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Basmati rice

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urad is an interesting and unique legume, with greasy and warming

properties, but a little hard to digest


also you wondered about ragi i thinK you or maybe somebody else

anyway, its a variety of millet

Caldecott, Dip. Cl.H, RH(AHG)

Ayurvedic practitioner, Medical Herbalist

203 - 1750 East 10th Ave

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I wonder why she said it would be too labour intensive - a friend of mine

always used to grind her wheat immediately before she cooked with it - it

didn't seem to take that long - she used a hand mill with a stone as far as

I remember




Though I am a mother of four I asked her where to get a mill so I could

make chpati in the same way.

She told me at this time it would be too much labor intensive and

suggested I buy milled whole wheat but I am not convinced it would be the


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  • 4 years later...



I wonder if you've tried tracking down the various types of rice like sastika, sali, raktasali, mahasali, or kalama. I think my main grains should be barley (best for general equilibrium) and Job's Tears (nothing better for losing weight — both according to Caraka — though I eat 'em less since I've started to like red rice. I find it strange that sali and sastika are mostly used in the chapter on rasayanas though I haven't looked carefully read Caraka enough to figure out why. But worth a try it seems if they can be found.

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