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Skin Absorption

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I am wondering if anyone knows if EO's are absorbed through the skin. I have

gotten mixed responses to this question with many coming from reliable people.

Does anyone know the true answer to this?



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In a message dated 10/8/99 11:42:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

stowe007 writes:


<< I have gotten mixed responses to this question with many coming from

reliable people. Does anyone know the true answer to this? >>


Eric and all ~

I think the fact you have gotten mixed responses already will give you a clue

that you may not find something that tells you the " TRUE answer " ...


a test you might want to try is to rub garlic oil on your feet and within 20

mnutes, you should 'taste/feel' it in your mouth. It traveled somehow :) That

was my personal test to see if in fact the oils were absorbed..and it

convinced me :)




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Hello Eric et all


It seems that there is NO documented proof regarding absorption through

the skin so most people are at odds to say it is true, cause the first

reaction would be " Ok, prove it " ...all I can say is I believe that they

are absorbed....When I take a warm bath, the pores of the skin allow

things to enter...I remember one day, years ago, I had just gotten out

of the bath and decided to apply some rub for aches and pains...it was a

commercial rub...I learnt my lesson realllllllllllllllllllllll

quick...Boy did it burn...I was told later, never apply it when the

pores are open...why ...cause things get absorbed through our skin...now

mind you we are talking about mega chemicals in the commercial rub, but

don't forget that Essential Oils are also made up of chemicals although

they are natural ones...When my husband used to line tanks at work he

had to wear not only a mask to avoid inhalation, but also a special suit

to stop the chemicals from absorbing into his skin...even then he would

get a funny taste in his mouth so some chemicals were probably still

getting through...Also, if it is not possible for Eo's to be absorbed

through the skin, then why do patches work so well...you know, stop

smoking patches, Estrogen patches etc....Our skin is our largest organ

and is made to protect us, but things do get through, so why not

Essential Oils...so I believe that YES, Essential Oils do get through

BUT, I can't prove it scientifically :) BUT, there are alot of things

in this world that cannot be proven Scientifically but that doesn't mean

they don't work just because it hasn't been proven....Alot of people

have alot of theories, including the scientific field and that is what

they are Theories only :)


Hope that didn't confuse you :)


Serene Aromatherapy

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Do you all remember the DMSO Rage, back in the early 80's (my apologies if

you aren't old enough, and just think how I feel, it dates me pretty bad,

cause I remember further back than that, haha). I was in the height of my

" farming " stuff, and I had a pretty little doe goat that had arthritis

really bad in her knees. The would swell so very badly, and my poor little

girl could hardly walk. I have no idea what DMSO was other than some sort

of solvent, it wasn't approved for human use, but I had been told that it

would reduce the swelling of arthritic joints, if you would apply it

directly to the joint. It didn't burn or do anything that you could

physically feel. It primarily had no smell if you just opened the bottle

and smelled it, it was a clear slightly oily feeling liquid. I would pour

some in my hand and put it on her knees, and magically the next morning, the

swelling would be half the size and she would be able to get up and walk.

The absorbtion part is... the second I put it in my hand, I could taste it

in my mouth...it wasn't all together unpleasant to taste, but it isn't

something I would go out and intentionally put in my mouth. I could smell

the smell that I associated with the taste from her mouth, too, when she

would talk to me. It was an odd thing, but I think that most anything that

goes on our skins, can be transfered to our inner parts, too...


Mind you, I wouldn't recomend putting solvent on your skin to prove it, or

even to " heal " anything, now...but that is just an experience I thought fit

into the conversation. :-)



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