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Coconut Oil

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Flaxseed oil is the one that really cannot handle any heat at all.



oleander soup , Mike Golden <goldenmike86



> It's the other way around. Coconut oil is very stable and is the

best oil for for cooking, particularly at higher temps, as in frying.


> Mike



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It seems that the virgin (unrefined) is better and more likely to be fairly traded. http://www.virgincoconutoil.co.uk/certified_organic_RBD_coconut_oil.htmI LOVE the taste and smell - it's the oily texture in my mouth that makes me want to yawp. I eat it off a spoon semi-solid now, just can't handle liquid oil. That's why smoothies are so good - camouflages that texture.--- On Mon, 2/2/09, Rupert Jameson <rupert.jameson wrote:Rupert Jameson <rupert.jamesonRe: Re: coconut oiloleander soup Date: Monday, February 2, 2009, 1:31 PM


The de-oderised coconut oil has a very bland taste and if you keep it in the fridge you can use as a bread spread you may flavour it with marmite or honey. You get used to it .


Rupert--- On Mon, 2/2/09, jrrjim <jim.mcelroy10@ > wrote:

jrrjim <jim.mcelroy10@ > Re: coconut oiloleander soupMonday, February 2, 2009, 7:14 AM



It works best if you put the lime in the coconut and you drink them both up...I don't know about 6 tablespoons, but if you use coconut oil wherever you used to use margarine or butter you might be able to get close. I don't know how strict your cancer diet is, but I use coconut oil instead of butter on sprouted whole wheat toast. I've heard of people putting it on popcorn instead of butter. oleander soup, Rhoda Mead <hummingbird541@ ...> wrote:>> *Interesting that someone was able to ingest SIX tablespoons of coconut oil> a day. HOW? yech, bleah. I use it as a condiment, use coconut milk in soups.> Put some turmeric in coco oil, ate it, and decided to get curcumin caps. Has> anyone tried large amounts of coconut oil for cancer that you know of?*

*> Rhoda*>

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Coconut Oil is great in Dr. Schuze's Super Tonic....... you can make your own w/garlic, ginger, onion, horseradish root, cayanne peppers and apple cider vinager (with mother in it).....set on the new moon and strained (if you like to a tincture on the new moon. Or just chew it all. I make 6 quarts at a time. I




oleander soup

Monday, February 02, 2009 9:18 PM

Re: Re: coconut oil







It seems that the virgin (unrefined) is better and more likely to be fairly traded. http://www.virgincoconutoil.co.uk/certified_organic_RBD_coconut_oil.htmI LOVE the taste and smell - it's the oily texture in my mouth that makes me want to yawp. I eat it off a spoon semi-solid now, just can't handle liquid oil. That's why smoothies are so good - camouflages that texture.--- On Mon, 2/2/09, Rupert Jameson <rupert.jameson > wrote:

Rupert Jameson <rupert.jameson >Re: Re: coconut oiloleander soup Date: Monday, February 2, 2009, 1:31 PM








The de-oderised coconut oil has a very bland taste and if you keep it in the fridge you can use as a bread spread you may flavour it with marmite or honey. You get used to it .


Rupert--- On Mon, 2/2/09, jrrjim <jim.mcelroy10@ > wrote:

jrrjim <jim.mcelroy10@ > Re: coconut oiloleander soupMonday, February 2, 2009, 7:14 AM



It works best if you put the lime in the coconut and you drink them both up...I don't know about 6 tablespoons, but if you use coconut oil wherever you used to use margarine or butter you might be able to get close. I don't know how strict your cancer diet is, but I use coconut oil instead of butter on sprouted whole wheat toast. I've heard of people putting it on popcorn instead of butter. oleander soup, Rhoda Mead <hummingbird541@ ...> wrote:>> *Interesting that someone was able to ingest SIX tablespoons of coconut oil> a day. HOW? yech, bleah. I use it as a condiment, use coconut milk in soups.> Put some turmeric in coco oil, ate it, and decided to get curcumin caps. Has> anyone tried large amounts of coconut oil for cancer that you know of?* *> Rhoda*>

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Hm...doesn't sound as nice as pineapple and rum! However I will be digging up the horseradishes this month! Looks as though I could put them to good use! I dig them up as the moon waxes, so they will be OK to keep until the new moon. Thanks so much for that. That should put hairs on chests or blow socks off!Maracuja--- On Mon, 2/2/09, cottleathome wrote


Coconut Oil is great in Dr. Schuze's Super Tonic....... you can make your own w/garlic, ginger, onion, horseradish root, cayanne peppers and apple cider vinager (with mother in it).....set on the new moon and strained (if you like to a tincture on the new moon. Or just chew it all. I make 6 quarts at a time. I

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Coconut may be used to pop the corn. Coconut oil withstands medium high heat

temps. The thing is do not let the oil smoke or turn yellow. I pop my popcorns

in vco and comes out delicious. We use electric stove and i put the setting at

no. 6 and when i hear the first pop then i pick up the pot slightly above the

stovetop and shake it once in a while until the popping stops.



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Well, seems you CAN pop corn with coconut oil! I'm glad to know that and will start using it. I haven't popped corn in a very long time because I stopped using oils other than olive and coconut.




714.349-1200 Cell

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss


oleander soup From: tita_melDate: Mon, 2 Feb 2009 20:02:55 -0800 Re: coconut oil




Coconut may be used to pop the corn. Coconut oil withstands medium high heat temps. The thing is do not let the oil smoke or turn yellow. I pop my popcorns in vco and comes out delicious. We use electric stove and i put the setting at no. 6 and when i hear the first pop then i pick up the pot slightly above the stovetop and shake it once in a while until the popping stops.Melly Windows Live™: E-mail. Chat. Share. Get more ways to connect. Check it out.

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If you live where there are coconuts, you can fry up chopped up

coconut meat chunks in their own oil, add a bit of salt, then sigh as

you savour it. Tastes like fried steak - as a vegetarian it was




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Then should I call you in the

morning??? ---

In oleander soup , " jrrjim " <jim.mcelroy10 wrote:


> It works best if you put the lime in the coconut and you drink them

> both up...


> I don't know about 6 tablespoons, but if you use coconut oil


> you used to use margarine or butter you might be able to get

close. I

> don't know how strict your cancer diet is, but I use coconut oil

> instead of butter on sprouted whole wheat toast. I've heard of


> putting it on popcorn instead of butter.


> oleander soup , Rhoda Mead <hummingbird541@>

> wrote:

> >

> > *Interesting that someone was able to ingest SIX tablespoons of

> coconut oil

> > a day. HOW? yech, bleah. I use it as a condiment, use coconut

milk in

> soups.

> > Put some turmeric in coco oil, ate it, and decided to get


> caps. Has

> > anyone tried large amounts of coconut oil for cancer that you

know of?

> * *

> > Rhoda*

> >


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Great story Melly, love it....great when the docs send people home to die and they flourish!





Melly Bag

oleander soup

Monday, February 02, 2009 8:54 AM

Re: coconut oil



One has to work his/her way up with virgin coconut oil starting with 1/4 or 1/2 teaspoon til you get to 6 tablespoons per day. Ingesting more than above initial amounts would really send you to the "super bowl" due to the hexheimer effect, specially if there is a lot to clean up in your digestive system and elsewhere. Intervals between increase of intake is at least a week to two weeks. There was a woman with breast cancer, i forgot her name, who was given up by docs here in the US. She went home to her grandmother's rural farm town in the Philippines. She ate fresh organic vegetables and fruits and 6 to 8 tablespoons vco plus feasting on the coconut meats and juice as well. I don't know if she drank coconut sap which is said to contain inositol. Anyhow, she was healed of her cancer. I understand she went to produce virgin coconut oil commercially too.Melly

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If you make the tincture, it is equal parts of each ingredient, chop and fill a blender, top off with raw apple cider vinegar and blend. Let it sit in dark place (a paper bag works) and shake each day till ready to strain. I have not missed a day of work for 13 years.........no colds, no flu.......hurrah! I use my coconut oil in a shot glass with super tonic.......it's good for you too! I use habanero peppers with the seeds! Organic everything if possible.




oleander soup

Monday, February 02, 2009 10:46 PM

Re: Re: coconut oil







Hm...doesn't sound as nice as pineapple and rum! However I will be digging up the horseradishes this month! Looks as though I could put them to good use! I dig them up as the moon waxes, so they will be OK to keep until the new moon. Thanks so much for that. That should put hairs on chests or blow socks off!Maracuja--- On Mon, 2/2/09, cottleathome wrote






Coconut Oil is great in Dr. Schuze's Super Tonic....... you can make your own w/garlic, ginger, onion, horseradish root, cayanne peppers and apple cider vinager (with mother in it).....set on the new moon and strained (if you like to a tincture on the new moon. Or just chew it all. I make 6 quarts at a time. I

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Wow! So you no longer have to share your work space? Right? Just kidding.I can't handle the habañero anymore. We use white onions, garlic, horseradish and less cayenne than most. All organic.I did a fast last year with the lemon juice, water, maple syrup and cayenne and only reached 6 days, 20 hours of the 7 day fast. The cayenne finally made me lose my dignity. Can't face it too strong any more. I struggled to get it down by then. I can still use it topically to stop bleeding though.Tincture might be the way to go.Do you know anything about making an elderberry tincture? Could I use the same method?I have heaps of fruit in the freezer and more ripening on the shrubs. I was going to make the cordial when I feel better - however it is heated and I although I keep it to

a minimum, I wonder how much damage I am doing to its medicinal properties.. They are the polyphenols rutin, quercetin and cyanidin, as well as lectin (SNA-II). Are they heat sensitive? It has Vits B1, 2 and 6 and also Vit C. Also the sugar - although it is organic and raw it's still a lot.I used to make the most beautiful elderflower champagne - non alcoholic, but tend to only do healthy stuff now. Hence the rum & coconut being just a memory! I leave the highest bunches for the birds as the stems are too weak for the cat to successfully climb. Otherwise he thinks it is his breakfast bar. Thanks so much again.Maracuja--- On Tue, 2/3/09, cottleathome <cottleathome wrote:

cottleathome <cottleathomeRe: Re: coconut oiloleander soup Date: Tuesday, February 3, 2009, 7:30 PM



If you make the tincture, it is equal parts of each ingredient, chop and fill a blender, top off with raw apple cider vinegar and blend. Let it sit in dark place (a paper bag works) and shake each day till ready to strain. I have not missed a day of work for 13 years....... ..no colds, no flu.......hurrah! I use my coconut oil in a shot glass with super tonic....... it's good for you too! I use habanero peppers with the seeds! Organic everything if possible.




oleander soup

Monday, February 02, 2009 10:46 PM

Re: Re: coconut oil







Hm...doesn't sound as nice as pineapple and rum! However I will be digging up the horseradishes this month! Looks as though I could put them to good use! I dig them up as the moon waxes, so they will be OK to keep until the new moon. Thanks so much for that.. That should put hairs on chests or blow socks off!Maracuja--- On Mon, 2/2/09, cottleathome wrote






Coconut Oil is great in Dr. Schuze's Super Tonic....... you can make your own w/garlic, ginger, onion, horseradish root, cayanne peppers and apple cider vinager (with mother in it).....set on the new moon and strained (if you like to a tincture on the new moon. Or just chew it all. I make 6 quarts at a time. I

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Hi Maracuja,

I have never done a fruit tincture, however I do know that elderberry syrup is an all natural cold remedy.

Safe for little ones too!

As for the cayanne, I think you have to build up to using it. A little bit at a time. It is a wonderful circulation herb and worth its weight in gold for bleeding. (inside and out)






Maracuja <howdurdagooleander soup Sent: Tuesday, February 3, 2009 11:10:38 PMRe: Re: coconut oil






Wow! So you no longer have to share your work space? Right? Just kidding.I can't handle the habañero anymore. We use white onions, garlic, horseradish and less cayenne than most. All organic.I did a fast last year with the lemon juice, water, maple syrup and cayenne and only reached 6 days, 20 hours of the 7 day fast. The cayenne finally made me lose my dignity. Can't face it too strong any more. I struggled to get it down by then. I can still use it topically to stop bleeding though.Tincture might be the way to go.Do you know anything about making an elderberry tincture? Could I use the same method?I have heaps of fruit in the freezer and more ripening on the shrubs. I was going to make the cordial when I feel better - however it is heated and I although I keep it to a minimum, I wonder how much damage I am doing to its medicinal properties..

They are the polyphenols rutin, quercetin and cyanidin, as well as lectin (SNA-II). Are they heat sensitive? It has Vits B1, 2 and 6 and also Vit C. Also the sugar - although it is organic and raw it's still a lot.I used to make the most beautiful elderflower champagne - non alcoholic, but tend to only do healthy stuff now. Hence the rum & coconut being just a memory! I leave the highest bunches for the birds as the stems are too weak for the cat to successfully climb. Otherwise he thinks it is his breakfast bar. Thanks so much again.Maracuja--- On Tue, 2/3/09, cottleathome@ sbcglobal. net <cottleathome@ sbcglobal. net> wrote:

cottleathome@ sbcglobal. net <cottleathome@ sbcglobal. net>Re: Re: coconut oiloleander soupTuesday, February 3, 2009, 7:30 PM




If you make the tincture, it is equal parts of each ingredient, chop and fill a blender, top off with raw apple cider vinegar and blend. Let it sit in dark place (a paper bag works) and shake each day till ready to strain. I have not missed a day of work for 13 years....... ..no colds, no flu.......hurrah! I use my coconut oil in a shot glass with super tonic....... it's good for you too! I use habanero peppers with the seeds! Organic everything if possible.




oleander soup

Monday, February 02, 2009 10:46 PM

Re: Re: coconut oil







Hm...doesn't sound as nice as pineapple and rum! However I will be digging up the horseradishes this month! Looks as though I could put them to good use! I dig them up as the moon waxes, so they will be OK to keep until the new moon. Thanks so much for that.. That should put hairs on chests or blow socks off!Maracuja--- On Mon, 2/2/09, cottleathome wrote






Coconut Oil is great in Dr. Schuze's Super Tonic....... you can make your own w/garlic, ginger, onion, horseradish root, cayanne peppers and apple cider vinager (with mother in it).....set on the new moon and strained (if you like to a tincture on the new moon. Or just chew it all. I make 6 quarts at a time. I

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