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The Health Benefits of Common Beans.

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The Health Benefits of Common Beans(Article courtesy JoAnn Guest) IntroductionLegumes (beans) are among the oldest cultivated plants. In fact,fossil records demonstrate that prehistoric people domesticated andcultivated legumes for food. Today, this extremely large category ofvegetables contains over 13,000 species and is second only to grainsin supplying calories and protein to the world's population.Compared to grains, legumes supply about the same number of totalcalories, but usually provide 2-to-4 times as much protein.Legumes are often called "the poor people's meat," however, theymight be better known as the "healthy people's meat." Many legumes,especially soybeans, are demonstrating impressive health benefits.Diets rich in legumes are being used to lower cholesterol

levels,improve blood glucose control in diabetics, and reduce the risk ofmany cancers. Legumes contain many important nutrients andphytochemicals, and when combined with grains, they form a completeprotein. According to studies conducted by the United StatesDepartment of Agriculture, richly colored dried beans offer a highdegree of antioxidant protection (see below). In fact, small redkidney beans rated the highest just ahead of blueberries.The soybean, thanks largely to the United States is now the mostwidely grown and utilized legume, accounting for well over 50% ofthe world's total legume production. In terms of dollar value, thesoybean is the United States' most important crop, ranking abovecorn, wheat, and cotton.A Quick Primer on Common BeansCommon beans are variants of Phaseolus vulgaris and include black,kidney, lima, mung, navy, pinto, and string (or snap) beans. All ofthe varieties of

Phaseolus vulgaris originated in Peru over 7,000years ago, and were then spread by migrating bands of NativeAmericans into Latin and North America. The early explorers andsettlers of the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries were introduced tothese beans by the natives. In fact, the basic recipes for Bostonbaked beans and succotash were derived from those used by NativeAmericans. Common beans were then introduced into Europe in the 15thcentury by Spanish explorers returning from their voyages to the NewWorld. They were subsequently spread to Africa and Asia by Spanishand Portuguese traders.As common beans are a very inexpensive form of good protein, theyhave become popular in many cultures throughout the world. However,their use as a health promoting food today seems to have beeneclipsed by the growing popularity of soybeans and soy foods.Nonetheless, there is an emerging appreciation on the benefits ofconsumption of

beans based upon the results of recent scientificinvestigations. One of the big differences between the common beanand the soybean is the absence of phytoestrogens and goitrogens incommon beans.The key nutritional benefits of common beans are quite similar tothose discussed above for soybeans except that they are much lowerin fat content—usually only 1-to-2%. Their protein content andquality is quite similar though. Common beans also offer anexcellent source of complex carbohydrate and fiber. They are a verygood source of folic acid and molybdenum. Common beans are also agood source of phosphorus, iron, protein, magnesium, manganese, andpotassium.Health BenefitsThe major health benefit of common beans is their rich source ofcholesterol-lowering fiber. In addition to lowering cholesterol, thehigh fiber content of beans prevents blood sugar levels from risingtoo rapidly after a meal, making these

beans an especially goodchoice for individuals with diabetes, insulin resistance, orhypoglycemia.The common beans' contribution to heart health lies not just intheir fiber, but in the significant amounts of antioxidants, folicacid, vitamin B6, and magnesium these beans supply. Folic acid andB6 help lower levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that is anintermediate product in an important metabolic process called themethylation cycle. Elevated blood levels of homocysteine are anindependent risk factor for heart attack, stroke, or peripheralvascular disease, and are found in between 20-to-40 percent ofpatients with heart disease.Intake of common beans is also protective against cancer. In oneanalysis of dietary data collected by validated food frequencyquestionnaires in 1991 and 1995 from 90,630 women in the NursesHealth Study II researchers found a significant reduced frequency ofbreast cancer in those

women who consumed a higher intake of commonbeans or lentils. That was not surprising, what was surprising wasthat only beans and lentils seemed to offer protection. Intake oftea, onions, apples, string beans, broccoli, green pepper, orblueberries had not protective effct. Eating beans or lentils two ormore times per week was associated with a 24% reduced risk of breastcancer.The largest USDA study of food antioxidants reveals common beans areamoung the best sources. Researchers with the United StatesDepartment of Agriculture analyzed antioxidant levels in over 100different foods. Each food was measured for antioxidantconcentration as well as antioxidant capacity per serving size. Baseupon the results, the USDA has provided a list of the top 20 rankingof foods by antioxidant capacity. Several common beans appear withinthe list including small red beans at the top.USDA Ranking of Foods by Antioxidant

CapacityRanking Food Item Serving Size Total antioxidant capacity perserving size1 Small Red Bean (dried) Half cup 137272 Wild blueberry 1 cup 134273 Red kidney bean (dried) Half cup 132594 Pinto bean Half cup 118645 Blueberry (cultivated) 1 cup 90196 Cranberry 1 cup (whole) 89837 Artichoke (cooked) 1 cup (hearts) 79048 Blackberry 1 cup 77019 Prune Half cup 729110 Raspberry 1 cup 605811 Strawberry 1 cup 593812 Red Delicious apple One 590013 Granny Smith apple One 538114 Pecan 1 ounce 509515 Sweet cherry 1 cup 487316 Black plum One 484417 Russet potato (cooked) One 464918 Black bean (dried) Half cup 418119 Plum One 411820 Gala apple One 3903Legumes and FlatulenceOne of the problems with legumes is increased intestinal flatulence(gas) or intestinal discomfort. Most humans pass gas a total of 14times per day, with a total of 1 pint. About

half of the gas isswallowed air and another 40% is carbon dioxide given off bybacteria in the intestines. The remaining 10% is a mixture ofhydrogen, methane, sulfur compounds, and by-products of bacteria,such as indoles, skatoles, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide. It is thislast fraction that is responsible for the offensive odors.The flatulence causing compounds in legumes are primarilyoligosaccharides, which are composed of 3-to-5 sugar moleculeslinked together in such a way that the body cannot digest or absorbthem. Because the body cannot absorb or digest theseoligosaccharides, they pass into the intestines where bacteria breakthem down. Gas is produced by the bacteria as they digest theoligosaccharides. Navy and lima beans are generally the mostoffensive.The amount of oligosaccharides in legumes can be significantlyreduced by properly cooking or sprouting them. In other words, theamount of flatulence

produced by legumes can be dramatically reducedby proper cooking. If you still experience increased flatulence whenyou eat legumes even if they are cooked properly, you may wish totry a commercial enzyme preparation such as MultiEnzyme from NaturalFactors or Beano.Cooking Common BeansAlthough most beans can be purchased precooked in cans, cooking yourown offers significant economical, as well as possibly health,benefits. Cooking your own will produce 3 times the amount comparedto canned products.Dried beans are best prepared by first soaking them overnight in anappropriate amount of water in the refrigerator to preventfermentation. Soaking will usually cut the cooking timedramatically. If soaking overnight is not possible, here is analternate method: place the dried legumes in an appropriate amountof water in a pot, for each cup of dried legumes add 1/4 teaspoon ofbaking soda, bring to boil for at

least 2 minutes, and then setaside to soak for at least 1 hour. The baking soda will soften thelegumes and help breakdown the troublesome oligosaccharides. Thebaking soda will also help reduce the amount of cooking time. Beforewarned, however, beans cooked using the quick soak and no soakmethods may split or develop a slightly mushy consistency. For beansthat retain an even shape, ideal texture, and tender, creamy bitewithout mushiness, overnight soaking is the optimal method. Alsobeans that have not been presoaked may need some additional water,about ¼ to ½ cup per cup of beans, to replace the water thatevaporates as steam during their longer cooking process.Before cooking presoaked beans, regardless of soaking method, skimoff any skins that floated to the surface, drain the soaking liquid,and then rinse them with clean water. The beans should be brought toa gentle boil and then simmered with a minimum of

stirring to keepthem firm and unbroken. A pressure cooker or crock pot can also beused for convenience. Regardless of cooking method, do not add anyseasonings that are salty or acidic, such as vinegar, wine,tomatoes, or citrus fruits and their juices, until after the beanshave been cooked since adding them earlier will make the beans toughand greatly increase the cooking time.Whenever possible, use the cooking liquid as well as the beans.About 35% of the B vitamins and 50% of the folic acid will leachinto the liquid when beans are cooked for 1 hour and 15 minutes.If you are running short on time, you can always use canned beans inyour recipes. If the beans have been packaged with salt or otheradditives, simply rinse them after opening the can to remove theseunnecessary additions. Canned beans need to only be heated brieflyfor hot recipes, while they can be used as is for salads or preparedcold

dishes.Guide to Cooking Dried Common BeansDried Beans (1 cup, dry) Cups Water or Broth Cooking Time(presoaked) Cooking Time (unsoaked) Cups YieldedBlack Beans 4 1 hr. - 1 1/2 hrs. 2 hrs. 2 1/4Black-eyed Peas 3 30-45 min. 1 hr. 2Cannellini (White Kidney Beans) 3 45 min. 1 hr. 2 1/2Great Northern Beans 3 1/2 1 1/2 hrs. 2 hrs. 2 2/3Green Split Peas 4 45 min. 1 hr. 2Yellow Split Peas 4 1 - 1 1/2 hrs. 2 hrs. 2Peas, whole 6 1 - 2 hrs. 2 hrs. 2Kidney Beans 3 1 hr. 2 hrs. 2 1/4Lima Beans, large 4 45 - 1 hr. 1 1/2 – 2 hrs. 2Lima Beans, small 4 50 - 60 min. 1 1/2 – 2 hrs. 3Mung Beans 2 1/2 1 hr. 1 ½ hrs. 2Navy Beans 3 45-60 min. 1 ½ hrs. 2 2/3Pinto Beans 3 1 - 1/2 hrs. 2 hrs. 2 2/3Key References:Messina MJ. Legumes and soybeans: overview of their nutritionalprofiles and health effects. Am J Clin Nutr. 1999;70(Suppl.3):439S-450S.Adebamowo CA, Cho E, Sampson L, et

al. Dietary flavonols andflavonol-rich foods intake and the risk of breast cancer. Int JCancer 2004;114(4):628-633.Wu X, Beecher GR, Holden J, et al. Lipophilic and hydrophilicantioxidant capacities of common foods in the United States. J.Agric Food Chem 2004;52;4026-4037.McIntosh M, Miller C. A diet containing food rich in soluble andinsoluble fiber improves glycemic control and reduces hyperlipidemiaamong patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Nutr Rev 2001;59(2):52-5.Menotti A, Kromhout D, Blackburn H, et al. Food intake patterns and25-year mortality from coronary heart disease: cross-culturalcorrelations in the Seven Countries Study. The Seven Countries StudyResearch Group. Eur J Epidemiol 1999;15:507-15.-- "Our ideal is not the spirituality that withdraws from life but the conquest of life by the power of the spirit." - Aurobindo.

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