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I am fully open from all the sides Baba

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Shankaram Shiva Shankaram




Krishna becoming a Complete Incarnation shows that His Life was fully open from all sides, all Its dimensions were available to Divine Consciousness.Krishna chooses to come to complete flowering because it is His Nature. Siva Shankar Baba is also fully open from all sides and hence His Style of Functioning and Life Style are that of Krishna - The Absolute.

Krishna put up with King Sishupala nine hundred and ninety nine invectives hurled at him but killed him at the thousand invective. Krishna killed Sishupala not because His Patience has come to an end. His Patience is unending. Krishna knew that it is dangerous to put up with unrighteousness beyond a certain limit. It amounts to encouraging it. A point comes when we have to stop evil from going too far.

Krishna finds a golden mean between the two extremes - His Own Patience and the impatience of another.


Siva Shankar Baba also has lot of Patience but has the habit of pretending impatience because a point comes when I have to stop wrong from going too far.

Am I Right?

Make a start by nurturing love for your family members. The world is composed of all of us; if our families are peaceful, happy and loving, that is our major contribution to God’s work - - that is how successfully we can administer the responsibility God has given us, taking care of His branch Office that each family is. Expand your love gradually and steadily to your neighbours, your country and everyone in the world. That is Grace.Never ever assume you are sacrificing your interests for the sake of your family. Whatever you do for your family is your penance. Whatever you do for the society is your penance. Then you will be worthy of God’s Infinite Grace, which alone will lead to eternal happiness. Do not presume that God will perform a miracle and take care of your worldly needs, after

which you can retire to the solitude of the forests to do penance. That will never happen.The service you render your family by fulfilling your worldly responsibilities is penance by itself. And you can be in constant thoughts of the Lord. That is bliss. You cannot empty your mind of all thoughts just by secluding yourself to the forests. You will find that thoughts do not let go of you even then! Taming of the mind is part of the process called life. Penance is all about braving life’s tests and being a loving, caring, sharing human being. Conquer your desires, take care of your parents, chart out a good future for your children, attend to your siblings - - that is Penance.Many persons are under the illusion that worldly life and worship are two different entities. It is not that way. You need not go about in search of God. Be with the world, doing what is noble by God’s standards. God will come seeking you! It is not

important that we accept God. What is important is whether we are leading a life by God’s standards. Leading life the way it must be lived is what worship is all about (‘Vazhi’ in Tamil is ‘path’, ‘paadu’ translates to ‘activities’ - - ‘Vazhipaadu’ (Worship) is all about the path you follow for conducting your worldly activities). So simple! Therefore, do not run away from what life offers you. Be straightforward and considerate in your family and worldly dealings. Then you need not even visit a single temple. Believe me when I say this, God grades you better if you perform this way. There is no use in being a negative person, spouting negative thoughts, words and actions and then going on pilgrimages. That never works. Instead, be good; conquer hatred, anger,

jealousy, selfishness and any other negative traits. Before you retire to bed every day, analyze if you have been good that day, if you have been helpful to anyone or if you have unwittingly hurt anyone. Resolve to be better with every passing day.The day you become the best; the moment your conscience gives you a clean chit of having been 100% on the right track in all ways, that day you have become God. Divinity is all about scoring 100% in Love, Intellect, Bliss, Beauty and Cleanliness. But remember, nothing less than 100%. That is what Lord Krishna mentions in the Bhagavad Gita, ‘I am Airavata among elephants, I am the Spring among seasons, I am the Kalpaka Taru among trees, I am Muruga among the celestial generals, I am the Gayatri of the mantras…. etc’. This does not mean He is not all the others. What He implies is, as God, He is all these and beyond; He is excellence personified. And so, if you want to be divine, you

know what you must aspire for. Absoluteness!

Karma will come chasing to bother. If one has a lot of karma to be experienced, if it is not possible to nullify at one time, then it will be distributed over a number of births as experiences.

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa had throat cancer! A Mahaan, Siddha Purusha in that birth (as Ramakrishna) he has not committed any mistake. But there was the balance carried from his previous births. That one illness made him undergo the karma totally and get over it.Likewise, Ramana Maharishi became a realized soul right in his childhood. Why did he get cancer? Some balance of karma was there which was a hindrance to his liberation so he had to experience the karma in the form of cancer.

Once Kanchi Paramachariar was suffering from stomach ache. Those who were with him saw this and cried,'Why such a hardship for Periava himself?’

Paramachariar replied "I myself have taken this birth to undergo the pains of the balance karma and leave the mortal body, why are you crying?"

Once Adi Shankara Bhagavatapada prayed to God, "Oh God! I have committed one mistake already and I am going to do another mistake also so please forgive me".What he meant was that his first mistake was : ‘In the previous birth I did not pray to you. So I have taken this birth. Next mistake is that I will not pray to you in my next birth because I have prayed to you in this birth, so I have no births then how can I pray to you in my next birth?’

What a great argument! So all that you have to do is don’t worry about your past karma, but have total faith in God and lead the life that God has destined for you. There is a mess in a thread ball. If you hurry through the mess, you will make it still worse. If you catch hold of its end and slowly remove the knots, then you can use it for stitching or else it will get cut.

Likewise, in your life, some problems have crept in, knowingly or unknowingly. Somewhere you must have committed some wrong deed. Otherwise, you would not have got into these problems. So start doing good things from now, then, one day, the assets of your good deeds will increase and your liabilities will get cancelled and your balance sheet will read only of your assets


- Love & Blessings - Baba


Chant & be Happy " Shankaram Shiva Shankaram"

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