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Synthasis of complex concepts

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ayurveda , " Thierry Chevallier "

<thierry_x_c wrote:


> Dear Vd Upadhye,


> Regarding the theory you describe in your website of how an

afflicted Mercury can relate to heart attacks (instead of the Sun), I

wanted to tell that in TCM, the heart is closely linked to mental

activity ( " Xin zhu shenzhi " ) which is astrologically attributed to

Mercury. This is due to the fact that the heart blood, irrigating the

brain, is very important for mental activity.>>


TCM proposes that the mind is not only related to the heart it is the

seat of the mind, this is also true of the Spirit(Shen) which is

synonomous with the Heart function. The very clear relationship of the

heart to Mercury comes from it's constant never ending contractions.

The heart is not just a muscle it is also a complex nerve function

under the power of the ANS (Autonomic Nervous System), in Ayurveda

this is understod through the activating and relaxing functions of the

Sthira/Chala Gunas. The Sun clearly rules the heart outside of these

functional aspects because it is the very symbol of our existance. But

the heart is also under the rulership of the Moon and especially so in

women and afflictions of the moon especially as it relates to fluid

disorders are a major symbol of many heart symptoms and disease states

(like CHF, Congestive Heart Failure). Also we can see that Mars is

important here because of it's activating and heating nature

(metabolic functions). Afflictions of Mercury and Uranus are clear cut

in many disease processes like the ones we have recently been

discussing, Arrythmias, reactive Hypertension, etc. In the issue

Vaidya Upadyhe refered to in heart attacks, it is not difficult to

draw the clear relationship between Mercury and all of the electrical

malfunctions of the heart. Electrical malfunctions may not be the

primary disease but they become dominant issues in advanced stages of

the disease, such as when electrial functions are interfered with in

sclerosis, leading to infarctions. These processes have derangement of

Pitta, Kapha, and Vayu.


>> According to dr Frawley, there is probably not a one-to-one

correlation between the planets and the dhatus even though it seems to

be the case in the astrological treatises.>>


This is a complicated subject but in general Dhatus can not be under

the rulership of any particular planet becuase Dhatus are very complex

structures and functions, with many of those structures and functions

being under the rulership of different planets. This is what I was

reffering to above in relationship to the heart. Having said this,

each Dhatu may have a more or less dominant quality which makes it

more closely associated with one planet or another. This can be

discovered through the analysis of which of the Bhutas dominate in

each Dhatu. In fact the study of each of the Pancha Mahabhutas as they

manifest in each tissue will give insight into the nature of that tissue.


>>For instance the Moon, being a watery planet, governs the bodily

fluid and can also be linked to the plasma and Rasa dhatu, along with

Mercury, its traditional ruler. The association of Rasa dhatu with

Mercury is actually less evident than it is with the Moon, even though

there is a link between this tissue and the skin, which is governed by

Mercury. You may confirm but I think that if the lymphatic tissue is

healthy, the skin will glow.>>


In Ayurveda the primary symbol of health is the state and condition of

the Rasa. When we have clear, free flowing, non toxic and non sticky

Rasa then Ojas are strong and healthy and we are strong and healthy,

we glow from our healthy Ojas. This is why if one meets a saintly

person that person seems to glow, they are clean and pure, meaning

Rasa is clean and pure and Ojas are strong and Healthy. One can use

this to judge the really healthy people from the pretenders, do they

look healthy and do they have that look of strong glowing Ojas

reflected in their skin and eyes, this will be true even in old age. I

met Swami Prabhavananda toward the end of his life and he was radiant.

Such people do not die from disease they die because their alloted

energy (Prana/Chi)has run it's course, this is a function of Karma and

individual genetics, not necessarily disease process.


>>And skin diseases often arise from a sensitive mind (Mercury ... and

the Moon).

> Best regards

> Thierry


Most skin diseases come from excess or deranged Pitta Dosha and Ama,

which points out the complex relationship between every aspect of

physiology, since in skin diseases we can see the work of Mars, Moon,

Jupiter, Uranus, etc., depending on symptomology,these are different

aspects of the same phenomenon. So in skin diseases we might find

deranged Pitta, Kapha, and Vayu in different balances, even though in

general, skin diseases come under Pitta Dosha. Each symptom will have

it's own balance of hot or cold, moist or dry, etc., and the different

combinations of those opposites, like moist/heat or dry heat, as examples.



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Dear Liz

The similar query was raised by Thierry I am here going to past my answer from

the post I have send to Thierry.

You are absolutely right about skin and Mercury. I have co related Mercury

with Rasadhatu. Rasa sarata[ good quality] is observed in relation with the

texture of the skin.

Second thing the Mercury is said to be impotent planet in Astrology. Klyabbya

i.e. impotency is of two types one is related with physical abnormality and

another with psychological abnormality. In natural horoscope i.e. of Langa sign

Arise, the third house is of Gemini whose signifactore is Mercury. Third house

signifies thinking process. Hence Psychological impotency is in relation with

Mercury and the status of Rasa dhatu.

Chintanat chati chintanat Rasavahini dushanti II

That means due to continuous thinking Rasa Vaha srotas [ Lymphatic system]

dushti takes place


Heart disease and Mercury

The Pathogenesis of Rhudroga [ Heart diseases]

Ayurveda has clearly stated that Rasa dhatu dusti due to Tridosha is the basic

Pathogenesis of Rhudroga.

The Sun do have influence on Heart. I co relate SA node with Sun. As the Sun who

is continuously radiating energy SA node is too generating impulses

continuously. Hence when the Sun is affected with Saturn or Jupiter [ though

both are friends] or Mars one will experience Arrhythmia, complete heart block,

bradycardia etc.


The Rasa dhatu is the first dhatu developed in the process of metabolism of

food. It has specific functions and characteristic. The other fluids in the body

and Rasa dhatu are definitely different from each others. The Moon rules on

other body fluids. In another world the Moon is a signifactor of

Udakavasrotas.i.e. water metabolism and blood.

The blood means RBC, WBC, Platelets, plasma etc.

The Blood has to be remain in fluid state. Hence the Pitta is living with

blood. The Ushna guna of Pitta maintains fluidity of Blood.

The Moon is also signifactor of Mind. According to Ayurveda the site of Mind

is Heart.

Due to fear blood pressure drops down and due to anger one will experience

heating of the body and red chicks. We are in daily language naming person as

clod blooded.

Hence the Moon is signifactor of Mind, Blood and Body fluids.

As the characteristics of planets are specific and the characteristics of

Dhatus are specific I think it is not difficult to co relate them.

Vaidya Upadhye





> Regarding the theory you describe in your website of how an

afflicted Mercury can relate to heart attacks (instead of the Sun), I

wanted to tell that in TCM, the heart is closely linked to mental

activity ( " Xin zhu shenzhi " ) which is astrologically attributed to

Mercury. This is due to the fact that the heart blood, irrigating the

brain, is very important for mental activity.>>

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