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Understanding the Territory of Toxicity - Dr Mark Sircus, MD. - A must read.

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Understanding the Territory of Toxicity International Medical Veritas Association AFP/File Photo: A boy with autism is seen at a treatment center. "In

recent years, hypotheses have been raised concerning a possible relationship between mercury exposure and autism," said Dr. Eric Fombonne, head researcher and director of pediatric psychiatry at the Montreal Children's Hospital." Specifically, the concerns have been related to childhood thimerosal-containing vaccines, dental amalgams, and methyl mercury in food," he said in a statement. The research team examined mercury levels in hair and blood samples provided by autistic children and their mothers and concluded that the levels observed did not differ largely from those taken from children without autism. The study "demonstrated that there was no correlation between the mercury level and the severity

of symptoms and level of functioning of autistic children." Mercury levels have no relationship to the development of autism, and the moon is made of Swiss cheese. Pediatric medical scientists like Fombonne just get further and further from medical truth year by

year leaving millions more children vulnerable to pediatricians who are preying on our children. In this case Fombonne is giving the green flag to industry, medicine and dentistry to keep up the tremendous rate of mercury exposure with the idea that the extremely poisonous neurotoxin mercury is not a threat to developing brains. The point isn’t so much just about autism though, it is about the future of human life on this planet if we don’t stop mercury pollution. Autism groups are presently exerting a full court press against the FDA threatening to take them to the mats over mercury laced dental

amalgam. From a pure scientific point of view Dr. Fombonne is as dangerous as any terrorist when he asserts that "chelation therapies, whereby heavy metals are removed from the body using specific compounds, are not useful in the treatment of autism." Fombonne is trying to condemn hundreds of thousands of kids and their families around the world to a special kind of chemical hell for chelation and detoxification therapies are the logical answers to chemical and heavy metal exposures. Though more and more people are choosing chelation medical authorities are against it, preferring to ignore the accelerating toxic

buildup in everyone’s bodies. FluMist Federal health advisers unanimously agreed this month that a nasal spray flu vaccine both is safe and works in children 2 and older. The vaccine, made

by MedImmune Inc., is called FluMist. Can we trust these advisers? The marketplace for the Pharmaceutical Giants is the ever-trusting public that believes that any recommendations handed down through the medical system are reliable and must be 'for our own good'. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices represents the very heart and soul of pharmaceutical companies and every parent's worst nightmare come true. There are no polite words to describe their true intentions. The Advisory Committee on Immunization is one of the most dangerous, untrustworthy and all-powerful institutions that have ever existed and they routinely ignore all doctors and scientists who disagree with their decisions. FluMist has been out for years and has not done well in the marketplace and has not been used for children under age five for a list of reasons that could threaten the very young. Now federal advisers are consciously choosing to ignore those dangers. They now think it’s a good idea to expose infants to live viruses. FluMist has always come with directions for people receiving it to stay away from the young for upward of 21 days so as to avoid exposing those under five to live virus contamination. There is no evidence that

any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza. The producers of these vaccines know that they are worthless, but they go on selling them, anyway. Dr. J. Anthony

Morris Former Chief Vaccine Control Officer FDA. Health Freedom under Siege The US Supreme Court has refused to stop FDA from removing a

supplement if at ANY dose it can cause harm. Together with the Senate bill S.1082, authorizing FDA to monitor food and 'food ingredient safety' it is possible for FDA to try to remove a supplement (regulated as a food) if it is dangerous at any dose. Leading health freedom attorney, Jonathan Emord, said: "In particular, FDA for the first time in its history now holds a dietary ingredient or dietary supplement adulterated at every dose level if at some dose level it can be shown to present even an infinitesimal risk if it concludes there to be no substantial health benefit from the supplement. Because all dietary ingredients, dietary supplements, and foods present a risk to health at some level of ingestion, the FDA’s new position permits the agency to declare any

dietary ingredient or dietary supplement adulterated at its whim or caprice.†Americans are caught up in a medical merry-go-round of being bounced from one doctor to the next without ever receiving a proper diagnosis. In the U.S. you are allowed to sell mineral, vitamin and herbal supplements as long as you do not indicate that they are good for treating any kind of a disease. The minute that you indicate or say that they will treat a disease of any kind, they are considered a drug and come under the regulations and laws of drugs. Present laws effectively prevent anyone from telling the public that alternatives to toxic allopathic medicine exist that could help them recover from their disorders. Thus the FDA is fondly known as the medical mafia and acts like a medical Gestapo complete with storm troopers with flack jackets ready to rip IVs out of patient’s arms. President Vladimir Putin of Russia obliquely compared the foreign policy of the United States to the Third Reich in a speech in May 2007 commemorating the 62nd anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany, in an apparent escalation of anti-American rhetoric within the Russian government. It is appropriate to call a spade a spade and the malice of fascism is most ugly in the medical arena as the concentration camps proved forever. Americans just cannot comprehend how insane their government has become in traditional American terms, i.e, how much it has turned against the American people themselves. Case in point was the Senate’s recent refusal to allow Americans to purchase pharmaceutical drugs from abroad where they are much less expensive. Now they are instilling the FDA with new powers to terrorize good doctors and alternative health care practitioners.

Recently President Bush told Congressional leaders that he would veto any legislation that weakened federal policies or laws on abortion. In a two-page letter sent to the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, and the Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, Mr. Bush said his veto threat would apply to any measures that “allow taxpayer dollars to be used for the destruction of human life.†But because of the Bush family the chance that an Iraqi child will live beyond age 5 has plummeted faster than anywhere else in the world since 1990. According to a recent report by Save the Children Iraq is now in

last place in its child survival rankings. One in eight Iraqi children died of disease or violence before reaching their fifth birthday in 2005. The numbers are a shock: Almost 1 billion people worldwide have high blood pressure, and over half a billion more will harbor this silent killer by 2025. It's not just a problem for the ever-fattening Western world. Even in parts of Africa , high blood pressure is becoming common. That translates into

millions of deaths from heart disease alone.[ii] The FDA along with the government and military believe that it is their right to make sure Americans and others in the world are poisoned with toxic substances in the food supply, dental products and allopathic drugs and denied at the same time information and treatments that would help. For instance the best medicine for high blood pressure is

magnesium, a nutritional substance that one can easily concentrate and administer either transdermally or via injection in life threatening situations. Photographs by Don Petersen for The New York Times. From left, Howard R. Udell, the top lawyer for Purdue Pharma; Dr. Paul D. Goldenheim, the

company’s former medical director; and Michael Friedman, Purdue’s president The three executives pleaded guilty at the edge of Appalachia , a region where OxyContin abuse became so widespread that the drug was dubbed “hillbilly heroin.â€

John L. Brownlee, the United States attorney for the Western District of Virginia, said the impact of Purdue’s marketing of OxyContin had resulted in rising crime rates, teenage drug addiction, deaths and other problems. “The results of Purdue’s crimes were staggering,†he said. Purdue Pharma, agreed to pay $600 million in fines and other payments to resolve the criminal charge of “misbranding†the product Purdue Pharma, based in Stamford , Conn. , heavily promoted OxyContin to doctors like general practitioners, who often had little training in treating serious pain or in recognizing signs of drug abuse. But experienced drug abusers and novices, including teenagers, soon discovered that chewing an OxyContin tablet — or crushing one and then snorting the powder, or injecting it with a needle — produced a high as powerful as heroin. OxyContin is a pure, high-strength version of a long-used narcotic,

oxycodone.[iii] Have you gotten the picture yet about American health officials and pharmaceutical companies? They want to promote poisons like mercury and OxyContin as safe but want everyone to run scared of natural vitamins and minerals that are toxic if a mountain of them fall on top of you. God forbidyou use marijuana for medicinal purposes, a natural weed that for certain types of

pain is vastly safer and more effective than OxyContin. According to the Wall Street Journal and Dr. Mark Thornton, a former medical officer in the FDA Office of Oncology Products, who is now president of the Sarcoma Foundation of America, “May 9, 2007, should be cited in the annals of cancer immunotherapy as Black Wednesday. Within an eight-hour period that day, the FDA succeeded in killing not one but two safe, promising therapies designed and developed to act by stimulating a patient's immune system against cancer. The FDA's hubris will affect the lives and possibly the life spans of cancer patients from

nearly every demographic, from elderly men with prostate cancer to young children with the rarest of bone cancers.â€[iv] On 10 May 2007 The New York Times ran a major investigative article about the way the increased prescribing of psychiatric drugs to USA children may be related to thousands of dollars that drug manufacturers provide to some of the prescribers for

lectures, consulting, etc.[v] The FDA and certain legislators in the Senate and Congress are breaking their backs to take the insanity another step with a desperate attempt to cut off the public’s access to vitamins, minerals and alternative medical treatments. When you read the latest research on Vitamin D for example, you might begin to understand the threat and the vast terrorism of CODEX and

the FDA which would love to control everything about our biological existence. Do we need a double-blind placebo-controlled study to prove cherries promote health? Bill Sardi The FDA thought so and went after all the cherry companies probably because cherries are a safer more effective anti-inflammatory than aspirin. Rep. Ron Paul was recently quoted as saying there is a need

to stop "federal bureaucrats from preventing Americans from learning about simple ways to improve their health." Other people would not even dignify the FDA by calling them bureaucrats, so nasty, cruel and ugly is their intent. Printed in the New Scientist: Rebecca Riley seemed a normal, playful young child, if at times a little boisterous. Then, aged 2, she was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity

disorder, and at 3 as having a bipolar personality. By the age of 4, Rebecca was dead, killed by an overdose of the drug clonidine, which was being used to treat her condition. She was also taking the anti-convulsant Depakote (valproate) and the anti-psychotic Seroquel (quetiapine fumarate) to stabilise her mood. Rebecca died next to her parents' bed in Hull , Massachusetts , on 13 December last year. This Wednesday a pre-trial hearing began that will be followed by a full trial to determine whether her parents, Carolyn and Michael Riley, intentionally gave Rebecca too much of the drug, or whether she died of an accidental overdose.[vi] We have seen the same thing with Shaken Baby Syndrome where doctors accuse parents of

killing their kids instead of accepting that their precious vaccines are responsible. The officials of medicine know of no limits and literally we are letting them get away with bloody murder. There is no more basic freedom than health freedom and if you consider Vladimir Putin’s words you can see he is not exaggerating and neither am I when I call the FDA the medical Gestapo. It really does look like the United States government made a mistake at the end of WWII by importing so many Nazi scientists to continue their work in America . And letting those Nazis from IG Farben, who were accused and jailed during the

Nuremberg Trials, back into the pharmaceutical board rooms a few years later also has allowed pharmaceutical terrorism to grow and take hold of modern society. TB is also a major global problem: Nine million people a year develop the active disease worldwide, which kills two million each year. Scientists have shown that a single 2.5mg dose of vitamin D may be enough to boost the immune system to fight against tuberculosis (TB) and similar bacteria for at least 6 weeks. Their findings came from a study that identified an extraordinarily high incidence of vitamin D deficiency amongst those communities in London most at risk from the

disease, which kills around two million people each year. The research, funded by the Department of Environmental Health and Newham University Hospital . Dr Adrian Martineau from the Imperial College London, who coordinated the study said, “Our work adds to the growing evidence that vitamin D may have a wide range of important health benefits, including preventing falls and fractures and reducing risk of cancer and diabetes, as well as boosting the immune system against infection. Population-wide supplementation needs to be considered by public health planners." Taking a daily 10 to 15 minute walk in the

sun not only clears your head, relieves stress and increases circulation – it could also cut your risk of breast cancer in half. Dr. Esther John Epidemiologist An American study scheduled for a June release compared the health of some 1,200 female patients, some of whom took a vitamin D supplement while others didn't. The number of patients who reduced their risk of cancer by taking a vitamin D supplement -- 60 percent -- was so unexpectedly high that some initially believed it to be a typographical error. This study, and many similar ones, may force conventional medicine to re-evaluate its vitamin D recommendations. A deficiency in vitamin D figures into many diseases in addition to cancer. One researcher pointed out, "We don't really know what the status of chronic disease is in the North American population, until we normalize vitamin D status."[vii] After reviewing 50 years of medical literature on cancer, Dr. Gordon Ainsleigh concluded that the benefits of regular sun exposure outweigh the risks of squamous-basal skin cancer, accelerated ageing and melanoma. Do not take any of this lightly. Certainly dermatologists don’t want you out in the sunlight. We are mostly blind and living under the grand illusion of

our own goodness thus we cannot see the heart of a great darkness that exists in human consciousness; darkness so foul and disgusting it is presently outdoing the filth of the Nazis. Humanity has never learned how easy it is for men in suits to kill from a distance, how easy it is to poison water and food supplies, how easy it is to start wars for profit, and how easy it is for men and women in power to deceive the public. The pharmaceutical companies and the warlocks in Washington and Wall Street are laughing all the way to the bank as they profit hundreds of billions of dollars on humanity's suffering while fulfilling their agenda of population control. If not effective for actual reductions in populations certainly they milk the suffering of people for all its worth. Pharmaceutical companies are vast vampire corporations literally sucking the life out of children and adults alike and we are letting them do just that. It is true there are too many of us on this planet and our numbers continue to expand at a furious pace. Captain Paul Watson, Founder and President of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, Co-Founder of The Greenpeace International and former director of the Sierra Club, said recently, “Let's look at the number one cause of global greenhouse gas emissions. First and foremost it is human over-population, the very same issue that was the priority concern at the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Environment in Stockholm . It's 6.5 billion people folks. Remember in 1950, the world population was 3 billion. It's now more than doubled. Six and a half billion

people produce one hell of an annual output of waste and utilize an unbelievable amount of resources and energy. And this number is rising minute by minute, day, by day, year by year. Unless over-population is addressed, there is absolutely no way of slowing down global greenhouse gas emissions. But how do you do that within the context of economic systems that require larger and larger numbers to perform the essential task of consuming products? Corporations need workers and buyers. Governments need tax-payers, bureaucrats and soldiers. More people means more money.†Fluorine compounds are suspected of poisoning animals and birds in a wide area centering on Antarctica and the southern Pacific, a joint Japanese-U.S. research team said this month. The group of scientists from Ehime University's Center for Maritime Environmental Studies and the State University of New York said the finding underpins a global spread of the substances originating in industrial nations in the Northern Hemisphere. Mercury pollution specifically is the principle threat that, similar to radioactive substances after an atomic war, is penetrating through everything. In fact, the FDA itself says, “Mercury is everywhere!â€[viii] Environmental mercury levels have been increasing dramatically and are now present “all over the globe at levels that adversely affect humans and wildlife. Even regions with no significant mercury releases, such as the Arctic , are adversely affected due to the transcontinental and global transport of mercury,†reports the United Nations Environment Programme. (UNEP)[ix] Mercury is a strange substance. It cycles back and forth between the atmosphere and the ground. It's not a problem deep in the earth - it's a problem when it gets in the air. Dr. Mike Abbott Dr. Masazumi Harada, renowned Japanese neurologist, known for his work with residents of Minamata Bay in Japan , where heavy industries dumped mercury into the water and contaminated the fish supply, causing more than 100 people to die from neurological disorders, again is sounding a mercury alarm reporting that aboriginal bands in northern Ontario are experiencing an increase in mercury symptoms. Having visited the Grassy Narrows and Wabaseemong reserves in October, 2004 Harada said that residents' symptoms from long-term exposure, such are impaired motor skills and fatigue, are increasing.[x] We have just reached the crisis level on mercury. Now, we're finding it in our food, our water, our soil, our babies, everywhere. Marie Steinwachs University of Missouri And the threats to our very survival do not end. Einstein's words about bees have taken on a life of their own lately. "If the bees disappeared, man would have only four years of life left.†“It's a chilling forecastâ€, writes John Kaminski. “For sure, but unfortunately it dovetails ominously with a lot of other mega trends all suggesting imminent and worldwide calamity of an epoch-changing nature. So it's not the bird flu after all. Nor is it meteor impact. It's not global warming either. The thing that will kill us all is the electronic smog of cell phones, wi-fi computers and microwaves. German scientists at Landau University blame cell phones for the astounding disappearance of bees worldwide. Most of the commercial honey bees in the U.S. are already gone; the phenomenon is spreading.†It seems like the plot of a particularly far-fetched horror film. But these scientists suggest that our love of the mobile phone

could cause massive food shortages, as the world's harvests fail. They are putting forward the theory that radiation given off by mobile phones and other hi-tech gadgets is a possible answer to one of the more bizarre mysteries ever to happen in the natural world - the abrupt disappearance of the bees that pollinate crops. Radio Frequency

Antennas and Towers Across the USA .[xi] In a recent scientific study conducted by a team of researchers from Israel , a possible link between microwave radiation, similar to the type found in cellular phones, and different kinds of damage to the visual system was found. At least one

kind of damage seems to accumulate over time and not heal.[xii] HANG UP? Radiation emitted by cell phones kills brain cells in rats. A single 2-hour exposure to the microwaves emitted by some cell phones kills brain cells in rats, a group of Swedish researchers claims. If confirmed, the results would be the first to directly link cell-phone radiation to brain damage in any animal.[xiii] The most basic fact about cell phones and cell towers is that they emit

microwave radiation; so do Wi-Fi (wireless Internet) antennas, wireless computers, cordless (portable) phones and their base units, and all other wireless devices. If it’s a communication device and it’s not attached to the wall by a wire, it’s emitting radiation. Most Wi-Fi systems and some cordless phones operate at the exact same frequency as a microwave oven, while other devices use a different frequency. Wi-Fi is always on and always radiating. The base units of most cordless phones are always radiating, even when no one is using the phone. A cell phone that is on but not in use is also radiating. And, needless to say, cell towers are always radiating.[xiv] Meaning our cell phones are cooking our brains! A study by Dr. Bruce Hocking in Australia found that children living near three TV and FM broadcast towers (similar to cell towers) in Sydney had more than twice the rate of leukemia than children living more than seven miles away. Without even the slightest idea whether this technology is safe they even have parents putting Dect baby monitors right next to the infants in the cribs, bombarding them from a short distance with local microwaves. Professor Olle Johansson of Sweden 's Karolinska Institute said that "A Dect monitor placed in your baby's bedroom

will expose them to more pulsing microwave radiation than living near to a mobile phone mast would do.[xv] According to the Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center, "Studies have shown that even at low levels of this radiation, there is evidence of damage to cell tissue and DNA, and it has been linked to brain tumors, cancer, suppressed immune function, depression, miscarriage, Alzheimer's disease, and numerous other serious illnesses." But imagine a physician diagnosing such a thing tracing it back to electromagnetic radiation. In fact we are being bombarded with so many toxic influences simultaneously we have to factor in all of them in our diagnosis and treatment. No health care practitioner should forget the fifty tons of mercury that come out of smoke stacks like these in the US alone! Tomorrow we will wake up to a world with 15 to 20 tons more mercury in it, and considering a ton is a million grams and a gram could potentially kill a human being if vaporized directly into the lungs, it is not too hard to see that an invisible cloud of mercury radiation is blanketing and contaminating the earth and effecting the most vulnerable part of our race, our children. It's clear that the world we've created is dangerous and no longer sustainable. John

Perkins The Secret History of the American Empire

Confessions of and Economic Hit Man This is what

Survival Medicine for the 21st Century is all about. Identifying the principle threats and providing safe universal protocols that anyone can implement. We are under broad heavy metal, chemical, radioactive, drug, dental and microwave attack. It’s raining mercury, our waters are poisoned with it, fish, foods, there is lead in our bread, rocket fuel in breast milk and the list goes on a mile long. Former President Jimmy Carter criticized George W. Bush’s presidency as “the worst in history†in international relations.[xvi] It is very appropriate when noticing the map above to locate off of both coasts points where the US Navy is exploding depleted uranium in target practice and at Livermore Labs near San Francisco where they are actually doing above ground testing. There is no mystery as to why more and more people are showing positive in tests for excessive uranium. No matter which way the wind blows in the United States Americans are in trouble. One of

the main sections in this book is on radiation toxicity even at the lowest measurable doses as well as the vast insanity of using depleted uranium weapons. Video on the military use of depleted uranium in Hawaii http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/102.html We have to be quite smart in the coming years if we want to survive what is coming. For example Australia has warned that it will have to switch off the water supply to the continent's food bowl unless heavy rains break an epic drought - heralding what could be the first climate change-driven disaster to strike a developed nation. The Murray-Darling basin in south-eastern Australia yields 40 per cent of the country's agricultural produce. But the two rivers that feed the region are so pitifully low that there will soon be only enough water for drinking supplies. Australia is in the grip of its worst drought on record, the victim of changing weather patterns attributed to global warming and a government that is only just starting to wake up to the severity of the position. Water is a huge subject that is mostly overlooked

by medicine. Dehydration is a key cause of both acute and chronic illness and that problem is going to explode exponentially in a hotter world that is running out of drinkable water in many parts of the world. California's San Joaquin Valley, home to some of the nation's most polluted air also claims the nation's highest asthma rates in children The Prime Minister, John Howard, a hardened climate-change skeptic, delivered dire tidings to the nation's farmers yesterday. Unless there is significant rainfall in the next six to eight weeks, irrigation will be banned in the principal agricultural area. Crops such as rice, cotton and wine grapes will fail, citrus, olive and almond trees will die, along with livestock. A ban on irrigation, which would remain in place until May next year, spells possible ruin for thousands of farmers, already debt-laden and in despair after six straight years of drought. [xvii] Larry W. Smith/European Pressphoto AgencyThe weather is only going to increase in intensity. We can share in the pain of the folks who lost their town in May as a huge category 5 tornado ripped through destroying just about everything.[xviii] Part of the intelligence required for survival is found in avoiding the present mainstream medical system and to demand that our dentists not use fluoride nor mercury on us or our children. We need to be as emotionally and mentally strong as possible and to constantly detox and replenish vital nutrients like magnesium, iodine, selenium and zinc and Vitamin D and C. We need to eat organic foods and choose to live or migrate to the best possible areas where water will be plentiful and

pollution minimized. I suggest Brazil as the ideal place on the planet to be to survive this next century and that is why I am building my Sanctuary here. I believe that not before too long a flood of immigrants will rise out of the first world and its possible we will build a channel to help these people find a new home. Consumer spending has been the powerful and dependable engine of the current economic expansion. Americans have continued to shop through boom-time borrowing, high oil prices, on-and-off job growth, uncontrolled medical costs, rampant trade deficits, hurricanes and war. Until last

month, that is. New York Times[xix] In medicine we need to think about everything and the cost of treatments, when not affordable, can force us in directions that we will not voluntarily go. Just as rising temperatures have their immediate health affects and consequences so does failing economies and inflation. The U.S. dollar is an “absurdity.â€[xx] Senate Foreign Relations Committee Absurdity is a good word to describe much of the landscape of modern civilization. What we have done to ourselves and are continuing to do

is absurd. In the name of the good life we have created an environmental hell that is just starting to take shape and form. Yet we continue to respect our governments and institutions and doctors and dentists who continue to poison us and our loved ones. http://news.aol.com/topnews/articles/_a/southern-ocean-loaded-with-carbon/20070518204409990001 The Southern Ocean around Antarctica is so loaded with carbon dioxidethat it can barely absorb any more, so more of the gas will stay in the atmosphere to warm up the planet, scientists reported on Thursday. It is somewhat comforting to note that over fifty percent of dentists have quietly rebelled against the American Dental Association and the FDA dental branch and everything they have been taught and conditioned with in dental school and have stopped using mercury amalgam fillings on their patients. Now if we heard the same thing from pediatricians about using mercury vaccines we would really have something to celebrate and if the rank and file physician would ignore the pharmaceutical sales force and the FDA as well we would have a real medical revolution on our hands. I was taught thirty years ago that love in the world was no longer an option but a necessity for the survival of our species. Thirty years later it seems that the world has turned even further from the necessity of love into the darkness of war and environmental destruction. Everyone knows that medicine has entered its own dark age having lost all sense of heart and truth. So we have to recover it for ourselves first by rejecting what is absurd and secondly by embracing that which makes sense. Are we going to quit pretending that all is, basically, well while continuing to go about life as usual in our labor, play and other aspects of daily activity? Emily Spence My friend Emily asks, in her essay Resource Wars[xxi], a very personal question here, one that only you can answer. But most in the general population will not quit pretending and will continue to go about life as usual for as long as possible. Fine we all have the right to do just that and what else is there to do really? Well actually there is plenty and that might start with stocking up on some basic substances (natural medicines that we need on a day by

day basis to survive the toxicity of our present age). We should be doing that anyway because the FDA is working very hard to block your access. Emily continued to say, “Although there is not much, there is still time to mend our ways.†I wrote her challenging this assertion and it is just plain reality that speaks of a huge doom awaiting our species. But let’s not get depressed about it for that is not going to help anything or anybody. It’s enough to cry for that little girl mentioned above, Rebecca Riley, who overdosed on pharmaceutical drugs promoted as safe by the FDA. Sadly most do not shed

tears for anything and anybody anymore, television and life in general has dumped down the true vulnerability of our hearts, our most sensitive and empathetic natures. But our tears are the pathway back to our souls, to our heart and being nature so shed a river of them seeing every drop as precious. Our hearts are precious, the most precious thing we have. Mark Sircus Ac., OMDDirector International Medical Veritas Association http://www.imva.infohttp://www.magnesiumforlife.com director International Medical Veritas Association Copyright 2007 All rights reserved. IMPORTANT

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