Guest guest Posted March 24, 2010 Report Share Posted March 24, 2010 Hello all, My name is MAJED HASANAT, from Petra city, some of you know me, I was director of the southren part of Petra Development and Tourism Authority for almost 6 years, but now I work in the enviroment part, I'm looking forward to hear from the group about any Ideas that may helps me in my new work. I'm an agriculture eng. I'm good in my specialize but I need some helps in the enviroment aspect. with my best wishes for all of you. Majed N. AL- hasanat Director of Enviroment, Petra Development and Tourism Authority. Petra Region/ P.O 28 Tel/fax: 00962 (0)32150459 (work) Cell: 00962 (0) 777001171 (mobile)00962 (0)799032478 (fast)--- On Tue, 3/23/10, Anand Choudhary <ayurasabhaishja wrote: Anand Choudhary <ayurasabhaishja Fw: Golden Jubilee Celebration ( GJC) Of IMS & RoTP in Rasa Shastra [14 Attachments]eAAPI, "Iastom Group" <iastam >, netrum Cc: "Mahesh Vyas" <drmaheshvyas, "Rajagopala Shrikrishna Bhat" <bhatrajma, "Vikas kumar" <neuropharmacologist, ayurasabhaishja, "Aarathi kerala" <aarathi13, "Aarathi kerala" <aarathi13, "ajay sharma" <ajay_sharma_54, "Anurag Tomar" <sopijaipur, "RAMAN DAS AUSTRALIA" <vaidya, "rashtriya ayurveda vidyapeeth" <ayurgyan, "Dilip Singh" <baghel_12, "MADHAV BAGHEL" <deanipgt, "Parameswarappa S. B" <psbyadgi, "Neeraj Sinha" <neerajsinha_007, "stateayurveda college_lko" <statayurlko, "D Ramesh" <rameshmgims, "Dinesh Katoch"" <dckatoch, "Dr Girish K J" <girideepa, "SDM 1 Hassan" <sdm_ayu_hsn, "SDM Hassan" <sdmcah, "joban modha" <jkmodha, "lekshmigopal .Director office" <lekshmigopal, "Manoj Pandey" <manojpandey66, "Manoj Pandey Oncology" <manojpandey, "Kavita Patel" <kavitapatel201, rammeshbnatu, "Vijay Thawani Nagpur" <vijaythawaniTuesday, March 23, 2010, 3:00 PM Dear All Please see attached. Any idea of your will help science very high. I apolised to group owner of Netrum for disturbing during discussion. With regards, ANAND CHOUDHARYReader,Deptt. of Rasa Shastra(Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics) & Regional Coordinator, Regional Pharmacovigilance Centre for Ayurvedic Drugs ,North ZoneFaculty of AyurvedaInstitute of Medical SciencesBanaras Hindu UniversityVaranasi 221005Contact no 94520744800542-6703554( O)0542-2366900( R) ----- Forwarded Message ----Anand Chaudhary <ayurasabhaishja@>guptasjbhu (AT) (DOT); kishorpatwardhan@ rediffmail. com; anukulchandrakar <karanukul@rediffmai>; anuradha roy <dranu369 (AT) (DOT)>; jyotishankar tripathi <drjstripathi@ rediffmail. com>; kanupuri narasimha murthy <knarasimhamurthy@ rediffmail. com>; Kishor Patwardhan <patwardhan.kishor@>; mangowri rao <mangowri_rao@ .co. in>; Manoj Kumar <mkumarbhu (AT) gmail (DOT) com>; Murlidhar Paliwal <murlipaliwal@ >; Sangeeta Gehlot <sangeeta_bms@ .co. in>; ayurasabhaishja@ .co. in; Dr RN Acharya <nprcasu (AT) gmail (DOT) com>; Dr. Asmita Wele <asmita.wele@>; anup thakar <anup_thakar@ >; pramod baragi <ayupramod (AT) (DOT)>; arun <resdep@aryavaidyasa>; Anuraag Singh <anuraag.singh@ hindustantimes. com>; anurag singh <vd.anuragsingh@ .co. in>; anup baishya <baishya.anup@ .co. in>; ashwinikumar raut <ashuraut (AT) gmail (DOT) com>; Abhimanyu Kumar <ak_ayu (AT) (DOT)>; BAGHEL MADHAWSINGH <baghelayu@rediffmai>; ravishankar b <gravishankar2000@ >; sathya narayana <bhaishajya >; ketaki. bapat <ketaki.bapat@>; YS Bedi <ysbrrljm (AT) gmail (DOT) com>; Chheedee Singh Onten <onten_cj9795@ .co. in>; DR RUDRANI HIREMATH <dr_rrhiremath@ .co. in>; vilas dole <vadole (AT) gmail (DOT) com>; revanasiddappa sarashetti <docrevu_250@ rediffmail. com>; Kinnu dhruve <drkinnari_druve@ .co. in>; Muralidhar Udupi <drmuralidharballal@ .co. in>; Deepali Korde <vddeepali@rediffmai>; sanjeev ojha <drsanjeevojha@ .co. in>; Dr Shobha G Hiremath <drshobha_gh@ rediffmail. com>; Rai Kumar Rajiva Dr. <RajivaR (AT) dabur (DOT) com>; Eugene Wilson <wilsoneugene@>; Dr B J Patagiri Jamnagar <patgiri06 (AT) (DOT)>; ga lib <galib14 (AT) (DOT)>; pawankumar ramesh godatwar <gpawankumar@ rediffmail. com>; Santosh cems <singhsk71 >; sanjay gupta <drskgupta17@>; gopakumar sreekantan nair <drgopakumar73@ >; prashant gupta <prashantgupta27@ .co. in>; gpmohanta <gpmohanta (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>; gopal venkatachalam <gopalveni >; vikas gupta <vkasayur (AT) (DOT)>; Dr Hrishikesh G kulkarni <drhrishikeshkulkarn i. in>; hmchandola (AT) (DOT); Geer M. Ishaq <ishaqgeer (AT) (DOT)>; OP VARMA IGC <opvarmaigcrurki@ >; "drmalhotraarc@ indiatimes. com" <drmalhotraarc@ indiatimes. com>; JHALA RAJENDRASINH MANHERSINH <kheralirmj (AT) gmail (DOT) com>; jayashree nataraj <ayushree@rediffmail .com>; dhirendra joshi <djoshi (AT) mail (DOT) com>; Prasanta Kumar Sarkar <prasantaksarkar@ >; Dinesh Katoch <dckatoch@rediffmail .com>; dr tabrez akhter lari <ayushbhs09 (AT) gmail (DOT) com>; Ram Manohar <rammanoharp@>; Dr manoranjan Sahu <msahuvns (AT) gmail (DOT) com>; Dr.Madhuri Dalvi <drdalvimadhu08@>; Manoj Nesari <drnesari (AT) gmail (DOT) com>; ms.valiathan@; Neetu Singh <singhneetu17@>; nk.neeraj53@ .in; narayanam srikanth <srikanthn1@rediffma>; "aguha" <aguha; Prof Tanuja Nesari <tnesari (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>; Vasudevan Nampoothiri <vnampoothiri@>; Shib Nath Ghosal <vishnu20024@ rediffmail. com>; vaidyaraipankaj@ rediffmail. com; vdsubhsh.ims bhargava <vdsubhsh.ims@>; dn pande <dnpande (AT) gmail (DOT) com>; Pulugundla Prasad <prasad_ayur@ rediffmail. com>; Debasis Panigrahi <devayu1 (AT) gmail (DOT) com>; sanjeev rastogi <rastogisanjeev@ rediffmail. com>; Dr Renu Dixit <drrenudixit@>; vaidya tapankumar <vdtapan (AT) hotmail (DOT) com>; Rituraj Tripathi <dr.riturajtripathi@>; Vijay Thawani <vijaythawani@ rediffmail. com>; DR. MAMTA TANNA PARIKH <drmamta_ayu@ >; Arun Kumar Tripathi <draruntripathi@ >; rna_gau ; Murali Krishna Tirupati <mkparasar (AT) (DOT)>; supriya bhalerao <supriya.bhalerao@>; Abhishek <abhishekkumaronline>; abdul rehman nagori <pseudofarji@ >; Assistant Director i/c R R I (Ay) <rribengaluru@>; ashutosh pathak <ashu_ayurved@ .co. in>; athreya_ayurdhama3@ .co. in; Dr.Pankaj Barman <drpankajbarman@>; dr.navneetsharma@ ; Dr Rangesh <dr.rangesh@himalaya healthcare. com>; DR. PRATIP DEBNATH <dr.pkdebnath@>; dr_seemanil@ ; nagashayana natesh <dr_nnagashayana@ rediffmail. com>; yk.ykgupta (AT) gmail (DOT) com; dryks1 (AT) gmail (DOT) com; dryks2 (AT) gmail (DOT) com; Kamlesh Pant <pant.kamlesh@>; krishan suri <kasuri.iiim@>; kaushal kumar <drkaushal_ethnobota ny (AT) (DOT)>; khan <samadkCc: tmmohapatra2000@ ; tmm1947 (AT) gmail (DOT) com; director ims <directorims@>; directorims@ in; headrasashastrabhu@ gmail.comWed, 24 March, 2010 12:55:48 AMGolden Jubilee Celebration ( GJC) Of IMS & RoTP in Rasa Shastra Respected/Dear All Fellow Rasa Shastri , Ayurvedist & Scientists Please find attached report of some activities at BHU in last fortnight. We were continuously busy from 7 March to 14 March in compliance of RoTP in Rasa Shastra ( in leadership of Dr Neeraj Kumar) relevant reports are attached.Report of Prof SS Savirkar is in not available to me in this midnight .I shall post them separately tomorrow after getting it from department. We observed Golden Jubilee Celebration ( GJC) of Institute of Medical Sciences from 15-22 March ,2010 in Leadership of Director of Prof T M Mahapatra.Total 44 Lectures were delivered in GJC ,reports of all that lectures will be attached in next series.Prof R C Dekka,Director, AIIMS,New Delhi and Dr V M Katoch, Director,ICMR, New Delhi were stalwarts from conventional medicine and Prof M S Baghel ,Director,IPGTRA, Jamnagar from Ayurveda. ELIXIR -2010 was also part of GJC in which we organised cultural programme . Vocalist Padam Bhusan Channulal Mishra ,Laughter credited Pratap Faujdar, Goti pua Dance from Nakshtra Mandal Bhuneshwar ,Style night lead by Prof T M Mahapatra ( Fashion show) and many other teachers ( Male and Female of all three faculties) and many students and Euphoria Band of Dr Palash Sen again accompanied by a song by Director (see attached file ) were part of this event ..Award of Mr Elixir won by Meet Minale (MBBS student) and Ms Elixir by Neha Garg (BAMS student). Of course many literary,sports and other informals were part of week long celebrations. Friends ,these wide media coverage is possible only due to insight wisdom of Mr Anurag Singh from Hindustan Times .I am very much grateful to him for his kind help and I put all my appreciations for him on record. With regards,-- Anand ChaudharyReader,Deptt of Rasa Shastra (Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics) & Regional Coordinator, North Zone,Regional Pharmacovigilance Centre for Ayurvedic DrugsFaculty of AyurvedaInstitute of Medical Sciences Banaras Hindu UniversityVARANASI 221005Cell 94520744800542-6703554( O)0542-2366900( R) The INTERNET now has a personality. YOURS! See your Homepage. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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