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Artichoke- Aids Liver, Lowers Blood Cholesterol & Blood Sugar

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Misty L. Trepke



Artichoke aids the liver, lowers blood cholesterol & blood

sugar levels


Artichoke is a medicinal plant used to treat liver ailments


It is a perennial plant growing to five or six feet. The unopened

flower heads and leaves are picked in early summer. It is the

flowerhead that is widely used as a vegetable, with the petals and

the bottom on the flower eaten.


The thick rhizome, the leaves, and the flowerhead are used



Key Actions


digestive stimulant


lowers blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels



Key Components


cynarin (leaves)


sesquiterpene lactone (cynaropicrin)




Medicinal Parts


Flower head, roots, leaves

Cynaropicrin is strongly bitter, making it a valuable digestive and

liver remedy.


The cynarin in the leaves has liver-protecting properties.


Studies indicate that cynarin and luteolin extracts inhibit the

body's synthesis of cholesterol, and thus help lower levels.



Traditional Uses


Artichokes are used mainly for liver and gallbladder complaints and

as a prophylactic treatment against the return of gallstones.


Like milk thistle, artichokes benefit the liver by protecting it

against toxins and infections.


Although the leaves are particularly effective, all parts of the

plant can stimulate digestive secretions especially bile making it

good for all digestive problems including indigestion, nausea, and

abdominal distension.


A good food for diabetics, it is taken in the early stages of late-

onset diabetes to lower blood sugar levels.


In France, artichokes are used to treat rheumatic conditions.


It is widely used in Central and South America as a

medicinal plant to treat liver ailments and related problems.


In Guatemala, the dried leaves are sold in markets to treat liver



In Brazil, a decoction is used for indigestion and liver ailments.


Mexicans use it for hypertension, cystitis, and calcification of the



In northern and western Mexico, a tea of the boiled flowers and

leaves is used as a treatment for adult-onset diabetes.



Botanical Names


Family Compositae

Cynara scolymus syn. C. cardunculus





Artichokes were greatly valued by the ancient Greeks and Romans.

Dioscorides recommended applying the mashed root to the armpits and

elsewhere on the body to sweeten offensive odours.




Common Names

Garden Artichoke, Globe Artichoke

Spanish: Alcachofra, Alcachofera, Artichaut

Nahuatl: Quahtlahuitzquilitl



Should not be used if there is a bile duct blockage as colic may


If gallstones are present, use only under the guidance of a



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