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Staying Healthy w/ Water - question

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Okay Ron, I went looking to my daughter for her own

explanation of why she knows what she knows about DW.

I got back a detailed explanation which I will post

here below. And before you quit reading, be sure you

do check the web sites at the end of the note.


From Camille:


I am engineer and we like to think for ourselves. ith

what I know about physics/biology and just plain

common sense, distilled water is bad. A simple

understanding of Osmosis and it's place at the

cellular level here would help.


1st - As they will teach you in any 7-8th grade

biology class (as a matter of fact, my teacher in 8th

grade, Dr. Spring, explained why not to drink

distilled water), osmosis is what happens when

elements dissolved in water try to maintain and equal

concentration throughout the water on two sides

of a semipermeable membrane (this applies to water

soluble substances only - all things that your cells

use, like vitamins and minerals are water soluble or

else they wouldn't travel in the blood). If you were

to take a class on Fluids and Dynamics in College

(which I have) or Biology, this concept and reasons

for it (like dispersion) would be explained in depth,

but let's stick to the 7-8th grade bio books for a

while assuming that they have a good basis (which

osmosis is based upon LAWS of physics, not just

theories - look up the difference if you don't

understand what exactly that means). So Osmosis will

try to create a balance on both sides of the

cellular wall in the fluids of our bodies.


2nd- So now we know what happens to the stuff we eat

when it is dissolved, it attempts to distribute evenly

in the water we have in our digestive track an later

into the circulation system and so on. What impact

does it have if we were to drink distilled water

instead? Well, it dilutes what we have in our

systems. This doesn't seem such a big issue, and if

our reasoning stopped here, it wouldn't be such a bad

idea...more concentrated water, right? WRONG...


3rd- What does this dilution do to the cells that are

trying to absorb not only water but nutrients and

vitamins also? It DRASTICALLY decreases the amount of

nutrients and vitamins that get into the cell and can

even STRIP YOUR CELLS of these.


4th - WHAT IS WORSE, is that there are other things

inside the cell that can't cross the membrane but

contribute the concentration of " stuff " in the

water inside the cell. So, more water tries to come

into the cell by passing through the membrane in order

to create the same concentration of " stuff " on both

sides. If the water is too pure, so much water will

cross the cellular wall into the cell that THE CELL

WILL EXPLODE. This is just plain - BAD news.


5th - CONSEQUENCES OF DW: So, now your digestive

cells aren't only lacking in nutrients, they are

exploding. If this sounds like it is going to far,

think again. Humans have only been drinking purify/DW

for the past few decades. For millions of years before

that the water had a LOT of " stuff " dissolved in it.

Your digestive tract is made for water with many

impurities. I would say that the initial contact

inside the Stomach with DW will explode a good number

of cells and will not only prevent others

from absorbing nutrients, but will pull out the

nutrients they already have.


I went looking for a diagram to try to make this make

more sense, and I found a website (with copyrighted

material) that explains this simply:



This one explains osmosis and what happens when cells

are placed in DW:



Hope that helps, I hate to see someone suffer anything

near what I went through due to lack of nutrition, it

HURTS LIKE HELL...If we can stop them before they do

it, it is worth the argument...









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Kathy and Camel,


I wish I had time to write a more detailed response and please understand we

all are only trying to help and not prove one another wrong.


The body is always trying to achieve the status of homeostasis. So it is

agreed that the " more purified or empty " water, that being distilled will

have minerals and such introduced to it. But cells do not exploded and

other cells are not " damaged " and " stripped " . And the best real world

practical evidence I can give for this is that there are, as previously

stated, business that make a living delivering DW. If it did all the bad

things as reported they would have been sued out of business long ago.


The truth (and what we are all innocently doing is, speaking

half-truths-because that is what most reports are made of) is that if we

were not vitamin and mineral deficient in the first place this whole

discussion would be mute.


If your " inner workings " , lets call it detox system (lymph, liver, kidneys,

lungs, skin) for now, is not very efficient, then you will not handle the

onslaught of toxins that come your way with drinking large amounts of DW for

a sustained period or you will suffer a herxheimer effect, " die-off " ,

" healing crisis " choose your name. which is what this friend experienced.


Another truth is that most of us are not in the best of health in that

regard and shouldn't drink DW right away. It is something to strive for. I

would suggest starting with RO (reverse osmosis) because it has taken out

the chlorine and fluoride (toxins) and left the beneficial minerals.

If that friend would have taken a " quality " multi-mineral supplement like

Standard Process products along with the DW, I would have been willing to

bet the results would have been different.


Take care,


a different Ron










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