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Inquiring about therapies for post-traumatic stress disorder

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Dear Misty & SeraFaith,


I've had a TON of experience with this mentality; both with other

" Christians " , Christian Leadership, friends and family. Somehow, somewhere

along the line, what is today's mainstream medicine, and yesterday's

historical mainstream medicine - have switched platforms. A lot of Christian

leadership believes (mistakenly) that Christians should ONLY trust

mainstream MD's, and anything else tempts Satanic attack on their lives and

homes. This is a very narrow, and " politically correct " mentality that the

AMA, which is nothing more than a trade union, would love to have us



I've written LONG and well researched letters to leaders to refute this

philosophy, and have received back letters from people ( like Bill Gothard)

that " You're right, but be very careful " , but their literature condemning

all other modalities of health maintenance- remains the same; condemning of

any type of " Alternative Health " modalities. See

http://www.industryinet.com/~ruby/premise.html &

http://www.industryinet.com/~ruby/medicalconvictn.html which explain and

give persuasive arguments for my perspective.


The long and the short of this misnomer is a ignorance and laziness to

research the facts of the body's electrical system, rather than relying on a

pharmacists chemical mentality and restrictions...


A lot of Traumatic Stress Disorders deal with adrenal exhaustion, excess

cortisol, thyroid's reverse T-3, and several other things that get " stuck "

in the nervous system's way of preserving life.... However, when stress is

unrelieved, these self preservation methods the body uses for temporary

balancing, gets stuck and do not revert back to prestress patterns. The

Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous systems go awry.


Emotional clearing, while a new field, CAN be argued on Biblically based

principles, but not on this forum. Please feel free to write me off list. I

do not wish to engage in religious debates either, but will make myself

available for ideas, and resources for those interested in this endeavor for

those needing this resource.


I hope this is helpful.


Health, Hope, Joy & Healing :

May you Prosper, even as your Soul Prospers 3John 2


Jennifer Ruby


Email advice is not a substitute for medical treatment.





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" Misty L. Trepke " <mistytrepke


Thursday, February 10, 2005 2:23 PM

[s-A] Re: Inquiring about therapies for post-traumatic stress



> I really want to ask why being christian would make someone less open

> to herbs, vitamins, homeopathy, massage, chiropractic, acupuncture,

> on and on... I don't want to start a religious war, perhaps you will

> kindly answer me off list.

> <snip>

> , " serafaith2002 "

> <serafaith2002> wrote:

> >

> > I have a friend of a friend who is dealing with a serious case post-

> > traumatic stress disorder due to being hit by a car. She is a

> devout > Christian so may be a bit skeptical about some alternative

> therapies, > but does anyone have any ideas to recommend?

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