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What's The Real Truth About FDA's Guidance


Document That's Causing An Uproar


Over The Internet?


By: John Hammell




April 28, 2007




Crusador Comment: There has been a flood of Internet attention

recently directed to FDA's Guidance Document Regarding Complementary

and Alternative Medicine. Some organizations have claimed that the

sky is going to fall if consumer action is not taken by April 30,

2007. Some of the organizations reporting on these events are well

meaning and do a great job at educating the public on issues of

health. Unfortunately, a web of lies and half truths have been spun

to confuse supplement consumers about these facts. It's interesting

that the Bible refers to Satan as the author of confusion. The old

adage of divide and conquer seems to be at work in the health freedom



Crusador has played an active role in helping people stay informed on

these issues for many years. From personal experience, first hand

knowledge, and my own investigative reporting I have found the

information published and disseminated by John Hammell of IAHF and

Scott Tips of the National Health Federation to be right on par.


About 2 years ago a new organization emerged called the Natural

Solutions Foundation directed by Rima Laibow and her husband, retired

Army intelligence officer General Bert Stubblebine. Every single

organization involved in the health freedom movement has been

contacted by Rima Laibow. She is very convincing when you hear her

speak. She has a sweet voice and is very well educated on many health

issues. Her intentions seem very sincere and honorable when you speak

with her. However, those who have been actively involved in fighting

Codex and other threats against our health freedoms have found fault

with a lot of material disseminated by the NSF and the actions they

are requesting consumers to take.


Crusador would like to apologize for any erroneous information that

may have been disseminated recently by our web postings.


If you'd like to learn the full truth about what's going on, I highly

encourage you to read the following email blast put out by John

Hammell of IAHF. I would also encourage you to view all the links

Hammell has included. Once you see what he has to say and the facts

he backs his work up with, I think you will see why you need to

become better informed about what's really going on.





Codex Being Ushered in via Regional Harmonization

By John Hammell of IAHF




Exposing the Spin of the Natural Solutions Foundation (NSF)



NSF's General Bert Stubblebine




IAHF List:


On April 4th, I sent this alert out to the IAHF list telling you

about Jerome Corsi's interview with me in which I discussed the

immense threat posed to our access to dietary supplements by the

FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter With Canada/ Mexico:WND: Food

Supplements Targetted By Trilateral Deal----IAHF's Mssg Spreading

Rapidly---- Momentum Keeps Building!! http://www.ymlp.com/



Due to Corsi's article on April 4th, IAHF had the largest single day

surge of signings (430) on our petition calling for Congressional

oversight on FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter. The very next day

(April 5th) only 75 people signed our petition. What curtailed the

flow of people to our petition?


On April 5th, the (so called) Natural Solutions Foundation generated

a spin piece intended to scare the hell out of the vitamin consuming

public and to con huge numbers of people to go into a frenzy of

forwarding their (phony) alert about an FDA Guidance Document. Here

is the spin NSF puts on their website which was so successful in

distracting people from the REAL threat of the FDA Trilateral

Cooperation Charter, by focusing peoples attention on a non existent

threat: healthfreedomusa




" The FDA is using legal maneuvering to end your access to natural

health products (like vitamins, minerals and herbs) and natural

health therapies of all sorts. Again. This time, their ploy is to

declare the therapies are " Medicine " so any non-physician who uses

them will be practicing medicine without a license. Since these

practices are " Medicine " , any products used would be untested drugs

and therefore forbidden. "


FDA Guidance Documents can't change existing law, and this one is no

exception. It can't change the Dietary Supplement Health and

Education Act. What NSF has done is they have not accurately reported

what is in this Guidance document, nor have they accurately reported

what an FDA Guidance document is for.


The FDA's Federal Register Notice about this can be found here:



The Guidance Document is found here: Click Here


In the Guidance document, the FDA doesn't say anything new about the

regulation of dietary supplements that we haven't known since passage

of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994. They

plainly state that regulation of a dietary supplement would depend on

labeling and intended use- DSHEA has never allowed medicinal claims

to be made on any product, and this Guidance document doesn't change

existing law- contrary to what NSF would have you believe- the sky is

NOT falling! On May 1, you'll be able to go into any health food

store in America and buy whatever products you're buying now (!!)


NSF's purpose, and timing on this NONSENSE appears to have been to

DISTRACT people from the VERY REAL threat of the FDA's Trilateral

Cooperation Charter wherein the FDA is illegally harmonizing our food

and drug regulations with Canada and Mexico, and under which FDA has

adopted the overly broad Canadian definition of " Health Fraud " (where

even WATER becomes a " Drug " ), and under which the FDA has already

engaged in at least 730 compliance actions against dietary supplement

manufacturers manufacturing weight loss products (as if a North

American Union were already in existence despite the complete absence

of any implementing legislation that would make their actions legal.)


Thus, NSF appears to be attempting to DELIBERATELY DISTRACT dietary

supplement consumers from a REAL threat, by trying to distract us

using the most scurrulous form of SPIN in an effort to try to DEPICT

an ordinary FDA Guidance Document as a presumed " Threat " when it in




If you were among the world's ruling elite, and you wanted to impose

a North American Union on the American people by deconstructing our

country, you would want to try to NEUTRALIZE any person or group that

was making the connection between the Codex vitamin issue and

regional harmonization because you would be afraid that such a person

or group MIGHT SUCCEED in arousing the SLEEPING GIANT- the Millions

of Americans who generated the largest flood of letters to congress

in this HISTORY of Congress on ANY issue during the campaign to pass

the Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), to get

them to pressure congress to STOP the North American Union!


You would be afraid that such a person or group MIGHT be able to

overcome the spin coming from the pharma dominated vitamin trade

associations on the Codex issue http://www.nocodexgenocide.com/page/

page/3112930.htm so as to get them calling the Oversight &

Investigations Subcommittee in large enough numbers that they'd HAVE

to hold oversight hearings on not only the FDA's Trilateral

Cooperation Charter, but ALSO on the North American Union itself!


You would therefor want to have an INSURANCE POLICY in place in the

form of a controlled opposition group. The PURPOSE of such a group

would be to attempt to APPEAR as the most knowledgable organization

on the Codex issue- ie- " the group to follow " , but the group would

slickly generate a constant stream of spin, and disinformation in

order to try to STEER the grass roots into a combination of DEAD ENDS

and DISTRACTIONS so as to HIJACK the health freedom movement- to KEEP

the movement from successfully defending America's sovereignty

knowing that Codex is being ushered in via Regional Harmonization.


See http://www.nocodexgenocide.com/page/page/3312735.htm and http://


moderngeneral.html to get a deeper understanding of this phenomena

as it pertains to the (so called) " Natural Solutions Foundation " .


Can you think of a better couple to perpetuate this disinformation

than a retired Army Major General, the Director of Army Intelligence

whose reports went directly to the CIA and to the White House and his

psychiatrist wife? These people have been very highly trained in the

use of such manipulation techniques as the Delphi Technique, the

Semantic Differential, and many others. As a specialist in the area

of Military Intelligence, Stubblebine was professionally trained in

the art of deception.


Ever since NSF has entered our movement, they've been generating spin

against the message of IAHF and Allied groups. When CAFTA was moving

through Congress we recognized that it would rope us more into Codex

due to the SPS (Sanitary Phytosanitary Measures) language it contains

which is found identically in NAFTA, WTO, and CODEX. We recognized

that CAFTA would result in an expansion of the disastrous policies of

NAFTA to further undermine our National Sovereignty so IAHF and

Allied Groups launched a campaign to try to kill it.


We were COUNTERED however by no less than SEVEN spin pieces from Rima

Laibow of NSF which claimed that CAFTA had " no connection " to Codex,

and they claimed that an in fact NON EXISTENT " Miracle " had occurred

at a Codex meeting they'd just attended (allegedly due to their



This spin appears to have been concocted in order to generate

COGNITIVE DISSONANCE so that people would hear OUR message, then

THEIR conflicting message, and in the CONFUSION, they'd then sit on

their HANDS and not call Congress in opposition to CAFTA. (Paul

Taylor's ably dispelled any notion that a " Miracle " had occurred at

Codex here:






It sure seems that way to me. Since the latest " Rima Eruption "

numerous misguided people and publications including Mike Adams of

News Target, Jeff Rense, the Price Pottenger Foundation, Jenny

Thompson of Health Sciences Institute, Joyce Riley of the Power Hour

Radio Show, and Ed Griffin of Freedom Force International made the

mistake of FORWARDING her spin, wholly without grasping what is going



Suddenly, this " Chicken Little " scenario started taking on a LIFE OF

ITS OWN in cyberspace. The " Blogosphere " was buzzing with the phony

" News " , and the number of signatures on the Petition calling for

Congressional Oversight on the Trilateral Coopertion Charter fell

off- never again have we had another day like April 4th when the

World Net Daily article appeared on the web because our GENUINE news

had been pushed aside by this carefully conducted SPIN campaign.





It is ESSENTIAL that you educate everyone you know to the following

KEY FACTS so that they'll understand whats going on:


1. The European Union was originally planned by the Nazi High Command

in the waning hours of WW2 as a long range means by which to achieve

through POLITICAL means what Germany was UNABLE to attain militarily.

The EU is a fascist dictatorship in which individual rights have been

CRUSHED. The NAU is being patterned after it: [Watch: The Real Face

of the European Union: http://www.stopthenorthamericanunion.com/



2. The same ruling elite factions that put Hitler into office were

the architects of the EU, and these SAME people are working very hard

to force a North American Union patterned after the EU on Canada, the

USA and Mexico. [Watch: National Problematique- The North American

Nightmare http://www.youtube.com/watch?

v=3tg8suvwS3o & mode=related & search=


3. Read: Treason Abounds Gov't Cabal Plots North American Union





In 1994 the American people flooded Congress with more calls, faxes

and personal visits than has ever occurred before or sense in the

HISTORY of Congress during the drive to pass DSHEA. This occurred in

the face of an FDA rulemaking effort that threatened to DESTROY our

access to dietary supplements, but we STOPPED IT!!


Just as we did that in '94, TODAY we CAN stop the FDA's Trilateral

Cooperation Charter with Canada and Mexico via which FDA is trying to

bring in Codex by first harmonizing our food based dietary supplement

regs with Canada's and Mexico's far HARSHER regulatory regimes by

clamoring for OVERSIGHT on this issue as a PRELUDE to ALSO pushing

for oversight hearings on all OTHER illegal acts being committed

against our country by the Commerce Committee as well.


Direct EVERYONE YOU KNOW to this petition: http://



And join me in CALLING the Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee of

the House Commerce Committee to push for oversight:



1. Your own Senators and Congressmen (via Capital Switchboard at

202-225-31212. The House Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee-

see list below: Call via Capital Switchboard 202-225-3121 ask to be

connected. http://energycommerce.house.gov/Subcommittees/ovin.shtml



(Ratio: 9-7)

Bart Stupak (MI), Chairman


Diana DeGette, CO Ed Whitfield, KY,

Charlie Melancon, LA, Vice Chair Ranking Member

Charlie Norwood, GA

Henry A. Waxman, CA Greg Walden, OR

Gene Green, TX Mike Ferguson, NJ

Mike Doyle, PA Tim Murphy, PA

Jan Schakowsky, IL Michael C. Burgess, TX

Jay Inslee, WA Joe Barton, TX (Ex


John D. Dingell (Ex Officio)




“I support International Advocates for Health Freedom’s efforts to

get oversight on the FDA’s Trilateral Cooperation Charter. The FDA is

holding illegal meetings with regulatory counterparts in Canada and

Mexico via the Trilateral Cooperation Charter. Through this they are

creating one harmonized set of food and drug regulations as if our

country no longer existed, as if we were already part of a North

American Union. A subset of TCC is called the Mexico, US, Canada

Health Fraud Working Group- (MUCH).


This group has issued over 730 warning letters to dietary supplement

manufacturers who manufacture weight loss products in all 3 nations.

This is a clear effort by the FDA to subvert existing US law- the

Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994. Its part of a

planned effort to DECONSTRUCT our country and to force us into a

planned North American Union.


I strongly request that Congress hold oversight hearings on this

matter and that the FDA be stopped from what they are doing. Over

10,400 people have signed IAHF’s petition on this matter, and I am

one of them. I am telling everyone I know about this. I also oppose

the Department of Commerce’s equally illegal actions as they too are

attempting to deconstruct our nation via the Security and Prosperity

Partnership of North America. These, along with Bush’s other illegal

acts serve as ample grounds for impeachment.”



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