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Court rules HIV not proven to cause 'AIDS'Court rules HIV not proven

to cause 'AIDS'



by Repost 1:23am Tue Jun 24 '03 (Modified on 4:48am Tue Jun 24 '03)

After years of claims by the AIDS establishment that a link between

HIV and immune supression had been established a High Court found the

claim without merit and a unfounded deception. This is the first

legal trail of the HUV/AIDS hypothesis and a historic defeat for AID$




The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson


The United Nations Centre for Human Rights, United Nations Office at


8-14 Avenue de la Paix

1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland


To all Heads of Government and all Heads of State


To all NGOs


Legal proceedings against the " Deutscher Bundestag " , the Parliament

of the Federal Republic of Germany: Because of the intentional

continuation of acts of killing and manslaughter (§ 220a StGB

Germany) by the German Parliament.


During the last six years proofs have been collected for the

following actions that have taken place inside Germany:


The State intentionally is using non-valid tests to persuade healthy

persons to take a deadly long-term medication. The persons, being

healthy before being tested die during the long-term-medication. The

German Parliament, since years intentionally is securing that this

crime continues.


Course of Events on January 15th 2001 at the District Court

(Landgericht) of Dortmund:


Judge Hackmann announced the statement of

the " Bundesgesundheitsbehörde " , the Federal German Health

Authorities, which says that in connection with AIDS there has never

been isolated a virus (Dr. Marcus, Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI)

Berlin). The judge figured out that the German Bundestag had been

backing the lie of the Federal Health Authorities (RKI, Dr. Marcus,

9.3.95) about a successful isolation of a virus in connection with

AIDS in the course of a petition (Art. 17, Constitution of the

Federal Republic of Germany, Pet. 5-13-15-2002-010526).


The trial was based on actions of the defendant which were caused by

the misleading statement made by the RKI (Dr. Marcus) on the 9th

March 1995, that there were photographs of the isolated HI-virus

inside the publications of Montagnier (1983) and Gallo (1984). The

judge proved the untruthfulness of this statement using Dr. Marcus`

statement itself. The court imposed a suspended sentence of 8 months

of jail because of attempted coercion of the authorities to adhere

and act according to law and order.


The document of the German Bundestag DS 12/8591 holds proof that the

Bundestag had already known in 1994 that neither Montagnier (1983)

nor Gallo (1984) had isolated any virus in connection with AIDS.

Based on this the Bundestag safeguarded the persistent lie of the

AIDS information campaign (RKI) from 9th March 1995 about the

successful isolation of a virus in connection with AIDS. As a

consequence of non-tolerating this lie and because of non-tolerating

the deadly consequences of this lie, the trial took place on 15th

January 2001.


It is impossible – as far as laboratory conditions are concerned – to

develop a valid Virus-antibody-test, if the virus has not been

isolated before. Every layman understands that an individual proof

for an infection with a virus is impossible, if the existence of the

virus has never been generally proven. This knowledge of the German

health authorities, that the tests are not validated, can be proven

via the authorities` documents themselves. The error concerning the

test's validity is spread and supported by the authorities – against

better knowledge.


With two more petitions the Bundestag safeguarded the default of the

responsible authorities, not to carry out the law (§63 AMG,

Stufenplan II), to do studies and observations to protect persons

taking the AIDS-Medicine, the chemotherapy AZT (Pet. 5-13-15-2002-

058744 and Pet. 5-13-15-212-023567a).


The health authorities and the Bundestag know that there will be no

test method to prove an HIV-Infection, as long as HIV has not been

isolated. And there is no doubt that AZT – as well as the HIV-

medications in general – are deadly themselves when used as long-term-



In the course of the proceedings of the petitions the Bundestag

created an apparent peace of law – by means of deliberately

untruthful statements. President of the German Parliament Wolfgang

Thierse regards untruthful behaviour of this kind (as shown by the

Bundestag) as being justified by the Bundesverfassungsgericht

(Federal Constitutional Court). A videotape documenting an interview

(28th June 1995) shows that his predecessor in office, Prof. Rita

Süssmuth did know, that there had never been any proofs for a virus

in connection with AIDS and that there are no proofs for the claims

of infectivitiy.


Still pending in the Bundestag is the petition Pet. 2-14-15-212-

02608. It is lodging a complaint against the legal authorities, which

stayed passive after getting the attention of the proofs for these

act of killings. Enclosed with the complaint were so many proofs,

which had made it necessary for the Bundestag to take actions right

after perusal, to stop the continuation of these acts of killings by

the state. Within the last six months every single member of the

German Bundestag was informed six times via mail about these acts of

killing by the state.


The intention of the German Bundestag to safeguard killings by the

state after gaining insight into the facts must be regarded as

proven, especially because of the fact that several petitions were

rejected by means of untruthful statements. The German Bundestag and

every individual member of the Bundestag intentionally safeguards

acts of killings by the state by deliberately misleading the public.

Healthy people are intentionally lead into a deadly medication via

tests with invalid results - and then die.


The criminal law of the BRD and especially § 220a StGB (Genocide)

protects citizens from act of killings organised by a state which is

deliberately misleading the public. It also protects the citizens

binding the legal authorities to take actions after perusal. The

prosecuting attorneys attended the trial on 15th January 2001 at the

Landgericht Dortmund and learned about the facts – in front of the

public. Their passivity afterwards serves as a further proof for

their further intention in this matter. (LG Dortmund, Ns 70 Js 878/99

14(XVII) K 11/00)


Karl Krafeld and Dr. Stefan Lanka, Dortmund and Stuttgart, 14.3.2001


Science, Medicine and Human Rights (Wissenschaft, Medizin und

Menschenrechte e.V.), Germany

Albrechtstr. 17, D-44137 Dortmund, 0711 2220601, Lanka@f...


for other studing of hiv and aids you can see this very intresting




or the forum



add your own comments


*HIV=AIDS=DEATH* is false

by GRINGO STARS 4:48am Tue Jun 24 '03


How the SF Chronicle invented AIDS;



Sex And HIV: Behaviour-Change Trial Study Shows No Link;




" AIDS is a cruel deception that is maintained because so many people

are making money from it. Take away this money and the entire system

of mythology will collapse. "

-- Charles Thomas, PhD, former chair of Cell Biology department,

Scripps Research Institute



What have we been told about HIV & AIDS?


The orthodox view on AIDS holds that it is caused by the virus known

as HIV that is transmitted through the exchange of bodily fluids.

Once infected, a person will remain well for a time, though

infectious to others, before going on to develop AIDS and dying.

Despite huge sums of money spent on medical research, there is still

no cure, just drug therapies said to slow the progression of the

disease, and regular T cell counts to measure health. A whole

industry has evolved around AIDS, on which many careers and

businesses depend, but which offers little hope to those affected. It

works on the premise that HIV=AIDS=DEATH.


HEAL asks you to consider the following:


What have the HIV " experts " been telling us?


We are told that HIV causes AIDS.

However, many scientists assert that HIV is not the cause of AIDS.

The vast majority of people worldwide who are reported as " HIV

positive " remain healthy. Also, within the AIDS risk groups, AIDS

conditions may be common even in people who test HIV negative. The

official " latency period " (how long it takes HIV+ people to get sick)

has been stretched to 15 or more years because people labeled " HIV+ "

are surviving. People who test HIV positive, including AIDS patients,

have no active HIV infections by standard methods of measurement. So-

called viral load tests were invented by HIV researchers to try to

explain why only vanishingly small quantities, if any virus, could be

found. The methods used to " isolate " and detect HIV are so indirect

that they may not even measure the presence of a virus. Does HIV

exist? These are just a few of the reasons why we need to look beyond

HIV in order to overcome AIDS. " So why are people getting sick? " The

epidemic of AIDS follows a dramatic worldwide increase of

immunological stressors: chemical, physical, biological,

mental and nutritional. People diagnosed with " AIDS " may be sick due

to factors such as one or more of the following:


* misdiagnosis and mistreatment of at least 29 illnesses due to being

labeled HIV. (The validity of HIV tests is challenged.)

* toxic chemotherapy with " anti-HIV " pharmaceuticals such as AZT and

protease inhibitors

* direct or indirect effects of recreational drug consumption

* multiple infections, STD's and resulting over consumption of


* foreign protein mediated immunodeficiency due to hemophilia

clotting factor therapy and multiple blood transfusions

* chronic malnutrition

* severely impoverished living conditions

* psychosomatic terror brought on by a HIV positive diagnosis


In fact, HIV may be entirely harmless

- and treatments for it worse than useless.


* We are told by the AIDS establishment that toxic drugs like AZT,

DDI, DDC, and protease inhibitors aimed at eradicating HIV are valid

and effective treatments.


Pharmaceuticals prescribed to treat HIV infections may be the cause

of many AIDS defining illnesses. Many of the " side-effects " of the

current antiviral combination therapies are indistinguishable from

the symptoms of AIDS.


* We are told that there are now less AIDS deaths thanks to the new

protease inhibitor " cocktail " therapies.


The statistics show that AIDS cases were on the decline long before

the protease inhibitors were available. Due to the 1993 change of the

AIDS definition (U.S.) more than half the current AIDS cases have no

illness at all.


* We are told that " everyone is at risk for HIV and AIDS. "


At least 90% of people with AIDS are still from the original risk

groups: gay men, IV drug users, hemophiliacs and transfusion

recipients. If AIDS was a contagious disease it could not remain

almost entirely within the risk groups.


* We are told that HIV antibody testing is virtually 100% accurate.


There are at least 8 official standards for " interpreting " the " HIV

test " around the world. Your test result can be interpreted as

negative OR positive depending on where you live or if you are in

a " risk group " or not. There are also 60 conditions unrelated to HIV

that can cause a a person to test false positive on an " HIV test. "


And the list of facts that don't fit the HIV theory goes on and on...

Public officials, medical scientists, and social activists have

accepted the infectious HIV/AIDS model without properly scrutinizing

it and dismissed alternative models without properly considering them.


Is the conventional view and treatment of AIDS the answer or part of

the problem?

" HIV=AIDS=DEATH " is false.



Here is a collection of links to several excellent sites,

many of which have links to other similar sites:

















" I have a large population of HIV+ patients who have chosen not to

take any anti-viral drugs. They've watched all of their friends go on

the anti-viral bandwagon and die. "

-- Dr. Donald Abrams: Prof. of Medicine, San Francisco General


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