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Count your Blessings - Baba

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Shnkaram Shiva Shankaram



Life is never just a bed of roses, and truly only because of the thorns do we learn to appreciate the roses. What really matters is a Hand that Guides us through those thorns so that we do not hurt ourselves. For, if we are hurt, it wounds HIM more; it is the mother who feels the pain much more than the wounded kid, however faint be the bruise. What happens is a few people make hell out of the heaven that life is, because of their lack of understanding that “you too are an individual like I am, welcome to have your own likes and dislikes like I do, and if for some reason our interests clash, let us know to allow each of us to pursue our interests, yet travel togetherâ€. If you observe, this is the way we attempt to deal with society, but when it comes to those whose love we really value for some

vague reason (or perhaps I must say ‘without any reason’) it becomes a you: me fight and we almost fanatically want the other person to see things our way. Problems arise. Which is all the more reason why it makes sense, to “Flow along†rather than follow! I have been Flowing along with life, and that is why I am very comfortable with life, and myself!

Each person has a composite nature - - comprising the divine and the beastly. When the beastly nature surfaces, he goes on the negative track. When the divine nature emerges, he becomes charitable, offers prayers to God, and is of help to others around him. When every single individual tames the beast in him, and allows the divinity to emerge, the entire world will become divine.

In one birth cycle, one of the Seven Rishis, Gautama Rishi cursed his wife Akalya turning her into a stone. He himself specified a redemption, that Rama would come to earth, go to the forest on exile and in the course of his wanderings would step on the stone and thus grant her relief from her curse. Regardless of whether Rama wanted or not, he passed through that way and freed her from her curse, because he was ordained to do so.This is what happens in our life. Remedies accompany any problems we face. It is in that time of agony, that all our ego, conceit, arrogance

vanish.You buy a costly silk dress. When you wear it outside, it gets dirty and you want to clean it. That’s why you wash it, don’t you? So also, you are a silk cloth in God’s hands. You have accumulated some dirt in the travel of life. So He gives you miseries, so that you will be washed in your tears of remorse and prayers. Then you will be clean enough for Him to wear. That’s all there is to life .So, there is nothing called misery. Don’t ever assume you are in sorrow. There is nothing called sorrow. The petty obstacles you face in life are designed to do you good. This is how your karmas will abate. Your debts are redeemed this way. You are becoming worthy enough for God to accept you. So don’t ever worry about anything. Be carefree. Do as much good as possible, talk good, think good. There is nothing else to do. You must be as unaffected by life as a dead


Spirituality is not taught.

Life gives you various experiences, propels you through trials and tribulations to a destinationand these experiences lead you to the ecstasy that spirituality is.Accept life as it comes, regardless of whether the experiences are sweet or bitter.

That is the mystic poet Pisiranthaiyar’s formula, ‘I do not harbour any worries about life; I have become like a log flowing along with the current. I know that the current will take me to my destination. I have become enlightened and sane. Nothing can ever go wrong with God’s decision for me. I am neither overwhelmed that someone is superior to me, nor do I look upon anyone as inferior to me.’

No one’s experience is bigger or smaller to anyone else’s. Each to his own. How can anyone compare his experience to anyone else’s ?

It is possible that a slight breeze uproots a large banyan tree and it is possible that a willowtree can withstand the onslaught of hurricanes! Similarly no experience is good or bad. Flow along with each experience as it comes, knowing fully well that whatever God does is always right for you. Everything is intended to lead you unto your self.

Attaining God or comprehending His Presence must stem from you. No scriptures or mantras can lead you to the Truth.

Self-realization is the natural consequence of taming your thoughts, and this is what spirituality is all about.

Count your blessings.

Prepare a list of all that you have secured in this world.If you are able to form that list, you will understand that God is taking care of you every minute; that you really do not have any problem. But the list you are making is not what you have, but what you do not have.

It is contentment that is important.You are taught at school that this is what Buddha said, Mahavira said, all Mahaans said. You have studied, but failed to retain it! God always does whatever is for your good; whatever He does is for your good only.It is only later in life, when you are mellowed enough,that you realise this truth!

-Love and blessing - Baba

Chant and be happy " shankaram shiva shankaram"


- Maha

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