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Kind Attention : remedies for cancer.

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Cancer protocol if this author consists of PanchGavya medicines,

breathing techniques and few Panch Karma+juice therapy of naturopathy.

THese things are not like pills which can be dispensed online.

Patient has to be within commuting distance and in India only. If these

constraints are getting satisfied, Cancer is curable, if it has not

metastasized much. Even such cancers are sometimes defeated by

alternatives, but then patient should be having left with good faith,

pranic energy too.


And one more thing is the cure, where obtained, does not require

certification from allopathy.



Dr Bhate



, " jagchat01 " <jagchat01


> Two of our members have asked for help. Ashokji for his friend who is

> suffering from backache and Aruna who wants remedies for cancer.


> Kindly help with ayurveda.

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" If improvement is to be brought about as in other

branches of knowledge, we must diverge from 'the

beaten tracks, the probability being that the truth is

to be found in unexpected directions. But not only is

any divergence from ordinary views likely to meet with

opposition, owing to the preconceived opinions of

mankind, but it has to encounter a much more serious

opposition should it at all run counter to existing

commercial interests " :

Dr R T Cooper " Cancer and Cancer Symptoms "

Basic to health and healing is the non-scientific

concept of vitality. It is a quality that cannot, at

the moment be-quantified. It is the essence of the

homeopathy of Hahnemann and his system of miasmatics,

for, if there were not a vitality working in accord

with Hering's Law ...

[1] Hering's Law of Cure ~

I Symptoms move from center to circumference of body.

2 Symptoms travel from above downwards.

3 Symptoms travel from more vital to less vital


4 Symptoms disappear in the reverse order of their

onset, those that appeared first being the last to


These observers have also noted the reappearance, of

conditions, which affected a person in past life.

Which have lain dormant either because of the body's

defenses being unable to deal with them or through

inappropriate suppressive treatment having been

administered, even the ill effects of accidents, which

occurred years ago.

.... Then it would not be possible for symptoms, or

vents for internal ills, to be forced to the

surface-for relief. Also, lacking an internal dynamic

exercising an outward thrusting pressure there would

be no superficial, surface symptoms to suppress, but

only a passive inert state similar to death.

The point of this small work is to gather together

some thoughts of the great minds of homeopathy and to

examine them and their relation to latent or potential

illness or disease in the individual. One would also

like to point towards possibilities for early

recognition, of latent illness that is stirring and

preparing to rise to the surface. This would allow a

preventative aspect to holistic and homeopathic


The object of therapy is to cure gently and thoroughly

without the use of crude drugs, antibiotics, and

antimicrobials etc or surgical intervention. This

statement applies to chronic, hereditary

constitutional illness. Where surgeons repair a

shattered body one can only - stand in awed admiration

and offer assistance to deal with shock and support

rapid healing; while confirming that surgery should be

confined to this field where it excels. In support of

this view one would like to quote a few of our great

minds on the subject.

(Kent P842 Lectures) " As a medicine to prevent

abortion it is one of the first to consider because

the symptoms we know are such as come during abortion,

and it is most useful after the membranes have

ruptured, or the ovum passed, or when the placenta is

about to be expelled. It establishes the normal

activities of the uterus so that it will expel

whatever is left behind of these membranes. The

curetting is never necessary with the homeopathic

remedy. It suggests that there is something defective

about the woman's organs. "

(Kent P127 Lectures) " You do not need to run for the

surgeon for every case of appendicitis if you know

Bryonia, Rhus tox. Belladonna, Arnica and similar

remedies. The homeopathic remedy will cure these

cases, and, if you know it, you need never run after

the surgeon in appendicitis except in recurrent a

tacks. If you do not know your remedies, you will

succumb to the prevailing notion that it is necessary

to open the abdomen and remove the appendix. It is

only deplorable ignorance that causes appendicitis to

be surrendered to the knife. "

(Kent P226 Lectures)-' " Now the surgeons nearly all

advocate that if there is a fistulous opening around

the anus it must be operated upon. Homeopathy cures

such cases. I have not operated on one for twenty

years. The remedy that is indicated for the patient

will cure the patient, and the fistula. Above all

things, they should not be operated on. To close up

that fistulous opening, and thus neglect the patient,

is a very dangerous thing to do. "

(Kent P279 Lectures) " And if you hear that somebody

has tried this and tried that without success,

remember that somebody has only demonstrated his own

failure. Homeopathy is capable of demonstrating itself

in all intelligent hands. "

(Kent P338 Lectures) " Nowadays we hear so much about

this meddlesome midwifery, this curetting, and doing

this and that and the other thing, that it makes a

homeopathic physician disgusted. Just as if those

parts were not made by Nature, and unable to take care

of themselves. "

(Kent P185 Lectures) " That is the worst sort of

practice, guessing at a remedy; yet there are children

having enlarged tonsils that appear to us without any

symptom whatever to select a remedy by, The symptoms

to prescribe on are such as represent the patient, not

the glands; not the changed tissue. We must always

regret that the surgeon must come in, for in cutting

off anything it may be done to the constitutional

detriment of the patient. "

(Kent P290 Lectures) " Affections of the bones of the

nose. That is, the catarrhs go on so long, and they

are so deep-seated, that the bones of the nose and the

cartilage of the nose are infiltrated, and they break

down. Then operators cut out bone, remove cartilage,

and perform operations too numerous to mention. And

everyone must have the same operation. But in order

for him to be cured he must even after that go to an

homeopathic physician " . He should first be cured and

then if there is anything to be removed let him be

operated on. "

(Kent P168 Lectures) " Homeopathy teaches that the

patient should be treated and the patient only, after

which the organs and tissues become normal. The whole

duty of the physician is to restore health to the

patient. We have the nose specialists with their local

applications. These things will only bring on bone

disease, and tubercular troubles. They stop the

discharge from the nose, and of course nature must

have a vent somewhere and so she establishes a

discharge in the chest. The trouble progresses from

the mucous membranes into the lung, into the

parenchyma of the lungs, and is often of a tubercular

character and then these men tell you the bacilli have

come. This is spurious science. Clean, healthy tissues

are the only safeguard. "

(Allen P122 Chronic Miasms) " Stasis is sure to appear

in some part of the organism, which is often incurable

unless the eruptive disease can again be produced. A

sycotic of three processes suppression in my

experience usually results in one a gleety discharge

or catarrhal condition of some mucous surface, a

localised 'Secondary inflammation of some form or

other, such as metritis, salpingitis, appendicitis, or

inflammation of the prostate, rectum or of some other

organ. Not infrequently this form is manifest in

congestion of the meninges, medulla or some other part

of the brain, often inducing many aberrations of the

mind such as acute or subacute mania even to true

insanity. "

(Allen P203 Chronic Miasms) " Often the things that

were very agreeable and palatable to them, become

repugnant and they take a great dislike to them. For

instance, the tobacco user he suddenly takes a dislike

to his pipe or his accustomed chew and for a time it

is impossible for him to use it or to even touch it.

After this condition passes away, which is usually in

a short time, he resumes his old habits again with

renewed vigor and relish. We see in these things,

disturbances of psora: all toxic drugs become sooner

or later prime disturbers of psora or the chronic

miasms in general, but particularly psora. "

(Allen PI0I Chronic Miasms) " On the other hand, when

the growth was removed by surgical measures it often

became recurrent, or some new development succeeded

it, frequently of a nervous or mental nature, that was

difficult to remove, if not incurable. "

(Allen P .I00 Chronic Miasms) " But, you say, how do

you know that a miasm is behind or at the root of all

abnormal growths we know, in the first place, that

this subject received a careful study from Hahnemann

himself for twelve years. After that most earnest

thought, careful analysis and experiments he saw that

the miasm lay not only at the basis of abnormal

growths but that they fathered all disease outside of

chemical and mechanical irritation. In the second

place, when the law of cure was applied, basing the

prescription on the totality of the prominent and most

dependent miasmatic symptoms, the abnormal growth no

longer developed and immediately began to diminish and

finally disappeared. This occurred when the highest

potencies were given and when all chemical action was

lost, or destroyed, in preparing the remedy by the

process of potentization. "

(Allen P98 Chronic Miasms) " Simple external

expressions, as papular eruptions, warts and such

like, the system is through these simple mediums

eliminating from itself all that is necessary of the

effects of miasmatic poison. Should the unskilled

physician who is not acquainted with this law

governing miasmatics, suppress these conditions, some

other eliminating avenues or points must be created,

as the miasm is still in that organism with the same

strength and power of action.

The same stress is there, the same dynamos; therefore,

when we suppress its manifestations do we simply

change its nature? No, its action or its manner of

working in the organism, and the same miasmatic force

is directed along other lines and against other points

or parts in that organism, which is along lines of

heredity. New phenomena, or new symptoms to develop.

The more profound the suppression the greater and

deeper the new manifestation or new process. "

(Allen P24 Chronic Miasms) " What you see there is not

the disease but the eliminative process. It comes out

at that point; it is but the waste gate, through which

the disease escapes. The potential is the disease, and

the potential (the life force) is that which is

disturbed. It is a similar process which creates a

tumor. "

(Allen P65 Chronic Miasms) " Often our only hope lies

in reproducing the original disease, in order to cure

any secondary disease, whether it be stomach trouble,

indigestion, hemorrhoids, headaches, neuralgia’s,

rheumatism or constipation. Even acute expressions of

disease often depend on the same thing. For instance,

it has been my experience in about fifty cases of

acute arthritis, following speedily after the

suppression of the sycotic discharge not to be able to

relieve the pain fully, or to arrest the progress of

the disease, unless the suppressed discharge

returned. "

(Ortega P268 Notes on The Miasms)

" Old-school medicine is plagued with these

antithetical procedures, and despite the arguments and

objections which have been repeated time and time

again by the great masters. This medicine continues to

mutilate, cut off, suppress the natural healing power,

and trample on the Vix Iedicatrix Naturae learned as

the fundamental Hippocratic norm of any medical


(P282) " By the same token, if we limit ourselves to

finding a medicine which covers all the similar

symptoms without attempting to establish for them an

order of importance, without taking into account their

antecedents and, above all, their ultimate aims, we

may become symptom removers " but never true

homeopathic physicians. "

(P267) " And we hasten to add that within this medicine

which we so greatly criticize there have been, are and

will be, magnificent and profound thinkers who have

noted the same both now and in the past. We also note

with shame and sorrow that homeopathy itself has many

professionals who call themselves homeopaths but act

in accord with this vicious, corrupt and short-sighted

institutional medicine. "

So it can be seen that the great minds of our therapy

are agreed that crude drugging and surgical

intervention can normally be counted as suppressive

and destructive. But one must appreciate that until

there enough skilled homeopaths to recognise and deal

with events that lead inevitably to this sort of

treatment our voice will be drowned by strident

commercial interests.

Our attention must be focused on education so that an

increasing sector of the public are aware of the

underlying concepts of health from the holistic

homeopathic point of view. So there are fewer cases

like one I know of, where a very bitter lady swears

never to go near an orthodox allopathic physician. She

considers that she has been robbed of twenty years of

an all too brief life by the constant use of

tranquilisers. One can only wonder which current

" wonder drug " now being enthusiastically prescribed,

will, in a few years time, be recognised as a

destructive agent when considered holistically, and

one is appalled by the potential for harm to the

central nervous system in the brain peptide research

now under way.

The concept of a vital force whose energy is directed

towards the survival of the individual is dealt with

in other booklets of this series. As is the subject of

suppression of acute symptoms that may be seen as

vents granting internal relief to that vital force.

Generally speaking the vitality can only cope with a

specific amount of extra stress. This can be

over-balanced by trauma such as: - (1) suppression of

inflammation in the ear, nose, and throat or the

genito/urinary areas by antibiotics or antimicrobials

(2) Serum vaccine (3) Physical trauma (4) emotional


When the internal stress is unbalanced the underlying

latent miasmatic class will rise to the surface to

allow the vitality to balance its energy expenditure

as it is compelled to accept and control the

suppressed inflammatory condition.

Quite often after the suppression of a-sycotic

catarrhal/inflammatory condition the underlying latent

psoric, or ulcerative condition will rise to the

surface and there will be eczema, asthma, neuralgia or

varicose ulcer.

As J H Allen points out, when the vitality is near

defeat the three' - great seats of life are attacked;

the liver, heart and brain. Where $ the miasm is

ulcerative it is the brain that is often affected by

suppression. First by phobias, suicidal episodes, or

aggressive destructive and violent behavior patterns.

Later of course physical deterioration of the brain

cells happens, as in the many individual forms of

Alzheimer’s Disease (or accelerated old age).

In connection with the liver, heart and brain as the

great seats of vitality it is interesting to note that

primitive races often ate part of the defeated enemy

in order to absorb his bravery and vitality and always

the organ consumed was one of these three.

It is also interesting to note that medical science,

having used tranquilisers, (now acknowledged to cause

actual brain cell deterioration) is busy on peptide

research to put this damage right. 1hey can we not

realize that the body’s best physician is its own

vitality and that it evolved on a basically

self-repairing schema.

One is tempted to agree with Dr Ortega when he says

(P272) " Notes on the Miasms " " Man should submit

intelligently to the rule of the universe by

adequately stimulating the potential residing in the

nature of each person. Helping to rid it of defects

and to reincorporate it into complete normality. And

when this potential is not adequate for survival, man

should die with dignity, but with all of his

capacities and qualities intact. True medicine will

thus strive for the prototype of each individual

rather than the pitiful remnant, which will only' make

the human type ever more degenerate and absurd. "

It may of course be due to our society, which strives

for recognition praise and wealth. In order to be seen

to do his, usually very well paid job, the physician

looks for immediate and dramatic results from the

drugs and surgery he administers.

But as Prof. J T Kent points out this seriously

detracts from the ability to serve humanity, as it has

a right to expect service from this profession He says

on P339 of his Lectures.

" The children that grow up under the care of the

homeopathic physician wil.1 never have consumption, or

Bright's disease; they are all turned into order, and

they will die of old age, or be worn out properly by

business cares; they will not rust out. It is the duty

of the physician to watch the little ones. To save

them from their inheritances and their downward

tendencies is the greatest work of his life. That is

worth living for. When we see these tendencies

cropping out in the little ones we should never

intimate that they are due to the father or the

mother. It is only offensive and does no good. The

physician's knowledge as to what he is doing is his

own, and the greatest comfort he can get out of it is

his own. He need never expect that anyone will

appreciate what he has done, or what he has avoided.

The physician who, desires praise and sympathy for

what he has done generally has no conscience. "

Were it not for today's wonder drugs that preserve

external apparent health while the interior rats one

would yearn for the ancient Chinese system of medicine

where the physician was only paid while his patient

was well. Payment to the physician stopped when the

patient was ill and only resumed when he was well


The microbiologists and geneticists are beavering away

at the loops and spirals of the DNA/RNA and are

already locating various genetically transmitted

diseases that can be transmitted down the generations.

Since around 1815 Hahnemann and his successors have

not only been preaching this point of view, but also

using their remedies to treat these miasmatic genetic


Two of the miasmatic classes are contained in the

pseudo-psora or tubercular grouping. The psoric and

the ulcerative. Dinosaur bones have shown that they

suffered from that disease. . Thus at least two of the

miasmatic classes predate man historically. At the

same time it has been shown that early prehistoric man

suffered gouty states, and in the main these fall in

the sycotic class. This all suggests that the system

of miasmatics existed largely before man evolved. That

they are at least equal to man in the flexibility and

capacity to adapt. It would probably be fanciful to

think that man’s flexibility and capacity to adapt

is due to his continuous close association with

miasmatic genetic groupings.

It also appears that where a natural disaster, a deep

trauma or a chronic depression of existence occur when

one of the miasms is brought to the surface. Instances

of this are reported every day. In the Observer report

on the Bhopal Gas Disaster 1/12/1985, a woman

constantly washes her hands – a manifestation of the

syphilitic miasmatic class. Kent’s repertory lists

the nosodes and the syphilitic and only that remedy

for that condition. I have cured cases of compulsive

hand washing using that nosode.

In the most depressed areas of New York, London etc

tuberculosis is on the increase. It was only

controlled as long as we maintained the whole of our

society above a minimal living standard. In the recent

phenomena of AIDS, we find in advanced cases, the

classical symptoms of hereditary tuberculosis.

Weakness, excessive rapid weight loss, drenching night

sweats swollen lymph glands. All meticulously detailed

under the heading Tuberculin. The Nosode – included

by Prof. H.C. Allen in his Materia Med of Nosodes,

compiled at the Hering Medical School, Chicago.

" Vicious " and " Degenerative " are only two of the'

adjectives used by great and world famous homeopaths

to describe the practice of vaccination with serum. As

I have quoted extensively in other sections on

miasmatics I will only say here that vaccination has

been condemned since J C Burnett proposed the disease

condition Vaccinosis in 1881, through such names as

Hering, J H Allen, R C Allen, J H Clarke,

From J T Kent to today’s R Moskowitz and H Coulter,

who detail the relationship of vaccinal poison to

eczema, cancer and insanity. All well defined parts of

the latent miasmatic groupings that are inherent in

the human organism, being contained and controlled by

the vitality. So long as personal vitality is not

under assault by crude drugging suppressive surgery,

or medicines.

See Coulter's book " A Shot In The Dark " and R

Moskowtiz " The Case Against Immunisation "

The deepest and most inert of the miasmatic groupings

is the psoric and it is doubtful if any human can

evade it. According to those who have studied it

deeply it is not only transmitted genetically it is

instantly and imperceptibly transmitted by skin


Those who momentarily scratch themselves on

undressing, or first getting into bed have it, but

also have it well under control. If the eyes are

sensitive to bright light then some disturbance of the

psoric latency has taken place. The lists of such

outcroppings are endless and detailed in the

homeopathic repertories of the world.

As Prof. J H Allen pointed out " we see in these

things disturbances of psora. All toxic drugs become

sooner or later disturbers of psora. The disturbance

of course can follow not only courses of antibiotics,

antimicrobials, tranquilisers but can also be roused

by vaccination, and physical or emotional trauma.

Where suppression or genetic inheritance has caused

both psoric and ulcerative symptoms to be active then

all manifestations are serious and unpleasant.

Allergies, asthma, hay fever, ulcerative cancers,

hyperactivity, and other nervous problems can be

roused from latent conditions.

If the condition is not too serious and the individual

can afford the time then, ideally, the only necessity

is to provide rest, relief from stress, and a

carefully selected diet, all of which can be provided

by naturopathy. This supports the reactive powers

until they are restored to their previous ability to

control all latent conditions and the individual is

restored to good health. In conditions where the

vitality is weakened and fighting a losing battle then

those therapies that act at the vital energy level can

restore the body to order. The two main therapies in

this area are acupuncture and homeopathy.

I am not experienced in acupuncture and cannot comment

authoritatively on it. But I believe that like many

therapies, in the hands of a good practitioner it is

highly effective and in the hands of a bad

practitioner it is only of dubious worth.

To illustrate how suppression arises and also how the

homeopath can be guilty of suppression it may be worth

considering one of my own cases because it shows many

of the facets that people like Professors Kent and the

two Allen’s, (J H & H C) warn us against.

First I dealt with a woman who, due to antibiotic

treatment now suffered from vaginal thrush. This

condition is easily banished using Candida Alb Im. The

lady was most impressed and I had acted in accord with

the homeopathic principle that " like cures like " .

However some 2-3 months later the same lady returned

with Pruritis (or itch). I examined - the whole case

in greater detail and followed a single dose of

Bacilinum with a course of Sulfur. The first thing to

reappear was the thrush, which I had homeopathically

suppressed. Further courses of treatment banished a

tendency to take " colds " constant tiredness and a host

of minor complaints. I quote this fault of my own to

illustrate the fact that simple repertorising pointed

in the first instance to many remedies and I opted to

meet the client's demands and cure the condition that

annoyed her.

Later, due to my own appreciation of the subtle

workings of miasmatics improving I was able to use her

pronounced liking for meat, gravy and potatoes to see

the tubercular, grouping and the use of sulfur settled

the case, although she was not an obvious " sulfur

type " .

This shows how easy it is to use homeopathy in an

allopathic fashion, curing the symptom, satisfying the

client and at the same time degrading the overall

long-term health of the individual. As Kent so often

says " It is the patient and the patient only who is to

be treated after which the organs and tissues become

normal. " And in this homeopathy is holistic.

She has many of the appearances of a health and

strength, but she is predisposed to every acute

disease of a contagious or infectious nature that

comes along. Within a few years she has gone through

the whole catalogue of children's diseases. . Most of

which, if properly treated by the single homeopathic

remedy, come forth free from any sequelae and the

general system is renovated greatly of its existing

miasm; but, if improperly treated, we may have any

chronic miasmatic stasis which remains with it

permanently, or in time destroys the life.

" It is right here that we would impress upon the mind

of the practitioner this important fact. That we must

have a wider knowledge of these latent miasms in order

to know when and how to select a deep acting miasmatic

remedy. One that will not only remove idiosyncrasy and

predisposition, but also cut short all of the history

above presented with its sufferings, and dangers to

the young life. As a rule, many of us only scratch

upon the surface of this miasmatic soil, removing a

few of the' weeds of disease, when we ought to be

preparing the soil so that it will bring forth only

the fruit of health and strength, and magnify life and

perpetuate youth. Idiosyncrasy and predisposition are

the offspring of our failures to do this thing. Many

times we do give the true antimiasmatic remedy

according to the law of similia, but we give the

potency too low to get the full breadth and depth of

its action. While it may abort the existing acute

disease, it leaves as a rule, the deeper pre-existing

miasmatic symptoms; therefore, the predisposition and

idiosyncrasy are still there to threaten the patient

with new disorders at every new cycle and turn of

life. "

J T Kent Lectures P339 " The suppression of eruptions

is apt to bring out mental symptoms, mental

exhaustion, haplessness, despair appearing after the

suppression of an eruption with zinc ointment. He was

fairly well while he has had the eruption but when it

disappeared his mind gave out. This is an instance of

suppression and also of the power of zinc is well

known to homeopathy as a remedy.

P262 " The nature of the Bufo constitution is such that

it is capable of giving out symptoms similar to those

produced by low forms of disease. He is not likely to

live to be old; he is likely to break down at forty.

She comes to her end by cancer of uterus or breast, or

by imbecility. He comes to his end with low forms of

disease, malignant manifestations. This medicine,

therefore, goes into the very life. Children develop

an unusual tendency to low forms of chronic disease;

they do not possess a good healthy nature, -a good

sound brain; but they are feeble, they break out with

eruptions, they go into consumption. Persons of

twenty-five have a tendency to break down, and when

the symptoms look like those of Bufo this medicine

will in a wonderful way, make that constitution all

over. Such cases as these only get well by violent

turmoil and by tremendous aggravations. When we

approach these diseases by easy stages the patient

does not get so much disorder or excitement, but is

not cured so radically.’

Old diseases reappear, old gonorrhea would be brought

back, and old syphilitic states come up, ulcers attack

the mucous membranes, etc. Such turmoil is likely to

occur when you get a deep acting remedy, such as

brings all the disease out that was lurking within. "

P950 " Burnett dropped an idea, that has been confirmed

many times. Patients, who have inherited phthisis,

patients whose parents have died of phthisis are often

of feeble vitality. They do not throw off their

inherited tendencies. They are always tired. They take

on sicknesses easily. They become anemic; nervous;

waxy or pale. These conditions are sometimes met, when

the finer symptoms agree, although Burnett evidently

used this medicine in a sort of routine way for this

kind of constitution which he called

" Consumptiveness. " 'Persons who had inherited

phthisis, who were debilitated and anemic.

It seems from looking over the record of many cures

that this remedy has been given many times for just

that state on a paucity of symptoms and if the records

can be believed it has many times balanced up to the

constitution in that anemic state, where the

inheritance has been phthisis. It is not the best

'Indication for Tuberculin. but where the symptoms

agree with the inheritance, then you may have

indications for the remedy. ,

If Tuberculin bovinum be given in 10m 50m and cm

potencies, two doses of each potency at long

intervals, all children and young people who have

inherited tuberculosis may be immune from their

inheritance and their resiliency will be restored. It

cures most cases of adenoids and Tuberculous glands of

the neck.

P398 " He dreads the necessity of having company, and

it seems that the atmosphere is full of frightful and

distressing things to worry him. This makes him

low-spirited. The remedy seems to fit the sycotic

constitution in its mental state and its generals. It

seems to be fitted to those who had gonorrhea recently

suppressed because after that suppression will come on

this mental state with inflammation of glands.

P910 " Such things are only necessary when there is a

paucity of symptoms. Where after much study it is

necessary to resort to what seem the best measures,

measures justifiable to a certain extent, based upon

observation and upon a knowledge of the conditions

underlying the constitution of the whole race. 'We

know that underlying these cases with few symptoms

there is a latent condition, and that it is psora,

syphilis or sycosis. If it were known to be syphilis

we would select the head of the class of remedies

looking like syphilis. If known to be sycosis, we

would select the head of the class of remedies looking

like sycosis. Sulfur stands at the head of the class

of remedies looking like the underlying psora. So, if

the underlying constitution is known to psoric, and it

is a masked case, Sulfur will open up the latent

cause, and, even if it does not act on a positively

curative basis, it is true that a better

representation of the symptoms comes up. "

We can then move to Prof. R C Allen who compiled the

" Materia Medica Of The Nosodes " and see the same views

on latency. In much the same way Dr Clarke quotes Von

Grauvogl and J C Burnett on the subject of venereal


" Constitutional Medicine " By Dr J H Clarke P131 " As

for syphilis itself, Grauvogl believed it quite

possible that this poison should arise 'de novo’

from ferments generated in the vagina . That it

depended on the constitution of the individual in

question which disease followed from one and the same

exposure. " From the same woman on the same day, and

indeed in the very same hour, one may get a syphilitic

ulcer, one a sycotic ulcer and one escape without any

infection. " Somewhat parallel with this I have seen a

distinct case of syphilis develops in a woman when her

partner for months past never had and never developed

syphilis. I have seen a very inveterate urithritis in

a man whose wife suffered from leucorrhoea and with

whom there was no question of other intercourse. It

all depends on the susceptibility



Also H C Allen in " Nosodes " P198

" To the ordinary mechanical, materialistic, and;

atomistic heads - and there- is a vast number of such,

- it seemed not only paradoxical, but childish and

incredible, that according to the homeopathic medical

doctrine. The administration of doses of only very

minute fractions of a grain of the more powerful

medicines could be of any use.

I grant that it may certainly be more convenient to

regard all diseases as accumulations of gross

impurities as well as active drugs as rough levers and

brooms or as chemical reagents, consequently as

palpable things. This may, I repeat, be more

convenient than to regard those alterations of the

being of living creatures (disease) as pure dynamical

affections of the vital force, and medicines as pure,

virtual, tone-altering powers, as they are in reality,

and to set about curing according to these views.

If we do not adopt these true views, but adhere to

those ordinary material ones, the curative powers of

medicine must be estimated according to their bulk and

the weight of their dose; and hence the scales must

determine the efficacy of the dose. But in that case

we must first ascertain the weight of the disease, in

order to be able to reckon whether a disease weighing

so many pounds could be pried out, as with a lever, by

such a weight of medicine. "

In case one should think that all these views are

voices from the past let us look at a recent

publication " Notes on the Miasms " By Dr Ortega of

Mexico and see that he says on P103.

" The doctrine of specific microbes is a thing of the

past. The same microbe-produces four different


MICROBIAL ACTION whose specificity is here being

discussed is conditioned by the state of the organic

terrain in which it develops. "

A little thought on this point will show those

receptive to new ideas, that this is in accord with

the homeopathic principle that the whole person must

be treated because each individual creates his own

disease (or health) states. Also it points in a

direction that I have long considered to be a natural

condition, i.e. that any and all substances can stand

in a harmful relationship to humans.

Allergies can even cause what is food to most of us,

to kill a supersensitive (see the book " the Allergy

Connection " ) .In the same way substances that are

inert to most of us, suddenly become carcinogenic.

This of course ridiculous, as individual people reacts

carcinogenically to substances normally harmless to

most people-. The change occurs in the person not in

the substance. It all depends on the individual, as

people not substances are carcinogenic.

In this connection is interesting to note what Dr

Foubister says in his paper on the nosode Carsinosin

in 1967. " These children presented a remarkably

similar appearance, having blue selerotics, a " cafe au

lait " complexion and numerous moles. " In addition to

the Carsinosin appearance and a tendency to insomnia

there was a tendency to have inflammatory illness very

early in life.

For instance Whooping cough at five months fits into

this picture. If for the sake of argument we accept

that there are two basic diseases, inflammation and

tumor formation. Then it might not be too far fetched

to regard this tendency to inflammation as a reaction

against inherited tendencies. " This shows again that

inherited genetic latency gives rise to inflammatory

disorder, and also Dr Foubister points to the

relationship between Carsinosin and Tuberculin,

Medorrhinum, Lueticum thus covering all the miasmatic


Returning once more to disasters, natural or

otherwise, these are often informative as those who

survive are usually stripped back to reveal those

conditions which were always latent.

In this one would look at the keloid scarring of the

Hiroshima survivors Consulting Dr J H Allen, who was

Professor of skin diseases at Hering Medical College

Chicago. In his Book " Diseases of the Skin " under

keloid he draws attention to its occurrence, " in those

tubercular patients who have deep seated nervous

troubles. "

So once more we see that under the greatest stress and

trauma the body is compelled to allow its latent

miasmatic grouping to rise to the surface. Allen

recommends Bacilinum and Fluoric Acid as the two most

useful remedies in this condition.

The Bhopal disaster, which probably poisoned with

Hydrogen Cyanide gas (Observer 1.12.85), reports that

there were cases of loss of taste, smell and hearing,

acute damage to nerve cells and increased fluid in the

brain. Once again the individual has his health and

vitality stripped away until those whose heritage is

in the ulcerative grouping are attacked in the area of

the nervous system. While those who suffer from

increased brain fluid show a relation to numerous

cases cured by Bacilinum or Tuberculin where the head

has been enlarged due to hydrocephalous. Which brings

us back to the pseudo psoric (or tubercular) miasmatic


If one wished to use tautopathy in an event like

Bhopal one would expect that the homeopathic remedy

hydrocyanic acid would be universally curative.

Unfortunately homeopathy is not so simple.

Undoubtedly, there will be a few cases where the

indications included coldness, blue or gray earthy

puffed features, oppressed breathing and anorexia

combined with thirst, which sets up gurgling in the


These would be cured by Hydrocyanic acid, but the vast

majority of cases would relate to the basic latent

miasmatic grouping and would call for either the

nosode or its related polycrest. Which are, as Kent

points out, Natrum Muriaticum or the Calcium's for the

tubercular, Sulfur for the psoric and the Mercury's

for the ulcerative. These are of course only those

most strongly related to a miasmatic grouping; each

has a cluster of like acting remedies and the closest

match is the one that will exert the greatest curative


Let us turn from disasters on an international scale

to disaster on an individual scale, cancer. A recent

article by R Thomas " A Cure for Cancer Research "

points out a number of causes for apprehension on the

part of anyone accepting orthodox treatment for this


P56/7 " But the hard, sad fact remains that in spite of

the millions being collected and spend each year,

cancer in its most lethal and serious forms - in the

lung, breast and bowel, is no nearer being beaten

today than it ever was. 'Indeed, in some cases,

particularly breast cancer for example, the exact

opposite is true; the scientists are actually losing

the fight.

The number of deaths from breast cancer in England and

Wales rose from 10,622 in 1969 to 12,672 in 1983 - an

increase of a huge 19 per cent.

" Recent figures show that survival rates for young

women who develop cervical cancer have fallen sharply

- a new, more virulent virus is being blamed. So far

from winning, in fact, the research effort is barely

standing still - and the millions collected are being

largely wasted. In the face of this sort of fact it

seems that only Blinkered thinking would refuse to

admit that the current standard cancer therapy is

ineffective to say tile least.

R Thomas goes on to say " But if comments like this

make most orthodox cancer researchers start to twist

uncomfortably, there is a further revelation to come

guaranteed to cause almost instant heart failure. And

that is the extraordinary and deliberately suppressed,

discovery that many people have a better chance of

recovery from cancer if they have no treatment at all

than if they have any of the ‘ cut, burn or poison "

remedies on offer at most hospitals today.

As long as ten years ago, Professor Hoyden B Jones of

the University of California’s Medical, Physics and

Physiology department told the American Cancer

Society: " My studies have shown conclusively that

untreated cancer victims live up to four times longer

than treated individuals. If one has cancer and opts

to do nothing at all, he will live longer and feel

better than if he undergoes radiation, chemotherapy or

non-essential surgery.†And " Professor Kenneth

Calman head of clinical oncology at Glasgow University

has admitted in his introductory booklet Living with

Cancer, published last year, that " Some form of cancer

treatment, notably radiotherapy and chemotherapy may

actually induce cancer. " And Dr Ian Pearce, who has

spent a lifetime treating patients, agrees: " The

methods of treating cancer are feared almost as much

as the disease itself. " " It is not the cancer which

kills the victim, " Professor Jones has claimed " it is

the breakdown of the person's defense mechanism which

eventually causes death. "

As the famous homeopath Dr R T Cooper said in his book

" Cancer and Cancer Victims "

" If improvement is to be brought about in medicine as

in other branches of knowledge, we must diverge from

the beaten tracks, the probability being that the

truth is to be found in unexpected directions. But not

only is any difference from ordinary views likely to

meet with opposition, owing to the preconceived

opinions of mankind, but it ha s to encounter a much

more serious opposition should it at all run counter

to existing commercial interests. "

It would of course be nice if one could say that the

nosode of cancer ' Carsinosin (or Scirr) could be used

to cure cancer but this simplistic approach is naive.

As Dr Foubister points out " It is not, easy to find' a

single case of cancer treated by Carsinosin alone,

indeed it seems of doubtful value in the treatment of

the disease. In fact it almost seems that the further

away you get from actual cancer, as in childhood, the

more useful Carsinosin is as a constitutional remedy. "

However Carsinosin can be used to treat, where

appropriate, conditions that are predominantly either

sycotic, ulcerative, or pseudo psoric. Foubister

points to a close relationship to Tuberculin,

Medorrhinum and Lueticum. This seems to imply that the

cancerous condition can arise from any miasmatic

background, that its treatment must individualise and

that its cure is a matter of putting the health and

vitality in a condition to throw the disease off.

All suppressive measures such as surgery, chemotherapy

etc must be counter productive. As Prof. Allen points

out, the same potential for illness remains in the

body, which must establish a point of relief be it

cancer, tumor, hemorrhage, diarrhea. Given the correct

support and therapy the body can and will cure itself

and this is the point and purpose of homeopathy.

As Kent points out the homeopathic remedy simply

unblocks the body's innate ability to cure itself of

almost any condition.

To the astute homeopath the signs of impending trouble

are deciphered against a miasmatic background. So that

the current boom in tinted glasses that indicate

photophobia can be attributed to toxic drugs

disturbing latent psora. This may be largely due to

antibiotics. But where the subject is female and on

the pill it could be taken as a warning that it is

time to come off the pill,

One of Professor Allen's " Flags of distress " is the

small: smooth pearly wart usually on the left side of

the face. It indicates a sycotic suppression and is

the body's stress vent. Any attempt to remove it by

surgery or external medicine will usually result in a

deeper internal tissue growth and deterioration in

general health.

Acidity, either of the blood resulting in concretions

in the joints and arthritic phenomena; or of the

stomach resulting in colic, heart' burn, and many

bilious problems show whether hereditary or suppressed

sycotic conditions exist.

Another commercial boom relates to smelly feet,

condition that may follow vaccination and is curable

by Thuja or follows a suppression of any kind against

a background where all the miasms are equally

represented. In this case the versatile tri-miasmatic,

or polycrest, Silica will cure.

The unfortunate thing is that even where this

diagnostic expertise is available, it is largely

wasted as people turn to the alternative therapies

only as a last resort. In cases where the first

stirrings of trouble which could have been remedied

quite easily have been maltreated and now become very

difficult to cure. .

Let us consider what the definition of cancer is, and

consult the medical dictionaries where it is variously

describes as an uncontrolled proliferation of cellular

material and that cellular material may be skin,

flesh, or bone or any tissue.

Under this definition the most harmless type giving

the least cause for concern is the wart. This growth

that seems to come and go as it pleases has no

explanation in orthodox medicine although some

consider various types to be contagious.

In homeopathy the wart is recognised as a vent for a

body that is battling to control a sycotic condition

and one of the chief anti sycotics 'Thuja, is its

prime cure. This is why eruptions of warty growths are

often seen at teething times when second teeth appear.

Professor J H Allen points out " Sycotic patients are

relieved of their mental stress and disturbance by

some external expression of the disease, for instance,

A leucorrhea, or a gonorrheal, or catarrhal discharge

of any form returned, relieves a sycotic patient. Of

course this is in the secondary stage, for the

tertiary stage may be relieved by an eruption of

warts, or by fibrous formations or growths of any

kind. I have seen mental symptoms, some of acute

mania, subside in a very brief space of time by the

reproduction of a suppressed discharge in a sycotic


So from a homeopathic point of view we can expect the

suppression of any of the above types of discharge to

end in the types of mildly cancerous growth defined by

Prof. Allen.

If the genetic inherited miasmatic background is

pseudo psoric, as I shown up by: - quick exhaustion,

" catching every cold that is about " , strong liking for

meat and potatoes, fear of dogs, nose bleeds, etc,

Then the tendency to warty fibroids and benign tumors

will turn into the more malignant forms.

Prof. Allen say's " Two latent miasms seldom become

active at the same time. If they do we are liable to

have a malignancy on our hands. " He was of course

referring to normal conditions not those where

intervention had produced suppression.

It would seem then that by producing a warty, fibroid

growth the body relieves the internal stress set up by

blocking off a sycotic discharge. If we now remove the

warty fibroid then it may return after a period or it

may retreat to some deeper recess of the body and

become a full-blown cancer. Or it may retreat into the

realms of psychotic disorder and create all types of

mental phenomena as well as the accelerated senility

known as Alzenheimers disease.

In the matter of the random or apparently random

appearance of cancer cells in unrelated parts I feel

that G Vithoulkas' and J C Burnett's suggestion should

be followed up.

Briefly they consider that parts developing from cells

close to each other in the early stages of development

of an embryo retain an affinity even though they may

end up in distant parts of the body. Because of this a

cancer developing in one part of the endoderm will

easily spread to another distant site in the same

structure linking the linings of the middle ear, lungs

and urethra.

Having said all of this one does not imply that every

removal of wart or fibroid will result in cancer.

Given rest, freedom from stress, healthy diet and

climate and the vitality can be raised to a point

where, even though the sycotic condition is loose in

the body the vitality can handle it, and only when the

vitality is again lowered will it break out.

Turning once more to latent states and early warning

there are a number of ways of pointing to potential

victims of disease. These are not exclusively the

sphere of the homeopath. The richest and most fruitful

field of early detection and prevention is that of

energy disturbance. Just as the earth is covered in

" ley " lines so the body has energy meridians and these

tell their story to the good acupuncturist.

Also many types of sensitive electrical field measures

are now coming into use. The main problem here is lack

of a historical background that would yield a more

certain interpretation of the results. Julian Kenyon

has carried out research in this field and in his

article on bioenergetic medicine makes some

interesting points on this diagnostic technique. One

is that the energy levels used are similar to those

involved in homeopathy. The other that patients put on

suppressive therapy such as anti rheumatics, anti

inflammatory, immune suppressants, anti depressants,

steroids etc lose part of their natural self

regulatory powers and therefore their ability to react

to energy therapy such as acupuncture, homeopathy and

vegatest techniques.

Such energy orientated techniques must have more than

one investigator and Tim Smith in his article

" Investigating the energy field " uses Kirlian images

to show that a woman with cancer had energy flowing

outward as a constant loss from her fingertips. Also

the doctors had not detected points out that on

occasions the scan showed up problems which at first

it was thought that these were errors, but in time it

became clear that problems were being detected in the

energy field before they had developed in the physical

body. Some of the people Oldfield scanned were

suffering from cancer.

The significant thing about all this is that it seems

to offer scientific proof that, as Prof. J H Allen

stated years ago, cancer and all illness is latent. It

only rises to the surface if the constitution is

disturbed in the ways detailed in a previous chapter.

It is possible to detect these changes before the

latent becomes actuality.

In the UK a hundred years ago there were at least

three men curing cancer by homeopathic means and one

is appalled that this base was ignored and not built

on. In, one case there was a certified stomach cancer

that was opened up surgically and sown up again as

inoperable. This was a cure carried out by Dr R T

Cooper whose methods are dealt with in the next


Why does only homeopathy ignore its own great,

ineradicable and largely neglected history?

Politicians have learned (only too well) from

Machiavelli, playwrights from Shakespeare, musicians

from Bach and artists from Canaletto and Rembrandt. Do

we disbelieve the feats of cure carried out by our

predecessors - do we fear that we may be called on to

emulate them and lack confidence in our ability?

If we doubt these men, 'then why one asks, are two of

the three books I have in my library on worldwide

sale. Publishers don't publish book for, which there

is no demand they have to make a profit to stay in

business. People don't buy these books unless they

wish to study them and use the methods and remedies


The books I refer to are:

(1) " Curability of Tumors " by J C Burnett

(2) " The Cure of Tumors " by J H Clarke

(Both of which are published and distributed from


(3) " Cancer And Cancer Symptoms " by R T Cooper

I now propose to quote from the first two in order to

display the patient orientated care and the

originality with which homeopathy was applied to

individual cases. As these books are readily available

and comparatively cheap I will not quote much case

history but try to show the principles applied.

Let us consider some of Burnett's remarks, directed to

those who think that the symptoms and the repertory

are all that is necessary to cure any illness.

I once attended a young girl, over a series of years,

for repeated attacks of congestion of the brain: she

flushed up hot and red; her pupils were wide open; she

was restless; she tossed about and talked nonsense.

This is a fair picture of poisoning by belladonna, and

hence Bell was given each time and each time it cured.

Finally, in one of the attacks, the belladonna failed

to act, and patient died. The end showed that the

various attacks had been from tubercles, and then we

clearly saw why it was that the patient died; and why

it was that Belladonna had cured the symptoms and yet

left the disease proper behind. Belladonna as we know

is not capable of producing a morbid process analogous

to tuberculosis. Of the absolute truth of this I have

many times satisfied myself. "

We thus find that a drug, to really cure a disease,

must affect the same or similar part as the disease;

it must affect it in a similar manner. To me the

physician who never gets beyond the symptoms is like a

reader who, in order to read, is always obliged to

spell his words. "

" If the range of action of the remedy be not

coincident with the disease itself a real cure does

not result, no matter how many symptoms you may

silence. '

To show that Burnett believed in dietary

considerations as well as remedies let us look at a

specific case.

Patient was a large salt eater. The mammas were rather

unduly large. The physicians and surgeons at the

Hospital said she should have a very nourishing diet

and to take as much milk as possible! . In three

months the menses were normal: the tumor was gone, and

thus far has not returned. Thuja 30 Acid nit 30 and

Sabina 30 were used in infrequent dose, and each given

one month by itself alone and in the order named. "

" I thought to have added to the foregoing narrative

that I forbade salt and milk, other than in very

moderate quantities, and recommended a partial

exclusion of meat from the patient's dietary, as also

the ovary-irritating condiment known as pepper.

“Pepper, salt, and milk are bad in cases of mammary

tumors from ovarian or uterine irritation, and many of

these tumors are of such origin.

In miasmatic terms Burnett obviously saw a large

sycotic element as both Thuja and Sabina are heavily

sycotic while Nitric Acid is ulcerative. To show how

Burnett regarded surgery and his own attitude to

preventative medicine.

" Composed wholly or mostly of, or growing from fibrous

tissue, the tumor is called a fibroma; of bone,

osteoma; of cartilage; enchondroma; of fat, lupoma -

respectively steatoma; of muscle, myoma; of nerve,

neuroma; of embryonic fleshy stuff, sarcoma; of glia,

glioma; encapsulated. and like a bladder, cystoma and

so on almost endlessly. The more " omas " we have the

more surgeons we want .To turn human suffering to

account for biological research is not my ideal of

medicine. ,

My ideal of medicine is rather that which tends to its

own elimination i.e. the more it advances, the nearer

it comes to its own destruction, and hence, preventive

medicine should have the highest rank. " One reason

why tumor-curing by medicines has barely entered upon

its baby life, lies in the wholesale and crude way in

which the subject has been therapeutically approached;

people have sought a solvent for tumor generally, but

tumors are vital growths, and must be vitally

approached and regarded. What comes vitally, must go

vitally and therefore gently, painlessly, and

comparatively slowly. --- For a tumor of the breast,

the lady’s husband declined my treatment as I

thought it would take two years at the very least. She

was successfully operated on, and thoroughly cured of

her mammary tumor; nine months later she was again

thoroughly cured another tumor. By a perfectly

successful operation, a few months later she was again

successfully operated on for another tumor, and just

as she was recovering she died.â€

The nutritional aspect of tumor cure is shown in

another of Burnett's examples where he quotes one of

Grauvogls cases.

'It was the first he ever cured, and the subject was a

pale boy of fourteen years of age, who having taken

off a useless bandage, showed Grauvogl his right hand.

The metacarpal bones of his ring and middle fingers,

as well as those of the index and thumb, and the bones

of the middle finger itself, were swelled up, forming

hard oval bulging masses with even surfaces. All the

joints being implicated and unrecognizable, and hence,

for half a year past, immovable.

" These parts were in different places denuded of skin

by ulcerous surface through which the bones were

recognizable from the grating produced by a sound. The

lad, a laborer, had a good deal of pain in the

diseased parts, was very sleepy by day, languid and

very depressed.

Surgery could- of course- do nothing but destroy the

hand by exarticulating it.' Grauvogl's idea - in which

I fully concur - is not that the Silica 6 itself

supplied the lacking silex, but acted dynamically

enabling the organism to appropriate the silex it

needed from the food in the boy's stomach. Silex was

not presumably wanting in the food, but the organism

was unable to take it up and utilize it.

'This pathological process of cartilaginous

metamorphosis of the bone is called Enchondroma, the

new formation of which it consists is morphologically

and chemically exactly the same as cartilage. ' The

only constituent of bone, which is lacking in

cartilage, is silica. In the bones of adults there are

0.003 of silica to 25,628 gram’s by weight of bone.

In fact, cartilage is bone minus silex. , " I think

with Schussler that Calcium Flouride is a bone remedy

and can cure bony and enchondromatous formations. For

exostosis, osteoma, he recommends Calc Phos, most of

which the homeopaths taught and practice long before

he was born. The fact is, silica, calcarea, and

flourine are homeopathic to different kinds of hard

tumors, which the progress of science will certainly

prove. A further point to consider here is the affect

that homeopathic remedies can have on the body’s

ability [or inability] to absorb items such as iron ,

calcium etc.

While Burnett quotes a case of bony tumor cured with

Calc fluor and no other remedy he also points to many

more complicated cures. You may take exception to the

number of remedies used in my last case and want to

know which cured the case? "

Will you get a long ladder and put it up against the

side of your house, and mount it so as to get into

your house by the top window. When you have safely

performed the feat, write and tell me which rung of

that ladder enabled you to do it. "

In difficult, chronic, complicated cases of disease

you require not a remedy but a ladder (series) of

remedies, not one of which can of itself effect the

cure, but each of which works " cure-wardsâ€.

They’re cumulative action eventually resulting in a

cure. That is how I cure cataract, and many other

chronic diseases that are currently held to be


I often compare the course of a difficult case of

disease to a game of chess in which you have king,

queen, bishops, knights, rooks, and pawns; the various

powers of which you must learn before you can play

chess. "

To emphasise the sycotic element of tumor formation

and also the techniques of using homeopathic remedies

of same family let us look at the use he made of

thuja, sabine and cup laws in the following.

P123/4 WARTY TUMOUR IN MOUTH: An officer in the army

brought his twelve year old daughter to me on the

thirteenth of November, 1886, telling me that she had

something growing in her mouth. A similar growth had

come a year ago, when his family surgeon excised it;

in six months from the time of the operation it had

grown again, making it difficult for the child to eat

her food, as it caught the tongue and teeth, and then

bled. This time the doctor ligatured ft off

thoroughly, leaving a hole and informed the father

that this time he hoped its roots were got rid of. Now

it has grown again at the side of the said hole

On examining the mouth I find in its left side, just

to the left of the fraenulum linguae, a warty fleshy

excrescence, of the shape of a cock's comb, about a

quarter of an inch broad at its base, aid nearly a

quarter of an inch high. Patient has normal teeth: the

tongue is coated, and she is very pale. I ordered

Thuja 9, two drops in a dessert spoonful of water

night and morning; to keep it bathing the growth as

long as possible, and then expectorate.

As this brought the growth down to the size of a pea,

treatment was discontinued. She then bit it on three

successive occasions, when it again took to growing,

and in January 1887, when I saw it, it was about as

big as a bean, This time I ordered Sabina, just as I

had previously ordered Thuja. Under the Sabina patient

took on a healthy look, but a small piece of the

growth still persisted

When I ordered Cypressue Lawsoniana in like manner as

the Thuja and -Sabina had been used. That was in

March, and I did not see her again. But I met her

father in October on another matter when I enquired

about the case, and he replied, " Oh, she is quite

will; the lump has been gone a long time, but the hole

is still there. "

That suppression had much to do with cancer runs

through Burnett's work and here he points to the

suppression of eczema.

P166/7 Quite a number of cases of tumor have their

starting point in silenced cutaneous discharges. This

is no vague theoretical statement, but a fact of

nature, which I have often verified and is clinically

verifiable any day. Many cases of chronic skin disease

are no more or less than chronic diffuse cancerosis. "

'This is one reason why cancer is more common now than

formerly, while skin diseases are less common. The

fact that Burnett clearly differentiated between

remedies that have an affinity for specific organs,

using them in different ways is shown in the following

P206 I said those homeopathy; organopathy and zoic

medicines all helped in its cure. I do not mean that

these are distinct from one another I mention them

thus separately by name because many homeopaths do not

admit organopathy as an integral part of homeopathy

while others turn up their noses at the use of zoic

medicines such as Bacilinum, Morbillinium, Variolinum

etc. Whereas I maintain that organotherapy and the

zoic medicines begin where the ordinary

differentiation leaves off. In regard to tumor cure

organopathy is very helpful indeed, and with it I

often succeed.

In order to show that Burnett was a confirmed believer

in the latency of tumors and the vitality's part in

their cure let us make one further quote from his


The small tumid mass on the buttock was produced from

within the patient. Being thus produced from the

interior of the patient, the organism is qualitatively

and potentially only to be killed from within [i.e.]

in its vital self. You can no more cure the thing by

burning away the excrescence than you can cure gout by

cutting off the gouty toe! .

The growth is a vital product; the growing is a vital

process. Proceeding in a centrifugal manner towards a

fixed point on the cutaneous periphery.

That the signs of cancer parallel those of sycosis is

borne out by the following:

She had been operated on for cancer of the left

breast, some months previously the whole breast - a

very large on - being totally ablated, and now a tumor

has come again in the right breast, and the old scar

has become very painful. "

“Patient was totally wrecked in her nerves could not

sleep and swayed to and fro in dread and fear. Crying

" Oh Oh " being willing and anxious to go anywhere and

do anything.

'Her hurrying up and down, hither and thither. I could

only compare to the way a hyena hurries up and down in

its cage. It’s almost pathogenic of the very worst

type of cancer.

(27) One of the general indications of the sycotic

class is the rapid passage of time and the panic and

hurried selfish disregard for others together with

very fixed ideas.

Let us turn to J H Clarke's book, which was published

after Burnett's. In the introduction Clarke points to

four sets of weapons in the homeopathic armory.

Symptom - correspondence does sometimes suffice to

reveal the remedies so that we have four means at our

disposal to find a remedy for any case: -

[1] Exact symptom-correspondence.

[2] Organ-homeopathy.

[3] Diathetic homeopathy including (a) nosodes,

especially nosodes of cancer (b) constitutional

homeopathic remedies © specific taint remedies, like

Thuja in cases of vaccinosis.

[4] The " Arborivital " method of Cooper

It with this very wide range of selection, the

homeopathic physician is in a vastly better position

for coping with cases of the kind than his allopathic

brother is. There is no excuse for him to yield the

surgeon precedence in the matter.

Clarke also quotes from a paper by W Clayton Greene


" From a brief survey - and at present I cannot boast

an experience worthy of any other Adjective - I would

venture to formulate three axioms with respect to

simple tumors.

( I ) That every simple tumor is an expression of

tissue instability

" (2) That any so-called simple tumor is potentially


" (3) That irritation is an important factor, not only

in producing many forms of simple neoplasm, but in

exciting them to transgress that arbitrary line of

definition which separates them from malignant

growths. "

" Just as an infection will select that part of the

body where resistance is lowered by -antecedent injury

or disease. Or where from some developmental or

anatomical reason that part is more exposed or

susceptible so cancer will select for its beginnings

those regions of the body where a weakness of the

tissues has been expressed by the appearance of the

simple tumor. Or by the ill-ordered reproduction

following chronic inflammatory change over a period of

time. We cannot feel proud of the results of surgery

as applied to malignant disease. If these results are

to be improved, attention must be paid to those

conditions, which preceded the actual cancer. It may

be taken for granted-that extirpation of cancerous

tumors is not the ideal treatment. "

On Page 20 of the introduction, 'Clarke refers to pre

cancerous stages.

The fact which has been noted by many observers, that

there is a pre- cancerous stage in most cancer cases

which my be detected and cured if the origin is

discovered in time. "

Cases of intractable rheumatic pains, of indigestion

which ill yield to none of the ordinarily indicated

remedies, chronic head aches, and neuralgia.

An instance in which rheumatism was apparently changed

into cancer by a heavy dose of Salicylate of Soda is

given. in the preface of my book of Rheumatism.

" Patients whose parents or relatives have died of

cancer often have rheumatism in some form or another.

If this state is properly treated by specific

remedies, the tendency may be cured; if it is not

properly treated, the chances are that cancer will

sooner or later develop. "

“One definite case of this has come under my

observation. A married lady of cancerous family

history was a great sufferer from rheumatism. On one

occasion the pain settled in her right hip, and the

doctor in attendance prescribed a massive dose of

salicylate of soda. This almost immediately removed

the pain, and it never returned. But very soon

something worse appeared in the shape of a lump on the

anterior border of the axilla involving the great

pectoral muscle. This was cancer. The rheumatism in

this lady’s case was in reality a pretumor stage of

cancer, and might have been treated as such. The

sudden arresting of rheumatic expression of this

constitutional state rapidly determined the tumor


A cancerous tumor is stored up disease. But if the

mass is excised without any attempt being made to

correct the constitutional state, which has led to the

tumor formation, the chances of recurrence are very

great. The actual condition is mad worse instead of

better. It must not be imagined that the nosodes of

cancer are specific for the cure of any or every case.

There is more than one way to cure cancer, BUT there

is no one way which is suitable for all cases.

“Of all the remedies for cancer, in my experience,

the nosodes form the most important class. The use of

them ought to be more familiar to homeopaths.â€

To illustrate that more than one remedy is usually

used Clarke points to one case where he used four

different remedies each being used successively for a

seven-day period.

P32 " As I was not to see the patient again for several

weeks, I gave her a course of remedies - each of the

following, thrice daily for a week, in the order


(1) Conium 30, (2) Phytolacca 30, (3) Lycopodium 30,

(4) Silica 30.

June 20th - She reported herself feeling very much

better and stronger. Bowels acting better and the

motions were a better color. The lump was still felt

but was more movable. The pain had gone, and the gland

in the axial was barely noticeable. "

To show that Clarke was not exclusively a low potency

man he describes a twin breast tumor...

P38 " Developed at the climacteric indurations in both

breasts, especially the right. Menses were accompanied

by sever neuralgic pains. Thuja was given in Im, 10m,

and cm.F.C. Potencies. The last set up attack of

angina pectoris of such intensity that I did not

repeat it.

The induration disappeared, but in the course of the

cure an eruption closely resembling smallpox developed

over her breasts on more than one occasion. " Clarke

also verifies a factor I have noted from time to time.

That while shock and operational shock can often

overwhelm the body occasionally the opposite occurs

and the vitality is aroused by an operational shock.

If there is any virtue in ECT and I seriously doubt

it, then it is only in this area that it is justified.

P46/7 I do not deny that an operation may give a

favorable impetus to an organism and so " shock " it, as

it were, into absorbing a tumor, but this cannot be

relied on in any way. And as the homeopath has in his

hands a most potent means of eradicating

constitutional, taints and tendencies, I hold it

inexcusable if these are neglected. And a patient is

dismissed after an operation without being told of the

dangers, which impend, and the measures, which may be

adopted to ward them off.

Clarke at one point contradicts Foubister on the use

of Carsinosin and this is perhaps because he uses it

interchangeably with another remedy.

P79 My first prescription was Thuja 30, once in about

ten days in the first fortnight after that there was

an improvement in the neuralgia. After that she was

better. Under Lueticum -200 a scabby eruption appeared

about the ears, and there was oozing from them. '

Aurum sulph 3, eighth grains at bedtime, improved the

general health and strength greatly, but the neuralgia

and insomnia continued. Carsinosin 100, once in ten

days at bedtime, Sang canadensis 30, at bedtime on the

intermediate nights. '

November 11th, - Neuralgia over right eye is better.

Has had sensation of a bolt through from occiput to

forehead. Insomnia not quite as bad as it was. Very

constipated. Severe right side sciatica. Nux 3 in

morning and Sulfur 30 at bedtime, were now prescribed.

Then followed Urtica Ur [ mother tinct] in the morning

and Lueticum CC at bedtime . Then in sequence ,

medorrhinum 200 , Sul 30 Iodine 30 , and Thuja 30 .


Dr J.H. Clarke had no doubt 90 years ago that what R

Moskewitz shows in his “Case Against Vaccination is

true and that vaccination can be contributory to

developing cancer. He says :-

The next case I have to relate shows a strong vaccinal

element in the etiology. In vaccination the living

germ is thrown into the bloodstream and infects the

whole system. This is a serious thing at any time, but

it becomes more serious when it is done at a time when

the organism is in a condition of impaired resistance,

as it is in a woman during the monthly period.

Whatever the may be considered the advantages of

vaccination, I consider it to be inexcusable to

vaccinate at that time. She had been vaccinated twice,

the last 5 years ago, It “took†and she had a very

bad arm – the left. Her spirits used to be good

before this trouble arose. Is subject to neuralgia in

vertex and occiput for 7/8 years. It is better for

wrapping up the head and worse from any jar. She had a

wart on her tongue, which was treated with caustic and


Since the first operation she wakes at 5 am with pain

in the right shoulder and neck. . Always cold on the

right side of the body. Catamenia regular – very

much leucorrhoea at times. Tongue clean , appetite

very good , Pulse 96 . Used to be fond of salt. –

She is not to eat much and to avoid pork and salt. Rx

Thuja 30, once every 10 days.

P 85 and 92 -- January 14th 1907 - Not so cold on the

right side. Has felt very well. Lost the pain in the

right shoulder. Nodule about the same, tender to

touch. Rx Thuja 30, about once in ten days,

The use of Thuja here shows the close relationship

between cancer and sycosis, as Thuja is virtually the

leading antisycotic remedy.

An interesting case of Clarke's relates to. breast

cancer. I quote it at length because. It illustrates

the dangers of surgery, shows the sycotic element that

is antidoted by Thuja and also how Clarke, uses more

than one member of the nosode family in the cure.

" Two and half years before I saw her a lump the size

of a pea had appeared in the right breast. It grew,

and her local medical man, an allopath, pronounced it

to be a simple cyst, and removed it in January 1906.

Soon after another lump appeared and the patient was

again assured that it was quite an innocent growth,

and the same practitioner performed a second operation

in March of the same year.

In the middle of July a-third growth appeared, red and

blue, and looking as if going to burst. This time tier

medical adviser said nothing would induce him to

operate again, and she must see a specialist. He took

her to 'a Mr. D-. who pronounced it to be a cyst " with

cancerous growth. " He advised that she should come

into a nursing home and have the entire breast

removed. This was done in July 1906. Shortly before

she came to me another nodule appeared, and she was

again asked to see the same specialist and get him to

remove it.â€

(31) This time she thought she would choose her own

specialist, and by a friend's advice she came to me.

She had had enough of operations and if she could not

be cured without one, she preferred to take her chance

as she was.

'I found a branched sear covering the area of the

right breast, with one limb of it running into the

axilla. The new nodule was near the end of this limb,

but below it and not attached to it. The left breast

was rather lumpy the nipple was flat, and there was a

gland in the axilla. " The patient used to have

indigestion for years before the lump appeared, and

when the lump came the indigestion got better.â€

P97 on A further point that Clarke draws attention to

is the involvement of the miasmatic group of psora and

the use of Natrum Mur in a complementary role with the

cancer nosodes,

The next case I have to relate also exemplifies the

action of cancer nosodes and other homeopathic

remedies in the post operation stage of cancer. The

patient, who came to me in September 1901, had had her

right breast removed on July of the previous year. I

will give the details of the case presently, but I may

point out beforehand that it exemplifies a number of

the cardinal notes of the cancer diathesis. It will

also be seen how closely these correspond with some of

the leading features of Hahnemann's psora.

Especially there was the sinking sensation from 10 to

11 am; obstinate constipation; soreness of the

commissures of the mouth; nervousness; neuralgia’s,

and rheumatic symptoms. " It will be seen, too, how

the anti psoric work in with the cancer nosodes, and

are complementary to and compatible with them.

Especially I would call attention to the complementary

relation of Nat Mur to the cancer nosodes and to the

nosodes generally. This sinking, faint feeling is a

leading indication for the cancer nosodes. Burnett

proved them on himself, and experienced this effect in

a marked degree. '.

A point relating to inverted nipples is made by Clarke

at one point and seems worthy of note.

P148/149 The Scirrhinum had evidently got to work in,

this case. It had caused a decrease in the tumor of

the right breast, and had set up symptoms in the left.

The marked indrawing of the nipples I looked upon as

an aggravation; it was much more noticeable the second

time I saw the patient than it was the first. There is

one remedy, which has this symptom very, marked in its

pathogenesis, and that is sarsaparilla. "

Sarsaparilla is anti syphilitic and also anti

cancerous, belonging to the Lilliaceal alliance. I

ordered a repetition of the Scirrhinum 100 and in

addition a dose of Sarsaparilla 30 on each night the

Scirrhinum was not taken. “

It is interesting to note that Dr Clarke was writing

this a 100 years ago. While microbiologists have

enlarged their understanding of microbiology. Cancer

sufferers have yet to benefit.

P160/112/6/7 " Cancer Research Associations may

succeed in bringing to light many interesting facts of

microbiology, and heap up piles of statistics; but for

any real knowledge of the essence of the trouble or

the means of dealing with it, we must look elsewhere.

“ I propose in this chapter to cite a few facts that

may suggest to other observers the lines which could

yield good results. “

“As I have pointed out “ says Dr Burnett . “ the

various tumors of the breast commonly have their seat

of origin in the womb or ovaries. Holding this view, I

have succeeded from time to time in curing very many

such tumors in women at all times of life – and

notably at the change of life. “

Her Ladyship appeared in my consulting room three days

thereafter, and I found the diagnosis correct: the

right breast being pretty uniformly infiltrated and

hard. Under Scirrhinum C the breast became quite

normal within two months; but then it became manifest

that the real origin of the trouble still persisted,

and lay in the pelvic organ and this pelvic root

trouble I am now treating. "

" When I saw the patient some years later I was able to

ascertain that the breast and the pelvic region were

absolutely healthy. But a new condition had developed

- the very troublesome condition knows as mucous

colitis. I mention this case because it seems to me

that mucous colitis is often an expression of a cancer

tendency. -

" Rapid infiltration had take. place. and the disease

was about to make a great advance. But under treatment

the swelling rapidly subsided and in its place.

appeared an obvious attack of gout in the great toe. I

am not prepared to say that the feared extension would

not have taken place if the gouty attack had not been

diverted. I have already pointed out (in the preface

of this work that the pre-Cancer state not

infrequently takes the form of rheumatism.

Finally, there is trauma, in its numerous shapes of

injuries or irritations, and as we have had in recent

examples, the cancer caused by X-ravs.

" I merely throw out these few suggestions to show

that if ever we are to understand cancer, we must take

wide views and regard it in all its aspects. We

certainly shall not understand it by inoculating

millions of generations of mice. "

Finally see what Clarke has to say about diet and

cancer. Obviously the diet considered suitable for

cancer sufferers will act as preventative measure in

those even vaguely at risk.

P I 78/9/80 Milk and pork are both highly formative

foods. They provoke rapid tissue growth, and therefore

provoke the growth of abnormal tissues as well as

normal ones. Moreover, milk is especially to be

avoided in breast tumors, because it is itself a

breast tissue and stimulant.

What about animal diet as compared with vegetable

diet? The gouty cases, which I mentioned in the last

chapter, supply in a measure an answer to this query.

It has been claimed that a vegetarian diet is a sure

preventive of cancer. This claim has not been

substantiated. But at the same time, in gouty cases,

the plan of substituting a purin-free dietary for a

meat dietary has very great advantages. In one case in

which the disease seemed to me to be getting the

better of the struggle with the remedies, I put the

patient on an entire fruit dietary - stopping tea and

all drinks at the same time - with marked effect in

checking the progress of the disease. In dieting

patients the individual must always be considered.

It will not do to let the vitality get too low, and

some patients can only maintain their vitality on an

animal dietary. So long as the malady is kept well in

check by remedies, no strict rules need be laid down.

But when it is advancing, everything which restricts

normal tissue change should be carefully avoided -

tea, coffee, alcohol and everything which promotes the

formation of uric acid - meat, eggs, fish, and the

pulse foods - peas, beans, and lentils. Fruits of

nearly all kinds can be taken as much as desired, and

taken uncooked when possible. Nuts and nut foods are

also useful, and cereal foods, and cheese. I do not

object to milk cooked with foods, which has a

different effect from uncooked milk, and cheese is a

valuable substitute for meats when meat is excluded.

It is best cooked in some form, as with macaroni.

In this chapter we will Iook at Dr. Cooper's system of

Arborivital medicine which is, by definition

homeopathic. In that it fulfils and illustrates three

laws of homeopathy.

I The remedy is a substance that gives aggravation to

the individual when absorbed in substantial quantity.

2 It is the minimal easily administered dose [1 drop]

and thus looks back beyond even Hahnemann, to the

Ancient Greeks, from whom the whole basis of

homeopathy is drawn.

3 The single drop is allowed to expend its action for

a minimum of two weeks, and a maximum of six weeks -

which is totally in accord with Hahnemann's dictates.

Cooper goes to great lengths to show that he does not

dispute the principle of potentised remedies and

acknowledge that Arborivital remedies only work with

living growing plants, and ONLY apply to chronic long

developing conditions such as cancer.

" To take the well-known example Hahnemann used in a

cure given as a typical case: -

" Sch---, A washerwoman, somewhere about 40 years of

age, had been more than three weeks unable to work,

when she came to see me, on Sept 1 1815.

..1'On any movement especially at every step, and worse

on making a false step, she has a shoot in the


" 2. When she lies she feels quite well; then she has

no pain anywhere, neither in the side nor in the


'3 She cannot sleep after 3 o'clock in the morning,

" 4. She relishes her food, but when she has ate a

little she feels sick.

" 5. Then the water collects in her mouth and runs out

of it like the water-brash.

'6, She has frequently empty eructation’s after

every meal

7.Her temper is passionate, disposed to anger.

Whenever the pain is severe she is covered in

perspiration. The catamenia is regular a fortnight

since. " In other respects her health is good. '

" Hahnemann then inquires into the indicated remedy

and sums up thus: " Now, as this woman was very robust,

and the force of the disease must have been very

considerable to prevent her by its pain from doing any

work. And as her vital forces, as has been observed,

were not consensually affected, I gave her one of the

strongest. Homeopathic doses, a full drop of the pure

juice of Bryonia root, be taken immediately, and bade

her come again in forty-eight hours. "

The report then goes on to say that the patient

neglected to return, but was ascertained to be quite

well by his friend E.

" But the important fact for us to remember is that he

was then keenly alive to the enormous force with which

the single dose of a remedy acts. And that it was with

this dose, given as we are now giving it, that is,

undynamized, that he gained his early successes and

with which many of his so called proving on the

healthy were evidently made.

Let us then develop this phase of Hahnemann's system

and see to what conclusion it will lead us.' So one

must at this point emphasise that " Arborivital " is a

legitimate homeopathic technique rather than, as some

of his contemporaries felt a departure from

homeopathy. J H Clark a close contemporary obviously

approved, used the technique and included it in his

Dictionary of The Materia Medica " .

It will be obvious that in this area of homeopathy

there is a fuzzy boundary that separates homeopathy

from herbalism and some of the ideas from that therapy

should be looked at. As Cooper himself says in " Cancer

and Cancer Symptoms " " The physicians sole

consideration ought to be the conquest of disease, nor

is it worthwhile, in this short life of ours, to have

any other object in view " .

Coopers views related to basic human vitality and the

ways in which that vitality could be affected by a

similar quality that he saw at work in the plant

world. This he states quite simply on PI of his

" Arborivital Medicine " .

P. I " The assumption upon which I start is that we

must seek to utilize the growth-force of plants, as

being a force which if more studied and more sought

after in the preparation of herbal remedies will

inevitably improve our therapeutic system. I had found

that there existed in plant-remedies a force, which

Hahnemann had strangely left unacknowledged, and which

acted by virtue of a power in all respects similar to

a germinating power in the human body. "

Obviously Cooper is aware that homeopathy has the

tremendous advantage over simple herbalism, that it

can use normally inert substances like Silica. Also

that herbally inert substances like Lycopodium can be

used with deep and lasting effect. His interest is

more in the vitality of plants.

To show that Cooper was not alone in his thoughts let

us look at " ' some remarks by a modern herbalist who

draws attention to Galen,' a man respected in both

homeopathy and herbalism. He mentions one chief the

tenets that Burnett used to great advantage.

" The doctrine of signatures might be considered as one

of the earliest ecological statements, speaking of the

subtle relationship between man and the plant world.

For example, plants growing in areas and conditions

unhealthy for man can often provide a cure for

diseases caused by living in such places. "

" Adherents of the doctrine pointed to such examples as

the root tubers of pilewort, which they said resembled

hemorrhoids. And so used the plant for this complaint

(it is still a useful remedy for piles), or to the

flowers of skullcap in which they discerned the shape

of the human skull, so indicating the use of this

plant to treat headaches " .

Burnett, Clarke and Cooper, all gave priority to the

cure of the individual and were not over concerned if

they offended the " purists " in the homeopathic school.

Burnett sums this up in his remark regarding the

nosodes. " The vilest filth, prepared in the

homeopathic manner, may be not only harmless, but the

purest gold - homeopathically applied " . To them the

use of herbal tinctures, applied homeopathically) was

another curative tool.

I have long thought that the process of selecting a

single pure chemical and applying it in large doses

was at least part of the problem with the crude drugs

of allopathy and their terrible side effects. The

addiction and physical destruction of brain cells

under prolonged application of tranquilisers, the

gastro intestinal bleeding of many of the

anti-arthritic drugs, the childish senility that

sometimes arises when Parkinson’s disease is treated

with Dopamine are just a few examples.

It seems reasonable that where chemical and lifeless

substances appear together in the plant form of life

then they occur together, in their respective

proportions, because that combination is life

enhancing, either as food or as medicine.

That Cooper was aware of t4e many substances and their

interaction within a single plant may be judged by the

following remarks he makes. " We consider it allowable

to theorise on the non repetition of the remedy. The

necessity for this we assume to be the presence of its

own antidote in each remedial agent. "

PIO Arborivital Medicine The bulbs of plants are the

parts containing reserves of food material as such may

contain neutralizing agents that interfere with the

full and characteristic influence of the plant's

growth force. " These remarks should be remembered when

we consider how Cooper prepared his remedies. To

return to modern herbalist and the " pure " crude drugs

of allopathy " Aspirin from willow bark, reserpine from

the Indian plant Rawolfia, cortisone from the Mexican

yam and so on. Modern medicine may owe a debt to the

plant world but science has displayed its distaste for

the " inexactitudes " of herbal preparations by

isolating and finally synthesising an active principle

so that it no longer had to have recourse to the

vagaries of Nature. '

But it is precisely with this concept of isolating

active principles that herbal practiticioners

disagree. Herbalists insist that the whole plant is

greater than the sum of its constituent parts. Every

medicinal plant consists of a multiplicity of chemical

components, many of which although apparently

unimportant, do play a significant role within the

body, acting either to help make the active

constituents biologically available, or as important,

buffering the action of powerful active constituents

so preventing possible harmful side- effects.

" There are a wealth of examples to demonstrate the

value of using the whole plant. Meadowsweet contains

appreciable quantities of salicylates and has probably

for this reason an ancient reputation for the

treatment of arthritis [or willowbark, mentioned

above]. However, a surprising use of this plant in

light of its salicylate content is in the treatment of

gastritis (a main side effect of taking aspirin is

gastritis). This apparent contradiction may be

resolved by referring to other constituents in the

plant, namely mucilage and tannin, which protect the

stomach lining from the erosive properties of

salicylic acid. "

" In 1885 Japanese scientists extracted from the

Chinese plant Ma Huang (Ephedra sinica) the alkaloid

ephedrine used in many common-cold preparations and in

the treatment of asthma. But the drug has now largely

fallen out of use due to the unfortunate effect it has

of raising the blood pressure. In the whole plant,

however, there are six other alkaloids, one of which

at least actually lowers blood pressure. In the

thousands of years of use of this plant, no

undesirable side-effects have been recorded from

taking the therapeutic dose. "

So it seems to be established that each plant contains

many substances and these are held in a check and

balance system within a miniature ecosystem.

Cooper also held that families of plants had very

similar internal constituents and would therefore act

in a similar way. That this is true is easily tested

in a practical way.

If Thuja tends to have a diminished effect then Sabina

will often revive the curative impetus. Burnett even

used " Cyp Lawsonia " as a third string to that

particular bow.

Cooper says in respect of the Hellebores and a case he

treated with them

" Local examination was certainly not so assuring as

the patient's testimony; the parts were bathed

in-blood, which seemed to come principally from two

large granular masses that hung down on either side of

the os uteri from a hard and fixed fundus. Further

examination than this was undesirable, owing to the

free hemorrhage.

Three days after seeing her I sent Caltha palustris,

and since then have had most favourable reports. In

that of April 30 the patient writes: - " on fourth day

after the powder pains set in my hips, especially the

left hip; and on fifth day red but not bright red.

Discharge as before, a yellow-red discharge, and not

smooth and stringy but gritty, no clots and it lasted

only one day.

" The white discharge continues; I think the bladder

has slightly improved, the probing, shooting pain is

less; have felt some of it left breast this last two

weeks, very little of it towards rectum.

" This patient is so much better that her local

doctor, after examining her, has sanctioned another of

his patients coming to see me - -this at all events,

has been stated to me by the other patient.’

The breaking down remedy in this instance was

undoubtedly the Green Hellebore. Helleborus Niger,

Foetidus, and Viridis, are remarkable for the

production of an overpowering depression. This is

accompanied by tile fearful sense of sinking at the

pit of the chest and-all over the body, with laxity

and enfeeblement of the muscular system. Plus senses

of blank despair such as we meet with in the cancers,

especially in scirrhous cancers. The Helleb Viridis I

find to be more pronounced in its effects on internal

cancers than the Helleb Niger., and both are certainly

very often called for in cancer cases. "

The Hellebore Niger shows its full power in certain

forms of facial lupus, and in old and obstinate

ulcerations of the legs.'

Thus showing that while the family has the same

capabilities and indications some act with greater

force if the disease has a specific location. "

To reinforce the point that all the elements of a

plant must be used in order to " branch out " , and omit

side effects our modern herbalist point out that:

" In 1974, German research workers found further

evidence in favour of the whole-plant principle.

Experimenting with traditional herbal diuretics, the

scientist discovered that the humble dandelion leaf

had a comparable diuretic effect to a much employed

diuretic drug, frusemide. Evidently the common French

name for the plant " pis en lit " , is well deserved! But

dandelion, unlike frusemide and other orthodox

diuretics, which tend to leach potassium from the

body, are so rich in this vital element that they

require no potassium supplements. In short, dandelion

is a perfectly balanced remedy-. "

But Cooper feels that whilst this is true, some

neutraliser is contained in root and bulb. That in

order to get the greatest possible effect the remedy

should be taken while the plant is still rooted in the

ground and effectively still growing. To use his own

words: -

" We are referring to the effects of the imponderable

force or forces of plants. When we use the word

antidote, we do not mean that which will materially

neutralize the properties of the plant substance, but

that which will counteract the effect of the subtle

forces displayed by the plant " .

Cooper derived his remedies from living plants in the

following manner.

P22 All I aim at in the preparation of a tincture is

to secure and preserve the growth force, and to

prepare the tincture-in such a way as to leave as

little doubt as possible about its presence. For this

reason I advocate the preparation of Arborivital

tinctures in the field from the living plant. The

preparer carrying with him a small phial, into which

the budding stalk and young leaves of the plant are

placed fresh as they grow, and upon these, simply

crushed between finger and thumb the rectified spirit

should be poured.

But more than this, in order to further increase the

efficacy of the tincture and to secure with even

greater certainty the power of the growth-force, I am

in the habit of plunging the living stalk, while yet

connected with the plant, into the spirit. Allowing

the strongest daylight that usually plays upon the

plant in its native habitat, to fall upon the phial

filled with the spirit. The stalk being at the same

time immersed in it. Thus our tinctures are


When the branches are thus subjected to the spirit and

the daylight for an hour, I find the branch and its

leaves have in most cases withered. "

This approach relates man to his environment. A

fundamental fact being that therapies such as

homeopathy, acupuncture, herbalism and naturopathy

rely on the life force which always tries to regain

the lost health. That the human body is a

self-repairing entity cannot be doubted by anyone who

has cut a hand and watched the cut heal and vanish

without a scar.

All our therapies are aimed at supporting that

capacity, only allopathy seems intent on supplanting

that function with consequent problems relating to the

immunological system.

Having seen how Cooper prepared in only an hour on any

fine day a simple matter, Lets examine how he used

them. First he used the simple central homeopathic

remedy indications.

Thus, in the case of the poor woman referred to, I

learned before prescribing that the period came dark

and in clotted lumps, that she had had a sensation of

something moving inside the abdomen, with a livid

complexion changing now and then to yellow, and a

general feeling of. pressure in the abdomen, with

weighty feeling towards the womb- these added to my

general experience with the effects of this particular

remedy, led me to Crocus Sativus. ,

So that the more striking generalities were used as

pointers or 'Keynotes', and Cooper regarded cancer of

the internal type as amenable to this treatment. My

contention, in a word, is this, that in the living

plants we get a force, which, if applied in accordance

with the laws of Life to disease, will arrest its

progress, and even cause its dispersal. Further, that

while artificial preparations, dilutions, and

triturations are required for the better demonstration

of such a force in mineral substances, they are not

required for proving the existence of a like force in


To this force I gave the name Arborivital, and the

action that results therefrom Arborivital Action. I

further state that some of the most easily acted upon

forms of chronic disease, such as are the cancers,

have for this reason, remained, at this enlightened

age, upon the list of uncured and incurable diseases.'

Let us then consider a specific case that he quotes in

" Cancer and Cancer Symptoms " P 5/6 8/9 10/11. " A lady

asked me if I would take up the case of a poor woman

suffering I cancer, in whom the right kidney had been

removed some eighteen months before, and in whom the

cancer had broken out again at the site of the

operation and around the bladder.

Without seeing the patient, and from my experience in

such cases, I replied that in all probability there

was a great deal of cancerous growth present. If so,

the likelihood was in favor of its being easily acted

on, and consequently, that disease would give out

almost immediate she took a dose of the indicated

remedy. The patient therefore, I went on to say, will

probably be frightened, and discontinue treatment.

The lady's reply was significant; " There is not the

slightest fear of the poor woman being frightened, for

she is now under the influence of morphia, and is

entirely despaired of by all the doctors who have seen

her. " On February 10 of this year (1899), 1 sent her a

dose of a very simple remedy - Saffron Crocus - and on

the 14th day her daughter came to me to know what was

to be done. Her mother, though constipated previously,

had next day after the dose, broken into the most

violent diarrhea a; even her food passed through her

at once, and she felt fearfully depressed and low.

Recognising the fact that all this was to be fully

explained by the out- pouring of the disease, I simply

advised copious draughts of very hot water in sips,

and the discontinuance as far as possible of the

morphia she had been taking. If, then the ignorant and

superstitious idea obtaining that there must be some

proportion between the amount of disease material and

the size and virulence of the dispersing agent, any

attempt at curing the disease is simply hopeless. For

is it not evident that if a large quantity of such a

substance is necessarily associated with a proportion

amount of force. Such force, if in relationship with

the disease, will be so great as to cause a rapid

giving way of diseased tissue and will thus tend to

poison the patient?

'While if, in such a case as the above, the doses,

though small are too frequently repeated, the effect

will be the same. The too rapid dispersal of the

diseased material will act as a poison not alone to

the life of the adjoining tissues but to that of the

patient thus rapidly infected? "

Those medicines - simple plant-remedies - can thus

influence these forms of disease is not a matter of

mere theory; my knowledge of it is evolved from

deliberate clinical observation extending over more

than thirty years. The matter is simply one of

relationship; it is not a matter of quantity of

material. ,

Were there no evidence forthcoming but that furnished

by the above case, it alone would prove the

preliminary statement that the cancers, and especially

the internal ones, can easily be acted on. But can

this Force, so powerful in disturbing a disease mass.

be utilised for curative purposes? In the case

referred to, an immense carcinomatous mass extended

from close below the liver down to the pelvis on the

right side, and at the site of operation this pointed

and threatened to ulcerate. A patient whose body is so

full of cancerous material and with but a single

kidney left after the operator has done his work. She

is not under any circumstances likely to recover; but

that she is being acted upon, and acted upon

beneficially, is evident from the pain having changed

in character and severity. From stabbing, shooting

pains to dull and dragging ones - and from the fact

that the patient no longer requires morphia for her

pains, and is having sufficient sleep. Though as I

write, a fortnight has elapsed since this patient took

a dose of a very simple remedy, Juniper comm, her

entreaty is not to be given another yet awhile; and

she is perfectly right. The action started is a

beneficial one, but it is attended with greater

changes than the poor patient can comfortably endure.

Its violence must be allowed to tone down before a

repetition of such effects can be safely endured.

To conclude let us consider a final case that Cooper

felt was unarguable because the patient was opened up

and found to be inoperable due to the extent of the

cancer. He was then sewn back up again before he put

himself in Cooper's hands.

To go on actual experience, Geo A. Murrel, aged 40,

was seen by me July 22 1898.

History - Fifteen years subject to dyspeptic pains,

and twelve years ago strained himself lifting a

kitchen range, felt the strain severely below the

chest, and dates his suffering from then, though even

before this was dyspeptic. Was treated in the Heart

Hospital under Dr.-, after having been an outpatient

for six months'.

In the middle of January 1898, severe pains set in

between the liver and stomach and he went into

Westminster Hospital, the diagnosis being neuralgia of

the stomach from gastric catarrh. Was discharged

unrelieved and was then seen by several other

physicians. In March was advised to go into the Cancer

Hospital, Brompton, where he was operated on; the

statement made to him after the operation being that

adhesions had been found between the stomach and

thoracic wall.

That a cancerous growth and thickening of the pyloric

extremity of the duodenum, and that it was impossible

to remove all the diseased tissue. Some temporary

relief followed upon the operation, and he was

discharged from the hospital under promise of his

returning if the pain reappeared.

The patient from whom these particulars are gathered,

writes to me that " The Cancer Hospital also arranged

with Dr D. -, a French specialist to come over (to the

hospital). I (the patient) consented to another

operation under him; but when my case was fully

explained to him he went back (to France) without

doing anything, as I understood that they could not do

me any good. "

This was after having obtained re-admission to the

hospital owing to the return of his agonising pains.

After being six weeks in hospital on this second

occasion he returned home. And was assured by his own

doctor that everything possible had been done for him,

and that he could not possibly live long, and that he

must bear the pain while life lasted.

The copy of his doctor's certificate is in my

possession, dated July 19 in which it is stated that

the patient " is totally unable to follow any

employment. " " The case, therefore, admits of no doubt

as to its nature or as to its severity. "

I first saw him on the 6th of July 22, 1898; he was

then writhing in agony on his bed, and could keep

nothing long on his stomach; warm foods relieved, cold

drinks aggravated. ,

The pains were worse at night, and began in the

stomach, spreading from there to the heart and between

the shoulders, as if an iron brick were being forced

through the stomach and chest. "

The patient felt the growth to be rapidly enlarging,

and pointed to the visible bulging underneath the

attachment of the diaphragm, where there is marked

dullness of percussion, the bulging extending to

scrobiculus cordis. His tongue is red and coated

towards the back, bowels confined, though sometimes

had diarrhea. His family history is good, except that

his father died at the age of 73 of gastric


On July 27 he wrote that he had had terrible pains on

Saturday the 23rd, and had vomited twice. At 6-0/clock

p.m. of this day had taken a unit dose of Ornithogalum

Umbellatum, and afterwards reported that it was

followed by great pains. He felt almost frantic at 3

am and again at I p.m. when the bowels acted. At 3 am

he began taking 3 grains every third hour of Carbo

Vegetabilis 3x. The pain however, still kept on, and

affected not alone the stomach but the whole body, and

as he thought the Carbo Veg increased the pains he

left it off on the Tuesday following.

On the next day he wrote me that since being under me

a frothy substance comes up which gives great relief.

From this report I concluded the Ornithogalum Umbel

had touched the disease, and had acted beneficially,

though restricted in its operation by the Carbo

Vgetabilis. The expulsion of a frothy substance with

relief was, I considered, sufficient evidence of

beneficial action. For this reason I sent him

Ornithogalurn Umbel again, and in unit dose. This he

took on the evening of July 28 and almost immediately

after began bringing up a black jelly-like substance,

with great relief to pain and general improvement in

his condition.

Being away from town in August the patient frequently

wrote me, the report on August 29 being as follows: -

" l am pleased to tell you that I keep fairly well,

although at times I have great pain in the lower part

of the stomach. I have also great difficulty in going

to sleep, owing to the creepy sensation in my limbs. I

also find that when I sit down my legs and feet go all

of a creep, and I am unable to keep still, and cannot

read unless I walk about. My feet also ache and

swell. "

1, I deferred prescribing till September 9 when the

same was again given, and on September 18 he writes--

" I am pleased to say the sleeplessness a night time

had gradually gone away. I can now sleep much better.

I still find slight pains at the bottom of my stomach,

and also a little more swelling. I still feel weak and

unable to walk far at a time, but of course the

weather has been very trying even to strong people.

" I am pleased and thankful for the progress I have

made, and have to thank you for the splendid results

of your treatment. I could not possibly have lived

much longer in the terrible suffering I was in. "

On September 30 1 saw him, and he informed me that

after the dose the feet and ankles began to swell, but

gradually got better. And that a week ago the right

leg felt as if it were bruised, and is now painful and

angry looking - it is swollen and tense, and pits on

pressure. He feels, too, when eating, as if the food

chokes in the stomach, some flatus, bowels regular.

On this occasion I gave him another dose of the Ornith

Umbel. The side effect of it, however, was to confirm

my belief that this swelling of the absorbents, shown

by the condition of the right leg and the previous

swollen condition of the feet and ankles. These

resulted from the high pressure put upon the

emunctories owing to the setting free of the poison in

the system. "

" In a few days after he came to me in a great fright

and pulling up his trousers showed me the terrible

condition, as he thought, of his legs. They were

swollen, and great red streaks and patches could be

seen coursing down the limbs. -,

Believing that this was due to that rapid elimination

of the cancer poison I rather astonished him by

insisting upon his walking away without any medicine


Since then, his recovery has gone on uninterruptedly,

and though since this last report he has taken two or

three doses of the Ornithog Umn, he has not had any

other medicine. I except a unit dose of Alinaria

officinalis, and is now in the state of health set

forth in this letter received from him as I write: -

Elm Lodge, Feltham, Middlesex May 3,1899

" Dr -Cooper

" Dear Sir, -“In addition to my previous letters to

you, I must tell you I have had no pain since the

first week in August last; I certainly feel a slight

weakness in the stomach at times, but not always. “

" My appetite is wonderfully good, and I can eat almost

any kind i food, and am also able to enjoy my meals,

which I had not done ft years; am able to get about

well, and carry on my-business without fatigue. “

" I have rejoined the Volunteer force and have done two

or three good stiff marches, besides firing in

competitions, and feel no ill effects. I have never

felt so well for nearly twenty years. I feet

wonderfully well now, and have gained the two stone

odd which I lost during my illness. Everyone I meet,

whether in Kensington, Shepherd's Bush, or Feltham, is

astonished when they see me, 'and all speak of the

marvelous cure affected by yourself. “

" I am, dear sir, " Yours faithfully,

" Geo A Murrell. "

.. Evidence could not be stronger in favor of my

assertion that these internal cancers are most

amenable to treatment, of all the forms of chronic

complaints. There is none other that so surely

deprives the patient of life and in which life can be

with such certainty restored by the influence of

simple remedies. This is the lesson of Murrell's case,

and his very existence on earth is an undeniable

testimony to its import. " '

I have quoted this case at length to show that a

homeopathic method of this sort does not go " out of

date " and, being effective, should be given a wider

airing and more thorough testing. Cooper also makes

the point that his Arborivital system is not so rapid

or effective where cancer is external, and on the

surface of the body.

The evidence of the influence of unit doses upon the

external forms of cancer, of which the cancers of the

breast form by far the larger proportion. Is by no

means so completely satisfactory; the cancers of

external parts, speaking very broadly, require a

longer period of time before the tremendous power of

the Arborivital doses manifests itself. Showing

evident diminution in size, and moreover, it is more

difficult to get the cancers, pent up as they are in

the form of swellings, to disperse when thus


He also points to Fer Pic as a useful intermediate

remedy in this type of case. The sphere of ferrum

picricum in old standing cancer cases has been with me

that of an intermediate remedy, and if given as such

in high dilution it is indispensable help. Among other

indications for it are recurring attacks of jaundice,

with tendency to disturbed dreams, coated tongue,

mushy stools, or constipation; with, in the male,

enlarged prostate, and iii the female, retroverted

womb and pelvic blood stasis.

The remedies Cooper used, to cure the cases he

records, were relatively few. He mentions Saffron

Crocus, Ornithogalum Umbel (star of Bethlehem) Iris

Versicolor Calendula, Lobelia Inflata, Helleborus

Viridi, Helleborus Fetidus, Helleborus Niger, Caltha

Palustris, Actea Racemosa.

In respect of Ornit Umb he points out that the order

Liliaceae family is useful in cancer.

P51 Belonging to the natural order Lillaceae it is

botanically allied to Asparagus officinalis, Paris

juadrifolia, Convallaria majalis, Scilla maritima,

Agraphis nutans, Colchicum autumnal, Allium sativum,

Allium cepa, and Polygonanum officinale, besides of

course many other less known but valuable remedies.

My acquaintance with it in cancer case was due to the

very distinctive disturbance it produced in a woman

very sensitive to all alliaceous flavouring substances

in food.

The dose was taken at midday, and the same evening

distension of the stomach and duodenum came on, with

frequent belching of mouthfuls of offensive flatus.

Obliging her to loosen her clothes and this was

accompanied by the most hateful depression of spirits

and desire for suicide, a feeling of complete

prostration and painful sinking.


No work of this kind would be complete without a

mention of Dr A. Grimmer and his use of the Cadmium.

His view was that the genetic inheritance provided the

ground that world accept disturbances leading to

cancerous conditions. He also felt that diet was

important and that only fruit vegetables, cereals and

nuts should be used. Dairy products being either

barred or very limited.

He particularly applied the Cadmium’s to late cancer

conditions aid relating them to, weakness, blood

changes, skin and stomach ulceration and breast and

uterine tumors.

He was keenly interested in the changes in electrical

charge and polarity that take place in body cells

prior to pathological changes.

He felt that homeopathic remedies, in the high

potencies, could cure by acting at the same level and

reversing the tendency.

His opinion was that ANY carcinoma, in an advanced

state, would need one of the Cadmium’s.

To briefly quote some of his cases: - Liver cancer,

jaundice, anemia and weight loss. Cured using Calc Ars

45m & CM Carb Acid 30m Carbo Veg 10m and finally Cad


Liver cancer and Goiter - Cad Phos 30 and Cad Phos

10m. Cured.

Duodenal ulceration and intestinal hemorrhage Cured

using Cad lod 107m Calendula 30 and 50m and CM, with

finally Cad Met 10m. Liver Cancer: - Cured using Calc

Ars 45M and CM, Cad Sul 45m.

Intestinal Cancer cured using Cad. Iod. 10m Breast

tumor: - Cured using Cad Met 10m

Dr Grimmer had no doubts about the ability of

homeopathy to cure cancer and to quote his own words.

" I would like to bring to your attention the fact

that homeopathy in 'the hands of its master

prescribers are the greatest and most efficient force

the world has today, against the scourge of cancer.

Yet in spite of this fact many of our men are running

after will-of-the-wisps. Dreams that float above the

Quagmires of materialistic pseudo-science as panaceas

for the cure of cancer. Millions are raised and spent

annually, without avail.







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Hello Doctor,


This is Aruna here. I had asked for remedies for

cancer. It is for my father. I am very much in India.

Please let me know a number at which I can reach you,

so that I could explain my father's condition in

detail to you.


Thanx for all the help.






--- Shirish Bhate <shirishbhate wrote:


> Cancer protocol if this author consists of

> PanchGavya medicines,

> breathing techniques and few Panch Karma+juice

> therapy of naturopathy.

> THese things are not like pills which can be

> dispensed online.

> Patient has to be within commuting distance and in

> India only. If these

> constraints are getting satisfied, Cancer is

> curable, if it has not

> metastasized much. Even such cancers are sometimes

> defeated by

> alternatives, but then patient should be having left

> with good faith,

> pranic energy too.


> And one more thing is the cure, where obtained, does

> not require

> certification from allopathy.


> REgards

> Dr Bhate



> , " jagchat01 "

> <jagchat01

> wrote:

> > Two of our members have asked for help. Ashokji

> for his friend who is

> > suffering from backache and Aruna who wants

> remedies for cancer.

> >

> > Kindly help with ayurveda.














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