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Staying Healthy w/ Water - question

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Well Kat,

lol - I feel pretty strongly in favor of DW.

I don't know anything about muscle testing but if it

works for you then I understand your feelings.


I think your ill friend got " sick " on distilled water

because it was flushing out poisons (that she

obviously had) too quickly. She probably should have

stayed with it maybe in reduced quantities rather than

the sudden 8 glasses a day.

So her getting " sick " on DW is no proof that it is bad

for her and especially not proof that it is bad for a

person in normal health.


The photos showing the difference between DW and

non-DW are impressive in that they show that the

distillation process eliminated inorganic minerals.

The author makes no attempt to explain why a frozen

water that crystalizes is good and one that does not

is bad.

There is no such explanation possible because the

supposition is incorrect.

There is no study of any kind to show that DW leaches

nutrients from the cells. Period.


Mercola (who promotes Chet Day who sells filtering

stuff and no doubt gives a kick-back) goes so far as

to say that a woman on DW began losing hair in clumps.

I'm ashamed of Dr. Mercola and in fact question his

integrity on the matter.

Anybody can become mineral defficient if they don't

get them in their food (organic) or in a good

supplement. It certainly does not show that DW

actually leached minerals from her cells. That is


People also lose hair because of hypo adrenal and

thyroid glands.


Now one may choose to believe that DW is bad in spite

of the lack of any evidence to indicate it (thousands

of people are doing it incuding me for 9 years and

I'll be 76 years of age next mo.) and one may follow

ones own beliefs but I suggest to you that one has no

right to scare people away from DW by claiming that

there is some kind of proof that it is harmful. There

is no such proof and in fact every reason to believe

that pure DW is the healthiest water to consume.

Of course someone selling other water purification

methods will disagree but they have no legitimate way

to knock distilled water but everything to gain by

knocking it. Not you of course.


Does anyone describe the mechanism by which DW leaches

nutrients from the cells? No. Not even Dr. Mercola.

I would think that DW is the more efficient water in

that it does not carry a lot of junk minerals into the

stomach and (the amount that is absorbed) is more

efficiently absorbed into the bloodstream.


Although inorganic minerals can stimulate they cannot

be absorbed by the body. In the case of non-DW the

type of minerals present will likely be too much of

some and/or not enough of others (depending on the

source) and all inorganic.


I'm doing fine on distilled water and would not

consider changing without some evidence that I have

not yet seen.



P.S. I wonder if your daughter got her info from her

own knowledge or from something she read that is

unavailable on the internet? R.


--- Kat <js_kat wrote:

> Hi Ron,


> The water came from a home delivery supplier, I

> believe. My

> daughter, an electrical engineer, tried to explain

> to me one time

> exactly why distilled water was a very bad choice

> for human

> consumption, though most of her explanation went

> right over my head.

> Though, reading at Dr. Mercola's I find his

> explanations to make

> sense to me



> ).

> Personally, I would put the water I intend to drink

> on my chest do

> muscle testing to see if indeed it was something my

> body wanted

> before ever drinking distilled water of any kind.


> The frozen water thing, to me, means a lot. I

> believe that as the

> water is a very large percent of us, it's reactions

> affect our

> reactions.


> Here's kind of an interesting experiment I did after

> I read the water

> crystals site and saw the pictures of the water

> crystals. First, I

> use muscle testing extensively in work that I do,

> and I drink a lot

> of water. Always my body had been right on when I

> would muscle test

> to ask how much water I had had in a day, so I

> really had not been

> counting quarts for a while when I started writing

> on my water

> glasses. I'd write things like " love, joy, peace,

> happy, thank you,

> etc. " Well, last summer after I had been doing

> this for a while,

> I'd been out on the boat all day and had sunburned.

> I knew I should

> be drinking more water than usual and had been

> drinking quite a bit.

> At about 8:00 that night I asked if I'd had enough

> water that day,

> got no, and that I needed three more quarts. Well,

> I drank about a

> quart and a half more and then the muscle testing

> told me I had had

> enough water. I thought it was totally odd, perhaps

> I had missed

> something in how much I actually had had. The next

> morning I paid

> close attention counting my water...my body was

> reading that I was

> getting twice as much water as I was actually

> drinking. It's been

> that way ever since (still writing on my glasses).

> If I ask my body

> how much water I have had today, I always get twice

> the number of

> quarts as I get when I ask how much water I have had

> to drink.

> Somehow my body seems to get double utilization out

> of the water when

> it has the words written on its container.


> Anyway, Ron, that's kind of where I come from on the

> water thing.

> Thanks for keeping the discussion open.


> Kat









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