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adrenal supplements

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Isnt chlorpphyll in algae and super food?


In a message dated 01/6/12 5:30:48 PM, ron writes:


<< y.

You did not mention Chlorophyll. One web site on hypoadrenal recommended



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What kind of thing happens when you go through a serious adrenal

exhaustion? I know you sent me an email a while back about my problem

possibly being adrenal instead of Fibromyalgia. I am wondering because I

have been getting so tired and lathargic that it has taken me all day to be

able to compose this post. Answering even the smallest amount of mail is

overwhelming for me, not to mention taking care of two toddlers and my

husband and myself. I can barely function. I tried saving the email you

sent about which supplements you take but somehow my computer won't let me

access it. Can you write again and tell me which supplements you take, I did

manage to get some things but not all of them yet. Below is a list of things

I take. I am finding I am in a state of confusion most of the time and I

can't focus enough to know what I should or shouldn't take. So please, if

anything on my list is something I shouldn't be taking, please say so.


Super B-Complex

B-6 50 mg.

St. John's Wort 150 mg.

Kelp Lecithin with Vit B-6 & cider vinegar

Vit. C 1,500 mg.

Fish Oil concentrate with Omega 3 fatty acids 1000 mg.


msm 1000 mg.

B-12 100 mg.


Green Tea Complex with vit C & bioflavonoids

Alpha-Lipoic Acid 50 mg.

L-Lysine 500 mg.

Calcium 600 mg.

Folic Acid with vitamins B-2, B-6, B-12 & Choline


I take all of the above once a day in the morning with about 2 large glasses

of water then I drink more water during the day to total at least 80 ounces.



> <<Ron,

> About a month or so ago, I went through a very serious adrenal exhaustion

> issue. For anyone to get to that point is very dangerous... it can kill

> you.

> I preferred to go the alternative route. I know it will take longer to get

> better but I wouldn't be dependent on pharm. drugs plus no side effects.

> Sugar and caffeine are very hard on the adrenals and NEVER fast when you

> have

> adrenal problems.

> I also found out I was very anemic and started on iron pills. Once I get

> stablized there I will switch to black strap molasses.

> The day I found out I had adrenal insufficiency I went to the chiro's and

> he

> gave me dessicated adrenal with contained some pituitary and another gland.


> The endrocrine glands all hold hands with one another, so if you have one

> tested, get them all tested! My pituitary was off the charts also as were

> the ovaries and my thyroid was low too.

> I take ashwagandha(sp) for the adrenal also, its safe, as with the licorice

> you have to be careful with extended usage. Maca, which seems to have

> helped

> my desire for sweets along with ginseng for energy, multi B, pascalite

> clay,

> salmon oil, Vitex combo(ovaries) and enzymes when I eat. The combination of

> all these seems to be doing the trick... I am slowly but surely feeling

> better with each day.

> Oh yes.. drinking water, water, water!

> Terri>>




Arizona Hughes


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Hi Terri,

I've started a few of the things you mentioned and have sent for some

not available locally.

You did not mention Chlorophyll. One web site on hypoadrenal recommended



Thanks a bunch,



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Hi Pam,

I think you meant that for me, not Terri. How does one know if their

fish oil caps are rancid? I just bought my bottle.




> <<Terri, fish-oil capsules can be rancid. When fish oil

> becomes rancid it doesn't go from being a good fat to

> being a neutral fat, it becomes a harmful fat.

> Carlson's Cod Liver Oil is a safer way of getting your

> omega-3s.

> Pam>>





Arizona Hughes


Please stop by and visit my Website listed below







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Ok thanks Pam, I'll just throw them out and get the Carlson's Cod Liver

Oil ones....I don't think I could ever chew one. I couldn't even eat any

sort of fish no matter what. I have and always will, hate any sort of

seafood, meat or fowl. I was born that way, I don't know why. I'm just a

big baby that way. :P



> <<Chew a capsule to make wure the supply hasn't started

> to go bad. If the capsules are fresh, they will taste

> slightly fishy; if they are not fresh, you will know

> it. Carlson's Cod Live Oil is a safer bet for your

> Omega-3s.

> Pam>>




Arizona Hughes


Please stop by and visit my Website listed below







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Hi Pam,

I am a vegetarian and have worried about my health all my life. I

didn't make the choice like most vegetarians do, I was simply born detesting

the taste or smell of all fish, meat and fowl and eggs. My mother was beside

herself with worry most of my life because she had no idea what to do about

the way I ate. I have a son who is the same way...born hating those things.

My other two sons love all types of food, meat included. I have tried to

aquire a taste for those things but just can't seem to stomach it. I may be

anemic but I'm not sure...no doctor lately has suggested that I am though. I

am trying to eat better and trying to get everything I need from supplements

if I can't get it from what I eat. I can tolerate things like spagetti sauce

with meat...although I do pick the meat out, perhaps I get some sort of

nutrients from the sauce being simmered with it. I can't tolerate it when

its done with any sort of seafood though.

I am open to any suggestions you or anyone has that may help me get what

I need.



> <<Hi Arizona!

> You eat no meat, fowl or fish? So, you are a

> vegetarian? Do you worry about anemia, hon? I

> became severely perniciously anemic due to being a

> vegetarian. Please be careful!

> Pam>>





Arizona Hughes


Please stop by and visit my Website listed below







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--- ArtistDesigner wrote:

So please, if

> anything on my list is something I shouldn't be

> taking, please say so.


> > Fish Oil concentrate with Omega 3 fatty acids 1000

> mg.


Terri, fish-oil capsules can be rancid. When fish oil

becomes rancid it doesn't go from being a good fat to

being a neutral fat, it becomes a harmful fat.

Carlson's Cod Liver Oil is a safer way of getting your








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--- ArtistDesigner wrote:

> Hi Pam,

> I think you meant that for me, not Terri. How

> does one know if their

> fish oil caps are rancid? I just bought my bottle.


Hi, Arizona!


Chew a capsule to make wure the supply hasn't started

to go bad. If the capsules are fresh, they will taste

slightly fishy; if they are not fresh, you will know

it. Carlson's Cod Live Oil is a safer bet for your








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Hi Arizona!


You eat no meat, fowl or fish? So, you are a

vegetarian? Do you worry about anemia, hon? I

became severely perniciously anemic due to being a

vegetarian. Please be careful!



--- ArtistDesigner wrote:

> Ok thanks Pam, I'll just throw them out and get

> the Carlson's Cod Liver

> Oil ones....I don't think I could ever chew one. I

> couldn't even eat any

> sort of fish no matter what. I have and always

> will, hate any sort of

> seafood, meat or fowl. I was born that way, I don't

> know why. I'm just a

> big baby that way. :P

> Arizona


> > <<Chew a capsule to make sure the supply hasn't

> started

> > to go bad. If the capsules are fresh, they will

> taste

> > slightly fishy; if they are not fresh, you will

> know

> > it. Carlson's Cod Live Oil is a safer bet for

> your

> > Omega-3s.

> > Pam>>




> Arizona Hughes

> --------

> Please stop by and visit my Website listed below







> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







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Hi Arizona!


I would suggest drinking protein drinks. You'll want a

source of complete and easily digested protein -

preferably a cross-flow microfiltered whey power -

that contains no more than a few grams of carbohydrate

per serving. It should be fortified with vitamins and

minerals. In no circumstance should it contain

aspartame (a neuron-toxic) or sugar. You have to make

sure you are getting all the essential amino acids to

build up your body. Those, along with the essential

fatty acids, are critical to health.




--- ArtistDesigner wrote:

> Hi Pam,

> I am a vegetarian and have worried about my

> health all my life. I

> didn't make the choice like most vegetarians do, I

> was simply born detesting

> the taste or smell of all fish, meat and fowl and

> eggs. My mother was beside

> herself with worry most of my life because she had

> no idea what to do about

> the way I ate. I have a son who is the same

> way...born hating those things.

> My other two sons love all types of food, meat

> included. I have tried to

> aquire a taste for those things but just can't seem

> to stomach it. I may be

> anemic but I'm not sure...no doctor lately has

> suggested that I am though. I

> am trying to eat better and trying to get everything

> I need from supplements

> if I can't get it from what I eat. I can tolerate

> things like spagetti sauce

> with meat...although I do pick the meat out,

> perhaps I get some sort of

> nutrients from the sauce being simmered with it. I

> can't tolerate it when

> its done with any sort of seafood though.

> I am open to any suggestions you or anyone has

> that may help me get what

> I need.

> Arizona

> >

> > <<Hi Arizona!

> > You eat no meat, fowl or fish? So, you are a

> > vegetarian? Do you worry about anemia, hon? I

> > became severely perniciously anemic due to being a

> > vegetarian. Please be careful!

> > Pam>>

> >




> Arizona Hughes

> --------

> Please stop by and visit my Website listed below







> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







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There is plenty of evidence that vegetarians enjoy at least as good health

as meat eaters. I allow myself a serving of fish a week; but then I like

the stuff. You should be able to tolerate a minute amount of some animal

food or product, (e.g., a couple of oz's of milk or cheese) once a week,

which will amply provide the B12 that nutritional researchers worry, is not

supplied by plant foods.




Thursday, December 06, 2001 10:08 PM

Re: Re:adrenal supplements



> Hi Pam,

> I am a vegetarian and have worried about my health all my life. I

> didn't make the choice like most vegetarians do, I was simply born


> the taste or smell of all fish, meat and fowl and eggs. My mother was


> herself with worry most of my life because she had no idea what to do


> the way I ate. I have a son who is the same way...born hating those


> My other two sons love all types of food, meat included. I have tried to

> aquire a taste for those things but just can't seem to stomach it. I may


> anemic but I'm not sure...no doctor lately has suggested that I am though.


> am trying to eat better and trying to get everything I need from


> if I can't get it from what I eat. I can tolerate things like spagetti


> with meat...although I do pick the meat out, perhaps I get some sort of

> nutrients from the sauce being simmered with it. I can't tolerate it when

> its done with any sort of seafood though.

> I am open to any suggestions you or anyone has that may help me get


> I need.

> Arizona

> >

> > <<Hi Arizona!

> > You eat no meat, fowl or fish? So, you are a

> > vegetarian? Do you worry about anemia, hon? I

> > became severely perniciously anemic due to being a

> > vegetarian. Please be careful!

> > Pam>>

> >




> Arizona Hughes

> --------

> Please stop by and visit my Website listed below

> http://members.aol.com/artistdesigner/Arizona_Hughes/Page_1x.html






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What about salmon oil

should the capsules be kept in the fridge?




In a message dated 01/6/12 10:14:05 PM, southallp writes:




Terri, fish-oil capsules can be rancid. When fish oil

becomes rancid it doesn't go from being a good fat to

being a neutral fat, it becomes a harmful fat.

Carlson's Cod Liver Oil is a safer way of getting your



Pam >>

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There is a great green drink powder with protein ( vegetable)

called Super food from Dr.Schulze




In a message dated 01/7/12 2:40:32 AM, southallp writes:


<< Hi Arizona!


I would suggest drinking protein drinks. You'll want a

source of complete and easily digested protein - >>

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Dear Arizona,

There has been encouraging results for fibromyalgia with

additional magnesium. Keep in mind that if you are suffering from a

magnesium deficiency, that it may take as long as 6 months for all

the electrolyte pumps involved with magnesium acceleration to return

to normal. Also, be sure not to take any potassium supplements until

you are sure your magnesium is normal.

Sincerely, Charles Weber

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Dear Arizona,

Milk is said to be as good a source of quality protein as meat.

If you use dairy you may have to supplement with copper though, since

milk is very low in copper. Alternately you could supplement with

lysine and methionine amino acids, and maybe others, as well as

vitamine B- 12.

Sincerely, Charles Weber

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