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[HealthyIndia] An article by S. M. Acharya onThe Power Of Yoga

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I concur with this view. Yoga is most beneficial.


I practice the modality of Advanced Cranio/sacral therapy that involves dialogue. When this work is applied in a multi-hand session the work is amplified. It can correct issues of the body simply by asking the body what it needs.


My experience is that many times the body cells are not clear as to what is going on in another system. Why is this? It seems to be because of disconnections energetically via emotional or physical traumas, or ones we carry in from past lives (yours or genetically). Once the body is in agreement to re-connect. issues shift dramatically.


This is also so if virus, parasites, or the likes are present, as those life forms wish to survive. What has been found in these cases is often the cells of an area learn how to protect themselves against the invader, or negotiations for the virus to leave the host, or not harm it also works. Stemcells can be called forth, which btw are very compliant cells, and will go repair places that have been damaged.


Organs have come back into function, blockages opened, hips repair so surgeries can be avoided.... it is really quite amazing what the body can do when we respect the divinity of the cells and systems they create.


Of course this is not a one time fix at all, it is only a critical step in identifying the issue and taking supportive action with such practices as Yoga, meditation, healthy eating, breathing, and other principles of the 8 limbs and continued examination of ''stuff'' (alas, the never ending ''stuff'' we carry).


Currently I am doing multi hand sessions once a month in Austin Texas. My partner and I in the work are intending to grow this effort in the world.


Just a little glimpse of what I am up to in causing transformation in the world.







SM Acharya

karmayog Vinay Somani ; Naturopaths ; Ayurvedaonline ; Alternate Therapies

Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:52 AM

[HealthyIndia] An article by S. M. Acharya onThe Power Of Yoga



Power of YogaI am myself doing yoga for the last 50 years andwith every passing day, I have been getting more andmore convinced that with ever-new diseases cropping upfor which there are hardly any remedies withallopathic doctors except the symptomatic treatment,yoga is the only weapon of last resort that theunfortunate patients can look to.Having learnt various types of yoga and meditationtechniques including Patanjali Yoga, TranscendentalMeditation , Osho techniques and what not, let meconfess that many yoga practitioners also do sufferfrom cancer, asthma, slip-disc and other spinal achesand pains whether they admit or not.I too suffered from many such life-threateningproblems. Not finding any proper cure under any of theknown therapies, I started looking at animals, birdsand some other species. What I found to my amazementis that all such animals and birds continue topractice some instinctive exercises without even beingconscious about them just to keep themselves fit likea fiddle.You might have noticed the particular way ofstretching the spine by the dogs or cats before theyget up and take to run. Similarly, the birds go ontwitching their body parts and wings to keepthemselves fit. Human beings also had similarinstinctive behavioral exercises which were lost asthey started walking on two legs losing the naturalbalance between their hands, feet and the torso.Modern lifestyle further added to their woes. They also started eating fast foods that are too oilyand over-processed compared to the natural foods thatall animals and birds are ordained to eat by theirinherent nature. The man-made air-pollution,water-pollution and the over-use of chemicalfertilizers, insecticides and pesticides added to thelist of life-threatening diseases.When no doctor could cure me of my various ailments, Itook to some spine-stretching and twitching of thelegs and feet that started me helping to cure myvarious spinal aches and pains like backache, cervicalspondylitis, slip-disc and sciatica pains, etcetra,within a very short time. When the same exercises were synchronized with deepbreathing and pranayams like the Kapaal-bhati andAnulom-vilom, as taught by Swami Ramdevji Maharaj,coupled with eating more of seasonal fruits andvegetables and less of highly processed and refinedfoods, I was cured of age-old asthma, migraine andfrequent coughs and colds.For the benefit of all human beings who are stillsuffering from various ailments, I have put alldetails on the Internet at www.atbsnr.com so thatanyone anywhere in the world can log on to it to learneverything online totally free. For more info and free guidance, they can write to meat the Global Free Pain Relief Centre, Save IndiaAssociation (SIA), 155 St. Patrick’s Town, Pune411013, Tel: 020-26870204 or email me atsmacharya (AT) (DOT) co.uk They can also attend our Free Yog Science Trainingclasses on first-come-first-served basis with priorintimation. I shall also be giving a free demo of allsuch exercises at the free Medical Camp scheduled tobe held on Sunday, Oct. 15, 2006 at the PunjabiCultural Association Hall, Salisbury Park, Pune 37 at10 am. Those who can make it are most welcome toattendWishing happier and healthier Diwali to one and all,S. M. Acharya, President (SIA), 155 St. Patrick’sTown, Pune, Pune; Ph: 26870204.

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