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This press release from Columbia University is from 1995. It's not exactly 'hot off the press'!






Sunday, February 20, 2005 12:46 AM



Geologists Find: An Earth Plate Is Breaking in Twohttp://www.columbia.edu/cu/pr/95/18688.htmlScientists at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory reportdirect evidence that one of the Earth's great crustal plates is cracking intwo.In a report published in the most recent issue of Earth and Planetary ScienceLetters (vol. 133), the scientists say they have confirmed that theIndo-Australian Plate--long identified as a single plate on which both India andAustralia lie--appears to have broken apart just south of the Equator beneaththeIndian Ocean. The break has been underway for the past several million years,and now the two continents are moving independently of one another in slightlydifferent directions.Scientists have known that for some 50 million years, the Indian subcontinenthas been pushing northward into Eurasia, forcefully raising the TibetanPlateau and the Himalayan Mountains. The new research suggests that startingabout8 million years ago, the accumulated mass became so great that theIndo-Australian Plate buckled and broke under the stress."The result of this critical stage in the collision between India and Asia isthe breakup of the Indo-Australia Plate into separate Indian and Australianplates," Jeffrey Weissel, a scientist at Lamont-Doherty, Columbia's earthsciences research institute in Palisades, N.Y., said in an interview."This is a newly observed way of creating a new boundary between plates,"said Lamont-Doherty scientist James Cochran, who co-authored the report with Dr.Weissel, Florence Jestin of the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, France, andJames Van Orman, now a graduate student at the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology. Mr. Van Orman, the report's lead author, was an undergraduate atFlorida State University in 1993 when he began the research with Drs. WeisselandCochran at Lamont-Doherty as part of a summer internship program sponsored bythe National Science Foundation (NSF)."In the Central Indian Ocean, Nature is conducting a large-scale laboratoryexperiment for us, showing us what happens to the oceanic lithosphere (Earth'souter layer) when force is applied," Dr. Weissel said in an interview.Essentially pushed into an immovable object, "it can buckle like a piece oftin," hesaid.A fundamental tenet of plate tectonics theory is that the Earth's surface isdivided into rigid plates that move together and apart like pieces of a jigsawpuzzle. Scientists have long recognized 12 major plates. Now there are 13.In the 1970's, scientists first discovered a broad zone, stretching more than600 miles from east to west where the equatorial Indian Ocean floor wascompressed and deformed. Drilled samples had shown that the zone had begun tobuckle and crack about 8 million years ago at the same time that the TibetanPlateau had reached its greatest height. Dr. Cochran was chief scientist of thedrilling cruise that collected this data.More recently, researchers at Northwestern University, led by Richard Gordonand Seth Stein, used data on how newly created seafloor had spread outwardfrom mid-ocean ridges to the west and south of the deformed region in the IndianOcean. They theorized that the movements of the newly created seafloor couldbe accommodated only if a distinct plate boundary existed between separateIndian and Australian plates across the equatorial Indian Ocean.In relation to the Indian plate, the Australian Plate is movingcounterclockwise, the Northwestern University scientists calculated. In thewestern part ofthe new plate boundary, the plates are moving away from each other. To theeast, the Australian Plate is converging on the Indian Plate, they said.If the theory was correct, the ocean floor in the eastern part of the newplate boundary should be compressed, buckled, cracked and eventually thrustupward along the cracks. More critically, if a separate Australian Plate wererotating counterclockwise in relation to a separate Indian Plate, the amount ofcompression should increase rapidly and systematically from west to east acrossthe Central Indian Ocean.To test the theory, the Lamont-Doherty team took actual measurements of howcompressed the Indian Ocean floor has become in the region believed to be thenew plate boundary. Using sound waves to probe oceanic rock layers, theycreated images of subseafloor structures.The images were collected during two separate research voyages that eachspanned the entire deformed zone from north to south. Dr. Weissel and Dr. Jestinwere aboard the 1991 "Phedre" cruise of the French research vessel MarionDufresne. In 1986, Lamont-Doherty's former research vessel, the Robert D.Conrad,obtained images along a north-to-south line 185 miles farther west.The images showed scores of systematically aligned cracks, or faults, in theoceanic lithosphere--created as the once-whole plate buckled and cracked. Asthe now-distinct plates continued to converge, slabs of ocean floor slid upwardalong the faults to alleviate the strain. The more the two plates converged,the farther the slabs slid upward."Van Orman's summer job," Dr. Weissel said, "was to very carefully measurehow far vertically the blocks of crust were thrust upward along more than 200faults."The measurements clearly showed that two separate plates were converging.More importantly, the thrusting observed on the "Phedre" seismic line was abouttwice that found along the Conrad's line. That proved that compression was moreintense to the east--confirming the Northwestern group's prediction from thedata on spreading rate and direction at the mid-ocean ridges."Our result therefore provides direct evidence from the deformation itselfthat the compression of oceanic lithosphere in the Central Indian Ocean,originally regarded as 'intraplate,' is better described as constituting part ofabroad boundary zone between distinct Indian and Australian plates," thescientists wrote in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.Dr. Cochran said the research "gives insight into how strong and rigid platesare, how they respond to stress and what their limits are before they break."Dr. Weissel said, "This is an important piece of work that came out of theNSF's Research Experiences for Undergraduates program. It was basically anundergraduate's summer intern project."The NSF supported the entire research project.7.7.9518,688













Karl Theis JrMedical Science Reporterwww.RealityExpander.com Ch.10 TimeWarnerAustin,Texas cell 512 297-9875http://groups.msn.com/exposureofthetruth



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yes I know...

and even this says its not news...smile.


but I didnt know it til I saw this so thought maybe someone else might not have either.




Denise Every

Sunday, February 20, 2005 12:52 PM

Re: (unknown)


This press release from Columbia University is from 1995. It's not exactly 'hot off the press'!






Sunday, February 20, 2005 12:46 AM



Geologists Find: An Earth Plate Is Breaking in Twohttp://www.columbia.edu/cu/pr/95/18688.htmlScientists at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory reportdirect evidence that one of the Earth's great crustal plates is cracking intwo.In a report published in the most recent issue of Earth and Planetary ScienceLetters (vol. 133), the scientists say they have confirmed that theIndo-Australian Plate--long identified as a single plate on which both India andAustralia lie--appears to have broken apart just south of the Equator beneaththeIndian Ocean. The break has been underway for the past several million years,and now the two continents are moving independently of one another in slightlydifferent directions.Scientists have known that for some 50 million years, the Indian subcontinenthas been pushing northward into Eurasia, forcefully raising the TibetanPlateau and the Himalayan Mountains. The new research suggests that startingabout8 million years ago, the accumulated mass became so great that theIndo-Australian Plate buckled and broke under the stress."The result of this critical stage in the collision between India and Asia isthe breakup of the Indo-Australia Plate into separate Indian and Australianplates," Jeffrey Weissel, a scientist at Lamont-Doherty, Columbia's earthsciences research institute in Palisades, N.Y., said in an interview."This is a newly observed way of creating a new boundary between plates,"said Lamont-Doherty scientist James Cochran, who co-authored the report with Dr.Weissel, Florence Jestin of the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, France, andJames Van Orman, now a graduate student at the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology. Mr. Van Orman, the report's lead author, was an undergraduate atFlorida State University in 1993 when he began the research with Drs. WeisselandCochran at Lamont-Doherty as part of a summer internship program sponsored bythe National Science Foundation (NSF)."In the Central Indian Ocean, Nature is conducting a large-scale laboratoryexperiment for us, showing us what happens to the oceanic lithosphere (Earth'souter layer) when force is applied," Dr. Weissel said in an interview.Essentially pushed into an immovable object, "it can buckle like a piece oftin," hesaid.A fundamental tenet of plate tectonics theory is that the Earth's surface isdivided into rigid plates that move together and apart like pieces of a jigsawpuzzle. Scientists have long recognized 12 major plates. Now there are 13.In the 1970's, scientists first discovered a broad zone, stretching more than600 miles from east to west where the equatorial Indian Ocean floor wascompressed and deformed. Drilled samples had shown that the zone had begun tobuckle and crack about 8 million years ago at the same time that the TibetanPlateau had reached its greatest height. Dr. Cochran was chief scientist of thedrilling cruise that collected this data.More recently, researchers at Northwestern University, led by Richard Gordonand Seth Stein, used data on how newly created seafloor had spread outwardfrom mid-ocean ridges to the west and south of the deformed region in the IndianOcean. They theorized that the movements of the newly created seafloor couldbe accommodated only if a distinct plate boundary existed between separateIndian and Australian plates across the equatorial Indian Ocean.In relation to the Indian plate, the Australian Plate is movingcounterclockwise, the Northwestern University scientists calculated. In thewestern part ofthe new plate boundary, the plates are moving away from each other. To theeast, the Australian Plate is converging on the Indian Plate, they said.If the theory was correct, the ocean floor in the eastern part of the newplate boundary should be compressed, buckled, cracked and eventually thrustupward along the cracks. More critically, if a separate Australian Plate wererotating counterclockwise in relation to a separate Indian Plate, the amount ofcompression should increase rapidly and systematically from west to east acrossthe Central Indian Ocean.To test the theory, the Lamont-Doherty team took actual measurements of howcompressed the Indian Ocean floor has become in the region believed to be thenew plate boundary. Using sound waves to probe oceanic rock layers, theycreated images of subseafloor structures.The images were collected during two separate research voyages that eachspanned the entire deformed zone from north to south. Dr. Weissel and Dr. Jestinwere aboard the 1991 "Phedre" cruise of the French research vessel MarionDufresne. In 1986, Lamont-Doherty's former research vessel, the Robert D.Conrad,obtained images along a north-to-south line 185 miles farther west.The images showed scores of systematically aligned cracks, or faults, in theoceanic lithosphere--created as the once-whole plate buckled and cracked. Asthe now-distinct plates continued to converge, slabs of ocean floor slid upwardalong the faults to alleviate the strain. The more the two plates converged,the farther the slabs slid upward."Van Orman's summer job," Dr. Weissel said, "was to very carefully measurehow far vertically the blocks of crust were thrust upward along more than 200faults."The measurements clearly showed that two separate plates were converging.More importantly, the thrusting observed on the "Phedre" seismic line was abouttwice that found along the Conrad's line. That proved that compression was moreintense to the east--confirming the Northwestern group's prediction from thedata on spreading rate and direction at the mid-ocean ridges."Our result therefore provides direct evidence from the deformation itselfthat the compression of oceanic lithosphere in the Central Indian Ocean,originally regarded as 'intraplate,' is better described as constituting part ofabroad boundary zone between distinct Indian and Australian plates," thescientists wrote in Earth and Planetary Science Letters.Dr. Cochran said the research "gives insight into how strong and rigid platesare, how they respond to stress and what their limits are before they break."Dr. Weissel said, "This is an important piece of work that came out of theNSF's Research Experiences for Undergraduates program. It was basically anundergraduate's summer intern project."The NSF supported the entire research project.7.7.9518,688













Karl Theis JrMedical Science Reporterwww.RealityExpander.com Ch.10 TimeWarnerAustin,Texas cell 512 297-9875http://groups.msn.com/exposureofthetruth



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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
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Always a delight to have you check in Molly...


ps, looking forward to roaming your journal.Molly OKeeffe <mollyokeeffe2001 wrote:

Hi Group, well, since i am ten days raw i am naturally fastingbetween meals sometimes up to 24 hours without effort. increased sensitivity of the body and more alignment between mind and body lead to anatural distaste for eating when the body is naturally satiated and not wanting nutrients/ fuel. i actually can eat a large raw meal and then not eat for a long time into the next day, still feeling the presence of that food and not craving to eat. More freedom of expression and less mental blocks are bringing me to post here. I have an Online Journal which i am enjoying during this process. There are almost 8 million users of this journal throughout the world and i find it tobe very flexible and user friendly: http://www.livejournal.com/users/mollyokeeffe/

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  • 1 month later...

Check out Doc's Total Body Cleanse to get rid of any such conditions.







herbal remedies

Wednesday, September 07, 2005 4:33 AM

Herbal Remedies - (unknown)





So I have a friend that had Candida. And also fistula from it as well.


Is there a site or file for this? Roxy

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks. The chart is really nice, making memorization

so much easier.


Just sitting at a desk, watching TV, and massaging the

foot can keep energy " moving " .


--- Roxy <my4by4forus wrote:







> Hi All,


> Jus check this out……

> The Organs of your body have their sensory touches

> at the bottom of your

> foot, if you massage these points you will find

> relief from aches and pains

> as you can see the organs are on right and left

> foot, the heart is on the

> left foot.





> This time, it put organs on the feet as they are.

> Typically they are shown

> as points and arrows to show which organ it connects

> to.


> It is indeed correct since the nerves connected to

> these organs terminate

> here.


> This is covered in great details in Acupressure

> studies or textbooks.


> God created our body so well that he thought of even

> this. He made us walk

> so that we will always be pressing these pressure

> points and thus keeping

> these organs activated at all times.


> So, keep walking...





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Well there is something wrong, What I have tried and it worked in the past is douching with water and cayenne and that stop the bleeding immediately. Mine was I had a IUD removed and there was a serious infection that is why I did it.


GinaRoxy <my4by4forus wrote:






bleeding with sex. Any ideals? Roxy









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That can be VERY serious you need to see a good OBGYN



Roxy <my4by4forus wrote:






bleeding with sex. Any ideals? Roxy









for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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thank you. Roxy





Gina Kopera

10/06/05 01:48:04

herbal remedies

Re: Herbal Remedies - (unknown)


Well there is something wrong, What I have tried and it worked in the past is douching with water and cayenne and that stop the bleeding immediately. Mine was I had a IUD removed and there was a serious infection that is why I did it.


GinaRoxy <my4by4forus wrote:





bleeding with sex. Any ideals? Roxy











for GoodClick here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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Whoa! you douched with cayenne? and you lived to tell the tale? Didn't you want to set your head on fire to mask the pain of the douche?



herbal remedies [herbal remedies ]On Behalf Of Gina KoperaWednesday, October 05, 2005 4:55 PMherbal remedies Subject: Re: Herbal Remedies - (unknown)

Well there is something wrong, What I have tried and it worked in the past is douching with water and cayenne and that stop the bleeding immediately. Mine was I had a IUD removed and there was a serious infection that is why I did it.


GinaRoxy <my4by4forus wrote:






bleeding with sex. Any ideals? Roxy

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Putting a slice clove of garlic up there will work just as well, if not better, and will cause very little pain.... Do this for 3-6 nights, remove in the morning, and any infection you have going on down there will be done....


I have gotten cayenne pepper on my private parts and let me tell you, that is not fun.....


herbal remedies [herbal remedies ]On Behalf Of Shelby BlakelyThursday, October 06, 2005 12:38 PMherbal remedies Subject: RE: Herbal Remedies - (unknown)

Whoa! you douched with cayenne? and you lived to tell the tale? Didn't you want to set your head on fire to mask the pain of the douche?



herbal remedies [herbal remedies ]On Behalf Of Gina KoperaWednesday, October 05, 2005 4:55 PMherbal remedies Subject: Re: Herbal Remedies - (unknown)

Well there is something wrong, What I have tried and it worked in the past is douching with water and cayenne and that stop the bleeding immediately. Mine was I had a IUD removed and there was a serious infection that is why I did it.


GinaRoxy <my4by4forus wrote:






bleeding with sex. Any ideals? Roxy

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my thoughts exactly.............that had to sting a bit ????




Shelby Blakely

herbal remedies

Thursday, October 06, 2005 11:37 AM

RE: Herbal Remedies - (unknown)


Whoa! you douched with cayenne? and you lived to tell the tale? Didn't you want to set your head on fire to mask the pain of the douche?


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It was hot for a few seconds but it goes away pretty fast, but it works..


GinaShelby Blakely <sblakely wrote:


Whoa! you douched with cayenne? and you lived to tell the tale? Didn't you want to set your head on fire to mask the pain of the douche?



herbal remedies [herbal remedies ]On Behalf Of Gina KoperaWednesday, October 05, 2005 4:55 PMherbal remedies Subject: Re: Herbal Remedies - (unknown)

Well there is something wrong, What I have tried and it worked in the past is douching with water and cayenne and that stop the bleeding immediately. Mine was I had a IUD removed and there was a serious infection that is why I did it.


GinaRoxy <my4by4forus wrote:






bleeding with sex. Any ideals? Roxy









for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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thanks to all that posted to my embarrassment.

I'm wondering about tea tree in addition. I like the garlic ideal versa

cayenne pepper. Thanks for helping me threw this. Roxy





Rob Combis

10/06/05 15:10:28

herbal remedies

RE: Herbal Remedies - (unknown)


Putting a slice clove of garlic up there will work just as well, if not better, and will cause very little pain.... Do this for 3-6 nights, remove in the morning, and any infection you have going on down there will be done....


I have gotten cayenne pepper on my private parts and let me tell you, that is not fun.....


herbal remedies [herbal remedies ]On Behalf Of Shelby BlakelyThursday, October 06, 2005 12:38 PMherbal remedies Subject: RE: Herbal Remedies - (unknown)

Whoa! you douched with cayenne? and you lived to tell the tale? Didn't you want to set your head on fire to mask the pain of the douche?



herbal remedies [herbal remedies ]On Behalf Of Gina KoperaWednesday, October 05, 2005 4:55 PMherbal remedies Subject: Re: Herbal Remedies - (unknown)

Well there is something wrong, What I have tried and it worked in the past is douching with water and cayenne and that stop the bleeding immediately. Mine was I had a IUD removed and there was a serious infection that is why I did it.


GinaRoxy <my4by4forus wrote:





bleeding with sex. Any ideals? Roxy










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so where are the reproductive organs? I am not trying to be sick, but I want to

stimulate my endocrine system



> Hi All,


> Jus check this out……

> The Organs of your body have their sensory touches at the bottom of your

> foot, if you massage these points you will find relief from aches and pains

> as you can see the organs are on right and left foot, the heart is on the

> left foot.

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But it stop the bleeding immediately. I got the idea from Sam Biser book, this lady had cancer in her female parts and when they got to the part of healing her cancer she douched with cayenne pepper and it stop her bleeding. Even thouogh I dont have cancer, I was desperate, I was pretty sick,so I tried it. It worked. I have had cayenne in every orfus (Sp?) of my body. Even my eyes

GinaMarlene <MarleneLawson wrote:


my thoughts exactly.............that had to sting a bit ????




Shelby Blakely

herbal remedies

Thursday, October 06, 2005 11:37 AM

RE: Herbal Remedies - (unknown)


Whoa! you douched with cayenne? and you lived to tell the tale? Didn't you want to set your head on fire to mask the pain of the douche?



for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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You can find the points for reproductive organs on the sides of the heel, under

and behind

the bony bumps on the side of each ankle, inner organs on the inside and the

outer parts

on the outside. Just look for the sensitive points. See the address below, you

can look at,

(or buy, inexpensively), a simple chart that shows the points:





Obviously, they have a lot of books about reflexology, too.






herbal remedies , ramona@r... wrote:


> so where are the reproductive organs? I am not trying to be sick, but I want


> stimulate my endocrine system

> Ramona


> > Hi All,

> >

> > Jus check this out……

> > The Organs of your body have their sensory touches at the bottom of your

> > foot, if you massage these points you will find relief from aches and pains

> > as you can see the organs are on right and left foot, the heart is on the

> > left foot.


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thank you so very much!



Quoting jsh_95433 <hales:


> You can find the points for reproductive organs on the sides of the heel,

> under and behind

> the bony bumps on the side of each ankle, inner organs on the inside and the

> outer parts

> on the outside. Just look for the sensitive points. See the address below,

> you can look at,

> (or buy, inexpensively), a simple chart that shows the points:


> http://www.reflexology-research.com/Images/footchart.jpeg

> http://www.reflexology-research.com/books.htm


> Obviously, they have a lot of books about reflexology, too.


> Scott.

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  • 6 months later...
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Thank you Tim. It is good to know that we have a Moderator in here who cares about the quality of the group; appreciate it! Best Regards ~ JoJo 12-hours into water fastTim Campbell <jtcaell wrote: The person who posted the following has been removed from the forum. "I'm a hot single, I'm looking for a better SEX partner! Check my live webcams and hot SEXY photos here:" And for a while the posts of new members will be moderated. Apologies, Tim Moderator ps, I'm in New Orleans working with Katrina victims...very busy. Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates. <a href="http://www.paperbackswap.com/index.php?n=2 & r_by=jojo46580%40earthlink.net">Join our club and swap paperback books for FREE - PaperBackSwap.com</a> Say I sent you!

Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

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  • 2 months later...
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Good for you Collee, and very well done on getting through it all.

I love to hear these kinds of herbal success stories.

In Health, Freedom, and Love,



Doc Shillington727-447-5282Doc




herbal remedies

Saturday, July 01, 2006 4:56 PM

Herbal Remedies - (unknown)







I did use the ACV with Lavender EO last night. This morning I have been using the Aloe Vera plant especially on my face. I am really amazed at the difference. My lips are still sore, and my face a little red, but the rest of me is ok. Usually I would have the tight dry painful skin that eventually peels off in sheets of skin. Another thing, I did come home with a full paper bag of Elder flowers. LOL










Start with plain straight organic ACV for the pain.

Then after this dries, apply Aloe Vera gel (straight from the plant).

Be gone in no time.



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In a message dated 7/6/2006 3:49:07 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

elisa414 writes:


Hi Everyone,


I am excited to announce that on Thursday, July 6th at 11:00am eastern time,

I have been asked to be a guest speaker on Home Grown Radio NJ, I will be

speaking about the Indigo Children and Adults


The great thing this is you don't have to be in NJ, it is an Radio web cast

radio and the link is www.homegrownradionj.com .


Love and Light

Lisa Bellini




Oh! And thanks to lovelier then ever , I missed it because it didn't

post your message until 3:50pm this afternoon! Is there a way to still hear







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absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt Atlantis did exist. Where they got

into trouble is they tried to harness the power of the earths spiritual and

magnetic fields thru the use of one of its main energy crystals. The earth

spirit got pretty pissed and sank it in one day!


I hear we are trying to find that crystal? Not since Atlantis has the world

been as advanced as we are today. Some of their genetic experiments include

cats and pigs, they created them.


Anyway, just a couple of tidbits.







>01ANGELS , Uniquely_Perceptive_People ,

> , TempleofAscension ,

> themagicalmirror , TheSpiritualWay ,

> Artdreams777, karendezwart

> (unknown)

>Thu, 06 Jul 2006 09:52:50 -0400


>Check out Atlantis Scifi TV show this Fri.



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  • 2 months later...

You mean valproic acid which is depakote! It is an anti-seizure medicine that has some serious long term side effects. I would check with doc.

Everyone is raving about the all-new Mail.

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  • 1 month later...

>snicker! "


Hmmmm. Guess it's time to give it up for me, I see myself too well! LOL!





On 10/31/06, Vicki P <sun613moon wrote:


> Top 10 Signs You Are Too Old to Be Trick or Treating


> 10. You get winded from knocking on the door.


> 9. You have to have a kid chew the candy for you.


> 8. You ask for high fiber candy only.


> 7. When someone drops a candy bar in your bag, you lose your balance and

> fall over.


> 6. People say, " Great Keith Richards mask! " and you're not wearing a mask.


> 5. When the door opens you yell, " Trick or... " and can't remember the

> rest.


> 4. By the end of the night, you have a bag full of restraining orders.


> 3. You have to carefully choose a costume that won't dislodge your

> hairpiece.


> 2. You're the only Power Ranger in the neighborhood with a walker.


> 1. You avoid going to houses where your ex-husbands live.



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