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Have You Eaten Your Purple Today?

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Thanks, Misty.


It surely is good to see this kind of information going mainstream. Thank

the Cosmic Consciousness for the internet! I have been lecturing about this

disastrous reduction in dietary variety for more than 30 years now.


Not that human genome research is showing that all dietary substances serve

as " messengers " to the genes, " We have met the enemy and he is us! " Pogo

was right all along.








" Misty L. Trepke " <mistytrepke


Sunday, February 06, 2005 9:05 PM

[s-A] [soFlaVegan] Have You Eaten Your Purple Today?





> Comments?

> Misty L. Trepke

> http://www..com


> Have You Eaten Your Purple Today?


> " Ancient man ate over 800 varieties of fruits and vegetables, and

> modern man eats three: iceberg lettuce, French fries, and ketchup, "

> says Heber, author of the book What Color Is Your Diet?. The problem

> with such a limited diet, he says, is that " studies from the American

> Institute of Cancer Research ... show that populations that eat over

> seven servings a day of fruits and vegetables have a 50% reduced risk

> of the common forms of cancer. "


> Heber has developed a simple system to help people eat well: Just

> look at your plate.


> " If your plate is beige and brown, you're in deep trouble, " he says.

> You need to eat at least one food from each of the following color

> groups every day:


> Red: Foods in this group include tomatoes and tomato products and

> contain lycopene, which inhibits breast cancer growth and has an

> antioxidant effect.


> Green: Broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, and bok choy are all in

> the green group of foods, which contain isothiocyanates. These

> stimulate enzymes in the body to scavenge and remove pesticides and

> carcinogens.


> Green/yellow: These foods include spinach, kale, collard greens, and

> mustard greens, and contain lutein, which helps prevent blindness and

> inhibits tumor cell growth.


> Orange: Packed with beta and alpha carotenes, foods like butternut

> squash and carrots have anti-cancer and antioxidant effects and are

> good for vision.


> Orange/yellow: This is the citrus fruit group and should be eaten for

> their flavonoids and vitamin C content. The skins of these fruits

> also contain limonoids, which fight cancer.


> Red/purple: This popular food group includes red wine, raspberries,

> blueberries, and strawberries. They contain polyphenols, which fight

> cancer.


> White/green: This group, which includes garlic and onions, contain

> cancer-fighting allyl sulfides.


> " By eating from each of these seven groups every day, " says Heber,

> " you reduce your caloric intake and you benefit in terms of cancer. "

> His book contains menus and recipes that cover two weeks of eating

> right.


> How Super Is Your Food?


> Dubbed " America's Healthiest Mom " by the Ladies' Home Journal,

> author, personal trainer, and lifestyle trainer Jyl Steinback has

> just finished her eighth cookbook, Superfoods: Cook Your Way to

> Health, published by QVC. She agrees with Heber that many of the most

> colorful foods are the healthiest, and her focus is also on eating

> lots of fruits and veggies.


> " Superfoods are everyday foods with an abundance of nutrition, " she

> says. " My [food] pyramid is a little different from the regular

> pyramid. ... The bottom level is fruits and vegetables. You need to

> have six to nine [servings of] fruits and vegetables a day. ...

> Excluding bodybuilders and things like that, all the [protein] you

> need is about two servings a day. "


> That may sound like a lot of produce, but keep in mind that a serving

> of fruit or vegetables is half a cup cooked or one cup raw. A serving

> of protein is about the size of a deck of cards, and servings of side

> dishes like potatoes and rice should be about the size of your fist.


> For cancer prevention, Steinback's top superfoods are garlic,

> soybeans, cabbage, ginger, carrots, celery, parsley, and licorice

> (not licorice candy -- there's no real licorice in that).


> There's been some controversy on whether soy really does protect

> women from breast cancer. Both Steinback and Heber say it does. Wu's

> research has also shown that eating soy, like keeping your weight

> down, may also reduce levels of female hormones and thus reduce the

> risk of breast cancer.


> Making the Change


> Are you a junk food and soda addict who wants to eat right? Steinback

> recommends making changes that you can live with. If you can't

> survive without soda, limit yourself to one a day. Love juice? Stick

> to juices that have actual fruit juice as the first ingredient and

> limit yourself to one glass a day or cut it with water and have two

> glasses a day.


> Do your grocery shopping at the periphery of the store, where most of

> the natural products like fruits and vegetables are. Avoid high-fat,

> packaged, and processed food as much as possible.


> Always have fruits and veggies cleaned, cut, and ready to eat in the

> refrigerator. Steinback even invests in pre-cut veggie trays and adds

> healthy dips made with fat-free cottage cheese, sour cream, or tofu.


> And give it time.


> " It takes 21 days to make a habit and 30 days to make a lifestyle

> change, " she says.


> source:

> http://aolsvc.health.webmd.aol.com/living_better_content/her/article/

> 1689.51625

> WebMD with AOL Health - Can You Eat Yourself Healthy?


> =====

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