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Dibetes and toxic metals

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I was reading an article at another site today which was making the

point that the rise of heavy metal toxicity is responsible for the

rise of type 2 diabetes. The point this article makes is no doubt

relevant - I had made a similar point about generalized mitochondria

disease in a recent post here. Many people are speculating about the

role of toxicity at the mitochondria in diabetes and evidence has been

clear that these toxic conditions interfer with metabolism at the

mitochondria. The emphasis though that the article makes concerning

heavy metals I do not agree with. The rise of toxic metal poisoning is

responsible for many disease processes in modern people - but there is

an underlying issue which makes the toxic metal accumulations more

harmful than they would otherwise be and this is Ama. Ama acts not

just as a sticky film (the Chinese call this 'phlegm mist')over the

mitochondria acting as a barrier to metabolism - nourishment and

elimination - but it also absorbs local toxins of all kinds - those

taken in from outside and those created by the body in ordinary

metabolism. This decreased metabolism leaves the cells drowning in a

toxic soup - including excess fluids, excess acids, heavy metals,

hydrocarbons, etc. Because of the sticky quality of Ama these toxins

are firmly bound and many of them eventually get absorbed into the

cell walls and become a part of the cells further interfering with

their function.


All of these Ama bound toxins devastate many ordinary essential

functions of the cells including Insulin receptor sites, Thyroid

receptor sites, thousands of enzyme functions, etc. etc.. The solid

organs like the liver, heart, brain, etc. suffer the most from this

breakdown of function because fluids move more slowly in these organs

- meaning that stagnations of fluids (kapha) and acids (pitta) are

more likely to happen - especially in those who are over nourished,

eat excess sugars and fats, and who are lethargic and do not exercise

much (a large percentage of modern people). Breaking the Ama and

putting the body in a draining mode will eliminate many levels of

these toxic accumulations - including toxic metals. The article said

it is impossible to avoid these toxins but we can do the best we can

to keep these toxins from getting stuck in the body unable to get

eliminated. Alkaline (Sattvic) based metabolism means that the body

stays in a constant draining mode making such accumultions difficult

or impossible - water is not retained, acids get neutralized and

eliminated, and Ama does not form.

We do not have many options for eliminating these toxins.


Some believe for some reason not founded on facts or studies that

carbohydrates are the cause of type 2 diabetes. The fact is that all

over the world complex carbohydrate diet is used to resolve type 2

diabetes. There are many studies that haven proven the value of

complex carbohydrate diets in resolving type 2 diabetes. In fact these

types of diet are the mainstream reccomendations in America, Japan,

Europe. The most reccomended diet is the one advocated by Dr. James

Anderson - it is the diet reccomended by the Mayo Clinic and others.

Many studies have been done on this and dozens of books written. The

major causative factors in type 2 diabetes are refined sugars, refined

grains, and hydrogenated and trans fatty acids. There are so many

books and articles written on this that it seems strange that there is

still an argument on the subject. In fact the whole anti carb movement

seems rediculous to some one like me who knows dozens of people who

have lived their entire life on high carbohydrate diet and do not have

even the slightest hint of sugar metabolism problems. People like me

and my family - we do not have diabetes in our family.


When one has a 'pet' theory and trys to get all facts to conform to

this they are bound to run up against the facts that simply will not

conform to that theory. Example the argument that such people make

against vegetarianism - their assertions are laughable - since we all

know many people who have had the highest human success eating

vegetarian diet. In India we have Prime Ministers, Noble laureates,

scientists, captains of industry, engineers, farmers, common laborers,

spiritual leaders, housewives, etc. etc. who have never eaten a bite

of non-veg. By the way none of this has to do with 'traditional' diet

since almost all modern people are following modern dietary patterns -

including modern vegetarian diet. This is not to say that traditional

diets are not valid - in fact they are but in modern times there has

been a movement to create an even healthier dietary system and most

modern health conscious people follow variations of this. Those people

who avoid sugar, refined flours, and refined fats thrive on vegetarian

diet. I have connections in Japan in the Zen community for many years

and find the very strict vegetarian (Vegan) diet of the temple culture

to produce among the healthiest people I have ever known. Another

point to note about this is that although these people eat a very low

protein and low fat diet they live in a very cold climate and thrive

on the diet they follow. Throughout Asia millions of people live in a

cold climate who follow vegan diets - like in China, Japan, India.

Ayurveda developed in all climates - from the tropical south to the

Deccan - to the deserts of Rajasthan, to the snows of the Himalyas.

Temple diets are followed by millions in the Shingon, Rinzai, and Todo

schools of Buddhism in Japan ( a very cold climate)- in fact in the

Todo school a social movement called the Pure Land has had great

influence among millions of ordinary Japanese people - all of these

people follow a strict Vegan diet never taking any form of animal food



The world is much too large to be put into the convenient little boxs

that some would like to do. Theories do not have much power against

ordinary easily observable facts.


Dr Vinod Kumar

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