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Sales pitches in the guise of self-help

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Hi everyone,


I have asked please for there to be no blatant advertising. Sales

pitches in the guise of help defeat the very purpose of this group,

other than serving as exercises in discernment...


There are plenty of self-serving entities in the health field and

unfortunately these individuals are not always limited to

pharmaceutical companies, etc...


This email seems to have no other purpose than to sell a product,

that may or may not be useful. The sender even admits that there is

no testimonial to match Lisa's particular case.


I would have been much more convinced if there was information on

why she thought this was a case of parasites, other than quoting a

figure that 95% of people have parasites- which one) has no

documentation that I could see, two) does not explain why it is

parasites and not one of the many bacteria/viruses/ect. that are

always floating in our body that is the cause of such a condition.


It would also have been more useful if it addressed how to

consistently, naturally & holistically correct the acidic nature of

the body that allows parasites to thrive: improved diet, breathing

exercises (parasites, critters, generally do not like an oxygenated

environment), even temporary cleanses in the form of herbs/remedies

that can be found over the counter- rather than go straight to- buy

this product.


Now sometimes there are products that are so special they absolutely

defy what can be cooked up in your own kitchen, I even know some

that are of this miraculous nature, but I find these products to be

very few, and very far between.


If you think you have a product of this caliber that you would like

to mention please run it by me privately first. I am interested in

anything that works. However I must ask that you have over 2 years

of experience with them (preferably at least 5 years) and they must

truly be unique and miraculous in nature.


To keep us from being inundated with commerical messages, please

understand that I have decided to moderate this group. That means

all messages must be approved by me first before they are posted to

the group. Rest assured, that does not mean I have to agree with

them all in all ways in order for them to be posted. I want all of

us to have the opportunity to discern for ourselves what is valid

and what is not. I just don't want to have to deal with constant

advertising... I hope you understand... Your comments on this are

more than welcomed...


Be Well, Misty





> Hello Lisa


> First I want to say that I am not a doctor and any remarks I make

> are not to be taken as a diagnosis and/or a prescription.


> Now having said that, I am about 95% sure that your daughter may

> have parasites which can causing her problems and I might

> have the answer.


> My friend told me about a product that is doing miraculous things.

> Now he (Dimitrios) and I are working together to bring good news.


> Although we have many testimonials, we do not have one that fits

> your daughter's problem. However, the testimonials we do have are

> concerning all sorts of different diseases. In other words, these

> products are working miracles for everyone who uses them no matter

> what their ailment may be. (See the newsletter below where it


> about Dr Cochran) These products are called the Master's Miracle

> Soap and the Master's Miracle Neutralizer.


> These two products do a number of things that help the body to rid

> itself of various pathogens and to heal itself. They neutralize

> and 'draw out', as it were, toxins, bacteria, parasites, viruses,

> yeast and many other pathogens. It is estimated that about 95% of

> the population has parasites and/or worms. All of these pathogens

> thrive in an acidic body. The MM products also neutralize the

> acids and cause your body to become more alkaline. They 'unclog'

> and oxygenate the cells. When the cells are 'unclogged' and

> oxygenated, they are able to assimilate the nutrients taken into

> the body in the efficient manner which God intended. I can just

> hear the cells saying, " AAAH " . :)


> I would like to add that if these products don't help, they won't

> hurt. I would be amazed if they did not completely resolve the

> problem. Also they are guaranteed 110%...if you do not see some

> kind of results in 30 days, just send back the empty bottles; no

> questions will be asked and you will be send a cheque.


> The following testimonials and newsletter will help you understand

> more about these products. If you want more testimonials, please

> request them or listen to our Conference Calls (see below). There

> are also some on the website:


> <http://kilkis.themastersmiracle.com>


> Otherwise, I will be sending some more information about these

> products to this forum once in a while.





> " My wife bought some Masters Miracle product, but someone took it

> all but the Neutralizer. I used 7 drops, as per instructions, but

> as always my body said take more....


> I had a Gouty tofi tumor on my elbow the size of a grapefruit. It

> was not painful, until I took the product. Then it swelled up even

> larger before it broke open in two little holes.


> A pussy liquid started coming out and kept oozing for two weeks,

> sometimes 1/2 cup at a time. Two weeks later the tumor is all but

> gone. Mind you I have had this for 10 years. " ~ ~ ~Dave Smoot, Utah


> TESTIMONIAL.......two in one; one involves children


> " I have arthritis and Fibromyalgia. I don't sleep very well

> because of the pain and I toss and turn all night. Teresa Child

> gave me some MM Soap and MM Neutralizer to bathe in. I took a

> bath in the early afternoon and I felt so energized afterward

> that I cleaned my whole house. I felt better than I have in

> years. When I went to bed, I slept all through the night and

> when I got up this morning, I didn't hurt! I said to myself,

> I have to get some more of this.


> My roommate has a couple of boys that are ADD and ADHD, and they

> are age 7 and 8, so you can imagine how rowdy they are. We were

> over to Teresa's and they were all over and Teresa said, " Let me

> try something " . She put some of the Neutralizer in water and had

> them drink it and within 5 minutes these boys are quiet.


> The next morning the boys were fighting again like usual and had

> the whole house in an uproar. Well before they came down for

> breakfast, I put milk in their cereal bowls and poured some

> Neutralizer in it. They asked why the milk was already in their

> bowls and I said it was beause we were running a little late.


> I went in the living room and sat down. Within 5 minutes the

> boys were quiet and laughing. I looked at my roommate and said,

> " Do you hear what I hear? " Oh, my gosh!


> The oldest boy asked to take a water bottle to school that day.

> I told my roommate to put some Neutralizer in his water. That

> day, he was one of 35 children to win an Eagle Merit Award

> because he was so good and so focused. His teacher said he was

> wonderful. This product truly is a miracle! "

> ~ ~ ~ Kathy Poppa





> The website for MM is <http://kilkis.themastersmiracle.com>





> Contents

> What the Master's Miracle products do

> Testimonial.....chemical poisoning

> Dr Cochran

> Conference Calls


> What the Master's Miracle Products Do........


> It is said that most diseases cannot live in a body that has

> a pH of 7.0. Also did you know that most of us have too much

> acid which causes all sorts of problems such as arthritis,

> diabetes, fibromyalgia, cancer, candida, alzheimers, etc?


> The Master's Miracle products alkalize your system while drawing

> out toxins, parasites, germs, bacteria, viruses and a whole host

> of various pathogens that harm your body. Your cells are cleansed

> and oxygenated which is vital for the body to heal itself and to

> maintain good health.


> You don't take enemas, swallow pills and all of the usual things.

> The MM products are UNUSUAL in that they work in the bath as you

> bathe in them....one of them is also taken orally in liquid form.

> You will be amazed at the results.


> Many people experience an effect in their first use of the


> The effects reported are less pain and sleeping 'better than I


> for a long time'. Many say they experience a sense of well-


> Many report experiencing reversal of their disease/illness over


> often a short time, as the products are used daily. See the


> testimonial below.


> Some people report an interesting phenomenon. After using the

> MM Soap and the MM Neutralizer in a bath for 3 or 4 days in a

> row, the bath water turns " black " or muddy or looks like someone

> has poured ink into it. Some people also have found some little

> crawly things in the bath water and " ribbon-like " things. I think

> the ribbons are actually tape worms. It is said that over 90% of

> us have parasites in our intestines and possibly other parts of

> our body. It is better they are coming out in the bathtub than

> swimming around inside of you. This bath is very important part

> as it relates to the use of these products.



> Web address: <http://kilkis.themastersmiracle.com>


> Be sure to click on Testimonials in the menu

> also Get to Know Us

> Product Information

> Conference Calls

> Etc


> Please feel free to pass this newsletter on to friends, relatives

> and your list. Someone's life might depend on it. If you wish

> to receive this newsletter regularly, please send me an email

> requesting it. Helen <zhebee>




> " I suffered from chemical poisoning ten years ago. I was in the

> hospital for six weeks and I had 80 blood transfusions. The doctors

> didn't think I was going to live.


> Recently I was introduced to the Master's Miracle. I took baths for

> about 3 weeks and each time I was finding a lot of slime and little

> black jelly things in the bottom of my tub. Then one day I decided

> to put about 5 oz of Neutralizer and 2 oz of soap in my bath.


> The next day I was swollen in the front of my ear, down my jawbone

> and clear down to my neck. In about two days the swelling went to

> my other ear. It was so bad that I couldn't even put my teeth

> together.


> Pus started running out of my ears and boy did it smell awful.

> It stayed like that for 5-6 days and then it gradually got better.

> Meanwhile I continued the baths everyday. The final result is I

> got rid of some horrible toxins that were making me sick.


> My hearing is improved over what it was before. I am no longer

> tired and I feel great! My varicose veins are also disappearing.

> Thank God for these wonderful products. ~ ~ ~ Joan Biensch


> .....End of testimonial


> DR COCHRAN.........


> Dr Cochran cannot say enough good things about these products.


> Dr. Cochran, who is a Board Certified Chiropractor and a Board

> Certified Naturopath, is currently doing case studies with

> approximately 580 patients and he uses the Master's Miracle

> products. He has seen POSITIVE, RADICAL IMPROVEMENT in every

> patient, no matter what the ailment is!


> Dr. Cochran has never endorsed a single product in 22 years of

> clinical practice, but he now endorses the Master's Miracle



> The website is: <tmm.themastersmiracle.com> (do not use www)


> Dr. Cochran has committed himself to attend at least 3 live

> conference calls weekly to explain why these products work and

> to answer individual questions.


> To hear a short recording of Dr. Cochran, dial:

> 918-222-7304 - Option #2 Recorded and available 24 hrs per day




> If you aren't excited yet, you will be after you have listened to

> a Conference Call or two. They talk and you listen. At the end of

> the call you can ask questions. If you have never gone on a

> conference call before, please let me know and I will explain it in

> detail....how to get on it, etc. It's quite simple.




> Call: 405-244-5000 pin# 8800#


> Mondays at:

> 6:00 pm Central Time

> 9:00 pm Central Time


> Thursdays at:

> 6:00 pm Central Time

> 8:30 pm Central Time


> ..and Saturdays at 12 Noon Central Time


> Please call in 5 minutes early and call from a quiet room.


> If you haven't listened to our recorded testimonials, they are

> simply amazing! If you do nothing else, please listen to what

> these products are doing for so many people around the country

> at this number:


> 24 hr. RECORDED message: 918-222-7304

> Option 1 - Business Overview

> Option 2 - Dr. Cochran and testimonials

> Option 3 - Testimonials

> Option 4 - Fast Start Training



> To order products or sign up, please visit:


> http://kilkis.themastersmiracle.com


> Feel free to call us with any questions or concerns.


> Phone Helen at 1(604)420-1544

> or email to: zhebee


> PS...if you want information on the prices, please send me an

> email. I have it figured out in a way that makes it easiest to

> understand.


> For those who wish to make some money selling a product that

> everyone wants, there is an OPTIONAL business opportunity. To

> take advantage of this opportunity (AND cheaper wholesale

> prices), simply sign up as a distributor. You will not be

> required to recruit anyone unless you want to make some money.

> If you need a financial miracle, we have a method for getting you

> into profit quickly.


> ......End of newsletter



> --- Lisa Fisher <malica98@p...> wrote:

> > Hi all,

> >

> > I have a problem, that I could use some help with. I know the

> > best solution is to find a licensed Homeopathic Doctor, but I am

> > pretty sure the closest one will be 2 hrs away.... I live in


> > country away from things.... I have a book coming to me, and if

> > anyone has a good suggestion, then I would greatly appreciate

> > it. I think I am on the right track. :) This is how it goes:

> >

> > My daughter started having nasal sounds last fall. I believe

that it

> > started as a cold, but then never went away. She has had large

> > tonsils/adenoids at least since the beginning of last year

> > probably longer. They were never a problem then and an ENT

> > doctor has told me she will most likely outgrow it. Since fall


> > has had snoring, nasal sound with hardly any drainage, maybe

> > an occasional sneeze or cough. Then about two weeks ago she

> > really got bad with snoring and it was possibly at the point of

> > sleep apnea. I decided to do something. I gave her Tonsilitus

> > Homeopathy Remedy which has Silicea 3x,

> > Lachesis 8x and Baryta Carb. 6x. I gave 6 doses and a couple

> > the next day as on the bottle. That was it, she started to

drain. By

> > the end of the week, it just didnt seem her nose was going to

> > stop draining and I was concerned that she might now have an

> > infection, I just didn't know.... It was probably the


> > remedy working.... Anyway, I started to give her the sinus

> > remedy hydrastis can 2x, calcarea carb. 3x and kali bichromic


> > Now I have given that 4 days and quit instead of the full 2


> > that it had on the bottle. I got scared because someone told me


> > was harming my child...

> >

> > Now her symptoms are: She has no drainage again. She still

> > has nasal sound but she does sleep better. It is labored

> > through her nose though. She still has enlarged tonsils. I

> > believe it is larger on the left than the right. I don't know

how it

> > was before I used the remedies though. Didn't think to check. :


> >

> > Now there is something I did want to add. I thought maybe the

> > heat was also causing problems, but I can't be sure. I know it

> > bothered me for like the first week or so we first had it on. I


> > dryness and like mucous in my nose/throat. Those symptoms

> > went a way for me, but I don't know if that is what is causing


> > problems.

> >

> > Well that is all I can think of. I know Homeopathy does delve


> > past history, so whatever else you may need, please ask. I just

> > would like to use a Homeopathic Remedy that might help her. I

> > was thinking of just trying the tonsillitis again, just to see

if that

> >

> > would help her. Which reminds me has anyone used the

> > www.abchomeopathy.com online remedy finder? I thought it

> > interesting, but just don't know the validity of it. I

appreciate any

> >

> > advice.

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Lisa








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