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Become a good Anjeneya - Baba.

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Shankaram Shiva Shanakram



The highest stage in spirituality is when differences between the seeker and Sought vanish and you are able to realize that there is only One.

Silence is not about 'not speaking'. It is the art of keeping your mind free from any thought; it is about achieving blankness of mind. Learn to keep your mind blank; you will be able to feel the joy of improved concentration and better ideas flowing in.

If a person is a drunkard, his father refuses to give him money because he cares for the welfare of his son. Similarly, if you fritter away the wealth of goodness in meanness, God will hold back spiritual wealth from you.

Whatever misery you are experiencing today is just a product of your thoughts, an offshoot of your mental weaknesses. God has nothing to do with it. If you recognize your faults and follies and strive to steer clear of them, your miseries slink away automatically

Krishna becoming a Complete Incarnation shows that His Life was fully open from all sides, all Its dimensions were available to Divine Consciousness.

Krishna chooses to come to complete flowering because it is His Nature.

Siva Shankar Baba is also fully open from all sides and hence His Style of Functioning and Life Style are that of Krishna - The Absolute.

Anjeneya's (Lord Hanuman's) advent in the Ramayana begins when, having observed Rama and Lakshmana walking towards their camp from a distance, Anjeneya, being a monkey recognizes Rama’s divinity and approaches them in the guise of a Brahmachari with folded hands.

Anjeneya's first introduction in the Ramayana comes from Lord Rama Himself. Amazed at his communication skills, Rama exclaims, "Is he Indra? Or is he Brahma? Or is he Vishnu? Or is he Shiva? I’m unable to judge, yet, his conversation is so enthralling! Who may he be, this Prince of Words?"

So how did Anjeneya attain this skill over words (Nava vyaakarana Pandit), to be acclaimed by Rama himself as the Prince of Words? When Anjeneya was born and was just a child, thinking the bright golden Sun to be a play thing, he leapt towards the sky and grabbed it. As a consequence of this incident, Anjeneya recognized the Sun (Sage Agasthya) as his Guru and learnt all skills directly from him. So, the paramount authority of all wisdom, Surya (Sun) is the Guru of Anjeneya. Poet Kambar narrates that Anjeneya imbibed his wisdom from Surya's lessons.

In the next scene, Anjeneya introduces Rama and Lakshmana to Sugriva thus: "Do not think he is just an ordinary man. Observe the marks of divinity in His palms – the conch and the discus." At that point of time, being in exile, Lord Rama was clad in barks and was wandering in search of Sita and it was not possible to recognize Rama's divinity by his outward appearance.

The second reference for Anjeneya comes from Vaali during 'Vaali vadham'. It is important to consider the circumstances under which Vaali acknowledges Anjeneya. Vaali who was supposed to be furious at Anjeneya for bringing Rama and Lakshmana and introducing them to Sugriva and disturbing Vaali's peaceful life by waging a battle, said to Rama, "O Divine One, remember Anjeneya and keep him as close to you as the bow in your hand until the end." Therefore Vaali extols the greatness of Anjeneya to Rama though Anjeneya was his sworn enemy and instrumental for his downfall.

In the third stage, after Vaali vadham, when Sugriva regains his lost kingdom, he promises Rama that he would come with his people and join him in his search for Sita after the rainy season is over. But conceited by his victory in regaining his kingdom, he forgets his promise to Rama and revels in women and luxury. Lakshmana comes in a great fury to destroy Sugriva who had failed to keep up his promise. This scene highlights Anjeneya's intelligence. To soothe the infuriated Lakshmana, Anjeneya strategically brings before him Tara, the widowed wife of Vaali. Instantly, Lakshmana remembers his widowed mother and calms down. Anjeneya then apologizes on behalf of Sugriva and then they all form a battalion to aid Rama in his search for Sita.

The next reference for Anjeneya comes from Sita. Sita glorifies Anjeneya by proclaiming, "You are my mother and father. You are Divine grace in human form!" At a later stage in the epic, Anjeneya swoons in the battle field. Rama weeps for him and says, "Even if Lakshmana had been hurt, I can bear it. But nothing should happen to Anjeneya." Rama being the Father of the Universe weeps for the life of a monkey! Can there be a more noble death?

In the last scene, at the end of the Ramayana, Rama embraces Anjeneya and exclaims, "You are my father! I do not feel the loss of my father, Dasaratha. How much you have done for my sake!" The Divine Mother and Father of the Universe, Sita and Rama, themselves acknowledge Anjeneya as their Father. Can life in this world attain a greater station than this? God Himself says, "You are my father."

These are Anjeneya's greatest strengths. A human becoming divine is itself considered praiseworthy. How much more significant is the fact that an animal, a monkey, becomes divine! Today, we have so many temples for Anjeneya that sing his glory.

The following are reasons for his distinction:

1)The wisdom he obtained from Surya

2) Living a life such that even Rama and Sita acknowledged him as their Father

3)Not living for himself; his selflessness. His selflessness was his greatest personality trait. In Anjeneya's life he served others when there was no gain for him and without expected any reward.


Thiruvalluvar quotes,

Duty demands no recompense; to clouds of heaven,

By men on earth, what answering gift is given?

- Thiruvalluvar

Meaning, benevolence seeks not a return. What does the world give back to the clouds that bring down rain? Likewise, nothing of what Anjeneya did was for his personal benefit and he did not even expect any reward for his service.

During the war between Rama and Ravana, Ravana possesses Kubera's chariot. Anjeneya bears Rama on his shoulders and obtains a chariot from Surya. When Rama boards the chariot in preparation for the war, Anjeneya climbs up a tree nearby and hoists himself like a flag. This was the first time Anjeneya hoisted himself in a flag post. The result of that was the establishment of a Rama Rajya. During the Mahabaratha war, Lord Krishna requests Anjeneya to adorn his flag. If it is true that Arjuna heard the Bhagawat Gita in the battlefield, it is also true that it was heard by Anjeneya as well since he was hoisted in the flag of his chariot. In recent times, when Hinduism was weakening due

to the influence of Muslim invaders, Chatrapathi Sivaji was protecting the country and keep the Muslim invaders at bay. Sivaji's flag has Anjeneya's image. Sivaji's Guru, Samratha Ramdas was himself an aspect of Anjeneya. When Sivaji regained the kingdom from the Moghuls, Anjeneya instructed that people should say 'Ram Ram' while greeting each other and this was implemented by Sivaji.

Therefore, righteousness won at all times when Anjeneya was hoisted in the flag post. In today’s world when a new Rama Rajya is being established, our flag post also has Anjeneya on it. We have also installed a golden idol of Anjeneya on top of the flag post facing the temple; something very unique. This is a very great aspect. Reflecting over how such a large spiritual organization as ours was initially conceived, you would know that it all started on January 26th 1984 when Sri Raghavendra Swami of Mantralaya brought out the divine power in Siva Shankar Baba. And, Raghavendra Swami is himself Anjeneya. So it is Anjeneya who has been doing all this and is therefore not new to Rama Rajya. He is the one who has been establishing Rama Rajya and we are just doing all this with his

blessings. We should be proud that all this has been happening only with his grace.

Whenever anyone became conceited, the divine drama used Anjeneya as its instrument in quelling the ego. The reason for choosing Anjeneya is because he does not have an iota of pride. He is a role model. Even after having performed to the pinnacle of perfection, he would be seated in humility with his hands folded, in a totally unassuming manner. Ramayana would not be possible without Anjeneya. He was the one who helped Rama recover by bringing the Sanjeevani Mountain. His greatest qualification is his humility despite his towering accomplishments.

That's why I recommend Karma Yoga to other forms of Yoga. Karma yoga is the lesson taught by Anjeneya. In the Ramayana, there was no other character as precious as Anjeneya. He was the sole performer. He will be present in all scenes. Being such a great performer, he did not go to the forest for penance, did not grow a beard, did not sit in seclusion and meditate -- he was totally an active person -- the greatest performer! He was forever focusing all his time and energy in Rama's mission and was internally chanting 'Ram Ram' -- mentally focused on Rama's name and physically focused on Rama’s mission. This is Anjeneya’s lesson to all of us. He sat in meditation only after all his duties were

over and Rama Rajya was established. Remember Hanuman when talking about Karma Yoga. It is his lesson that we are practicing in Samratchana.

There is one more lesson to be learnt and that is from Sugriva. Once Sugriva got back his kingdom, he forgot his promise to Rama and reveled in the pleasures of life. His attitude can be equated to the human beings of the world. People pray to God and commit their services to Him if their material desires are fulfilled. But once the desires are fulfilled, they start enjoying the pleasures and forget their commitment to God. So, remember this scene in the Ramayana. It is not great to promise God your service; what is noteworthy is your honoring the promise to God.

You are all so peaceful here in Samratchana; it should remind you of how great your responsibilities towards God's service. When the people all over the world are in pieces, you are peaceful. Now, do not be like the pleasure-seeking Sugriva. Do not search for 'sugam' (pleasure); search for 'suga brahmam' (wisdom). You will gain that wisdom only when you render service. If a question arises in your mind on why you should render service, think of Anjeneya. Are the powers of your penance greater than his? When he himself prefers service to penance, how do you expect to gain wisdom without rendering any service?


Bear this point in your mind.

1) Be a best performer but keep your thoughts pinned onto the feet of the Lord.

2) God has given you so much peace. So instead of going after worldly pleasures, you have to serve in Rama's mission in gratitude for His benevolence.

3) Perform without the thought that you are the performer. Anjeneya who has done so much has never self-proclaimed any of his acts of service. He surrendered everything to Rama and stood in humility. Try to develop that trait. After having accomplished something don't become disillusioned that it is all possible only because of you. Most importantly, serve without expecting anything in return.

If some day you are able to develop these traits to such an extent that God Himself acclaims that you are His father, a you live a life that God is proud of, then you too can become Anjeneya, you too can become God and will be worshipped. Tulasi Das was molded by Anjeneya, Samartha Ramdas is Anjeneya, Shirdi Sai Baba is Anjeneya, Raghavendra Swami is Anjeneya. So, many more will evolve from you to continue the Dharma that you had established. You will be an eternal person and wherever God is you will also be there. If you understand all this then it would be meaningful to celebrate Jayanthi for Anjeneya. Anjeneya is not a form. It is immaterial how his hands or feet are poised. Listen to what it has to say. Reflect over how he applied the lessons he learnt from Surya and applied it in his life. The more

you imbibe those qualities, the sooner you will become an Anjeneya in Rama Rajya. Rama Rajya exists, Rama exists; you have to imbibe all this to become a good Anjeneya.


- Love & Blessings - Baba


Chant & Be Happy " Shankaram Shiva Shankaram"


- Maha

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