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To Love = To Melt - Baba

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Shankaram Shiva Shankaram




There is proof abundant in nature that you will definitely benefit. Someone planted coconut trees ages ago, the trees grow to immense heights and continue to give tender coconut water to so many of his future generations. Isn’t this sufficient proof? So also, when you do your duty diligently without expecting any results; if not today, in the near future, God will definitely give you the harvest of what you have sown. God personally maintains all accounts. No human being can do anything. Man cannot give anyone anything. It is God who does everything for you. Always keep this in mind.

Devotion. Mellow in devotion and you will gain bliss of the Self. The best way is to live with God, in thoughts of God all the 24 hours every day.

Money is a means only and not the end. We need money for living peacefully and should not lose peace for money.

'Enniya enniyaangu eidhuvar enniya thinniyaraaga perin.' (Man is a consequence of his own thoughts).

Destroy yourself or elevate yourself. Your thoughts originate from within you. The magic wand is very much in your hands; you can use it effectively to create a paradise for yourself

Fasting is having everything, but not wanting to eat. You must be aware of the difference between fasting and starving.


Siva Shankar Baba’s spirituality advocates fasting in the name of God. It does not appreciate starvation. Be wealthy. Reach a good status in life. Be loving towards your family. Gain a good reputation. But do not get caught in anything.

You should be wealthy, but you should not fall prey to luxuries. You should attain fame, but you should not become conceited. Be loving towards your spouse and children, but remember that they too are wayfarers in the journey of life.

The Only Truth is God. Your concentration must be focused always on reaching His Lotus Feet. Be with the world and be without it. This is Siva Shankar Baba’s philosophy

Seeing God is melting in oneness with Him. It is the mellowed state where there is no difference between that which is seeing and that which is seen.

No one even stops to reflect on the significance of Ayudha pooja. Persons are more interested in the holidays and the sweet packets distributed at their offices. Ayudha pooja is: understanding that Work is worship (‘Seyyum thozhile Deivam’) and resolving to make good use of the resources one is endowed with, to lead a purposeful life. This leads to dignity of labour. But how many persons attempt to appreciate the import of rituals? Some persons offer prayers every Friday or Sunday, at a time convenient to them. There are yet others who burn camphor or incense every day and mutter some prayers. But you have to live with God. That is the best

Does anyone bring cows to their bedroom and allow it sleeping space on their beds? Or does anyone seat horses in their car taking them around the city on a sightseeing tour? Whereas, dogs neither give milk nor draw carts. But they are taken around in cars, petted and fussed over, and have their space in the bedroom and even at the dining table. Whether the owner goes walking or not, he would definitely walk the dog! Have you wondered why all this attention to the dogs? When the owner walks in from his daily work outside, the dog runs to meet him, barking in delight, follows him around the house, its tail wagging in expression of joy. It knows to express its love in its every movement. That gets reciprocated.Likewise you too must be capable of expressing love for God.

It is not enough to feel love; learn to express it. That gets reciprocated to you as God’s Special Compassion. Become God’s pet by knowing how to express your love, your loyalty. Then God too will have you with Him always.

To progress in life as a human being, it is enough if you adopt these five simple techniques.• Attend to your duties. Do not unduly interfere in the affairs of others. Do not talk much. But, do not withdraw into yourself; you must show people that you care for them.• Do not entertain gossipmongers. If someone tries to prattle some nonsense, either politely silence his attempts or just move away. And when someone tells you something, try to find if there is any truth in what he says. Never indulge in unproductive gossip.• Even if you are unable to do good, never do anything that will hurt others.• Before you turn in for the night, review your day. Have you done anything for the wellbeing of atleast one individual? How many persons have you made happy that day? Have you hurt anyone with or without your

knowledge? A daily self-introspection helps you progress.• Thank God for the day that has passed by. Thank Him every morning for affording you yet another day for your evolution. Each day that God grants you, is another step forward in the path to your progress, to add cheer to lives around you. You have some dues to settle and God gives you one more day. Look for opportunities to do something good and thank Him for that opportunity. Whatever way you address the Ultimate, you have a duty to thank Him for whatever He has done.Adopt these techniques and you will see brighter days

To Love = to Melt.Sundaramoorthy Nayanar declares, ‘The Eternal Light that is the Source and Destination for everything, is just waiting to give me whatever I ask, from the moment I hold on to Him. He can fulfill all my material desires and also elevate me to spiritual heights. But, I am unyielding, like a doll made of iron that does not have any feeling. Not realizing that He is easily available to those seek Him, neither do I sing His praises nor listen to those who sing, nor even dance to songs on Him! I don’t even cry out to Him in Love for Him or seeking His Love. I waste my entire life time thus.’ If you are able to free yourself from your iron-like heart, cry for the Lord’s Love, join your hands in

prayer, be in constant thoughts of Him, sing, dance and revel in the bliss of His Cosmic Presence, then you attain the glorious state of Kannappa Nayanar.Understanding that God is full of life, eating in His Name, dressing well to befit His Stature, and even in sleep, thinking of the Lord - - that is the state of Kannappa Nayanar. For attaining this state, you don’t need worldly knowledge or acumen. Thinnan (the actual name of Kannappa Nayanar) could not bear to see the Sivalinga’s eye bleeding; he did not stop to analyze how a stone could bleed; he acted on his emotions and pierced out his own eye to place for the Lord. And shocked to see that the other eye of the Sivalinga was bleeding, he prepared to take out his other eye too, when the Lord’s Voice urged him to stop, ‘Kann Appa’ (do not pierce your eye). This innocence of love for God has elevated him to the status of being

worshipped alongside Siva in all His temples.Manickavachaga says, ‘I know I cannot compare with Kannappa’s Love for You; yet, You granted me Your Refuge and bade me come to Thillai; how do I hail Your Mercy!’Pattinathar also extols Kannappa’s Love, ‘I am not as devoted or mellowed like Kannappa who was prepared to give his eyes too for You, but please do shower Your Divine Grace and accept me too’.


Love and Blessing - BABA


Chant & be Happy "Shankaram Shiva Shankaram"


- Maha



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