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difference between candy sugar(misri/ khadi shakhar/patika bellam) and sugar??

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I would like to know the difference between misri and normal sugar?

I have been advised by a ayurveda vaidya that I should replace sugar

with misri for my 3 year old son.

Could anybody please tell me the difference between them and why

misri is prefferable to sugar.


Thanking you


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In India the large crystalline form of sugar is called Misri. The

correct name in english should be Candy sugar. Word Misri comes from

Chinese, originally Mi-Sha-Li, " sweet-pebble-glassy, " a sweet

crystalline (glassy) substance the size of pebbles. NOrmal sugar is

in small crystals, which in a heap appear opaque-white or porcelain-

white rather than transparent salt-white. Porcelain-white sugar was

called Cheeni, where Cheeni = Porcelain. Thus, Cheeni does not mean

Chinese sugar, nor Misri

Ref: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?\

db=pubmed & uid=6764089 & cmd=showdetailview & indexed=google


Candy Sugar has its origins in India and Persia. Arabic writers in

the first half of the 9th century described the production of candy

sugar. Crystals were grown as a result of cooling supersaturated

sugar solutions.


Candy sugar is known for centuries for its therapeutic applications.

It is also popular among makers of homemade fruit liqueurs. Loved by

both kids and grown ups, this rock candy makes a good substitute for

dessert after meals. You may be served " sounf " (fennel seeds and

sugar crystals after lunch and dinner in hotels.


In ayurveda, when medicine contains sugar, this sugar or its powder

is to be used when making medicines. If you taste refined sugar

(ordinary sugar used while making tea/coffee) and the candy sugar

you will realize the difference. candy sugar contain some minerals

which are compatible with milk. Candy sugar has more satisfying

taste too. The reason is slow crystallization which takes place

gives slightly more ordered structure, which is similar to the

structure of water when subjected to music etc. You may refer to the

work of Masru Emoto to know the connection between crystalline

structure and incident energy/vibrations. Other than chemistry,

there are number of other criteria which acharyas may have used to

decide what natural substances should be treated as harmonious to

restore the equilibrium of body mind and spirit. In small amounts

sugar is considered satvic. It allows ingestion of slightly toxic

medicines, which will be vomitted otherwise. Honey also shares this

property. With some fats and proteins, sugar adds fertility

property. such sweets are generally " Prasadam " in temples.


Whenever a medicine is taken with sugar or honey, it s absorption is

faster, as body is interested in sugar, but it cant get it alone,

with medicine only. IT is just like children have to be promised a

chocolate/candy if you wish them to accept bitter pill.


Author feels that the concept of pills would have been developed for

convenience and children who vomit out bitter tastes. allopathy

would have adopted sugar coatings based on ayurvedic practice.


The difference between ordinary refined sugar and candy sugar

(misri) is as much as that between naturally slowly crystalized sea

salt and iodized salt. Iodised salt is more " salty " while sea salt is less.

Similarly you can eat more candy sugar for same amount of sweetness, as compared

to refined sugar.


Always remember, the less processed is

preferable, as coming directly from Nature.



I would like to know the difference between misri and normal


I have been advised by a ayurveda vaidya that I should replace


with misri for my 3 year old son.

Could anybody please tell me the difference between them and why

misri is prefferable to sugar.

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  • 5 years later...

Mishri is d original or raw form of sugar. Sugar is refined form of mishri n hence it loses its natural qualities of healing. Like raw fruits n vegetables r more nutritional than cooked ones.

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