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Aromatherapy Articles

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Hi Moira-

I'm a little unsure as to how I should post my articles - some of my articles do

make references to Jeanne Rose directly,her courses and her products. Also

included are sources for items I reference from Jeanne and other sources. I'm

thinking that if anyone would like any of the articles they could email me and I

could just email them a copy of the article? A few of my articles include

Aromatherapy for Muscle Relief, Aromatic First-Aid, Bathing in the Souls of

Flowers, and Lavender for Grouches.


Please let me know, as I'm new to " netiquette "


Thank you,


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>Hi Moira-

>I'm a little unsure as to how I should post my articles - some of my

articles do make >references to Jeanne Rose directly,her courses and her

products. Also included are >sources for items I reference from Jeanne and

other sources. I'm thinking that if >anyone would like any of the articles

they could email me and I could just email them >a copy of the article? A

few of my articles include Aromatherapy for Muscle Relief, >Aromatic

First-Aid, Bathing in the Souls of Flowers, and Lavender for Grouches.


We are not supposed to advertise here. Quite simply, I'm not sure. Perhaps

if you are responding to a specific post with quotes from your own articles,

or references to your own articles then it would fine.


>Please let me know, as I'm new to " netiquette "


I don't mind, but some people are very strict. Tracey won't even allow

personal URLs to be posted directly as part of a signature. Alway err on

the side of caution when in doubt.




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