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Fw: Trick or Treat Master.?

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- Dr. Leo Rebello Liston Bateson Thursday, April 13, 2006 4:20 PM Fw: Trick or Treat Master.?


Dear Liston :

Your bulletin has come after a long time. What you say below makes absolute sense.

I am taking the liberty of circulating it.


I however seek one clarification. When you say Visit the Soy website at soyonlineservice.co.nz

are you supporting it or showing the dangers of soy. Because, oflate so many adverse things have

been found out about Soy and soyproducts. Please clarify.


IMPORTANT NOTE : against my name below please display www.healthwisdom.org

as aidsalternativa website has been shut down and the useful information

contained therein has been shifted to www.healthwisdom.org


Thanks and best







Little understood Facts about Medicine and True Healing Concepts


Greetings and Salutations,


Would you attempt to conduct Rugby trials in a swimming bath,....... or Hockey trials on a cricket pitch? Would you attempt to test drive a new aeroplane on the motorway.?


Stupid questions eh? But they are not so stupid, because that is exactly what the Medical and Pharmaceutical geniuses are always demanding when alleging that Natural Medicine does not stand up to their testing procedures in trials, but is all fake. They practice one drug principle for all which is the same as attempting to put everyone in the same straight-jacket.


They are wrong! It just does not work like that.


Got the picture? They are always ridiculing the inability of natural medicines to stand up to testing trials according to the way they have set the rules. They are not looking for an expansion in understanding scientific phenomena, only the means to maintain the status quo to their advantage. Everybody falls for the con even the natural medicine boffins try to comply with the oppositions dumb rules, to the loss of the credibility of our profession. Few of the rule setters these days appear to have the open and inquiring minds that good scientists should have in order to question the testing procedures and to explain the some times interesting discrepancies in their results.


Investigating the unexplored realms with a consuming passion for discovery to reveal the seemingly inexplicable can be a rewarding exercise. That is the hallmark of a true scientist. Looking at today's medical environment the real scientists appear to have become extinct and the rest have become parrot-like technicians. There is very little originality present in any of them.


This attitude represses the expansion of knowledge and an evolving medical system is disadvantaged. We are robbed of all the possible benefits of an extended and advanced healing platform. Modern Medicine is becoming more and more bankrupt for solutions as can be discerned with the current health crisis. The Bird Flu and Meningitis scams are going to be known as the biggest cons in history. There is nothing scientific about them at all. Conventional medical professionals have pinned all their hopes on solving their problems with genetic engineering, "the medicine of the future". They went down the same path after the last war when they relied so disastrously in anti-biotics and steroids to "cure" the world's ills. I remember as a medical student in the 1950s how the fraternity used to talk about seeing the end to mankind’s woes with the use of these drugs. We are all suffering from the results today. Society has never been so drug bound and sick.


The facts are that many of these natural medicine procedures work remarkably well in practice and should be properly investigated. The rules governing them however are different and adaptations to the current testing procedures have to be made to unlock their secrets.


There is more than enough anecdotal evidence and millions of contented patients to confirm this. The obvious silent fear of the medical boffins is that if they are forced to admit this and respond to the then obvious new approach. Modern Medicine will have to change very radically from its present comfortable straight jacket concepts and prejudices about physiology and true healing.


The basic objectives of the two systems is more often than not, diametrically opposed.


Fact: 1.

a. Drugs:

"No drug cures, it only palliates ( high tech word for alleviates ) the symptoms". Quoting an honest pharmaceutical executive of the fifties. "Drugs only treat symptoms, never bring about a cure, I only wish I could say they did". The apologists of modern medicine conveniently always forget this hard fact when making a statement about "cures" "Cures" are only figments of the imagination in medical parlance. In addition to that, every drug comes at a cost of adverse effects which have to be reckoned with and paid for (in health terms).


b. Natural Medicines

Acupuncture is one healing procedure which has been partially accepted by some of our enlightened medical practitioners.


Another is Homoeopathy which is generally ridiculed, but in many respects is more effective than acupuncture if practised correctly according to a well defined set of rules based on historical principles.


The laws governing Homoeopathy are in direct opposition to those of drug therapy, hence the need for a different set of rules of "testing" to determine its effectiveness.


The primary aim when applying Homoeopathic and many other natural medicines is to regenerate damaged tissue and produce a complete and total cure with the minimum use of medication over a period of time.


Fact: 2.

a. Drugs

Work primarily only on the physical body and generally have to be prescribed in ever increasing doses in order to SUPPRESS the symptoms to an ever greater degree. That is why they are repeated frequently usually on a daily basis, and over a period in higher and greater strength. They work against the bodies natural regenerative healing system which is to express all toxic and damaged matter eg. bruising.


b. Natural Medicines

Homoeopathic medications

Express the symptoms. They do not work initially on the physical body at all - the reaction is primarily centred on the electrical energy field of the body, which moves from the brain down through every cell of the tissue to the ends of the toes and fingers. Disease occurs when this field is disturbed or blocked. Practitioners of acupuncture will have an appreciation of this phenomenon.


Modern medicine pays scant attention to the importance of this "electrical" energy field, but it is an essential part of physiology and without it the individual would die. eg. Patients are only declared dead and suitable as organ donors if no electrical activity is present in the brain. Modern anatomy is exactly the same as that of 2000 years ago as far as the medical fraternity is concerned. No advances of any consequence has been made or applied. The electrical energy field is only tinkered with.


Fact: 3.

Conversely, many natural healing methods, as opposed to drug therapy, harmonize with the built in mechanisms of the body, to bring about a cure. It does this by working with natural regenerative processes in allowing the body to expel toxins and disease through the organs of excretion, such as bowels, skin, bladder and respiratory tract. Conditions like fevers and diarrheas are often encouraged. It is a recognized fact that the human body is able to manufacture all its own anti-biotics, anti-depressants and analgesics etc, all of which are many more times powerful than the artificial ones, but work only if given the opportunity to do so. This will never occur while suppressed by drugs.


Modern medicine disregards this mechanism and ignores the basic principles of the natural healing process. More often than not healing responses are suppressed, perverted or prevented.


Fact: 4.

A minimum amount of the Homoeopathic remedy is usually prescribed only once. It should never be repeated continuously because this will over-stimulate and as a result "lock" the condition in, unnecessary aggravate and prevent a cure. The body should be given time to respond to the remedy.


Conversely in drug therapy a maximum amount of drugs are prescribed.


Prescribing homoeopathically is almost like giving the body an instruction to perform a particular task and then waiting for it to respond at its own time in its own way as the stimulation pervades the body and the response gently evelops. Sometimes this response is evidenced weeks later, when moribund substances are excreted out of the body.


The Homoeopathic trials conducted and reported in the media are usually dominated by skeptical medical practitioners who have no knowledge or take scant cognizance of very important facts necessary to be able to prescribe or evaluate homoeopathic medicines successfully.


In all the tests, it is never admitted under what conditions the trials were undertaken. For example, substances like caffeine, coke, tobacco, peppermint tooth paste, wine and strong smelling substances antidote homoeopathic medication completely and will pervert the results if permitted to be used during trials.


These substances must always be excluded from any form of treatments. Frequency of the dose is another issue which is vitally important and seldom reported during trials.

Fact 6.

Homoeopathic medications are developed in a very unique way. They are never tested initially on animals at all, as is the case with most drugs. They are tested first on volunteer "testers" who over a period of time take small overdoses which cause a range of symptoms in the tester. This process is known as "Proving" the remedy It is a unique process and means much more to the homoeopathic physician than the field trials demanded by modern medicine. "Provings" corresponds to some extent to the "trials" that are so popular with the medical boffins.


There is a vast field to be explored in Natural Medicine, many phenomena to be recorded and explained and many exciting break throughs in the healing arts could be discovered by the real open minded scientists of today.


Kindest regards

Kiwi Joe


"In the spider-web of facts, many a truth is strangled." -Paul Eldridge


"The Doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."....Thomas A Edison




The "Kiwi Joe" news letter is provided as a free service to promote the benefits of natural medicine and healing as opposed to drug therapy. All information obtained is from reputable, professional and renowned correspondents throughout the world, leaders in their particular fields

Website addresses of the new generation honest professionals

Dr D Duffy www.duffyslaw.com

Dr J. Mercola www.mercola.cola

Dr. Leo Rebello www.aidsalternativa.org

Don Paterson www.naturaltherapiesltd.co.nz

Patrick Quanten http://www.activehealthcare.co.uk

Rath Foundation Drug Barons http://www.dr-rath-foundation.org

Liston Bateson Please go to www.myBIOPRO.com/liston. Electro Magnetic Radiation

Dr Robert Anderson www.psrg.org.nz or roberta for information re: Genetic Engineering, radiation and fluoridation. Ask for his little book on the subject. Visit the sites for a new awareness of how medicine should really be conducted.

Visit the Soy website at soyonlineservice.co.nz

Westonprice An organization, promoting good living with good eating www.westonaprice.org .

Chris Reiger of Pacific Health and Fitness Centre for latest list of food additives codes http://www.foodadditives.org.nz/

on vaccines Dr. Classen's Website

Cause and prevention of cot death

Dr T James Sprott OBE www.cotlife2000.co.nz


Fraudulent Medicine www.pnc.com.au/~cafmr

..TAAP (The Autism Autoimmunity Project) www.TAAP.info and "TAAP into the truth!"

to / bateson



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