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Mark Sircus says today: Mercury in vaccines BETRAYAL OF TRUST.

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Today's Topics: 1. Medical News - IMVA - Betrayal of Trust - April 11, 2006 (Mark Sircus Ac., OMD)----Message: 1Tue, 11 Apr 2006 12:34:35 -0300"Mark Sircus Ac., OMD" <directorMedical News - IMVA - Betrayal of Trust - April 11, 2006<medicalnewscommentariesMessage-ID:

<049401c65d7d$71fdee40$8394fea9@pcyjsea3cu4gbc>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Betrayal of Trust International Medical Veritas Association A controversial full page ad in USA Today, the largest national newspaper in America implies that the government caused a huge increase in the rate of autism by giving vaccinations that contained mercury, and then covered it up. The ad says, "If you caused a 6,000 percent increase in autism, wouldn't you try to cover it up too?" The ad was sponsored by a coalition of anti-mercury groups stating: We believe the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) knows that the ambitious immunization schedule begun in the 1990s, nearly tripling

the amount of mercury injected into our children, created an epidemic of autism in America. We are mystified that mercury remains in children's vaccines and that the CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics are fighting state laws banning mercury. Why? Thousands of children are recovering from autism by having the mercury removed from their bodies using the Defeat Autism Now! Protocol. Yet, the CDC doesn't investigate these stories of recovery. Why? We call on our elected officials, journalists, and all Americans to help us in the fight for recovery, truth, and justice for our children. As long as the CDC denies that mercury from vaccines is responsible for this epidemic, proper treatment will never be made widely available to the more than one million American children who could be treated today. The Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention is rarely the subject of public controversy but now is facing an emerging credibility crisis over the question of whether vaccines containing a mercury preservative caused autism in thousands of children. The agency is being accused of cover-ups and scientific manipulations by vocal advocates of autism families. It also is facing questions from some high-profile members of Congress. The great and grave likelihood that disease prevention through vaccinations is violently backfiring-dramatically increasing mortality and morbidity especially among America's youngest

citizens. Dr Leonard G Horowitz Put Children First, the organization that paid for the add was founded by parents to let the world know that the Centers For Disease Control (CDC), a division of the Department of Health and Human Services, is covering-up the relationship between a near-tripling of vaccinations

for our children in the 1990s and the epidemic of autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders that began at exactly the same time. The Centers for Disease Control defines its very existence on vaccination rates thus they are the ones most responsible for all the harm being done. On April 6, 2006, the CDC responded to statements regarding autism-related advertisement in USA Today. In their press release they said, "We know that autism is a heart-wrenching situation for many families and many children and it presents special challenges that we would certainly want to prevent and do anything we could to avoid. When it comes to the nation's immunization recommendations, the CDC and Public Health Service are always guided by one overriding goal and interest-all our recommendations are designed to protect the health and well being of all

children." The CDC went on in its press release saying, "We are very disappointed in an advertisement that appears in today's edition of USA Today. The advertisement completely mischaracterizes the efforts of CDC, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Institute of Medicine, and others to protect the health and well being of the nation's children. Importantly, if levels of thimerosal found in vaccines, including influenza vaccines, were associated with harm, CDC, the Public Health Service, and the nation's physicians (e.g., the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, and American Academy of Family Physicians) would not recommend their use." Mercury in all of its forms is toxic to the fetus and children, and efforts should be made to reduce exposure to the

extent possible to pregnant women and children as well as the general population. American Academy of

Pediatrics July 2001 Journal of the AAP But they do recommend their use and their massive use outside of the United States. They do that knowing that mercury, a known and obvious neurotoxin is dangerous and is seriously hurting children. When prominent scientists from universities present basic research showing neuron

death they abandon scientific integrity by not listening. The leaders at the CDC do not listen to anything that is in conflict with their basic beliefs or with anything that threatens to show that they are poisoning a generation of children. One of the hidden agendas behind the controversy was expressed thus: If we banned mercury-containing vaccines by statute in the United States it would make it a lot harder to explain in other parts of the world why they should accept

them. Dr. Louis Z.

Cooper Former President of the AAP The CDC says, "We've made substantial progress in removing thimerosal from vaccines - and have done so without placing infants and children at risk for potentially serious vaccine preventable diseases." Only in the United States and a few other countries has this been done largely because the CDC will not admit

they made the greatest mistake in medical history. The CDC speaks to what they perceive is a population of medical idiots when they communicate the above because many of these serious vaccine preventable diseases they are speaking of here are not a threat to kids. Take Hepatitis B, which is mostly an adult sexual transmittable disease that kids are not at risk for. In most parts of the world they slam the mercury liquid into newborns on their first day of life only because they could not get adolescents to take it. Soon after the July 1999 joint statement recommending removal of thimerosal from vaccines, both Merck and SmithKline told CDC they could have mercury-free vaccines for 100% of their needs by the Fall, but CDC said "no

thanks." "As we continue in our efforts to further reduce the use of thimerosal in vaccines, we must also ensure, particularly in the case of influenza, that our efforts do not create serious undesirable outcomes, such as vaccine shortages that would place people, including children, at risk. History has shown that disruptions in vaccine supplies can render the population more vulnerable to diseases we know we can prevent." The loss of public trust in one of the most extraordinary institutions in the world. I'm not quite sure how that has occurred, but it

has. Dr. Martin

Myers Executive director of the National Network for Immunization Information Because these words come from the CDC they are given respect in many circles but this statement is as ridiculous as it is manipulative. In reality they say they are continuing their efforts to reduce thimerosal but will not admit there is a solid reason for doing so. In reality, as reports

come in that autism rates have fallen as mercury bearing vaccines have been withdrawn, and as thousands of children have been helped with chelation that detoxifies the body of mercury, the CDC digs its feet in and insists on immunization policies that increase mercury exposure to children. The point is that the children are at risk from the vaccines and the mercury in them, much more so than from a virus that the vast majority of children easily fight off if they are not suffering from profound nutritional deficiencies. There is no medical rationalization that can justify the poisoning of children with potent neuro-toxins like mercury yet the CDC continues to rationalize. We simply don't know what the cause of autism

is. Dr. Robert

Davis CDC's director of Immunization Safety "We don't know, unfortunately, for children with autism what caused it, nor do we have sound, scientifically valid information on effective

treatments. That's a fact. We just simply don't have answers to the cause of this disorder or the disorders that fall into the autism spectrum. We don't have a complete picture of the scope of the problem." Are the powers that be really so blind and/or so ignorant that they are unable to see the truth behind the mercury poisoning of thousands of

children? Parent of Autistic Child The CDC admits their ignorance or refusal to look at basic medical science and even common sense that says neurological poisons like mercury create neurological disorders. What is not beyond the 7th grade science student is beyond the CDC and that is the real fact here. Are these people that

unintelligent? We can speculate all we want why a group of public servants would defend unsafe medical practices that have never been proven to be safe. Most people who deal with these issues professionally just assume these medical officials have just sold their souls to the pharmaceutical companies. It's time for the CDC to come clean with the American

public. Robert F. Kennedy

Jr Quoted in the USA Today "As we're looking for answers related to the causes and effective treatments for autism, we have to also be careful not to base our health recommendations on unproven hypotheses or fear. We have to base our decisions on the best available science that we have in front of us, and today the best

available science indicates to us that vaccines save lives, and that's a very, very important message for all of us to remember." What is very important for us to remember is who is saying this and why. These are the last people on earth that can or should be trusted with the search for causes and effective treatments of autism for they are the people who are most responsible for causing it. We might as well rely on a rapists or mass murders to investigate the nature of evil. The doctors at the CDC are not men of science they are priests of a self serving medical religion that targets our newborn babies with toxic substances. The medical cartel, at the highest level, is not out to help

people, it is out to harm them, to weaken them, to kill them. Jon Rappoport "If the federal government is going to have a study whose results will be broadly accepted, such a study cannot be led by the CDC," the groups placing the advertisement in USA Today said in a

letter to Dr. David Schwartz, the new director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. The institute, a part of the National Institutes of Health, will convene a panel in May to discuss how to analyze a key CDC database to determine whether autism rates have dropped since thimerosal was removed from vaccines. The letter was also signed by Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), Rep. Dave Weldon (R-Fla.), Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.), Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.), Rep. Joseph Crowley (D-N.Y,) and Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-N.Y.). We should fear for the lives and well being of our children if we guide our actions by the light of the CDC. We do have to base our decisions on the best available science which is the very science the CDC will not pay attention to. That science is there and comes out of some of the

best universities in the world. It really has not been too difficult for scientists to demonstrate in their labs that ethyl-mercury in the form of thimerosal found in vaccines kills neurons. Recent, compelling biological studies linking Thimerosal and autism have been published from scientists at Columbia University, University of Arkansas, Northeastern University, Johns Hopkins University, Harvard University, and the University of Washington. In reality we should fear for the very nature of our civilization when we have medical monsters being paid large sums of money to make sure the public stays in the dark about massive amounts of harm being done. Because the CDC is stonewalling and conspiring to keep the truth hidden about the chemical causes of autism they are preventing society from focusing on the cure. There is no

greater form of child abuse except of course child sexual abuse that society does not want to talk about. When we allow medical madmen to sit on the top of medical institutions we can doubt that our civilization and culture even deserves to continue and bless anything that threatens to bring civilization down to its knees. "My final conclusion after forty years or more in this business[medicine] is that the unofficial policy of the World Health Organization and the unofficial policy of the 'Save the Children's Fund' and other vaccine promoting organizations is one of murder and genocide. I cannot see any other possible explanation. You cannot immunize sick children, malnourished children, and expect to get away with it. You'll kill far more children than would have died from natural

infection." Dr

kalokerinos International Vaccine Newsletter June 1995 Looking into the vaccine question, as Dr. Kalokerinos indicates, is often a

trip into hell. It offers a view of human nature often hard to believe and certainly difficult to come to grips with. In the end though we have to come to terms with the reality that is being hidden behind all the professional words that these men in white coats speak. A trip to http://www.putchildrenfirst.org will substantiate in detail the deceitful workings of the CDC. It will show you documents released under the Freedom of Information Act that will in time destroy the CDC as an institution and put many people behind bars. Certainly the CDC has demonstrated it has no credibility. The day is coming closer when the public will scorn the propaganda of the CDC and see their words for the lies they are. The CDC will eventually be found

guilty of conspiracy in covering up a great harm done to a few generations of children. Without question medical officials at the CDC are the last people we should trust our children's lives with. Mark Sircus Ac., OMD Director International Medical Veritas Association http://www.MagnesiumForLife.com http://www.imva.info http://www.detoxchelationclinic.com http://www.worldpsychology.net +55-83-3252-2195 www.skype.com ID: marksircus PS. I am afraid this is just the tip of the iceberg. Look in the next day or two for the most important communication the IMVA has ever made about a breech of trust of nuclear proportion and its effect on the health of just about everyone in the northern hemisphere. As if it were not enough, all our worries about chemical nightmares, now we have to look at the quiet nuclear war that was already fought in the Middle East with depleted uranium armaments and the fallout that has been detected thousands of miles away. The most important aspect of the next IMVA communication is the answer we will provide for radioactive uranimum

contamination.-------- International Medical Veritas Association Copyright 2006 All rights reserved. IMPORTANT

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