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You are the question, I am the answer - Baba

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Shankaram Siva Shankaram


Initially, the mind focuses on what it deems to be its own priorities rather than listen to your inner wisdom. You lose focus because the mind disturbs you with a thought that seems more important to it. Try to identify those thoughts – whether it is about your family or office or the world at large. Do not try to run away from that thought. Just witness it, allowing the mind to run its own course. How long can you keep harbouring a thought? The mind will soon get tired of its chase and become serene like the calm after a storm.

Every thought has a definite time limit and it does not linger beyond that time. All that you have to do is to continue watching it till it dies naturally. Then you will get the inner focus on whatever form you want because that is the only thing left. Just like when you eat the various delicacies on your plate, when you come to the last piece, it is only that which remains, so too, when you have finished with all your thoughts, what is left is the wisdom of God. But this process cannot come by force, it has to happen naturally. And then you will travel beyond thoughts, beyond thinking of God too. That is the true state of bliss. Even the thought of God is subject to limitation. It means your mind is not totally tamed.

Do not be restless to go to that stage. Just allow things to take their own shape. There is nothing else to do. Nothing rests on your plans. All plans are ordained by God on the basis of your deeds in your previous births. Leave them to take their own course. Do not expect results immediately, and if you are wise enough, do not expect any results. It is only then you will see them happen.

If you seek something, it eludes you. Be detached and results will seek you!

Karma will come chasing to bother. If one has a lot of karma to be experienced, if it is not possible to nullify at one time, then it will be distributed over a number of births as experiences.

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa had throat cancer! A Mahaan, Siddha Purusha in that birth (as Ramakrishna) he has not committed any mistake. But there was the balance carried from his previous births. That one illness made him undergo the karma totally and get over it. Likewise Ramana Maharishi became a realized soul right in his childhood. Why did he get cancer? Some balance of karma was there which was a hindrance to his liberation so he had to experience the karma in the form of cancer.

Once Kanchi Paramachariar was suffering from stomach ache. Those who were with him saw this and cried,'Why such a hardship for Periava himself?’

Paramachariar replied "I myself have taken this birth to undergo the pains of the balance karma and leave the mortal body, why are you crying?"

Once Adi Shankara Bhagavatapada prayed to God, "Oh God! I have committed one mistake already and I am going to do another mistake also so please forgive me".What he meant was that his first mistake was : ‘In the previous birth I did not pray to you. So I have taken this birth. Next mistake is that I will not pray to you in my next birth because I have prayed to you in this birth, so I have no births then how can I pray to you in my next birth?’

What a great argument! So all that you have to do is don’t worry about your past karma, but have total faith in God and lead the life that God has destined for you. There is a mess in a thread ball. If you hurry through the mess, you will make it still worse. If you catch hold of its end and slowly remove the knots, then you can use it for stitching or else it will get cut.

Likewise, in your life, some problems have crept in, knowingly or unknowingly. Somewhere you must have committed some wrong deed. Otherwise, you would not have got into these problems. So start doing good things from now, then, one day, the assets of your good deeds will increase and your liabilities will get cancelled and your balance sheet will read only of your assets.

It is God who is questioning. It is God who is replying. Where is the need for proving God? All of us are slice images of God. When you get married and beget children, you are Brahma, the Lord of Creation. When you protect some people, you are Vishnu, the Lord of Protection. When you kill someone in an accident or destroy small creatures for experiment purposes, you are Sankara, the Lord of Destruction. God performs creation, protection and destruction with you as His instruments. These questions arise because the consequences of your previous actions hide the fact like the clouds hide the full moon. When we are able to realize this hidden truth and convert it into a known fact, we realize the whole some Ultimate. We are the Ultimate. I am the Question; I am the reply. Till you understand your Divinity, you are the question, I am the


Love Baba

Chant & be happy “ Shankaram Siva Shankaram “- Maha

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