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Help/guidance Needed with Homeopathic Remedies

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Hello Lisa


First I want to say that I am not a doctor and any remarks I make

are not to be taken as a diagnosis and/or a prescription.


Now having said that, I am about 95% sure that your daughter may

have parasites which can causing her problems and I might

have the answer.


My friend told me about a product that is doing miraculous things.

Now he (Dimitrios) and I are working together to bring good news.


Although we have many testimonials, we do not have one that fits

your daughter's problem. However, the testimonials we do have are

concerning all sorts of different diseases. In other words, these

products are working miracles for everyone who uses them no matter

what their ailment may be. (See the newsletter below where it talks

about Dr Cochran) These products are called the Master's Miracle

Soap and the Master's Miracle Neutralizer.


These two products do a number of things that help the body to rid

itself of various pathogens and to heal itself. They neutralize

and 'draw out', as it were, toxins, bacteria, parasites, viruses,

yeast and many other pathogens. It is estimated that about 95% of

the population has parasites and/or worms. All of these pathogens

thrive in an acidic body. The MM products also neutralize the

acids and cause your body to become more alkaline. They 'unclog'

and oxygenate the cells. When the cells are 'unclogged' and

oxygenated, they are able to assimilate the nutrients taken into

the body in the efficient manner which God intended. I can just

hear the cells saying, " AAAH " . :)


I would like to add that if these products don't help, they won't

hurt. I would be amazed if they did not completely resolve the

problem. Also they are guaranteed 110%...if you do not see some

kind of results in 30 days, just send back the empty bottles; no

questions will be asked and you will be send a cheque.


The following testimonials and newsletter will help you understand

more about these products. If you want more testimonials, please

request them or listen to our Conference Calls (see below). There

are also some on the website:




Otherwise, I will be sending some more information about these

products to this forum once in a while.





" My wife bought some Masters Miracle product, but someone took it

all but the Neutralizer. I used 7 drops, as per instructions, but

as always my body said take more....


I had a Gouty tofi tumor on my elbow the size of a grapefruit. It

was not painful, until I took the product. Then it swelled up even

larger before it broke open in two little holes.


A pussy liquid started coming out and kept oozing for two weeks,

sometimes 1/2 cup at a time. Two weeks later the tumor is all but

gone. Mind you I have had this for 10 years. " ~ ~ ~Dave Smoot, Utah


TESTIMONIAL.......two in one; one involves children


" I have arthritis and Fibromyalgia. I don't sleep very well

because of the pain and I toss and turn all night. Teresa Child

gave me some MM Soap and MM Neutralizer to bathe in. I took a

bath in the early afternoon and I felt so energized afterward

that I cleaned my whole house. I felt better than I have in

years. When I went to bed, I slept all through the night and

when I got up this morning, I didn't hurt! I said to myself,

I have to get some more of this.


My roommate has a couple of boys that are ADD and ADHD, and they

are age 7 and 8, so you can imagine how rowdy they are. We were

over to Teresa's and they were all over and Teresa said, " Let me

try something " . She put some of the Neutralizer in water and had

them drink it and within 5 minutes these boys are quiet.


The next morning the boys were fighting again like usual and had

the whole house in an uproar. Well before they came down for

breakfast, I put milk in their cereal bowls and poured some

Neutralizer in it. They asked why the milk was already in their

bowls and I said it was beause we were running a little late.


I went in the living room and sat down. Within 5 minutes the

boys were quiet and laughing. I looked at my roommate and said,

" Do you hear what I hear? " Oh, my gosh!


The oldest boy asked to take a water bottle to school that day.

I told my roommate to put some Neutralizer in his water. That

day, he was one of 35 children to win an Eagle Merit Award

because he was so good and so focused. His teacher said he was

wonderful. This product truly is a miracle! "

~ ~ ~ Kathy Poppa





The website for MM is <http://kilkis.themastersmiracle.com>






What the Master's Miracle products do

Testimonial.....chemical poisoning

Dr Cochran

Conference Calls


What the Master's Miracle Products Do........


It is said that most diseases cannot live in a body that has

a pH of 7.0. Also did you know that most of us have too much

acid which causes all sorts of problems such as arthritis,

diabetes, fibromyalgia, cancer, candida, alzheimers, etc?


The Master's Miracle products alkalize your system while drawing

out toxins, parasites, germs, bacteria, viruses and a whole host

of various pathogens that harm your body. Your cells are cleansed

and oxygenated which is vital for the body to heal itself and to

maintain good health.


You don't take enemas, swallow pills and all of the usual things.

The MM products are UNUSUAL in that they work in the bath as you

bathe in them....one of them is also taken orally in liquid form.

You will be amazed at the results.


Many people experience an effect in their first use of the products.

The effects reported are less pain and sleeping 'better than I have

for a long time'. Many say they experience a sense of well-being.

Many report experiencing reversal of their disease/illness over time,

often a short time, as the products are used daily. See the amazing

testimonial below.


Some people report an interesting phenomenon. After using the

MM Soap and the MM Neutralizer in a bath for 3 or 4 days in a

row, the bath water turns " black " or muddy or looks like someone

has poured ink into it. Some people also have found some little

crawly things in the bath water and " ribbon-like " things. I think

the ribbons are actually tape worms. It is said that over 90% of

us have parasites in our intestines and possibly other parts of

our body. It is better they are coming out in the bathtub than

swimming around inside of you. This bath is very important part

as it relates to the use of these products.



Web address: <http://kilkis.themastersmiracle.com>


Be sure to click on Testimonials in the menu

also Get to Know Us

Product Information

Conference Calls



Please feel free to pass this newsletter on to friends, relatives

and your list. Someone's life might depend on it. If you wish

to receive this newsletter regularly, please send me an email

requesting it. Helen <zhebee




" I suffered from chemical poisoning ten years ago. I was in the

hospital for six weeks and I had 80 blood transfusions. The doctors

didn't think I was going to live.


Recently I was introduced to the Master's Miracle. I took baths for

about 3 weeks and each time I was finding a lot of slime and little

black jelly things in the bottom of my tub. Then one day I decided

to put about 5 oz of Neutralizer and 2 oz of soap in my bath.


The next day I was swollen in the front of my ear, down my jawbone

and clear down to my neck. In about two days the swelling went to

my other ear. It was so bad that I couldn't even put my teeth



Pus started running out of my ears and boy did it smell awful.

It stayed like that for 5-6 days and then it gradually got better.

Meanwhile I continued the baths everyday. The final result is I

got rid of some horrible toxins that were making me sick.


My hearing is improved over what it was before. I am no longer

tired and I feel great! My varicose veins are also disappearing.

Thank God for these wonderful products. ~ ~ ~ Joan Biensch


......End of testimonial


DR COCHRAN.........


Dr Cochran cannot say enough good things about these products.


Dr. Cochran, who is a Board Certified Chiropractor and a Board

Certified Naturopath, is currently doing case studies with

approximately 580 patients and he uses the Master's Miracle

products. He has seen POSITIVE, RADICAL IMPROVEMENT in every

patient, no matter what the ailment is!


Dr. Cochran has never endorsed a single product in 22 years of

clinical practice, but he now endorses the Master's Miracle products.


The website is: <tmm.themastersmiracle.com> (do not use www)


Dr. Cochran has committed himself to attend at least 3 live

conference calls weekly to explain why these products work and

to answer individual questions.


To hear a short recording of Dr. Cochran, dial:

918-222-7304 - Option #2 Recorded and available 24 hrs per day




If you aren't excited yet, you will be after you have listened to

a Conference Call or two. They talk and you listen. At the end of

the call you can ask questions. If you have never gone on a

conference call before, please let me know and I will explain it in

detail....how to get on it, etc. It's quite simple.




Call: 405-244-5000 pin# 8800#


Mondays at:

6:00 pm Central Time

9:00 pm Central Time


Thursdays at:

6:00 pm Central Time

8:30 pm Central Time


..and Saturdays at 12 Noon Central Time


Please call in 5 minutes early and call from a quiet room.


If you haven't listened to our recorded testimonials, they are

simply amazing! If you do nothing else, please listen to what

these products are doing for so many people around the country

at this number:


24 hr. RECORDED message: 918-222-7304

Option 1 - Business Overview

Option 2 - Dr. Cochran and testimonials

Option 3 - Testimonials

Option 4 - Fast Start Training



To order products or sign up, please visit:




Feel free to call us with any questions or concerns.


Phone Helen at 1(604)420-1544

or email to: zhebee


PS...if you want information on the prices, please send me an

email. I have it figured out in a way that makes it easiest to



For those who wish to make some money selling a product that

everyone wants, there is an OPTIONAL business opportunity. To

take advantage of this opportunity (AND cheaper wholesale

prices), simply sign up as a distributor. You will not be

required to recruit anyone unless you want to make some money.

If you need a financial miracle, we have a method for getting you

into profit quickly.


.......End of newsletter



--- Lisa Fisher <malica98 wrote:

> Hi all,


> I have a problem, that I could use some help with. I know the

> best solution is to find a licensed Homeopathic Doctor, but I am

> pretty sure the closest one will be 2 hrs away.... I live in the

> country away from things.... I have a book coming to me, and if

> anyone has a good suggestion, then I would greatly appreciate

> it. I think I am on the right track. :) This is how it goes:


> My daughter started having nasal sounds last fall. I believe that it

> started as a cold, but then never went away. She has had large

> tonsils/adenoids at least since the beginning of last year

> probably longer. They were never a problem then and an ENT

> doctor has told me she will most likely outgrow it. Since fall she

> has had snoring, nasal sound with hardly any drainage, maybe

> an occasional sneeze or cough. Then about two weeks ago she

> really got bad with snoring and it was possibly at the point of

> sleep apnea. I decided to do something. I gave her Tonsilitus

> Homeopathy Remedy which has Silicea 3x,

> Lachesis 8x and Baryta Carb. 6x. I gave 6 doses and a couple

> the next day as on the bottle. That was it, she started to drain. By

> the end of the week, it just didnt seem her nose was going to

> stop draining and I was concerned that she might now have an

> infection, I just didn't know.... It was probably the tonsillitis

> remedy working.... Anyway, I started to give her the sinus

> remedy hydrastis can 2x, calcarea carb. 3x and kali bichromic 3x.

> Now I have given that 4 days and quit instead of the full 2 weeks

> that it had on the bottle. I got scared because someone told me I

> was harming my child...


> Now her symptoms are: She has no drainage again. She still

> has nasal sound but she does sleep better. It is labored

> through her nose though. She still has enlarged tonsils. I

> believe it is larger on the left than the right. I don't know how it

> was before I used the remedies though. Didn't think to check. :(


> Now there is something I did want to add. I thought maybe the

> heat was also causing problems, but I can't be sure. I know it

> bothered me for like the first week or so we first had it on. I had

> dryness and like mucous in my nose/throat. Those symptoms

> went a way for me, but I don't know if that is what is causing her

> problems.


> Well that is all I can think of. I know Homeopathy does delve into

> past history, so whatever else you may need, please ask. I just

> would like to use a Homeopathic Remedy that might help her. I

> was thinking of just trying the tonsillitis again, just to see if that


> would help her. Which reminds me has anyone used the

> www.abchomeopathy.com online remedy finder? I thought it

> interesting, but just don't know the validity of it. I appreciate any


> advice.


> Thanks,

> Lisa














The New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo


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Hi Lisa...


Ok, since you have found a way to repetorize, we can work on rubrics

together... That is the only way homeopathy can be learned...

Through the doing of it...


So you have the particular symtpoms down...


I would consider:


Nose, discharge, suppressed

Throat, inflammation, tonsils

Throat, swelling, tonsils

Throat, swelling, tonsils, left

Respiration, difficult, nose, felt in


Depending on what you observe, you may consider:

Nose, Dryness, inside

Nose, obstruction

Respiration, snoring

Respiration, wheezing ) these depend on what the nasal sound is

Respiration, whistling

Generals, weather, change of weather, aggravates

Generals, weather, hot weather, aggravates



OK, so what we need now are some mental symptoms- what has her mood

or disposition been like since this has occured? Then we need some

general rubrics: like appetite, (food cravings), sleep, her best

time of day/night? And we need something that is really peculiar to

her- what makes her tonsils/stuffed nose different from everyone

else suffering from swollen tonsils and a stuffed nose?


Then we could also consider any other complaints she might have...

Does she have any issues concerning her digestion, menses, urinary

system, skin, etc?


When you have these, if you like, post them, and we can review them

before you make your final list. Then once we have the list, we can

go over the remedies that come up from our chosen rubrics.


Be Well, Misty




, " Lisa Fisher "

<malica98@p...> wrote:

> Hi all,


> I have a problem, that I could use some help with. I know the

> best solution is to find a licensed Homeopathic Doctor, but I am

> pretty sure the closest one will be 2 hrs away.... I live in the

> country away from things.... I have a book coming to me, and if

> anyone has a good suggestion, then I would greatly appreciate

> it. I think I am on the right track. :) This is how it goes:


> My daughter started having nasal sounds last fall. I believe that


> started as a cold, but then never went away. She has had large

> tonsils/adenoids at least since the beginning of last year

> probably longer. They were never a problem then and an ENT

> doctor has told me she will most likely outgrow it. Since fall


> has had snoring, nasal sound with hardly any drainage, maybe

> an occasional sneeze or cough. Then about two weeks ago she

> really got bad with snoring and it was possibly at the point of

> sleep apnea. I decided to do something. I gave her Tonsilitus

> Homeopathy Remedy which has Silicea 3x,

> Lachesis 8x and Baryta Carb. 6x. I gave 6 doses and a couple

> the next day as on the bottle. That was it, she started to drain.


> the end of the week, it just didnt seem her nose was going to

> stop draining and I was concerned that she might now have an

> infection, I just didn't know.... It was probably the tonsillitis

> remedy working.... Anyway, I started to give her the sinus

> remedy hydrastis can 2x, calcarea carb. 3x and kali bichromic 3x.

> Now I have given that 4 days and quit instead of the full 2 weeks

> that it had on the bottle. I got scared because someone told me I

> was harming my child...


> Now her symptoms are: She has no drainage again. She still

> has nasal sound but she does sleep better. It is labored

> through her nose though. She still has enlarged tonsils. I

> believe it is larger on the left than the right. I don't know how


> was before I used the remedies though. Didn't think to check. :



> Now there is something I did want to add. I thought maybe the

> heat was also causing problems, but I can't be sure. I know it

> bothered me for like the first week or so we first had it on. I


> dryness and like mucous in my nose/throat. Those symptoms

> went a way for me, but I don't know if that is what is causing her

> problems.


> Well that is all I can think of. I know Homeopathy does delve


> past history, so whatever else you may need, please ask. I just

> would like to use a Homeopathic Remedy that might help her. I

> was thinking of just trying the tonsillitis again, just to see if


> would help her. Which reminds me has anyone used the

> www.abchomeopathy.com online remedy finder? I thought it

> interesting, but just don't know the validity of it. I appreciate


> advice.


> Thanks,

> Lisa

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Sorry for not getting back right away, visitors last week/weekend. I have

also been trying to get as much info in this message as I can... Anyway,

well mental state and other things... this is going to be hard. She is 4

yrs old...


I believe everything is the same with her. I will note some things below

that may be possibilities as a change/aggravation, but I am not sure.


I know she doesn't complain of pains or anything like that. The only thing

that I did notice is that her nose was a little red/bleeding like on the tip

but that could have been her picking at it. It has been healed for at

least a week now. One thing that I have thought strange for sure and read

somewhere is her desire for milk. She always asked for orange juice, now

she asks for milk. Or at least she used to, now it doesn't seem she is as

much.... Now this could be just a coincidence since I do know her

grandmother prefers giving her this, but she still usually asked for OJ when

she is home... Coldness may be something else too. I thought she was saying

it because usually she might be wearing a short sleeved dress and it is cold

in the house or something. One day we were in the car she said it was

cold/windy and she wanted me to put up the window. Now this may just be her

saying she didn't want windy, but she did say cold at first. It wasn't cold

of course. I know her snoring was really bad right before the remedies,

then it became better after the remedies. One thing I will mention, that I

didn't before was she got a cold immediately after I gave the tonsillitis

remedy. Now I am wondering if the tonsils were just swelling up real bad

because of that, causing her to snore worse.... The tonsil remedy may have

helped drain her... I also wonder if by giving her the sinus remedy, I

stopped her tonsils from finishing its draining. I'm sorry about forgetting

about the cold info, but I realized that after I gave the remedies too. My

sister said my niece gets really bad with snoring and she doesn't drain, she

has the same problem too. Does this make it unique? Does hereditary

traits/genes or whatever have something to do with it?


I probably would subtract:

Throat, inflammation, tonsils: This would refer to soreness, wouldn't it?

She never complained about any soreness


I would add:

Nose, Dryness, inside

Respiration, snoring


Nose, obstruction: Yes, there is something... When I say nasal sound it is

the sound of someone who has a cold. So I'm not sure if her enlarged

tonsils or sinus membranes are swollen that can gives it that sound... I

really would like her to breathe freely through her nose though.


I am not sure about change of weather. So far I don't believe it does.

Generals, weather, change of weather, aggravates

Generals, weather, hot weather, aggravates


I appreciate your help on this. Learning by doing is how I learn best. I

will tell you there is so much information on this topic and others I

recently became interested in... I don't know how I am going to absorb it

all... I need to build a library of books that is for sure. Someone also

gave me a website to look at, so I will do that as well. I guess it is one

step at a time..... :)


If you need clarifications on anything or more info, I will surely try. I

know when I write I tend to ramble, then add things different places as I

think about it... So please bear with me...


Sorry this message is so large, but I kept all the prior info in this

message to refresh everyone's mind... :)


Thanks so much!




" Misty L. Trepke " <mistytrepke


Wed, 16 Apr 2003 15:52:55 -0000


[s-A] Re: Help/guidance Needed with Homeopathic Remedies



Hi Lisa...


Ok, since you have found a way to repetorize, we can work on rubrics

together... That is the only way homeopathy can be learned...

Through the doing of it...


So you have the particular symtpoms down...


I would consider:


Nose, discharge, suppressed

Throat, inflammation, tonsils

Throat, swelling, tonsils

Throat, swelling, tonsils, left

Respiration, difficult, nose, felt in


Depending on what you observe, you may consider:

Nose, Dryness, inside

Nose, obstruction

Respiration, snoring

Respiration, wheezing ) these depend on what the nasal sound is

Respiration, whistling

Generals, weather, change of weather, aggravates

Generals, weather, hot weather, aggravates



OK, so what we need now are some mental symptoms- what has her mood

or disposition been like since this has occured? Then we need some

general rubrics: like appetite, (food cravings), sleep, her best

time of day/night? And we need something that is really peculiar to

her- what makes her tonsils/stuffed nose different from everyone

else suffering from swollen tonsils and a stuffed nose?


Then we could also consider any other complaints she might have...

Does she have any issues concerning her digestion, menses, urinary

system, skin, etc?


When you have these, if you like, post them, and we can review them

before you make your final list. Then once we have the list, we can

go over the remedies that come up from our chosen rubrics.


Be Well, Misty




, " Lisa Fisher "

<malica98@p...> wrote:

> Hi all,


> I have a problem, that I could use some help with. I know the

> best solution is to find a licensed Homeopathic Doctor, but I am

> pretty sure the closest one will be 2 hrs away.... I live in the

> country away from things.... I have a book coming to me, and if

> anyone has a good suggestion, then I would greatly appreciate

> it. I think I am on the right track. :) This is how it goes:


> My daughter started having nasal sounds last fall. I believe that


> started as a cold, but then never went away. She has had large

> tonsils/adenoids at least since the beginning of last year

> probably longer. They were never a problem then and an ENT

> doctor has told me she will most likely outgrow it. Since fall


> has had snoring, nasal sound with hardly any drainage, maybe

> an occasional sneeze or cough. Then about two weeks ago she

> really got bad with snoring and it was possibly at the point of

> sleep apnea. I decided to do something. I gave her Tonsilitus

> Homeopathy Remedy which has Silicea 3x,

> Lachesis 8x and Baryta Carb. 6x. I gave 6 doses and a couple

> the next day as on the bottle. That was it, she started to drain.


> the end of the week, it just didnt seem her nose was going to

> stop draining and I was concerned that she might now have an

> infection, I just didn't know.... It was probably the tonsillitis

> remedy working.... Anyway, I started to give her the sinus

> remedy hydrastis can 2x, calcarea carb. 3x and kali bichromic 3x.

> Now I have given that 4 days and quit instead of the full 2 weeks

> that it had on the bottle. I got scared because someone told me I

> was harming my child...


> Now her symptoms are: She has no drainage again. She still

> has nasal sound but she does sleep better. It is labored

> through her nose though. She still has enlarged tonsils. I

> believe it is larger on the left than the right. I don't know how


> was before I used the remedies though. Didn't think to check. :



> Now there is something I did want to add. I thought maybe the

> heat was also causing problems, but I can't be sure. I know it

> bothered me for like the first week or so we first had it on. I


> dryness and like mucous in my nose/throat. Those symptoms

> went a way for me, but I don't know if that is what is causing her

> problems.


> Well that is all I can think of. I know Homeopathy does delve


> past history, so whatever else you may need, please ask. I just

> would like to use a Homeopathic Remedy that might help her. I

> was thinking of just trying the tonsillitis again, just to see if


> would help her. Which reminds me has anyone used the

> www.abchomeopathy.com online remedy finder? I thought it

> interesting, but just don't know the validity of it. I appreciate


> advice.


> Thanks,

> Lisa




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Hi Lisa & everyone...


Ok it is really hard to take the case of a child, especially without

seeing them¡K but that being said, let¡¦s go for it¡K Again, it is the

only way to learn¡K


To respond to your previous message:


The bleeding nose, not so useful unless the mucous coming out of the

nose was somehow bloody¡K So I think we may want to pass on this one¡K


It sounds like she no longer desires the milk like she did before¡K

So let¡¦s hold off on that, unless you see her craving milk again-

but yes, that would have been a great symptom.


For the cold- tricky with a little one¡K Is she wanting more

clothing than usual? Using a blanket more than normal? Again,

tricky to separate dislike of draft vs. cold in a child- other than

through your observations¡K So what to do on this one? Hmmm¡K Lets

hold for now unless you observe something more.


Snoring without draining I would venture to say is common¡K


Inflammation does not necessarily mean soreness¡K There should be

separate rubrics that cover pain¡K Inflammation should cover

swollen, possibly red tonsils in this case. But I did find one

rubric: THROAT, inflammation, tonsils, painless. But perhaps the

swollen tonsils rubric is better¡K


For the Nose, dryness, inside- does that mean there is no mucous

inside the nose- completely dry? Because when you say there is

something inside, I tend to think you mean there is mucous plugged

up in the nose. There can also be the case where there is mucous in

the nose, but the inside is still cracked and dry¡K So this might

need a little refinement¡K Homeopathy can be tedious and hair-

splitting- the joy of treating the individual! ļ


Ok the sound of the respiration- what does her cold sound like?

Some people will sound like they are sawing through wood, others

might have a rattle, some might have a wheeze, etc¡K If you have a

repertory it might be easier to go through the respiration section

and chose the description that fits best¡K


Ok, we will skip the weather rubrics¡K


Do you notice if the nose is stuffier during the day/night,

inside/outside, etc¡K Does she only snore when she is lying on her

back? Does anything make the stuffed nose or snoring, or anything

else, better/worse? Does anything at all come out of the nose- if

so, what color and consistency? Any cough, or other accompanying

symptoms? Just asking to see if this triggers any other peculiar

symptoms you know about¡K


Which website? I would be interested to find more resources¡K


How do you feel about these rubrics?


Nose, discharge, suppressed

Throat, swelling, tonsils

Throat, swelling, tonsils, left

Respiration, snoring.

Respiration, difficult, nose, felt in


Let me know how you feel about these rubrics and where the other

symptoms stand, then with whatever we have, we will come up with a

final list. With less specific information it might mean a little

more hit or miss, but it is not like you can ask a 4 yr. old for all

that nitty-gritty information¡K Farouk Masters was just in town and

taught how to take cases of those that may not be able to verbalize

what they are experiencing, but it requires very acute observation

skills, and then converting it into homeo-speak (my slang for the

odd wordage found in homeopathy literature) is very, very

challenging and beyond the scope of Searching-Alternatives now, at

least until I can find a way to feed a video case through our site.

But don¡¦t give up hope¡K Revel in the joy of learning and growing!!


Wishing you and your daughter well,



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Well I'm back again... I was away again... I promise no more

disappearing... :)


Ok, this is going to be tough... I tried to do more observations...


I think my daughter feeling cold was nothing. She doesn't prefer anything

extra, like a blanket.


She doesn't have cracked dry mucous in nose. She may possibly have some

blocked but it doesn't sound wheezing or crackly.


I will say something does trigger her snoring/stuffiness badly. As an

example, she wanted to take a nap in the afternoon and she snored horribly,

but that evening she was fine or hardly made a sound.... The only problem

is I can not figure out what it could be.... Another example, she seemed

fine in the morning/afternoon, but then last evening she snored or her nose

was stuffier... I did use peppermint/oregano EO in a diffuser and I think

it helped her because she sounded better when I used them. She still has

the congested/nasaly sound to her, but she breathed better. There is no

mucous coming out of her nose. This is so frustrating because something is

triggering it to make it worse. Maybe it is cold vs warm. Cold/cool air

being better for it. I just can't be positive.


I think the following rubrics are good, maybe nose one could be changed, see



Nose, discharge, suppressed

Throat, swelling, tonsils

Throat, swelling, tonsils, left

Respiration, snoring.

Respiration, difficult, nose, felt in



I used www.abchomeopathy.com and they have these


respiration; difficult; children;

respiration; difficult; during sleep;


Do you think these would be options? It gave me Lycopodium Clavatum (just on

respiration) I looked at other things it covers and it does have swelling

tonsils as well as swelling tonsils from fluid build-up which is

interesting.... Also, nose dryness inside, nose dryness behind nostrils?

But again, left tonsil is worse than right still.


Well, I guess lets go from here.... See what you have to say... :)









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Hi Lisa...


I understand, life happens. And I must tell you I appreciate your

dedication and honest desire to learn how to do this... It really

shows through...


So I took all of these rubrics and looked for what came up:


NOSE - DISCHARGE - suppressed

THROAT - SWELLING - Tonsils - left






RESPIRATION - DIFFICULT - sleep - during


The leading remedy was Lachesis (as far as points) but I have heard

Lachesis should not be given without caution, especially as a first

remedy, and especially considering the age of the child, I do not

think I would go there..


The next leading remedy as far as points was Pulsatilla... Now this

might be a really good one to look into... Some ways to confirm it

might be to see if she is more clingy than normal, wanting lots of

consolation, care, affection- again, more than normal... But just

to make this interesting... those characteristics do not have to be

there, sometimes just the characteristics of the particular ailment

are enough...


Then I would also consider the Lycopodium- now normally with

lycopodium you will see some sort of gastric or urinary distress. I

normally find some worsening after eating. But again, nice but not



So now what you need to do is read up on Puls and Lyc (and Lach just

for the fun of it perhaps) and see which one seems to most

accurately fit the description of your daughter as she is right



Once you have done that, and have come up with a remedy you are

confident in, we can talk about potencies (how strong the remedy

should be), how often to take, how to know when to stop, etc...


Be Well,





, Lisa <malica98@p...>


> Misty,


> Well I'm back again... I was away again... I promise no more

> disappearing... :)


> Ok, this is going to be tough... I tried to do more



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