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RE: [S-A ]The Myth of Mental Illness and the Anti-Psychiatry Movement

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Re: The Myth of Mental Illness and the Anti-Psychiatry Movement


I have heard that bowel cleansing & /or orthomolecular medicine can

cure much mental illness.


What is the name of the community in the Berkshires? "



There are a variety of theories that address the cure of mental illness and

dis-ease. I would imagine that a good enema might be helpful to reduce anal

retentive behavior disorders. Orthomolecular medicine has been and is a

complimentary adjunct to other therapies.


The most useful and functional development, in my opinion, is that of

psychosocial genomics which demonstrates the effects of stress on gene

expression and splicing which results in almost every conceivable type of

mental and physiological dis-ease. See the work of Ernest Rossi:






As a meridian energy therapist, I recommend that people consider examining

and practicing the Emotional Freedom Technique offered at:




Begin with the free Get Started Package that includes:

1. A subscription to the EFT email list (the heartbeat of EFT)

2. A link to download the 79 page EFT Manual (gives you all the basics).

3. Four supporting emails to assist your understanding of The EFT Manual.



Also consider:






The dynamics of the Berkshire community has changed since I lived and worked

there in the mid 1970s. After I left, many of the therapists moved to create

the Omega Institute as a spin-off.


Stephen Rechschaffen, MD, and his spiritual guru, Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan

Chisti were the community founders and also that of the Omega Institute. Pir

Vilayat was then the head of the Sufi Order of the West. His son is the

current Pir or leader of the Order and its headquarters form the basis of

the community in New Lebanon, N.Y. exactly south of Route 20 and adjacent to

the Massachusetts state line. It is called The Abode of the Message.




I will be away for an extended period of spiritual retreats beginning in the

Arizona mountains near and around Sedona where there is a Tibetan community

and ending with a retreat and workshop at the Omega Institute. I will not be

available to respond to any inquiries until possibly some time in late



I do a lot of voluntary (free) therapy as a shaman and am doing a free

spiritual tuning weekend workshop in late October.


Ernie Karhu



Unfortunately in our society few people respect or accept free care. It is

not the American way. Many want to be exploited and used so that they have

some basis to complain and bitch about the human condition; so I advertise

fees. Some day soon I'll either operate out of or create a free clinic for

those folks who want to take charge of their own health care.

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I have quite a much unresolved emotional issues that I have to work on. I am

currently concentrated on Transformational psychology. I am reading the writings

of Peter Shephard which I found very useful.On the other side couple of sources

are advising usage of EFT. I really have difficulty o understand how EFT works

and I have a feeling that until root cause is found and released problem would

stay there. Would you think EFT would help even though root trauma is not found

and released.

Also,I have been making some releasing work for the last couple of months. I

keep remembering the earlier traumas and I noticed that as I keep remembering

and living them emotionally all over again,the intensity of the traumas lessen

in time .may be some day I will be able to release them.On the other side,I am

quite ill physically and my stress system is weak.I started having some

gastrointestinal problems since I started this work. It is as if my intestines

are locked.I have severe pain,cramps etc. These all started after I started this

releasing work and I wonder if this releasing work is getting to be heavy for

me. I am actually happy with the progress I am making with the releases but

surprised with this physical problem that came out. Do you have any idea on

that?Do you think I am making some mistake there or is this normal part of the



Thank you.





Ernie Karhu

Wednesday, September 01, 2004 5:38 PM

[s-A] RE: [s-A ]Re: The Myth of Mental Illness and the

Anti-Psychiatry Movement

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Hi Nil,


Not sure if your posting to the group means you are looking for other

repsonses besided Ernie's. But I agree that getting down to the root is

essential. That we must know and become very familiar with our greatest

weakeness and that for sure we need to get beyond any concepts of mental

illness and probe the heart, our deepest feeling nature and the

vulnerability of our being.


By the way I know and have worked with Peter, he published one of my books a

year ago.




Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

Executive Director

International Medical Veritas Association



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Thank you very much for your answer. I just asked Ernie because I am new to the

group,I did know if there were others interested in the subject and he mentioned

of EFT at his last note.

Your answer was very helpful. Do you have any site addresses giving information

on emotional releasing techniques?I seem to be doing something wrong.


Thank you very much and best regards.



Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

Thursday, September 02, 2004 3:25 AM

Re: [s-A] RE: [s-A ]Re: The Myth of Mental Illness and the

Anti-Psychiatry Movement



Hi Nil,


Not sure if your posting to the group means you are looking for other

repsonses besided Ernie's. But I agree that getting down to the root is




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