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The Water Cure: How Much & How Often

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Misty L. Trepke




The Water Cure: How Much & How Often




by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.


Let me give you the single most effective prescription for well-

being, improved health, disease prevention, potentially reversible

stages of degenerative diseases—and finally the best pain medicine

in the world. It needs no doctor's prescription. It is freely

available. It costs nothing. It has no dangerous side effects. It is

the medication your body cries for when it is stressed. It is good

old plain, natural water—ready cash for the industrial systems of

the body.


Every twenty-four hours the body recycles the equivalent of forty

thousand glasses of water to maintain its normal physiological

functions. It does this every day of its life. Within this pattern

of water metabolism and its recycling process, and depending on

environmental conditions, the body becomes short of about six to ten

glasses of water each day. This deficit has to be supplied to the

body every day.


If you think you are different and your body does not need this

amount of water, you are making a major mistake. The body uses up

the equivalent of between six to eight glasses of its total body

water for essential functions. It needs on average upwards of half

its weight in ounces of water per day—a minimum of eight to ten

glasses. Water should be taken in eight- or sixteen-ounce portions

spaced throughout the day. In the same way you don't let your car

run out of gas before you fill the tank, the body must not be

allowed to become dehydrated before you drink water.


· Water should be drunk before meals. The optimum time is

thirty minutes before eating. This prepares the digestive tract,

particularly in people with gastritis, duodenitis, heartburn, peptic

ulcer, colitis, or gas-producing indigestion.


· Water should be taken anytime you are thirsty—even during



· Water should be taken two and a half hours after a meal to

complete the process of digestion and correct the dehydration caused

by food breakdown.


· Water should be taken first thing in the morning to correct

dehydration produced during long sleep.


· Water should be taken before exercising to have it available

for creating sweat.


· Water should be taken by people who are constipated and don't

eat sufficient fruits and vegetables. Two to three glasses of water

first thing in the morning act as a most effective laxative.



Naturally, we wonder why we should drink water and not the pleasing

and taste-enhancing beverages that are now the staples of our modern

society. After all, they are made from water and do the job of

quenching our thirst—or at least we feel they do. In fact, much of

the problem of bad health is founded on this misconception. As far

as the chemistry of the body is concerned, water and fluids are two

different things. As it happens, popular manufactured beverages

contain some chemicals that alter the body's chemistry at its

central nervous system's control centers. Even milk is not the same

as water. Milk is a food and must be treated as food.


The body needs water—nothing substitutes for water. Coffee, tea,

soda, alcohol, and even milk and juices are not the same as water.



· A cup of coffee contains about 80 milligrams of caffeine, and

a cup of tea or one soda has about 50 milligrams.


· Chocolate also contains caffeine and theobromine, which acts

like caffeine.


· Caffeine further dehydrates the body—you urinate more than

the volume of water contained in the beverage.


· Caffeine blocks the production of melatonin in the brain. Dr.

Kenneth Wright Jr. discovered the melatonin-inhibiting effect of

caffeine in 1994. This inhibitory effect of caffeine on melatonin

production by the pineal gland of the brain seems to last six to

nine hours. Melatonin regulates the functions of the body during

sleep; it induces sleep. Thus, melatonin inhibition is one reason

why coffee induces wakefulness.


· Caffeine intake on a regular basis by pregnant women can

increase the risk of producing lowbirth-weight infants. It can even

cause spontaneous abortion or damage to the fetus.


· Caffeine inhibits the enzymes used in memory making,

eventually causing loss of memory. It has been shown to inhibit the

enzyme phosphodiesterase (phospho-di-esterase), which is involved in

the process of learning and memory development.


· Caffeine can be toxic to brain cells. Some plants use

caffeine as a defense against their predators. Caffeine toxicity in

predators decreases their natural wit and ability for survival

against their own predators. They forget how to camouflage

themselves and become prey to their own predators. This is how the

coffee plant gets rid of its pests.


· Seniors and children should not take caffeine. It can affect

their normal brain functions, and their wit to survive may become

less sharp.


· People taking five to six cups of coffee a day are twice as

likely to suffer heart attacks.


· Caffeine can damage DNA and cause abnormal DNA by inhibiting

the DNA-repair mechanism.


· Caffeine has been shown to cause genetic abnormalities in

animals and plants.


· Caffeine attacks the brain cells' reserves of energy and

lowers their threshold of control, so that the cells overspend from

their energy pool. It indiscriminately turns on many energy-

consuming functions to the point of causing exhaustion. When brain

cells that have been influenced by caffeine confront a new situation

that demands their full cooperation, they have a shortfall of

energy. This creates a delay in brain response—hence exhaustion and

irritability after excess caffeine consumption. Caffeine may cause

attention deficit disorder in young people who consume too much soda.


· Water by itself generates hydroelectric energy. Caffeine in

the same water stimulates the kidneys and causes more water to exit

the body than is in the drink. This exhausts the brain cells'

reserves of energy.


Caffeine-containing sodas with artificial sweeteners are more

dangerous than those containing regular sugar. Artificial sweeteners

are potent chemical agents that fool the brain cells by masking as

sugar. Sweetness normally translates to the entry of energy into the

body. The sweeteners, through the taste buds, program the brain to

behave as if ample sugar for its consumption has reached the body

and will imminently reach it through the circulation. Since there is

strict control on the level of sugar in the blood, the brain

calculates the outcome of the sweetness and instructs and programs

the liver not to manufacture sugar from other raw materials, but to

begin storing sugar. When the sugar that was promised through the

taste buds is nowhere to be found, the brain and the liver prompt a

hunger sensation to find food and make good on the promise of

energy. The result is a state of anxiety about food. It has been

shown that people who consume artificial sweeteners seek food, and

eat more than normal, up to ninety minutes after the intake of the

sweetener. This is part of the reason why more than 37 percent of

the population is obese.


Caffeine-containing diet sodas, therefore, constitute a sort of

double jeopardy to the body in that caffeine causes many

complications, while artificial sweeteners have their own

detrimental chemical effects. Decaffeinated diet sodas may be

particularly harmful in diet programs, especially if the sweetener

is aspartame. Aspartame has been implicated in the increased

incidence of brain tumors and seizures.



· Alcohol in beverages causes dehydration—the kidneys flush

water out.


· Alcohol prevents the emergency water supply system to the

brain. It inhibits the action of vasopressin and causes brain-cell

dehydration. It is brain dehydration that signals as a hangover

after you have taken a few drinks.


· Alcohol can be addictive and functionally depressive.


· Alcohol can cause impotence.


· Alcohol can cause liver damage.


· Alcohol can suppress the immune system.


· Alcohol consumption may increase the chances of developing



· Alcohol produces free radicals (acidlike substances) that

normally attack and damage some sensitive tissues if allowed to

circulate freely. Among other things, melatonin is used up to

scavenge these free radicals. This results in low melatonin content

in the body.


· Alcohol addiction may be caused in part by dehydration of

cell membranes, particularly brain cells.


· Dehydration promotes the secretion of the natural endorphins

in the body—the addictive factor.


Now that I have mentioned alcohol, let me also tell you that most

alcoholics are actually searching for water. Water has a natural

satiety impact through the hormones motilin, serotonin, and

adrenaline, which culminates in the enhanced action of the body's

endorphins. Alcoholics learn that alcohol, through its stressful

dehydrating action on the brain, will also cause the release of

endorphins. This is how they become addicted to alcohol. If

alcoholics begin to increase their water intake, or reach for a

glass of water in place of a beer or a shot of their favorite hard

stuff, their cravings for alcohol will tend to decrease and they

will be more likely to kick the habit with surprising ease.


The natural action of alcohol on the brain is an across-the-board

inhibition of all its functions, including its pain-sensing centers.

The inhibitory centers of the brain are depressed first. This is how

some people get an emotional release in the presence of others from

taking alcohol. If these people are by themselves, alcohol will

probably put them to sleep. In short, alcohol is a depressant.

Depressed people should not take it. Water, on the other hand, does

not depress the brain, and it provides a more satisfying and

enduring high, with lots of energy to perform whatever is desired.



Replacing the water requirement of the body with juices or milk

causes different problems. Too much orange juice increases histamine

production and can cause asthma in children and adults. Even the

natural sugar in juices will program the liver into fat-storing mode—

a prescription for getting fat.


Milk should be considered a food. Infants who receive formulated

milk other than mother's milk need it in a much more diluted form

than is manufactured at present. Non-breast-fed babies should

receive more water in their diet. It has been shown in some

autopsies that infants who were not on mother's milk had developed

heart arteries that showed signs of cholesterol. It is true that

milk is a good watery source of calcium and proteins for health

maintenance, yet milk should not be taken as a total replacement of

the water that the body needs. It should be remembered that cow's

milk is naturally designed for the calf that begins to walk within

hours of its birth. To give undiluted milk to babies or children who

are not moving much may be inviting trouble.


It is clear that the human body has many distinct ways of showing

its general or local water needs, including its production of many

localized complications such as asthma and allergies. Other drastic

signs of the body's water needs are localized chronic pains such as

heartburn, dyspepsia, rheumatoid joint pain, back pain, migraine

headaches, leg pain when walking, colitis pain, and a most advanced

sign, anginal pain. Complications such as hypertension, Alzheimer's

disease, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, cholesterol

blockage of the arteries (leading to heart attack and strokes), and

diabetes may also be connected to dehydration. Ultimately, cancers,

I believe, may also be a major health problem connected to

persistent water shortage of the human body.


Chronic dehydration produces many symptoms, signs, and, eventually,

the degenerative diseases. The physiological outcome of the sort of

dehydration that produces any of the problems mentioned earlier in

the book is almost the same. Different bodies manifest their early

symptoms of drought differently, but in persistent dehydration that

has been camouflaged by prescription medications, one by one the

other symptoms and signs will kick in, and eventually the person

will suffer from multiple " diseases. "


We in medicine have labeled these conditions as outright " diseases "

or have grouped them as different " syndromes. " In recent years, we

have grouped some of the syndromes—with some typical blood tests—and

called them autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, multiple sclerosis,

muscular dystrophy, insulinindependent diabetes, and so on.


Medical research has until now been conducted on the assumption that

many conditions—which I consider to be states of dehydration or its

complications are diseases of unknown etiology. From the presently

held perspectives of human health problems, we are not allowed to

use the word cure. We can at best " treat " a problem and hope it

goes " into remission. "


From my perspective, most painful degenerative diseases are states

of local or regional drought—with varying patterns. It naturally

follows that, once the drought is corrected, the problem will be

cured if the dehydration damage is not extensive. I also believe

that to evaluate deficiency disorders—water deficiency being one of

them—we do not need to observe the same research protocols that are

applied to the research of chemical products. Identifying the

shortage and correcting the deficiency is all we have to do.


It is now clear that the treatment for all dehydration produced

conditions is the same—a single treatment protocol for umpteen

number of conditions. Isn't that great? One program solves so many

problems and avoids costly and unnecessary interferences with the



The first step in this treatment program involves a clear and

determined upward adjustment of daily water intake. Persistent

dehydration also causes a disproportionate loss of certain elements

that should be adequately available in the stored reserves in the



Naturally, the ideal treatment protocol will also involve an

appropriate correction of the associated metabolic disturbance. In

short, treatment of dehydration produced diseases also involves

correction of the secondary deficiencies that water deficiency

imposes on some tissues of the body. This multiple-deficiency

phenomenon, caused by dehydration, is at the root of many

degenerative diseases.


A change of lifestyle becomes vital for the correction of any

dehydration-produced disorder. The backbone of The Water Cure

program is, simply, sufficient water and salt intake; regular

exercise; a balanced, mineral-rich diet that includes lots of fruits

and vegetables and the essential fats needed to create cell

membranes, hormones, and nerve insulation; exclusion of caffeine and

alcohol; and meditation to solve and detoxify stressful thoughts.

Exclusion of artificial sweeteners from the diet is an absolute must

for better health.


It should also be remembered that the sort of dehydration that

manifests itself as asthma leaves other scars within the interior

parts of the human body. This is why asthma in childhood is such a

devastating condition that leaves its mark on children and may

expose them to many different health problems in later life. My

understanding of the serious damaging effects of dehydration during

childhood is the reason I have been concentrating much of my efforts

on the eradication of asthma among children.


The first nutrient the body needs is water. Water is a nutrient. It

generates energy. Water dissolves all the minerals, proteins,

starch, and other water-soluble components and, as blood, carries

them around the body for distribution. Think of blood as seawater

that has a few species of fish in it—red cells, white cells,

platelets, proteins, and enzymes that swim to a destination. The

blood serum has almost the same mineral consistency and proportions

as seawater. The human body is in constant need of water. It loses

water through the lungs when we breathe out. It loses water in

perspiration, in urine production, and in daily bowel movements. A

good gauge for the water needs of the body is the color of urine. A

well-hydrated person produces colorless urine—not counting the color

of vitamins or color additives in food. A comparatively dehydrated

person produces yellow urine. A truly dehydrated person produces

urine that is orange in color. An exception is those who are on

diuretics and flush water out of their already dehydrated bodies and

yet produce colorless urine.


The body needs no less than two quarts of water and a half teaspoon

of salt every day to compensate for its natural losses in urine,

respiration, and perspiration. Less than this amount will place a

burden on the kidneys. They will have to work harder to concentrate

the urine and excrete as much chemical toxic waste in as little

water as possible. This process is highly taxing to the kidney

cells. A rough rule of thumb for those who are heavyset is to drink

a half ounce of water for every pound of body weight. A two-hundred-

pound person will need to take one hundred ounces of water. Water

should be taken anytime you are thirsty, even in the middle of a

meal. Water intake in the middle of a meal does not drastically

affect the process of digestion, but dehydration during food intake

does. You should also take at least two glasses of water first thing

in the morning to correct for water loss during eight hours of sleep.




Excerpted from Water for Health, for Healing, for Life by F.

Batmanghelidj, M.D. 2003 Fereydon Batmanghelidj, M.D..

Excerpted by arrangement with Warner Books, Inc. $14.95. Available

in local bookstores or

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