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Recent Stroke

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My husband 65 yrs has recently had a small stroke, he was hospitalised

for two days and no damage was found by scanning. He had temporary

dysfunction of his right arm and leg.


Eighteen months ago he had an angioplasty which found some furring of

the arteries, but thankfully not bad enough for a stent to be fitted.

The Allopaths wanted him to take a cocktail of drugs which he

refused. He has always been extremely fit, carries no excess weight,

follows a healthy diet, takes lots of exercise and doesn't smoke.


However after the stroke (a month ago) he has been put on Aspirin

75mgs once a day, Lisinopril 5mgs once a day, Bendroflumethiazide

2.5mgs once a day,Omeprazole 20mgs once a day, Persantin Retard

200mgs twice a day,Simvastatic 20mgs 2 a day. He is deeply unhappy at

taking these drugs and has indeed taken himself off the statins. He

is experiencing side-effects: lack of energy, permanent headache,

muscle pain, nausea, a feeling of 'woolliness.' He has never taken

any drugs before so one feels the above is an enormous 'sledgehammer

to crack a nut.'


I am a homeopath and have been treating him for two years. He

definately has an attitude that homeopathy has 'not done its stuff!'

because if it had he wouldn't have had the stroke. I, of course feel

that it would have been a lot worse if he hadn't had the various rxs!

I would be very grateful for any advice on treatment, and also

whether the above drugs can be dispensed with easily, without

withdrawal sxs or danger.

He is a Leo.

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Well he can go off the Aspirin stat - and the Omeprazol too - but people

tend to find once they take that drug they may get stomach pain without it -

whether or not this might be so in your husband's case i wouldn't know but

he can try increasing his water intake and taking a glass of cold water

before bed. The Bendroflumethiazide can be decreased by half and stopped

over a week - if he is retaining fluid then alternative treatments can be

added to a regime for him - we ceased my own husband's diuretics (200mg a

day) over a period of 3 weeks and it has made no difference to any of his

symptoms, the Persantin Retard is one i do not have experience with - but

ask any Pharmacist if a patient can stop this drug suddenly and they should

tell you - Lisinopril 5mgs should be able to be stopped and if you do not

have a B/P machine get one if you are at all concerned about his B/P and

check it daily - celery juice will usually take care of any hypertension.

Does he get tense or anxious? If so he needs more rest and follow some of

the great guidelines posted here on this list.


I would start him on Arnica 30c & Aconite 30C instead and see how he goes

over the next month I would also add a Magnesium Supplement OR initially Mag

Phos 6x - but not both - he should be right as rain - taking it easy,

gradually increasing his exercise and water intake and relaxation, have a

look at this info i have received today and see if you think it might help

your husband too:


>> " I've just listened to the tape I got at the expo with Elsie Belcheff, the


lady who spoke about Purslane. It is common Purslane, the bane of gardeners


everywhere, Portulaca Oleracea


She had been in the pesticide business for 17 years and in that time had


never found anything that would totally kill off purslane. She said that


one day she had pulled a plant out and threw it on a rock. In a week it was


still alive and when it rained it got green again. True--I've seen it


happen in my own garden/yard.


She finally decided there had to be something to this study plant so she


hired 2 scientists to check it out and she did some research. For thousands


of years the Greeks, Indians and Africans have used it medicinally. It


seems here in the US in the modern world, few people know of its medicinal


value, though a few wild foodists know it is quite tasty and makes a great


salad addition. (yep)


The scientists found some interesting things. It has nor adrenals--so much


so that it has more than can be obtained from animals. It relieves stress


and depression. It has pectin which lowers cholesterol (in 4-12 weeks). It


is a muscle relaxant and stops migraines in 5 to 10 minutes (the cream form,


when rubbed on the muscles, or for migraines on the temples and the neck).


It lowers the pain of fibro patients. Her husband was doing something and


a piece of metal hit his eye, hard enough to make it bleed, which the cream


stopped and kept the eye from turning black. It has glutathione, Vit. E,


high in Omega 3 (richer than any other plant) and 6 (its antioxidants are 10


x higher than the same amount of grape seed extract or cranberries), will


clean artery plaque in 3 months, will clean out blockages in the brain due


to plaque in 3 months, is high in enzymes, will get a person off high blood


pressure medicine, kills parasites, viruses, bacteria, yeasts, fungus, high


in selenium, magnesium, ascorbic acid, zinc, has copper, removes heavy


metals, stops asthma, diabetes.


For parasites it is best for children 10 & up to take the tincture--only


one day, then wait 2 weeks for the eggs to hatch and take a second time.


She has seen it cure cancer, get people off dialysis, asthma, fevers, heart


problems. For parasites for kids under 10 and pets it is 1 drop per 10


pounds of weight. You can take the powder but you have to take that for a


longer period of time to get the same benefit for killing the parasites.


For the other problems she recommends the powder. Once the problems are


resolved then take either 1/4 teaspoon powder or 1 capsule a day for its


food/nutrition value.


It reverses hair loss--she has come out with a shampoo and conditioner (not


on the web site yet) that removes the heavy metals in the scalp, which she


says is a big reason for hair loss.


You should take calcium supplements at least 4 hours away from purslane


because calcium is a blocker. The purslane pulls so much heavy metals out


that the kidneys have a hard time getting rid of it so you can get kidney


pain, pain in the lower back, pain in the sides. So she recommends taking a


clove capsule daily. After a few weeks (4 to 12 depending on how sick a


person is) of using the cloves (there was one particular kind she


recommended at her booth saying the rest that she tested didn't do the trick


and she carries that one on her website). If the pain is bad you are to


stop taking the purslane for ten days, all the while taking 1 clove capsule


a day for that 10 days, then when you start back on the purslane the kidneys


should be strengthened enough to handle the detox along with taking the


clove capsule daily.


The cream is also to stop shingles as shingles are normally fungal in nature


and the purslane cream kills the fungus.


She has a lymph cleanse that is purslane based--and is actually used as a


deodorant--that is pulling mercury out of the lymph system because of it


being sprayed right on the lymph nodes under the arms. She had recommended


the spray for me to kill parasites in the lymph.


She says many thyroid problems are actually due to zinc oxide, lead, nickel


and silver, and taking the powder draws this out of the body and the thyroid


starts working again. The pancreas starts working more efficiently when


diabetics start taking the powder and the need for insulin is lowered or




She said that she and her husband were taking 14 different supplements a day


and was always praying for just one thing that could replace them--and she


says that the purslane does this. She prayed for something to be able to


help autistic children (she's also a health practitioner with hundreds of


clients) and was told to develop the lymph spray. She has seen children


that couldn't talk start using sentences, teachers say they are calmer and


more attentive.


She said that you can detox (almost like with MMS) with nausea and diarrhoea


because the purslane is so strong.


I tried the cream at her booth--the web site says that if you are putting


cream on many times a day to switch to theirs because it only needs to be on


once a day and will last through many washings. She's right--the cream was


fantastic and did make my skin feel wonderfully soft all day long even


though I washed my hands a few times.


She's a medical intuitive in Canada. If you can't get there you can send her

a photo and she


will read the photo and send you a long, detailed printout of what she found


plus you can call her with any questions about it. She said she travels a


lot, but that her daughter takes care of getting photos to her via the web.


Ok--so that's my report on one speaker. Will give other reports as I watch


the DVDs. Oh, her web site is: www.naturalplantation.com " <<




My husband 65 yrs has recently had a small stroke, he was hospitalised

for two days and no damage was found by scanning. He had temporary

dysfunction of his right arm and leg.

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There are two many useful medicines for strok in Ayurveda which do

not have any side effects.


As you have written the sign of your husband is Leo I think you are

inclined to take Astro- Medical advice. Please provide me his birth

details i.e. time, place and date


Vaidya Upadhye






My husband 65 yrs has recently had a small stroke, he was


for two days and no damage was found by scanning. He had temporary

dysfunction of his right arm and leg.

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Thank you for your email.

My husband's details:

DOB: 16 - 08 - 1941

Place: Alderbury, Near Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK.

Time: Approx 20.00.hrs. (He isn't 100% sure that this is correct, but

remembers his mother thought this was the time).

Many thanks for your help.


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Dear Fran

I have studied your husband’s horoscope. Please tell me about your son or/and


If your husband is continuously thinking about their well beings particularly in

recent years?

According to the horoscope there should be some subject related with your

daughter or son of which he is worried off. This may be the cause of strok and


I will suggest simple remedy.

He will be benifited by a glass of Orange juice made in water + pinch of black

salt ones a day. He must avoid coffee, milk and milkproducts and non veg. A

glass of good wine will help him. I would suggest a piece of garlic after

shallow frying in very small amount of Pure Ghee should be taken before drinking

of wine every day.

Please fill free for consultation

Vaidya Upadhye


DOB: 16 - 08 - 1941

Place: Alderbury, Near Salisbury, Wiltshire, UK.

Time: Approx 20.00.hrs.

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