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Staying Healthy w/ Water - question

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I follow science. The two links in my daughter's discussion clearly

show the science of distilled water and why it should not be

consumed. All the links and discussion I see coming from those who

tout DW as the best drink are subjective, no science that I can see.


I also found and interesting statement page 2 of the Bragg site " Pure

distilled water is truly God's greatest gift to us, a source of life

and health.

- Paul C. Bragg "


Considering man HAS to alter the water from the natural forms to make

distilled water (when nature does heat water to the point of steam,

man can't drink the steam and by the time the steam is water again

and accessible to man as water it has much more in it than distilled

water), I don't see how that statement makes any sense.


The fact of the matter is, plants are very different from animals, as

stated in the URL.


I know what I've seen. I saw what happened to my friend who switched

from spring water and filtered water to distilled water. I know how

sensitive EIs are to things that the rest of us just slough off.

They are our guinea pigs, so to speak. If a small amount of

something hurts them, then to some degree it is hurting all of us.


Regardless of anything, as I said before I use muscle testing

extensively, because the body KNOWS what it likes and does not like.

If I put any type of water on a chest and that person has a strong

muscle go weak, I know it is not something the body wants, so I won't

recommend it to them. That to me is the ultimate test of whether

something is good or not.



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I am visually impaired and don't know how to do message 3004... can you

please forward it?






Kat [js_kat]

Tuesday, July 27, 2004 2:28 PM


[s-A] Re: Staying Healthy w/ Water - question



Allen, read message 3004. I think you'll find a pretty good

explanation from my daughter in that message. Kat


, " Allen Prunty "

<allen@a...> wrote:

> So what happens when you drink distilled water I am so totally

confuseled at

> this time.


> Allen


> _____


> Kat [js_kat]

> Tuesday, July 27, 2004 1:33 PM


> Re: [s-A] Staying Healthy w/ Water - question



> Sheldon, when you drink the distilled water the effects come


> from the distilled water...you are not talking about dissolving


> the vitamins and minerals in the distilled water before swallowing

> it...you are exposing your digestive tract to the distilled water

> directly, all the cells in the mouth, throat, stomach, etc. The

> distilled water immediately upon consumption begins to work on the

> body. Minerals and vitamins are not broken out of food upon

> consumption, it takes going through the digestive tract to break


> down and make them accessible.


> Kat


> , sheldon gesensway

> <sheldon33132> wrote:

> > Hello Camille,

> > What happened to all the digested vitamins and

> > minerals

> > absorbed from the digested food by the distilled water

> > before they enter the blood stream? Could not open

> > page to your E mail address on distilled water

> > information.Thank you --- Kathy Miller

> > <js_kat> wrote:

> > > Okay Ron, I went looking to my daughter for her own

> > > explanation of why she knows what she knows about

> > > DW.

> > > I got back a detailed explanation which I will post

> > > here below. And before you quit reading, be sure

> > > you

> > > do check the web sites at the end of the note.

> > >

> > > From Camille:

> > >

> > > I am engineer and we like to think for ourselves.

> > > ith

> > > what I know about physics/biology and just plain

> > > common sense, distilled water is bad. A simple

> > > understanding of Osmosis and it's place at the

> > > cellular level here would help.





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