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Moderate Mercury Toxicity

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Hi All,


I have a 6 yr old son, with severe Autism. Recent test shows moderate

mercury toxicity. Is there anything I can use in ayurveda that can

help him remove toxic metals including Mercury. We tried chelation

with two different agents. Few other metals came out but not mercury.

Feel free to e-mail privately.



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Approach any expert rasasasthra practitionar near your locality. He will solve

this easyly.


Simple and most effective advice is to use Kooshmanda (ash gaurd) in multiple

forms. You can make curry with it without any masala. Or just cook it add

little oil and salt to taste and give it in plenty. You may use Kooshmanda

rasayana, Kooshmandaswarasa ghritha. Most effectively drink one glass of juice

of kooshmanda at least three times in a day.


I have a 6 yr old son, with severe Autism. Recent test shows moderate

mercury toxicity. Is there anything I can use in ayurveda that can

help him remove toxic metals including Mercury.

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