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Homeopathic Alternatives to Vaccines: Bird Flu Care Tips.

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Here are the homeopathic alternatives to vaccines, courtesy the efforts of Dr Leo Rebello. Please printout and preserve for future reference. Also keep the mail in an important folder for quick reference in future. Please circulate this information as widely as possible. Homeopaths do not believe in earning money out of suffering of others. They seek to heal. The blessings of the patient and his/her family members is reward enough. Regards, Jagannath. Jagannath Chatterjee wrote to: Dr. Leo Rebello on February 15, 2006 asking him to clarify as to what People should do to prevent themselves against epidemics if vaccines were to be avoided. He also wants a detailed list of homeopathic prophylactics and other methods if any. Dr. Leo Rebello replies accordingly: There are NO epidemics in normal times. More epidemics are created by vaccines and drugs. Repeat, more epidemics are created by vaccines and drugs. If tiny tots were given 25 vaccines before the age of 2, one can imagine what kind of future generation we are creating. Beware of this game plan as spelt out in the secret manual called the Useless Eaters. The long ter idea is to eliminate the excess population, in the mean time control them and rake

in profits. Here ponder over on what Henry Kissinger has to say : "Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world". In the Information and Communication Technology age, it is possible to defeat these dark forces by disseminating the correct information. Here are the Homoeopathic prophalatics. Reproduced from my book Handbook of Holistic Healing in Tropical Diseasses : IMMUNISATION: Like in other diseases, homoeopathy has clearly established its superiority in treating viral diseases. These medicines (called nosodes in homoeo

parlance) are produced from the diseased products themselves. Allopathic immunisation procedure itself is a health hazard. Vaccines wiped out small-pox, polio, diphtheria, typhoid, influenza, we are told. In effect, however, the blood contamination from the vaccines not only causes the same disease in severe and even fatal forms, but the vaccine poisons cause other diseases, such as, paralysis, blindness, brain damage, cancers, autism, etc. Hence, go in for safer, cheaper and reliable Homeopathic prophylactics. Here is a list: AIDS : Medorrhinum, Syphilinum,

Tuberculinum or Thuja. (Also, Echinacea, Lachesis, Sulphur, Phosphorus and Lycopodium).Cancer : Carcinocin.Chicken Pox : Malandrinum or Variolinum.Diphtheria: Diphtherinum or Mercurious Cyanatus.Gonorrhoea: Medorrhinum.Infective Hepatitis: Nux Vomica.Influenza: Arsenic Album.Measles (Rubella): Morbillinum or Pulsatilla.Mumps: Morbillinum or Parotidinum.Polio: Lathyrus or polio nosode.Rabies: Hydrophobinum (Lyssin).Syphilis: Syphilinum.Small Pox: Variolinum.Tuberculosis: Bacillinum or Tuberculinum.Typhoid: Ars Alb. or Baptisia.Whooping Cough: Drosera or

Pertusin. For the after effects of Allopathic Vaccination or Vaccinosis, or to neutralize lethal drugs like AZT - which inhibit bone-marrow production, which in turn necessitates continual blood tranfusion for many patients - give Thuja and Kali Mur and lots of fresh curds (yogurts). Then there are 12 tissue salts. These are also known as Schuessler salts after Dr.W.H. Schuessler, MD (1873) of Germany, who called them natural or physiological function remedies. The twelve inorganic (mineral) salts are essential to the proper growth and development of every part of the system. They are: Calcarea Fluor (Flouride of Lime): promotes elasticity of tissues. Used for piles, ruptures, strained tendons, varicose veins, muscles weakness, stretch marks, circulation problem, cracked tongue and lips. Calcarea Phos (Phosphate of Lime): helps build new blood cells, strengthens bones and teeth, aids digestion; used for poor circulation, chilblains, lowered vitality, muscle weakness, iron deficiency anaemia, decaying teeth and teething problems. Calcarea Sulph (sulphate of Lime): a blood constituent and purifier, for spots during adolescence, slow healing skin and wounds, sore lips. Ferrum Phos (Phosphate of Iron): constituent of red

blood cells which helps to distribute oxygen in the body; used for inflammation in general, feverishness, chestiness, sore throat, coughs, colds, chills, and muscular rheumatism. Kali Mur (Chloride of Potash): asthma and bronchitis, colds, tonsillitis, sluggish digestion. Kali Phos (Phosphate of Potash): a nerve soother and nutrient, used for tension, headaches, depression, loss of sleep, irritability due to worry and excitement and indigestion. Kali Sulph (Sulphate of Potash): promotes and maintains healthy skin. For discharge from the nose and throat, poor condition of nails, hair and scalp. Magnesium Phos (Phosphate of Magnesia): nerve and muscle fibre nutrient. Used to relieve darting pains, cramps and menstrual pain, acute spasms, hiccups, colic and wind. Natrum Mur (Chloride of Soda): controls distribution of water in the body. Used for watery

colds with flow of tears and runny nose; loss of smell or taste. Natrum Phos (Phosphate of Soda): acid-alkaline regulator of the cells. Used for acidity, heart burns, gastric indigestion and rheumatic pains. Natrum Sulph (Sulphate of Soda): balances body water, used for queasiness, morning sickness, digestive problems, billious attacks, colic, influenza and headaches due to. Silicea

(Silica): conditioner and cleanser, eliminates waste. Used for toxic accumulation, pimples and spots, boils, styes. This is what I wrote on 25th October, 2005, when someone from UK asked me what to do in Avian Flu Epidemic. Like SARS was a false alarm, this gang of mercenary medicine mafia is now creating this false alarm on Avian Flu. Don't panic, birds have been with us for centuries. Do NOT vaccinate them. Do NOT kill them in panic for likethe dead

read creates plague (living rat is useful), millions of dead of birds will create pandemic. Simply relax and do NOT fall a prey to this misleading propaganda. Above all, do NOT (repeat not) take Avian Flu shot,specially nasal spray. Because, then you will go on sneezing and spread the Avian Flu implanted in the shots byfurious sneezing. FOR FLU MY TREATMENT IS SIMPLE:(a) Drink lots of citric fruit juices and clear soups.(b) No solid food for 3 days. Kanji may be taken, if absolutely necessary.© Warm Neem water bath will give refreshing feeling, especially when there are chills.(d) Lots of bed rest with windows open / no direct fan.(e) Morning sun bathing (before 8.00 AM / not more than ten minutes, if possible). (f) There are many homoeopathic medicines. I am giving only the main ones below : Head remedy Arsenic Alb 30 -- 4 hourly. Intercurrent remedy - Influenzinum 30 or 200 / 4 pills, 4 hourly - not more than 3 doses. For rapid prostration - Kali Phos 30 4 pills, 4 hourly. Stop once the patient feels better. Pyrogenium 200 / 4 pills 3 hourly if severe back and thigh pains, extreme chilliness, rapid pulse. (g)The biochemic medicines are : Ferrum phos, Kali mur and Natrum sulph in 6 or 12 x potency 2 pills of each, 3 hourly. (h) Ginger, cinnamon teas with honey and a dash of sour lime are good. Even mint tea will soothe. (i) Fresh buttermilk, not refrigerated. Do NOT add sugar or salt. Similarly, one may take fresh coconut water. Homoeopathic and biochemic medicines are easily available and treatment outlined aboveis very simple. DO NOT PANIC is the root Mantra. ======================================================================= My footnote: for more details read Dr. Leo Rebello's following books 1.. Nature Cure and Yoga Therapy -- Rs.100 + postage extra.2.. Handbook of Holistic Healing in Tropical Diseases -- Price Rs.100 + postage extra (will be published in March). 3.. AIDS and Alternativa Medicine (4th revised and enlarged edition will be out in June). Also see his websites : www.healthwisdom.org and www.aidsalternativa.org and write to him on leorebello or leorebello "Our ideal is not the spirituality that withdraws from life but the conquest of life by the power of the spirit." - Aurobindo.

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