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express your Love - Baba

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Shankaram Siva Shankaram

Our physical form is by itself a Yaaga Saala.If you are able to focus on your favorite deity, consider every thing you eat or drink as an offering to It, then you too are performing homam. You need not perform any outward prayers at all. All you need to do is think of God wholeheartedly for at least one single minute, dedicate all your thoughts, words and actions to Him. That will ensure your travel on the right track for ever.

It is not enough to express love to human beings. Love treats all creations of God with equal care. That is the real expansion of Love. But is that easy? Some persons like dogs, some like cats; but because they like to have pets, can they annoy others with these? Your love for something cannot become a disturbance to the peace of others. Just because I say 'be loving to all creations' does not imply that you stock your residence with pets and land up being a source of irritation to your neighbors. Regardless of whether you like other living things or not, refrain from throwing stones at and hurting animals and birds and trees. Then you have

learnt to love. You will be able to love all beings when you understand God's Omnipresence. Then, when you see a crow, you will have fond memories of Lord Krishna or Saturn, the peacock brings Lord Muruga to your mind, the swan represents Goddess Saraswathi, the blossomed pink lotus Goddess Mahalakshmi etc. That way, you will be in constant touch with Divinity through these myriad manifestations. This does not happen overnight. And this will not happen just by hearing my discourses. Presently your priorities are different; you are apparently busy seeking luxuries, wealth, name, fame and pleasures of the senses. Once you understand that these pleasures that the mind

is busy chasing are actually transient in nature, you will gradually get in touch with your own nature that is Love.


Does anyone bring cows to their bedroom and allow it sleeping space on their beds? Or does anyone seat horses in their car taking them around the city on a sightseeing tour? Whereas, dogs neither give milk nor draw carts. But they are taken around in cars, petted and fussed over, and have their space in the bedroom and even at the dining table. Whether the owner goes walking or not, he would definitely walk the dog! Have you wondered why all this attention to the dogs? When the owner walks in from his daily work outside, the dog runs to meet him, barking in delight, follows him around the house, its tail wagging in expression of joy. It knows to express its love in its every movement. That gets reciprocated.Likewise you too must be capable of expressing love for God. It is not enough to feel love; learn to express it. That gets reciprocated to you as God's Special Compassion. Become God's pet by knowing how to express your love, your loyalty. Then God too will have you with Him always


Intellect is no different from Love. Intellect is expression of Love in its highest stage. The day you look on the sufferings of the world as your own, and start caring for everyone the way you will care for yourself, you will attain bliss.

Bliss, Love, Intellect -- all these are manifestations of Divinity


Tons of Love, Lots of Hugs & Blessings - Baba


Chant & Be Happy “ Shankaram Siva Shankaramâ€





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