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The meaning of love - Sri K G Mishra.

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[by Sri K G Mishra] Dear Raja It was a treat to read your e-mail. You are perfect. Love is neither sex not affection, nor crying, nor display of love and nor taking sides. Love is 100% unconditional and pure; and there are separate bodies but no separate minds, and this large (united) mind is naturally more courageous, more vigilant and more responsible, and that every one united is wields ultimate authority. There is neither a leader nor a follower. In the love, the minds become one, and there is no place of discretion or logic. In Ramayan, Sri Ram was once sitting and in a jovial mood asked to Sri Hanuman ji that who he was. Sri Hanuman smiled at it and answered with great respect that sir, when I keep you eyes and others senses closed, I am you and you are me; and when eyes open up, I find sitting always at your feet ready to serve you. This is unity of mind and experience of love with the Sri Ram/Krishna. My dear friend Raja, understanding love is an interpersonal question. Once upon a time Sri Krishna was injured and was lying in an orchard. Immediately, He was found surrounded by lots of experts and devout who were too eager to do whatever is demanded in that situation. Sri Krishna said calmly that his injury is not a very complicated one, and He can be simply treated after one of you around is ready to oblige putting a dust of feet on the forehead of Sri Krishna. This advice was like bombshell. There was a pin drop silence in the experts and devout. An ultimately none was ready to oblige Him because they never thought of Sri Krishna’s demand of this type and would not like to fall in their own minds. Although, Sri Krishna taught that His love cannot be understood by discretions of mind wherein it defines and distinguishes ‘respect with disrespect’,’ friend

with enemy’, or ‘butcher with Brahman’. After seeing the guilt of experts and devotees, He was really disappointed as none were forthcoming to relieve Him this pain. A few girls in the area were playing near the orchard and they came to listen to it. They were not very intellectual and they could not resist coming to Sri Krishna in pain. They found that Sri Krishna was injured and dust of any other’ feet could save him, and people were just worried about silly things such as punya and paap, respect and disrespect, duty and non duty, and so on. One of the girls immediately rubbed her dust of the feet on the forehead of Sri Krishna, and He was instantly cured. The girls had no discretion because Sri Krishna for her was like a child crying

in pain. The girls could do just anything to protect their son, and had courage of a mother. A relationship of mother and son (only when they have no separated minds) is love. As they have no separate minds, pain and pleasure and courage and goals are ONE, and not shared. Not just protection but a mother can also kill her son (and the son can kill mother) without any problem if situations so demand; because she has a sole authority, courage and responsibility of her action on behalf of the all. In Orrissa, in New Delhi and other tribal places, for example, poor families or those under very high economic stress, commit suicide together. They find no hope of livelihood and purpose of living in an alien place; and love (unity of mind) guides a decision behind this situation. They find separation more difficult at times of difficulty, as one leaves the place and others forced to live to fight with cruel surroundings. Gandhi displayed power of the love by practice of the non-violence. During the time of Indian struggle, many people who had undivided faith in ideals of Gandhi (Bhagwat Gita) would accept injuries without resistance; because they had a large unity of minds. This is the love. My dear Sri Guru Gobind Singh is also an example of the LOVE by his sacrifices. He sacrificed his sons when a mughal emperor was putting a condition of them being converted from Sikh to Islam. Guru Govind Singh and his sons had undivided minds and can survive any condition. Pain of sons and pain of his father are not two different pains, and are only one in their different parts of the same body. Mother and son in love, Gandhi and freedom fighters, Guru Govind Singh and Sons, or Krishna and the Girls all are example of power of unity of mind called LOVE. They are not two/more people, and by undivided minds, their pain and

pleasures and goals are ONE. Summary: Mahabharata was a war of different mentality in people. Love is Sri Krishna with the army of Pandava, and it was in demonstration of full of sacrifices and tests of great virtue of ‘unconditional unity of mind’. Those who love have no separation of minds, and their pleasure, pain, commitment, goals are inseparable, and each one of them has undivided courage and responsibility and success. Regards K G Misra On Behalf Of raja gurdasaniSunday, September 10, 2006 11:52 AM Subject: Re: Humble reflection: why don't we love God as it is? Priya sadhak , Loving on the condition of knowing is again conditional love, which according to you is not possible.So Go far beyond the limits of knowledge, buddhi, chetna, Ahamkar whatever the linguistic terms you Know or dont know. Your knowledge can be limited but love has no boundaries.Limitless without any reason,Do u get my point.I ask why? means I am asking reasons BUT I put it that we must switch for that un conditional love bound by aham in our own self.UNLEASH that TOns of love .TUU PYAR KA SAGAR HAI. Hari om Raja.achinta yajnik <achintay wrote: Dear Self,I most humbly present my views on why we don't loveGod as it is:If at all we love anything or any person ,it wouldnaturally be as it is. True love is never conditional.So loving itself implies loving as it is. Shakespearerightly said, "With all Thy faults, I shall loveThee." So once we start loving really, it wouldnaturally be as it is, but our main problem is why wedon't love

God?Love is not a purely emotional thing for normal humanbeings. Our most of loves are cognition-based. When we"KNOW" that someone is rich,or knowledgeable or havinghigh position or is virtueous, then we start loving.We love only that person whom we "KNOW" as having thequalities which we value. Thus, KNOWLEDGE or COGNITIONplays great part in our feeling of love or gettingattracted to it. It is this Cognitive-partof emotion which has been emphasised in modernpsychology too. Recently most popular and successfulapproach to psycho-therapy is the Cognitive Approachwhich roots all the psychological problems in ourwrong perceptions, wrong cognitions and wronginterpretations of situations. And to treat thesepsychological problems means correcting one'scognitions or perceptions. This is exactly what isknown as RET-Rational Emotive Therapy of Ellis. Inshort, like all our emotions , Love can also be saidto be

first a conitive process and then it becomesemotional. So to have True Love for God, we must Knowhow Great, Atrracting, Caring and Loving , howIntelligent and at same time how emotionally- deep,Lord Himself is. We must "KNOW" Lord's greatpersonality thoroghly and in detail to develop lovefor Him. To KNOW Lord thoroughly, we need to read orhear HisCharitras (all that He has done for His devotees, HowHe, The King of Infinite Universes, becomes justCharioter for His Loved-one Arjuna, How He puts asideall His Glories for Gopies, He even becomes barber,takes eaten food, cleans and bathes Horses of Arjun,How He protected Draupadi Etc.) from Bhagvatam,Ramayan and Mahabharat. Reading or hearing theGreatness of Lord (MAHATMYA)creates AWE for God and itculminates into LOVE for God.Secondly, Kalidas said, "Sangat Pranayah". By being incompany of someone, love developes.In psychology

also,PROXIMITY is considered to be one of the mostimportant factor in development of infetuation, andthat is why, using this natural human psychology,parents and society used to keep lovers apart forextinguishing their feelings of love for eachother.The same happens in case of our love for God also."What is this life, if not full of care, we have notime to stand and stare." In this over-busy life withall our worldly priorities and so-called obligations,we don't give time to BE with God, to enjoy HisPROXIMITY. Again, Shakespeare said, " She is full ofsound and furry, signifying nothing." so we are fullof busy-schedules, signifying nothing. Dr.Shyamrightly answered that we have time and so love also,for the Unreal and no time and hence only, no love forLord which only is the real.Why we don't give priority to God? Because, we do notKNOW again, His worth. So KNOWING HIS GREATNESS INTRUE SENSE OF THE

TERM KNOWING, ONLY CAN CULMINATEINTO LOVE FOR GOD AS IT IS.Finally, many times it is said We know the worth ofLord but cannot practice. "Janami Dharmam na cha mePravritti, janami adharmam na cha me nivrittim" ThisDuryodhan's citation is occasinally quoted as ourdefence mechanism. But it is extremelyself-deceiving. We should remember that this isDuryodhan's mentality.If we also have same feeling,then we are also sharing duryodhan's personality,which we will not like to accept. Actually no greatMEN or Saints have supported this human wickness. Theyhad great faith in human's will and Rationality whichonly is the distiguishing feature between man andanimals. Socrates said "Virtue is Knowledge". If manwould know something as good or worthy, it woulddefinitely reflect in his behaviour as virtue, and if it is not reflected in behaviour , then definitely wehave not KNOWN its worth. The great saint of

thisage, Swami Ramsukhdasji Maharaj, also emphasised thiscognitive approach only. He has distinguished betweenKNOWING and BELIEVING. According to him, knowing justtheoretically is not real Knowing. Real KNOWING isBELIEVING. When knowledge becomes conviction, then itnaturally results into action. Swamiji's thisdistiction of KNOWING and BELIEVING resolves theapparent contradiction of Duryodhan's feeling andSocrates' saying. Duryodhan's feeling applies to whatSwamiji calls KNOWING means, just verbal knowledge,while Socrates' saying applies to real KNOWING,whichSwamiji calls BELIEVING, which naturally, without anyeffort results in practice.To sum up, as seekers we all want to love God as itis, and for that we need to Know Lord's personalitytotally through reading scriptuires and hearing greatsaints. This would give PROXIMITY to LORD and finallyit would culminate into immense Love for God. Thecriterion

of whether or not we have developed trueLove for God,would be- according to Erich Fromm, thefirst eminent psychologist to write scientifically onthe Psychology of Love in his famous book Art ofLoving- that in true love for God, we would be readyto sacrifice all our profane priorities(not our realduties)on the name of God.May Lord give all of us HIS TRUE KNOWLEDGE AND TRUELOVE through His Unconditional Grace upon us.Jay shri Krishna . "Our ideal is not the spirituality that withdraws from life but the conquest of life by the power of the spirit." - Aurobindo.

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