed. Further devotional songs

are sung here. We are doing all this, because you will be easily drawn to these

and you can easily understand all these. It is

not that if you do all of these, you will be blessed, or if you do not do

these, you will not be blessed. You should understand that

a mother shall feed her child whether it is invited or not. To get the

blessings of God, it is not necessary that you should prostrate or that failure

to do so would not get you the blessings of God. If this were true, it means

that is no God. Whether you do all the above or not, God will always be

blessing you. Then why is it we are doing all these? We are doing all

these to understand God in a larger measure. I

volunteered to transform the world by Service through Grace, where everyone

else declined. But I have been witnessing that people are not prepared to

improve their qualifications. They do not seek God -- they are not interested

in Divine bliss. They want more and more of materialistic gratification, and

worldly illusions. When

these people do not seek God, why should He toil so much? Why should He descend

from His Penance to help the world? Lord Ayyappa reveals Himself as the

Eternal Light on Sabari Hills. I have been able to consecrate Ayyappa in the

Lotus Pedestal of my heart. Since you have reposed your trust in me, I am

revealing a few Cosmic Secrets, in my compassion for you. You may not have

existed during the times of Rama or Krishna or Jesus or Buddha. But this Siva Shankaram is God come in human form. Some

people say, 'This person calls himself God out of ego'. How will you know I am

God unless I tell you? And I do not stop with that -- my aim is to make

you understand that all of us are God. If I don't reveal this, when ever will

you understand? I am

beyond conceit or ego. If you observe me, you will know -- I move on par

with everyone and have no pretences about life. God has descended in human form

and is moving as a human with you. I am accessible to everyone and have

all divine qualities -- my compassion has made me accessible to you; if you

call me conceited, I am just not bothered. I am not

any saint; I am God. And I have shown you more than sufficient

proofs. I have revealed Divine forms in fire, the Divine vehicles and

weapons like Peacock and Lance (of Muruga), Conch and the Discus (Shanku and

Chakra of Vishnu), Trident (Ambaal’s Trisool), Bow and Arrow (of Rama), Axe (of

Parasurama), Plough (of Balarama) and Mazhu (of Shiva) in my Palm and Feet. I

have presented you God in my physical form too. I have

cured so many patients whom medical science could not help. I

have brought light into so many lives.In this small room (in Malaiyappan Street ,

Chennai) , you are able to get the peace unattainable even in ancient temples.

With such evidence, I am asking you to utilize this Divine presence and advance

in life. In how

many books, how many discourses I have reiterated this! You neither read those

books nor listen to my speeches. You are not ready to understand this practical

philosophy -- even when I tell you directly. People are in utter confusion

that they do not know what they are losing. God is

playing with you, moving as one among you, leading you along in His embrace. If you

do not use this opportunity now, when ever will you? Make use of me, and

exalt yourself. I have

come as the composite form of Compassion -- in the form of Love. I am

practicing a different kind of spirituality -- one based on love. If you are

not prepared to move up using me, what else can lead you to Light? Raise

this question and seek an answer from within. Ayyappa

- The Eternal Light capable of nullifying the darkness, leading the world from

darkness to Light, from evil to Good, from death to Immortality, like the light

on a forest hill in the form of Jyothi, Annamalai - fire form of Siva, Vishnu

presenting Himself as fire, as SankaraNarayana swaroopa has set out on its task

to light up the world; That Ayyappa is Kalki Avatar – come for the world's

progress. I have Him within me, in His Jyothi swaroopa. I am revealing

these Divine secrets, because you believe in me. Elevate

your thoughts, mellow your heart and nurture qualifications necessary to attain

salvation. Only then can I grant you salvation -- because only I am capable of

granting you that. Neither Siva, the Lord of Destruction nor

Brahma, the Creator can free you from this affliction of births. Only the

Divine doctor -- Narayana, the Lord of Protection, can offer you succor --

because it is His portfolio to protect. I have that Narayana within me. I

promise you salvation -- provided you qualify. It is this sacred

word 'Narayana', that cares for you much more than a mother's love can. I am holding

you to me with much more than a mother's compassion. I am longing to guide

you on the proper path. I want to elevate you. Seeing you miss this

opportunity arouses my compassion. With the mother's privilege to chide her

child, I have placed these thoughts before you. And if you perfect yourself, I

will give you all that is good. My blessings to you to realize THE LIGHT within.

- Love Baba Chant & be Happy " Shankaram Siva Shankaram" - Maha

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