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Liver Obesity connection

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The connection between liver and obesity was discussed by this author

in several messages on obesity. It is essential to convert the liver

from a fat generating organ to a fat burning organ, was the argument



A new viewpoint supported by scientific research now supports this

experience. Most of us know that there is strong connection between

obesity and Thyroid gland. Most women after childbirth are unable to

gain the old pre-pregnancy weight as glands do not return to their

old state, partly due to childbirth intervention and lack of

ayurvedic post-partum 42 days protocol.


Our thyroid gland produces two main hormones: T4 (also called

thyroxine) and T3 (also called triiodothyronine). These hormones

help to control our metabolic rate, that is the rate at which our

body burns calories. They also have a huge bearing on our energy

levels and maintenance of normal body temperature.


T4 is not the active thyroid hormone; it must be converted into T3 in

our body in order to exert its effects. The majority of this

conversion does not occur in our thyroid gland. Most T4 to T3

conversion happens in our liver, kidneys and muscles. If we have a

fatty liver or a sluggish liver, this conversion will not be

effective. This can leave us feeling tired, depressed, puffy,

overweight and with dry skin and thinning scalp hair. Indeed we now

have a thyroid problem caused by a faulty liver.


If one is taking thyroid hormone medication in the form of

thyroxine, it too must be converted into the active form in his

body. Therefore one is not feeling much better despite thyrod

medication, it is liver that needs to be

to blamed!


We must improv the health of our liver if we want healthy thyroid

hormone levels. The secret why many lost weight after liver detox

became clear by this explaination.


Dr Bhate

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How to get liver detoxicated, so that we can lose weight.






We must improv the health of our liver if we want healthy thyroid

hormone levels.

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I know for a fact that L Carnitine will emulsify the fat in the liver

but I not sure if that will detoxify it… I think I would use Dandelion

root for that…. I would think the combination of both should help but I

would cut out the Dandelion root after a couple of weeks… Noel

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How about Milk Thistle Noel?





I know for a fact that L Carnitine will emulsify the fat in the liver

but I not sure if that will detoxify it.

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Yes... Milk Thistle is good also... You must be made aware that detoxifying

the liver can bring up some tuff emotions you will have to deal with, and

Mike Thistle is good for this ,so ease into this.... Noel







How about Milk Thistle Noel?

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i have heard that gentian is good for removing heat from the liver is

that true?




Yes... Milk Thistle is good also... You must be made aware that


the liver can bring up some tuff emotions you will have to deal with,


Mike Thistle is good for this

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Gentian has many uses, and is big in many liver disorders… I can't see

anywhere it is said to remove heat form the liver, but it stands to

reason it would, since it is a bitter herb…

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Dear Dr,


Also I am suffering with the same problem. Whatever I do, like exercise, dieting

no change in the weight of my body. I am 44 yrs. female undergone C section

twice and hysterctomy. Am a vegetarian, working lady.I am trying very hard to

lose weight but in vain. Recently two days back the problem of cervical

spondilytis has started and lower back pain (not exactly pain but it is like

something is pricking inside).


I am very restless to get rid of it. Actually I am very active in my work and at

home also. these problems are making me worst day by day. Please help.




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and access the file " Eight day detox program.doc " It gives all the details.


This is a general program. It can be tuned to an individual undergoing detox

under supervision.


There is a " Fruit detox.pps " file also, which is for those who find 8 day

liver detox difficult.



Also I am suffering with the same problem. Whatever I do, like

exercise, dieting no change in the weight of my body. I am 44 yrs.

female undergone C section twice and hysterctomy. Am a vegetarian,

working lady.

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a patient of mine lost 30 kg. in a year just by having 2 glass juices of mixed

lauki amla karela and aloe  freshly made early in morning and then having walk

for one hour. light breakfast, timely meals and sound sleep made it all


Dr. rajesh lakhanpaul

09815270285.  dr_lakhanpaul


Also I am suffering with the same problem. Whatever I do, like exercise, dieting

no change in the weight of my body. I am 44 yrs. female undergone C section

twice and hysterctomy.

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First of all - EXERCISE. That is exercise other than working around

the house or any other kind of work. Aerobic exercise is great.

Stomach crunches are good as are leg raises. Work up to at least 3

minutes a day without stopping. Do yoga or any other kind of



You may not like this but it has everything.


Yogi Green Mush Diet


2-3 servings





2-3 zucchini's / cut into approx. ½ " slices


2 sticks of celery / cut into approx. ½ " slices


1 handful of greens chard, kale, spinach, Parsley or other greens

coarsely chopped


(Chard of Many Colors – Greens For Cooking): available at Trader Joes

in the produce section.


1 tsp. fresh mint leaves


½-1 tsp. black pepper


1 cup cottage cheese



Place zucchini and celery in steamer with enough water underneath to

steam for 15 minutes. After 10 minutes add greens and cook for 5 more

minutes. Cook everything until tender. Test with a fork for

tenderness and turn off when tender and bright green in color.

Immediately take off burner and remove steamer from pot (save steam

water) and let veggies cool slightly 10 minutes. Place steams in

blender with steam water,mint and black pepper and blend until



Eat this 2 times a day for 40 days and nothing else except herb teas.







Also I am suffering with the same problem. Whatever I do, like

exercise, dieting no change in the weight of my body. I am 44 yrs.

female undergone C section twice and hysterctomy. Am a vegetarian,

working lady.

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What do you mean by tuff emotions? "




You must be made aware that detoxifyingthe liver can bring up some tuff

emotions you will have to deal with, and Milk Thistle is good for this

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  • 5 weeks later...

The liver is associated with fear and fears, past and potential - sometimes

difficult to cope with ............ probably anger too






What do you mean by tuff emotions?

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