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IAHF Webmaster: Breaking News, Whats New, Codex Emergency, All Countries,

What to Do


IAHF List: The FDA has been generating spin against IAHF's warnings about

Codex since I first began making them in 1996, and recently they cranked their

spin machine back up again.


Outrageously, Mannatech, and some other vitamin companies have bought in to

FDA's spin.


Below you will find IAHF's POINT BY POINT refutation of what FDA is



Please forward this widely, especially to distributors in network marketing

companies such as Mannatech, Shaklee, Herbalife, GNLD, and Nuskin which are

members of CRN which is spouting this same garbage that the FDA is with regards

to Codex.


WHAT TO DO: We have zero political leverage with the unelected bureaucrats

from the world's FDA's at Codex. At the 28th General Session of Codex in Rome

Italy from July 4-9 they will ratify the Codex vitamin standard, with the blanks

on allowable potency levels to be filled in after the fact (another tactic to

avoid opposition).


We must view Codex in the context of globalization, and in North America we

must grasp that CAFTA (Central American Free Trade Agreement) and FTAA (Free

Trade Area of the Americas) would set into motion the destruction of every

country in our hemisphere, and the rise of an EU styled dictatorship in our

hemisphere (which the ruling elite intend to call the WAU (Western Atlantic



There will be a fast track vote on CAFTA in the Senate this June and Senator

Grassley will hold a hearing on April 6th See http://www.stoptheftaa.org

Please call your Senators via 202-225-3121 and voice opposition to CAFTA and the

FTAA. Cite reasons given on the website above and also tell them you oppose

CODEX and will not tolerate the harmonization of our vitamin laws to

international standards. This would come via FTAA.









Dick from Mannatech

The following is copied from a PDF file from the FDA regarding Codex. Marcia

Smith dug it out and Ken Anderson sent it to me. It says the same thing that

Sam Castor has been saying.




So, Mannatech is so naive that they actually trust the FDA as their source of

information on the Codex issue? (Brilliant, utterly brilliant, I'm saying

this sarcastically of course. Its amazing how some people will believe ANYTHING

if they're told " what they want to hear. " )


Isn't that a bit like trusting a pickpocket with your wallet or like handing

a loaded gun to a convicted murderer who is also heroin addict while you're in

a blind alley and the junkie needs the money in your wallet to get his next

fix, and you are blocking his path in the alley?


Given the fact that I spent about an hour on the phone with Ken Anderson

after Clint Miller introduced me to him on a conference call, I am rather

astonished that Anderson would buy into this, but I guess this is what happens


people are willing to put blind trust in Sam Caster just because he's on the CRN

Board, and he's apparently quite willing to overlook the fact that CRN's

membership includes Wyeth, Pfizer, Monsanto, Bayer, BASF, Cargill, etc. I'm

stupified by the total inability to grasp that this is a gross conflict of


but keep reading.....


Has it actually escaped Mannatech's notice that Christine Lewis Taylor from

the FDA is in charge of the World Health Organization's " International

Committee on Chemical Safety "

http://www.who.int/ipcs/highlights/nutrientraproject/en/ and that this entity is

in charge of creating a framework via which the

MSPLs (Maximum Safe Permitted Levels) for dietary supplements are to be


for CODEX?


Has it escaped Mannatech's notice that they've been LIED TO about what the

END POINT will be for this supposed " scientific risk assessment " that they've

bought into as our alleged " savior " (See this CRN press release: " Consumers to

Benefit as UN Body Successfully Moves Scientifically Grounded Vitamin and

Mineral Guideline to Final Steps "



CRN distributors are being lied to on a grand scale by Sam Caster, or perhaps

Sam has allowed himself to be DUPED, but GET THIS: The END POINT of this so

called " scientific risk assessment " is NOT the " Upper Safe Levels " the industry

has been told about, thats just the STARTING POINT of the risk assessment,

its only the FIRST TIER of the PROCESS, and there is no excuse for Caster to not

have read the FINE PRINT of both the EU Food Supplement Directive AND Codex,

because if he HAD read it, he'd realize that the " USL " s get watered down much

FURTHER til they arrive at numbers which in SOME CASES are even LOWER than

RDAs---- better look very closely at this TABLE



Do you see that? The German Federal Institute of Risk Assessment ( " BfR " ) is

the only " scientific " body in the world that has taken so called " nutrient risk

assessment " to its final conclusion- and they've come up with THESE NUMBERS

for Maximum Safe Permitted Levels:

Vitamin A: 800 mcg

Beta Carotene: 7 mg (0 mg for smokers)

Vitamin C: 225 mg

Vitamin D: 5 mcg

Vitamin E: 15 mg

Vitamin K: 80 mcg

Vitamin B 1: 1.3 mg (!!)

Vitamin B2: 4.5 mg

Vitamin B3: 17 mg

Vitamin B6: 5.4 mg

Vitamin B-9 (Folic Acid) 400 mcg

Vitamin B12 9 mcg (!!)

Vitamin B 5 (Pantothenic Acid) 18 mg

Biotin 180 mcg


The list for minerals is almost as bad, see the table on the website.


Has it escaped Caster's notice that the Chair of the German Federal Institute

of Risk Assessment is Dr.Rolf Grossklaus (the Chair of the Codex Committee on

Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses) ??? Has it escaped his notice

that Grossklaus has totally rigged the Codex meetings of his committee such

that the EU has always gotten everything they want because Germany is the


country in the EU? http://www.thenhf.com/codex_25.htm


See addtional comments to FDA's drivel below.... and read my comments in the

context of this article by Suzanne Harris,JD

" Who Says Whatever Happens at Codex Does Not Affect US Law, and Why Do They

Say It? " http://www.thelawloft.com/Freedom/050125_us_law.htm


See additional comments interspersed below, I've put IAHF in front of my

comments so you can distinguish them from Mannatech's comments and from FDA's






What is the current status on Codex?

Has it passed congress?


(MANNATECH COMMENT) This document from the US FDA, seems to put all the

concerns about CODEX behind us, as just a bad dream. It is VERY well worth


as it seems to claim that there is no way that CODEX can override DSHEA.



Sam Caster actually TRUSTS the FDA???? see comments below....




FDA US Food and Drug Administration

CFSAN/Office of Nutritional Products, Labeling and Dietary

Supplements March 2005


Responses to Questions about Codex and Dietary Supplements

Many U.S. consumers have expressed concerns about the development of

the Codex Draft Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements.

Some are concerned that these Guidelines, if adopted by Codex, will restrict

consumers' access to the wide range of vitamin and mineral supplements of

varying potencies legally sold in the United States.


IAHF: No, no one who understands the issue is saying this. What we ARE saying

is that the WTO gives Codex standards TEETH, and thats not John Hammell

saying this, its Jeanne J. Grimmett at the Congressional Research Service saying


in a research article that she wrote for members of Congress to help them

understand that we are bound by our membership in the WTO to harmonize our law


international standards. It was on a basis of her report that Congressman Ron

Paul introduced H J Res 90 which would get us OUT of the WTO, and its due to

her report that he has just introduced the same sort of bill, now numbered as

House Joint Resolution 27.



What we are ALSO saying is that no international trade attorneys have ever

run a test case against DSHEA to see how it might fare in the event of a WTO

Trade Dispute against it. Conventional wisdom within the supplement industry is

currently that our regulatory climate is more flexible than other countries,

therefor they think it is " unlikely " that another country would bring a trade

dispute against the USA because the triggering mechanism would have to be US

refusal to allow a foreign manufacturer to export a product to the USA.


The problem with this line of reasoning is that the Grandfather clause in

DSHEA currently blocks US manufacturers from being allowed to use NDIs (New

Dietary Ingredients) without prior FDA approval. NDIs are ingredients that


in use at the time in '94 when DSHEA became law.


FDA has taken companies to court for having products that contained NDIs that

were never approved. It is not outside the realm of possibility that the FDA

might attempt to block a foreign manufacturer from exporting a product to the

USA on this basis, and it is not outside the realm of possibility that a

country might launch a trade dispute against the USA over this.


Given that the WTO's Dispute Settlement Body is a rigged court that does not

follow US rules of evidence, given the fact that no private citizen (no matter

how well qualified) would normally have standing to appear before it (only if

both conflicting parties were to agree, and this has never happened), in the

event of a trade dispute against DSHEA, we'd be " represented " by the same

unelected FDA bureaucrats who've been " representing " us at Codex meetings......

does THAT give Sam Caster a nice warm feeling inside?


And even if this WASN'T the vehicle used to usher in harmonization,

assertions that this could " never happen here " totally ignore the reality of


It ignores the reality of CAFTA and the FTAA which are intended to create a

carbon copy of the EU in our hemisphere http://www.stoptheftaa.org


It ignores the fact that a hearing on CAFTA will occur on April 6th in the

Senate, and that CAFTA is a stepping stone to FTAA, while FTAA would be a

stepping stone to creation of the Western Atlantic Union, which would be a


copy of the EU Dictatorship in our hemisphere. The long range intent is to

create a hemispheric wide version of the EU, and to call the common currency the

" Amero " . This is in fact unfolding before our eyes, and Mannatech should be

mobilizing its distributors to call their Senators in opposition to CAFTA and

FTAA, but they're doing NOTHING. Distributors should consider suing Sam Caster




The company is not properly looking out for their interests at all. If Caster

think's he's going to survive in a game of swimming with sharks, his

arrogance level is simply off the charts. Codex and the EU Directives which

Codex is

being overlayed with are intended to DESTROY the dietary supplement industry.

The FDA has been trying to do this for years, and they've found a new angle.

See this timeline for further historical understanding:




FDA: Others are concerned that the Guidelines will limit the amount and type


information on the labels of dietary supplements sold in the United States.

Still others believe that the Guidelines will require dietary supplements to

be sold as drugs in the United States.


IAHF: No one who understands this issue has ever said this. The " Guidelines "

as they refer to them are given TEETH via the WTO, and also via the SPS and

TBT language in NAFTA which would be expanded, and enforced hemisphere wide via




We hope the responses below help you understand why the adoption of

Draft Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements by Codex will

not restrict U.S. consumers' access to vitamin and mineral supplements or

impose any restrictions that go beyond those established by U.S. law. We

also hope the responses help explain why the U.S. participates in the Codex

process and how you can keep abreast of Codex activities.


By the time you're done reading this you will grasp that this assertion by

FDA is nothing but SPIN:




What is Codex?


The Codex Alimentarius Commission, or Codex, was created in 1963 by

two U.N. organizations, the Food and Agriculture Organization and the

World Health Organization.


IAHF: Actually, this is false, it was created between 1961- 1962, and thats

straight out of the Codex Procedural Manual, 9th Edition, p. 4. The fact that

FDA can't even get such easily checked facts as this straight is indicative of

the fact that EVERYTHING they're saying here is SPIN, but I'll prove that

below so read on.....


FDA: Its main purpose is to protect the health of

consumers and to ensure fair practices in international trade in food through

the development of food standards, codes of practice, guidelines and other



IAHF: Yeah, right, sure. This is why the Codex process is so non transparent.

This is why every single applicant from our side who wanted to participate in

the WHO's so called " Risk Assessment Workshop " which will create the

framework by which the blanks will be filled in on allowable potency levels of


supplements was EXCLUDED. This " workshop " is being chaired by Christine Lewis

Taylor, a Diectician who believes that we get all the nutrients we need from

our FOOD and that no one ever needs more than the RDA of any given nutrient.


The people who she excluded from our side included Richard Kunin, MD an

esteemed orthomolecular physician in San Francisco with years of clinical

experience using vitamins to treat patients. She also excluded Robert Verkerk,


Exec Dir of the Alliance for Natural Health despite the fact that his

organization was one of only 16 that submitted comments to WHO on this issue-




ANH's submission has been endorsed by a slew of imminent MDs and PhDs on our

side, and Mannatech should be endorsing it. It proves that what WHO is doing

as they move to fill in the blanks on allowable potencies at Codex is totally

unscientific because they're only looking at RISKS, making no attempt to

balance them by also looking at BENEFITS. In other words, they're not applying a

fair standard at all, its totally BIASED.


Also, they're drawing erroneous conclusions from their data- they're looking

at animal data in some instances where far more accurate HUMAN data is

available. They're also making a very selective and biased assessment from the

available scientific literature and they're caught in a horrible conflict of

interest with who they are selecting, we know this because every single solitary

person from our side was excluded.




Codex standards and guidelines are developed by

committees, which are open to all member countries. Member countries

review and provide comments on Codex standards and related texts at

several stages in the development process. In the United States, public

meetings are held to receive comments on Codex drafts and comments are

invited from all interested parties (See U.S. Codex Office web site).




This is highly illusory. As a former member of the US Delegation to the Codex

Committee on Nutrition and Foods For Special Dietary Uses in '96 and in '98

(before being kicked off as a whistleblower trying to put US Delegate Dr.Beth

Yetley from the FDA under congressional scrutiny), I can honestly tell you that

this is a sick JOKE, because the unelected bureaucrats at FDA routinely

IGNORE any input that doesn't come from multinational pharmaceutical companies,


they routinely ignore grass roots representatives on the US Delegation,

listening only to people from multinational drug companies on the delegation.


I know. I've seen this FIRST HAND. Moreover, no videotaping, audio recording

or photography is allowed at Codex meetings which are highly non transparent.

Final Reports from meetings are often doctored by the Chair of the meeting

such that they seldom reflect what actually took place, especially when

dissenting views are aired- see http://www.thenhf.com/codex_25.htm




Codex standards and related texts are voluntary; member countries are not


by or required to adopt them. You can obtain more information about

Codex at the Rome Codex web site. You can also obtain information about

U.S. Codex activities at the U.S. Codex Office web site.



More spin: See " Who Says Whatever Happens at Codex Does Not Affect US Law,

and Why Do They Say It? " http://www.thelawloft.com/Freedom/050125_us_law.htm


Especially this section:

The real key to how things work at Codex is contained in the phrase in

Article 1 of the Statutes of the Codex Alimentarius Commission where it says:


purpose is - " (b) promoting the coordination of all food standards work

undertaken by international governmental and non governmental organizations; "


What is so significant about this phrase are the words promoting the

coordination of ... international governmental and non governmental ... What


means in the real world is taking the work of international industrial lobbying

groups and then cloaking that work with legitimacy and now real binding legal

and political force by feeding their agreements through Codex, an

international governmental entity.


The more jaded among you will say, 'Well, how is that any different from the

way things have worked in Washington for decades?' The answer is it is

different because decisions are made by bureaucrats and the actions are


With a truly domestic piece of legislation you have a chance of overcoming

industrial pressure with grassroots pressure on the people you elected. With an

international guideline, by the time it's done you have almost no chance to win.

You can't bring pressure to bear in all the right places. The real damage was

done long ago and long before you felt it.



What work has Codex undertaken on vitamin and mineral



In the early 1990's, the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for

Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU) began discussions on guidelines for

vitamin and mineral supplements. This Committee is responsible for

studying nutritional issues referred by the Codex Alimentarius Commission;

drafting provisions, as appropriate, on the nutritional aspects of all foods;

and developing standards, guidelines, or related texts for foods for special

dietary uses.


Germany is the host government for the Committee, which has

met either every year or every other year since 1966. At its most recent

session (Bonn, November 1-5, 2004), the Committee completed work on

Draft Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements and submitted

them for adoption by the Codex Alimentarius Commission at the Commission's

July 2005 meeting.




Actually, this is misleading. What they did complete was a FRAMEWORK with the

BLANKS on allowable potency levels to be filled in AFTER the FRAMEWORK is

ratified in July. This is a bit like putting the cart before the horse, and its

being done intentionally to sidestep opposition and to try to marginalize

anyone who doesn't understand fully what is going on, especially those


people who are saying the sky will fall this summer, it will not, Codex does

not move that quickly and it will take years for the affects to be fully felt,

but it IS happening in a very methodical, very incremental way that is

intended to not provoke a public backlash.


FDA is trying to cover their tracks with this sort of spin in the hope that

no one will pay attention to what Christine Lewis Taylor of FDA is doing as she

chairs the WHO Nutrient Risk Assessment Workshop which meets in Europe, in

May at an as yet undisclosed location.... Note that everyone from our side has

been SHUT OUT of these deliberations...in FACT, not even John Hathcock from CRN

which Mannatech belongs to has been allowed to participate, so what makes Sam

Caster so incredibly trusting?



What is the scope and content of these Guidelines?


The Guidelines apply only to supplements that contain vitamins and/or

minerals, where these products are regulated as foods.




For NOW this is true, but the intention to expand the scope of codex to

include all OTHER supplement products is shown here in WHOs statements about


intentions for doing " Nutrient Risk Assessments " --- they intend to cover the

full range of products sold in health food stores:





The Guidelines address the composition of vitamin and mineral supplements,

including the

safety, purity, and bioavailability of the sources of vitamins and minerals.

The Guidelines do not specify upper limits for vitamins and minerals in





Not YET they don't, but they WILL

http://www.who.int/ipcs/highlights/nutrientraproject/en/ and

http://www.alliance-natural-health.org/_docs/ANHWebsiteDoc_145.doc both

discussed in detail above....




Instead, they provide criteria for establishing maximum

amounts of vitamins and minerals per daily portion of supplement consumed,

as recommended by the manufacturer. The criteria specify that

maximum amounts should be established by scientific risk assessment based

on generally accepted scientific data and taking into consideration, as


the varying degrees of sensitivity of different consumer groups.




Misleading spin intended to make what they're doing seem BENIGN, but look at

these numbers: THIS is the end result of their so called " scientific " risk

assessment which ignores BENEFITS and only takes a biased look at supposed

" risks " :http://www.alliance-natural-health.org/_docs/ANHWebsiteDoc_145.doc




The Guidelines also address the packaging and labeling of vitamin and

mineral supplements. We encourage you to read the complete text of the

Guidelines, which is found in Appendix II of the report of the most recent

session of the CCNFSDU. See ALINORM 05/28/26 on the page of Full

Reports of Recent Sessions .




They're counting on no one actually taking the time to read ANY of this fine

print, but upon reading it, we see its not NEARLY as benign as they try to

make it seem.





What has been the U.S. position on these Guidelines?


The U.S. supports consumer choice and access to dietary supplements that

are safe and labeled in a truthful and non-misleading manner. The Dietary

Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) ensures that a

broad array of dietary supplements are available to U.S. consumers. The

Codex Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements will not, in

any way, affect the availability of supplement products to U.S. consumers.

On the contrary, the absence of science-based Codex guidelines could

adversely affect the ability of U.S. manufacturers to compete in the

international marketplace.




This is the SPIN which the FDA and the pharma dominated vitamin trade

associations have been using since '96 when I first called attention to this


By THEMSELVES the " guidelines " can't impact US law, the problem is how they can

be USED by the WTO, and by an FTAA Tribunal set up like the EU is now. We're

seeing the writing on the wall through the hell vitamin consumers in the UK

are going through now over this issue as ANH has sued the EU and are waiting for

a verdict which they won't have til June.





Why won't these Guidelines restrict U.S. consumers' access to vitamin

and mineral supplements?


Some consumers mistakenly believe that if Codex should adopt guidelines

on vitamin and mineral food supplements that are more restrictive than

DSHEA, the U.S. would be required to automatically change its laws and

regulations to comply with the international standard.




No one who really understands this issue has ever said this. See above and

see http://www.thelawloft.com/Freedom/050125_us_law.htm




Some consumers have expressed concerns that the World Trade Organization

(WTO) and its trade dispute settlement panels may place pressure on the U.S. to

change its laws

because of international trade agreements such as the Agreement on the

Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement),

which references Codex as the international organization for food safety



We see no basis for these concerns. First, the DSHEA covers a

much broader range of dietary supplements than the vitamin and mineral

supplements that are the subject of the Codex Guidelines. Moreover, for

supplements covered by these Guidelines, we note the following:

· The SPS Agreement does not require a country to adopt any

international standard.


Rather, the SPS Agreement provides that members may base their Sanitary

and Phytosanitary measures either on international standards, guidelines or

recommendations, where they exist, or may establish measures that result in

a higher level of protection if there is a scientific justification, or if a

country determines it to be appropriate in accord with provisions of the SPS

Agreement (SPS Agreement, Article 3(1) and (3)).



This is NOT the assessment of Jeanne J. Grimmett, a lawyer and researcher at

the US Library of Congress who wrote a report on this issue which caused

Congressman Ron Paul to introduce legislation intended to get us OUT of the WTO.

Communicate with Ron Paul's office and also See






· WTO and WTO dispute panels do not have the power to change

U.S. law.

If a WTO decision in response to a dispute settlement panel is adverse to the

U.S., only Congress and the Administration can decide whether to

implement the panel recommendation, and, if so, how to implement it.




Yes, but the WTO can threaten to impose sanctions against broad sectors of

our economy if we fail to comply, and they've already forced changes to US laws

on several occassions such as this example where WTO forced changes to US Tax

Law http://www.house.gov/paul/tst/tst2005/tst022805.htm The fact is that the

mechanisms are in place for the WTO to force changes to ANY of our laws.


They were even able to force Bush and congress to repeal a tarrif intended to

protect our steel industry from dumping of low cost foreign steel. If they

can force changes to laws intended to protect an industry as powerful as our

steel industry, they can force changes to ANY of our laws.


This is very consistent with the wishes of the people responsible for putting

the unfinished pyramid with the All Seeing Eye of Horus on the back of the US

dollar bill along with the words Novus Ordo Seclorum which mean " New World

Order " in Latin. FDA would have us believe none of this is going on, but what

about the push for FTAA? http://www.stoptheftaa.org




· For dietary supplements, it is unlikely that another country will accuse

the U.S. of imposing a trade barrier for the importation of supplement

products into the U.S. marketplace because the U.S. laws and regulations

are generally broader in scope and less restrictive than the international





Covered this above, see my discussion of the Grandfather clause in DSHEA, and

my discussion of how corrupt the WTO's Dispute Settlement Body is.

See the book WTO- Whose Trade Organization? By Lori Wallach, JD which

documents that every decision made by the WTO's Dispute Settlement Body has gone

against the public health, against the environment, against labor rights,


human rights, against every intangible that goes into the make up of any

democratic nation's laws.






· However, other countries with more restrictive laws and regulations for

dietary supplement products than the U.S. may create trade barriers to the

importation of products manufactured by the U.S. dietary supplement

industry. Thus, the U.S. government's involvement in the setting of


standards can help minimize the potential of trade barriers to U.S

products in international trade.





This is all spin- see http://www.thelawloft.com/Freedom/050125_us_law.htm

This is what the pharma elements controlling the vitamin trade associations such

as CRN want companies like Mannatech to BELIEVE, but its not TRUE. Incredibly,

Sam Caster is taking what he's being told at FACE VALUE and he's making no

effort to do do his own homework and to critically examine what he's being TOLD.

Given that this crap is coming from the FDA which has a very long history of

ATTACKING the US supplement industry, why is he so quick to just ACCEPT this

uncritically? See this timeline:

http://www.iahf.citymaker.com/page/page/1818351.htm It is shockiing and

OUTRAGEOUS that Sam Castor has bought in to the

FDA's lies given their LONG HISTORY of attacking our industry.




Further, there is no basis for the concern

that the Codex Guidelines on Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements

would require dietary supplements be sold as prescription drugs in the

United States. First, there is nothing in the Guidelines that suggests that

supplements be sold as drugs requiring a prescription. Second, U.S.

regulatory agencies are bound by the laws established by Congress, not by

Codex standards. Third, because of our generally less restrictive standards,

it is unlikely that the trade dispute would be brought against the U.S.




All of this is empty spin employing the use of " straw man " arguments where

FDA has utilized bad questions to set up strawmen that are easily knocked down.

See http://www.thelawloft.com/Freedom/050125_us_law.htm See the numbers

they're pushing for at Codex for " Maximum Safe Permitted Levels " right here



Then GRASP that you wouldn't be able to get the products you want AT ALL, not

EVEN from a doctor by prescription because if Codex has its way,

manufacturers won't even be allowed to manufacture them. We see this through the

lens of

whats happening with the EU Food Supplement Directive which is being overlaid

as a template atop Codex http://www.alliance-natural-health.org




In summary, U.S. consumers' access to a broad array of dietary supplements

under DSHEA would not be changed in any way by Codex's

adoption of guidelines on vitamin and mineral food supplements. The

Guidelines also include packaging and labeling provisions for vitamin and

mineral food supplement products. Would vitamin and mineral supplements

sold in the U.S. be required to comply with these?


All Codex standards and

related texts are voluntary, and vitamin and mineral food supplement

products sold in the U.S. would not be required to comply with provisions

that are more restrictive than U.S. law (i.e., DSHEA).





This is all empty spin, see See

http://www.thelawloft.com/Freedom/050125_us_law.htm See the numbers they're

pushing for at Codex for " Maximum Safe

Permitted Levels " right here

http://www.alliance-natural-health.org/_docs/ANHWebsiteDoc_145.doc Then GRASP

that you wouldn't be able to get the products you want

AT ALL, not EVEN from a doctor by prescription because if Codex has its way,

manufacturers won't even be allowed to manufacture them.


We see this through the lens of whats happening with the EU Food Supplement

Directive which is being overlaid as a template atop Codex

http://www.alliance-natural-health.org and also grasp that this totally ignores

the reality of

globalization- see http://www.stoptheftaa.org




If the U.S. is not trying to harmonize its regulatory framework for

dietary supplements with Codex, what are the benefits of our country

participating in the process of developing these Codex Guidelines?




First of all the question ITSELF is phony, the FDA IS trying to harmonize us

to Codex, I've seen it with my own two eyes through their actions at Codex

meetings I attended in Germany in '96 and '98 and it was due to my efforts as a

whistleblower that I was kicked off the US Codex Delegation prior to the

meeting in Berlin in 2000. It was due to pushing for oversight on this issue

that I

had death threats and it the hearing held on March 20, 2001 was whitewashed.


The only person who was allowed to testify was a shill for Pfizer

Pharmaceutical company who was and still is a co chair on NNFA's International


(his co chair at the time was an employee of Pfizer, his name is Randy Dennin,

see IADSA EXPOSED http://www.iahf.com/iadsa/index.html about the unholy

alliance between IADSA and the FDA......(IADSA is supposedly representing " our "

interests at Codex...





Our participation in the Codex process is important to encourage the

development of guidelines on vitamin and mineral supplements that are

based on sound science and not on arbitrary criteria. For example,

encouraging the use of science-based risk assessment for determining the

maximum levels of vitamins and minerals in supplements reduces the

chance that arbitrary standards will be used for determining maximum





Total LIE. There is NOTHING " science based " about only examining risks, while

ignoring benefits. There is nothing " scientific " about examining skewed data

when assessing risks, and all of this is exposed in ANH's submission to the

WHO committee which is doing this supposedly " scientific " work- see






How can I keep abreast of the work of Codex?


To keep abreast of U.S. Codex activities, you may want to periodically

access the U.S. Codex Office website. You can also obtain the agenda and

reference documents for Commission and committee meetings and final

reports from these meetings from the Rome Codex website. The appendices

to the committee reports provide the latest draft versions following a

committee meeting of some of the Codex standards that are being developed

or revised by the Committee.


You might want to check this link on Codex and dietary Supplements from







What a sick JOKE- What GARBAGE!!! By now anyone who has taken the time to

examine my documentation will realize that both the FDA and the pharma dominated

vitamin trade associations are lying through their TEETH on this issue!


For Health Freedom,

John C. Hammell, President

International Advocates for Health Freedom

556 Boundary Bay Road

Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA



800-333-2553 N.America

360-945-0352 World




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