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Dear All,


Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis(ALS) is a condition affecting the motor neurons of

the body. Its also called Lou Gehrig's disease after the famous baseball star

who succumbed to the disease.In Europe its also known as Motor Neuron

Disease(MND). The muscles gradually waste away and the patient finally dies

withing 5 years due to the lack of breathing muscle function. The more younger

you are, the faster the progress of the disease. When the disease affects you

later in life,the progress is much slower. Dr.Stephen Hawking( " A  Brief History

of Time " ) is one of the celebrities who is affected by this condition. The

disease can affect anyone. It is reported to affect gulf war veterans and also

people in the fitness industry.There is no cure.


Having lost a close friend to ALS last week, I wanted to ask group members if

Ayurveda can throw any light on this condition. as someone who is a little

familiar with Ayurveda, I could see that it was a Vata condition. But there was

no dryness in the skin,the skin was cold to touch,but Sweating was there.


He was a healthy and active man with a good physique. One day he could not open

a bottle top which he atributed to a numbness in his hand muscles. The tests

then revealed ALS. Then gradually the muscles wasted away,speech became

slurred.He could not move without help.Soon he was given nutrition directly to

the stomach as he was choking on food. In 5 years, he was dead.


Having seen this condition up close, I want to know if there is any prevention?

I ve heard of a 19 year old girl in the same town withnthis condition. In the

USA , many members of a family and their previous generation had this



Any inputs would be most appreciated.


With Warm Regards


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I corresponded about ALS with Abraham Hoffer M.D (died not long ago).

He succeeded in helping an ALS patient from the '70 till today (not on wheel

chair) with several supplements including Q10.

I researched on the disease, it's oxidative stress in the DNA of the


I also saw common factors in 2 ALS patients: heavy metals, B12 deficient, Q10

deficiency and more.






Having seen this condition up close, I want to know if there is any

prevention? I ve heard of a 19 year old girl in the same town with this


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ALS s postulated to be occuring due to mutations in the SOD enzyme which is

anntioxidant in action . Its mutation cuses nerve daage though how mutation

occurs is yet to be studie d. Its prsent drug of choice is Riluzole which is

believed to reduce damage to motor neurons by decreasing the release of



ALS is difficult to diagnose and the currently aids are EMG, NCV[Nerve

conduction velocity) and the trusted CPK tests


As an Ayurveda physician I have often come across this cases and have

pondered about how to tackle them as Vatvyadhi, Manskshaya[ Dhatugat Vata]

etc etc.


Not falling into the itricases of the diagnosis i would like to suggest some

thoughts on what could help the patients.


As our friend pointed out the disease progress very fast in young due to

high metabolic rates what I have felt and practised is to balance th

hormones and the chakras to balance the metabolism


This has worked wonderfully in many of my patients where their lifestyle

has improved with better results in nerve conduction , muscle function


The most prominet is the use of Rudraksha [internal use] though the

mukhi [facet] is to be decided as per patient. For general use 3 mukhi or 8

mukhi is good


The powder is mixed with other nervine and spinal tonics like Ashwagandha,

Bala, Rasna, Devdar, Kali musli, Vanshlochan and minerals like Abrakh,

Kant loha and gems like Nilmani [blue sapphire] to make a powerful

combination which serves as a rasayana


Diet is very important and certain foods like brinjals, bakery products,

pickles, sea food, cauliflower, peas, peanuts etc are strictly avoided


salt is restricted atleast for 1st fortnight till the muscle mass

functioning iumproves and then controled


meal times are fixed adhered to alloow controlled secretion of enzymes

[for ex if the patient eats at 2 pm then he is requested to do so every day

and not fluctuate his times from 2 -4 ] whichh causes discrepencies in

secretions and allows metabolic disbalance


Also the treatment is complimented with addition of Bhallataka [semecarpus

anacardium] in some way in certain patients. Certain patients also require

additional medicines in forms of herbal decoctions which are judiciously




use of Chakra meditation especialy sitting in correct [posture of padmasana

has helped many as chakras are concerned with electromagnetic flows in the


and do help any who take it up seriously at early onset of disease.


in late stages even anulm vilom with proper concentration on vishudha chakra

has helped immensely


Though i generally practice Shaman [internal medicine] due to lack of setup

of Panchakarma, i think use of it will and must have helped many


I do use Nasya treatment in many of this disorders especialy with

Panchanendriyavardhan taila and it shows good results especially in chronic

forms of disease




Sumit Ashok Kesarkar



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Very well described by Dr . Sumeet . I would like to add shali shashtik

pind swedana with use of brunhana bastis for the same . But u need to do these

under the supervision of any nearby Ayurveda panchkarma therapist .




I do use Nasya treatment in many of this disorders especialy with

Panchanendriyavardhan taila and it shows good results especially in chronic

forms of disease

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