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More Benefits of Colloidal Silver

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Sunday, November 11, 2001 5:08 AM

[Armageddon-or-NewAge] Re: More Benefits of Colloidal Silver



Hi Elaine/All: Here's what they don't want you to know about Colloidal Silver.

If it is misted into the lungs it kills Anthrax! Those people who died from

inhalated Anthrax would still be alive today if they treated thier lungs in the

hospital with a breathing machine medicine mister using Collooidal. Not only

that but it would have entered the blood stream killing the spread of Anthrax

and would not in anyway interferr with antibiotics thus further helping and

enhancing a cure.


Emphazema, Ashma, Smokers lung, and other bacterial and nonbacteria lung

infections quickly clear up. For Smokers there is a danger of toxicity from

Nicotine that desolves in the lungs mistiing colloidal into them that rapidly

disperses Nicotine int the bloodstream. I don't know the toxcity level for

Nicotine. Actually I doubt any study has ever been done on it? This is the only

caution I know about ingesting it when misted into your lungs.


No Colloidal Silver Machine manufacturer will make ANY claims on the use of

Colloidal to the health benifits or cure. The reason is the FDA has kept secret

the benifits being pro pharmecutical versus home remedy. The reason the FDA is

being pressured to ban colloidal. No Money in it for the big Pharmecutical

companies, anyone can make it with a machine cheaply.


E-mail me privately and I'll give my source to get a good machine cheap!

Everyone should have one in thier home!

People in the know do have one.









Saturday, November 10, 2001 1:47 AM

[Armageddon-or-NewAge] Benefits of Colloidal Silver




" william falls " <wfalls

Friday, November 09, 2001 9:17 PM




> Add to suspected drinking water when traveling or camping. Silver-sprayed

> burns heal rapidly without scarring. Safely sterilize anything from

> toothbrushes to surgical instruments. Use topically on cuts, wounds,

> abrasions, rashes, sunburn, insect bites, razor nicks and bandages. Spray


> garbage to prevent decay odors. Mist kitchen sponges, towels, cutting


> to eliminate E. Coli and salmonella bacteria to prevent food poisoning and

> gastrointestinal inflammation.







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Hello everyone. The directions listed below for how to make your own

colloidal silver generator were written by a knowledgeable veteran on my

colloidal silver list (Thanks Marshalee!). It's easy to make and costs a

lot less then buying one already made. You can buy the batteries and

alligator clips at Radio Shack and you can buy the silver wire online or

through a jeweler. It's great for people new to silver making. Have fun!



Here`s how to make Colloidal Silver:



**3nine-volt batteries, the square ones --the Lithiums last 4 times longer

than the


**2 five inch pieces of pure silver wire, 14 gauge, .999 fine, (not sterling

as it has other

metals in it.)

**2 alligator clips,the kind with 2 clips on either end of a plastic coated

wire, 2

sets actually, available at Radio Shack)

**2 cups of distilled water in a glass measuring cup, (I always use glass to

make CS in. I

have a cup used solely for making my CS.)

**A new green scrubber, just for this purpose.

**An empty water bottle to store your finished CS in. A pop top plastic

bottle is just fine.



1. Rinse the cup and storage bottle with distilled water to remove any dust

or soap



2. Take the batteries and snap them together, one upside down on top of the

other two.

This will leave two empty posts on the batteries.


3. Connect the silver wires to the posts with the two alligator clips.


4. Drop the wires into the water, with about 4 inches submerged, and about

1 inch apart.

As they tend to float around, you can put a candycane bend in the top of

the wires

and hang that over the lip of the cup, with the connectors hooked to the

bend. Don`t let the

connectors get into the water.


5. It is now working. You can`t get shocked by it. Now leave it and time

for 30 minutes. You

may notice some bubbles coming off one wire, and fine wisps of gold

coming off the other,

that is the Colloid forming! The bubbles are hydrogen, from the water.

There will be a

buildup of fuzz on one wire, that is silver oxide. It is harmless, but

you can wipe it off

with a paper towel. Replace the wires, and time for another 30 minutes.

This one hour

activation gives a CS of about 18 PPM. The longer it works, the higher

the PPM.


6. When finished, wipe off the wires with a paper towel, then with the

green scrubber until

the wires are shiny again, and detach the batteries.

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Please don't make CS a cure all. It isn't. I have people who have tried

it for Emphysema, and still have it. I make and sell CS myself, and while it

is great stuff, for some it works on certain ailments ,and for others it

doesn't seems to. I guess it just annoys me when people say something can

" cure " so many things. I have spent heaps of money on these types of

promotions, and still have my health problems! I think its great that you

are so enthusiastic about it, but I just wanted everyone to know that for

some it works for certain things and others it does not. It is certainly

worth trying out to see if it works for you.




" Elaine121 " <Elaine121


Tuesday, 13 November 2001 20:15

More Benefits of Colloidal Silver




> -

> Walt

> Sunday, November 11, 2001 5:08 AM

> [Armageddon-or-NewAge] Re: More Benefits of Colloidal Silver



> Hi Elaine/All: Here's what they don't want you to know about Colloidal

Silver. If it is misted into the lungs it kills Anthrax! Those people who

died from inhalated Anthrax would still be alive today if they treated thier

lungs in the hospital with a breathing machine medicine mister using

Collooidal. Not only that but it would have entered the blood stream killing

the spread of Anthrax and would not in anyway interferr with antibiotics

thus further helping and enhancing a cure.


> Emphazema, Ashma, Smokers lung, and other bacterial and nonbacteria lung

infections quickly clear up. For Smokers there is a danger of toxicity from

Nicotine that desolves in the lungs mistiing colloidal into them that

rapidly disperses Nicotine int the bloodstream. I don't know the toxcity

level for Nicotine. Actually I doubt any study has ever been done on it?

This is the only caution I know about ingesting it when misted into your



> No Colloidal Silver Machine manufacturer will make ANY claims on the use

of Colloidal to the health benifits or cure. The reason is the FDA has kept

secret the benifits being pro pharmecutical versus home remedy. The reason

the FDA is being pressured to ban colloidal. No Money in it for the big

Pharmecutical companies, anyone can make it with a machine cheaply.


> E-mail me privately and I'll give my source to get a good machine cheap!

Everyone should have one in thier home!

> People in the know do have one.


> Walt




> -

> Elaine121

> Undisclosed-Recipient:;

> Saturday, November 10, 2001 1:47 AM

> [Armageddon-or-NewAge] Benefits of Colloidal Silver



> -

> " william falls " <wfalls

> Friday, November 09, 2001 9:17 PM



> >

> > Add to suspected drinking water when traveling or camping.


> > burns heal rapidly without scarring. Safely sterilize anything from

> > toothbrushes to surgical instruments. Use topically on cuts, wounds,

> > abrasions, rashes, sunburn, insect bites, razor nicks and bandages.


> on

> > garbage to prevent decay odors. Mist kitchen sponges, towels, cutting

> boards

> > to eliminate E. Coli and salmonella bacteria to prevent food poisoning


> > gastrointestinal inflammation.

> >






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