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Table Salt vs Sea Salt.

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Sodium SODIUM Sodium Chloride written chemically NaCl, is common table salt. TheU.S. standards for table salt allow no more than 2% mineral contentother than Sodium Chloride. This unbalance is one of the root causesof many health problems. If you were to replace table salt withcomplete sea salt, it will eliminate many health problems; but somany of our foods contain this depleted salt that we have toeliminate these sources too, for results. If the food manufacturersused genuine sea salt, we would not be in the pickle we are in. Andnot all "sea salt" is "complete"; air dried is the correct source. This essay is not about salt vs. sea salt; this is about mentalproblems, potential mental problems and too much "sodium."

Onedramatic type is a "nervous breakdown." Been there and trying tohare hard learned answers to help others figure a way out orrecognize problems before they become quagmires. Our whole family's lives turned upside-down when it hit. When wefinally got to the "right" doctor, It was a bit puzzling because hewas asking the young adult so many simple questions in many variants.In retrospect it became obvious; he was checking to see if the mindwas working "too fast." A genuine dim-wit obviously thinks much tooslow. Us normal people have a range of speed from slow to fast. Andthe other extreme think gun-fire-rapid, much too fast. Whether youhave a child who thinks too fast or not, try to tuck this info awayinto memory; it might be very useful when you least expect it, andcan keep others out of problem when you recognize the symptoms. First, some mechanics about nerve operations. The general picturegiven

for nerves could be described as something like long-bonesconnected end to end with a flat-faced interface between them. If thefingers sense something HOT, the nerves send a signal of "hot" to thebrain. As this signal travels, when it arrives at the synapse (thespace between the end and start of connected nerves)(the "joint" inour analogy to bones), the signal jumps across the space as a sparkor electrical impulse. Let's look closely at the signal as it travelsthrough the nerve after this spark takes place. All along the nerveare "stoma" or openings which can open and close. Preceeding themovement of this electrical signal, these stoma open in sequence fromthe entry end toward the exit end. By opening, they are allowing aconcentrated sodium solution to enter the core of the nerve; this inturn changes the chemical structure of the internal nerve into ahighly conductive medium (something that is many times faster

thanbefore the synaptic spark occurred). And thusly the nerve impulserushes through the nerve to the other end and jumps across thesynapse headed toward the brain. When looked at as time used and time idle, the nerves are normallyidle most of the time. Thusly this excess sodium that was allowed toenter and excite the nerve is pumped out of the interior to theexterior of the nerve. All of this is enclosed within the nervesheath which defines the outer portion of the nerves. The stoma onlyopen preceding the nerve impulse traveling through the nerve and thenclose. When the sodium pump completes the inner to outer transfer,the nerve sets in the idle mode waiting for another signal. It makesmuch sense to have a "device" setting idle most of the time utilizinga speed up mechanism as opposed to a "device" being at the ready allthe time consuming energy constantly. Normally, in the case of a too fast

functioning mind, there is TOOmuch sodium surrounding the inner nerve cavity. The sodium pump isnot able to empty the excess sodium before the nerve is asked to doits job again, and so the sodium concentration within the inner partof the nerve keeps building up. Now the signal passes through thenerve faster than the stoma can open to help it pass through! This ishow a trained health professional by asking simple questions (mostlymath type problems) checks for a too fast functioning of the nerves. We as parents or concerned people can help others by being aware ofthis "too fast" factor. We know about how fast our children think andreact. If they are starting to change to being faster, we normallythink that this is a sign for the better. Be cautious, if they keepspeeding up, it could very well be an overload of sodium within thenerve sheath. Obviously common sense should prevail, and in today'ssociety it is more

and more difficult to recognize this speeding upfactor. Now, for a solution: Salt is an obvious source of sodium, but in manycases salt alone is not the cause of the overload. If you willcarefully read labels, you will find Sodium or "Na" in combinationwith other words or letter combinations with other things. Thesenormally are food preservatives, but can be almost anything. When youstart adding up the Sodium sources, you'll be amazed at how manythere are. Before you buy meats at the deli-counter, find theequivalent as small packages elsewhere in the store, read the labelhunting for Sodium or Na- something. The deli-people don't have thetime to read the content labels, few if any have a clue; it is theirjob to "move product" not be diet advisors. If you think your familyis borderline for problems, cut out as much "Sodium" as you can asfast as you can. And even if not in the potential trouble range,

dolikewise. Salt and sugar are found together in foods because it just so happensthat if the product is supposed to be sweet, salt will intensify thesweetness; and if the product is supposed to be salty, the sugar willintensify the saltiness. Most people recognize that we consume toomuch sugar, but if we are getting too much sugar we are also gettingtoo much salt. And if the doctor has you on a restricted salt diet usually it isbecause you are getting too much sodium, so go the extra step andremove the other "sodium" sources in your diet as well. Doctors areso overloaded with information; unless they are mental or nervespecialists they are not aware of the sodium pump and its associatedproblems, thusly not aware of sodium sources other than "salt." Philip N. Ledoux "Our ideal is not the spirituality that withdraws from life but the conquest of life by the power of the spirit." - Aurobindo.

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