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Homeopathic Remedies for Ear Infections

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Misty L. Trepke



Homeopathic Remedies for Ear Infections


Small children often develop middle ear infections (otitis media)

during colds; however, ear infections can occur at any age. Allergy

or swelling of the tonsils and adenoids may block the Eustachian

tubes and sinus passages, and inflammation and fluid can increase in

the middle ear, causing pressure, pain, and sometimes even a

ruptured eardrum and discharge. A different kind of ear infection

(otitis externa) affects the outer ear and the sensitive skin inside

the ear canal; it often starts with a scratch that gets infected by

bacteria or fungus (swimmer's ear), becoming swollen, inflamed, and

very painful.


Aconitum napellus: This remedy is indicated if an earache comes on

suddenly with cutting, throbbing pain—often after exposure to cold

and wind, or after a shaking experience. The person usually is

fearful, agitated, and restless. Fever may be high and thirst is

strong. Symptoms are often worse near midnight, and can even wake

the person up.


Belladonna: Intense bouts of earache that come and go very suddenly,

with heat and inflammation, suggest a need for this remedy. Pain can

be pounding or throbbing, and may be worse from jarring. The person

usually has a fever, a flushed red face, eyes that are sensitive to

light, and skin that is hot to touch. The right ear is most often

affected. A child needing Belladonna may feel drowsy with the fever,

or be restless and have nightmares.


Chamomilla: Paroxysms of pain that seem intolerable suggest a need

for this remedy. Children may seem angry and beside themselves, and

often scream and hit. They may feel better from being carried

constantly and vigorously walked around or rocked. Ear pain and

other symptoms are worse from heat and wind, and the cheeks (often

only one) may be hot and red.


Ferrum phosphoricum: This remedy can soothe the ache and

inflammation of an ear infection—or even stop it, if given when the

symptoms have just begun to show. The person looks pink and flushed,

with fever and a feeling of weariness. The outer ear may look warm

and pink, and the eardrum can slightly bulge.


Hepar sulphuris calcareum: This remedy is indicated when an earache

is very painful or infection is advanced (with a bulging eardrum or

pus formation). Stabbing, sticking pains " like a splinter being

driven in " are a likely indication. The person is very sensitive to

everything, especially cold and drafts, and may feel extremely

vulnerable and touchy.


Magnesia phosphorica: An earache that feels much better when warmth

and pressure are applied suggests a need for this remedy. The pain

may be mostly neuralgic, with little evidence of fluid or infection.


Mercurius solubilis: This remedy may be helpful if an ear infection

is advanced, with pus formation, shooting pains, and roaring in the

ear. A person who needs this remedy is often very sensitive to

temperatures (both hot and cold), has swollen lymph nodes, offensive

breath, a puffy tongue, and sweat and drooling during sleeping.


Pulsatilla: This remedy is often indicated for ear infections that

follow or accompany a cold. (Cold symptoms include a stuffy nose,

especially indoors, and large amounts of yellow or greenish mucus.)

The ear may be hot and swollen, with a feeling that something is

pressing out. Pain can be worse in the evening and at night, as well

as worse from heat, with a pulsing sensation. Deep itching may be

felt inside, especially if ear infections are chronic. A child

needing Pulsatilla usually is sad and tearful, wanting to be held

and comforted.

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