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Finding Happiness the Natural Way

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Finding Happiness the Natural Way





NaturalNews) In a blue funk. Apathetic. High-strung. Premenstrual woman from

hell. Enervated. Grouchy. Spacey. Turning on the waterworks for no real

reason. Swinging from repressed fear to rage like an angst-ridden green


Do any of these describe you? Before you pop that Prozac into your mouth, ask

yourself: could there be any other reason for my unhappiness aside from a

bleak past, the economy, the loss of a loved one, constant negative thoughts,

my inability to forgive, the ubiquitous presence of negative people in my

life, or the weather? Have I done something to my body that could have led me


feel miserable right now? Or more specifically, did I put something in my

mouth that could have caused me to feel so messed up right now?


Aside from fulfilling relationships, a successful career, deep spirituality,

and personal or financial abundance, following a healthy lifestyle is one of

the biggest keys to achieving happiness. The most influential lifestyle

change that you can adopt right now is eating clean, healthy food. Superior

nutrition will incredibly affect your emotional, mental, physical, and even

spiritual states. Optimum physical health is so far-reaching it will inevitably

lead to mental and emotional well-being.


Believe it or not, changing your diet could facilitate and enhance your

mental and emotional spring-cleaning. You miraculously find yourself letting go

of the old negative thought patterns. You find yourself healing emotionally,

feeling more enthusiastic and vibrant, just happy to be yourself and be alive.

As your body releases all the toxins that have accumulated through years of

faulty eating and lack of exercise, you will feel that your mind and heart

are also unburdening themselves. Toxic thoughts and emotions simultaneously

disappear as the body rids itself of toxins. This is the magic of taking great

care of your body through the amazing and powerful synergy of proper

nutrition, exercise, supplementation, detoxification, and energy/vibrational



1. Up your raw food intake


Depression is usually caused by more than one factor, but the usual culprit

is malnutrition. A person may be regular-sized (even obese) and still be

malnourished. Being malnourished means your body does not have the right amount

of nutrients due to regular consumption of nutrient-deficient foods, leading

to poor digestion and assimilation, which further compounds the problem of

malnutrition. The food-mood connection is more profound than a lot of people

actually think. Eating the right food can truly put a smile on your face


being physically healthy will make you feel great.


Including and increasing raw food in your daily menu could be the most

powerful move you’ll ever do to improve your mood. Raw food contains all the

nutrients intact: enzymes, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, protein, fat and

carbohydrates, all in their unaltered form. Cooking kills off all the enzymes,

diminishes vitamins, makes the minerals less bioavailable, oxidizes the fat

present in the food, and changes the food molecularly. For example - a cup of

raw green peas contains about 25 grams of protein; a cup of boiled peas only

has 8 grams of protein. From being a high-protein food, raw peas turn into

high-carb food once subjected to heating.


Enzymes play an important role in improving your mood. They help your body

digest the nutrients present in the food you eat. They first and foremost

improve your digestion without using up your body’s own enzyme supply,


allowing your body to delegate its own enzymes for other vital tasks, mainly,

assimilation, detoxification, repair, and regeneration. The body’s innate

tendency is to heal itself. Remove the burden of digestion and the body rids

itself of the bad and the ugly. With enzymes your body’s assimilative power

increases. It more efficiently absorbs the nutrients needed by every cell in


body. Enzymes and other nutrients found in raw food will literally wash your

cells clean. You’ll feel supercharged with energy, and experience an

inexplicable sense of peace you never thought could come from eating the right



Clean, healthy cells that are bursting with life and energy have a higher

and faster vibrational frequency than sick, dirty cells. Dirty cells are not

charged with energy, and they’re so full of toxins they’re heavy, hence the

low and slow vibration. Having high vibrations at the cellular level is sure to

bounce off negative moods and shift them into brighter and positive ones. So

grab that grocery cart, head to the fresh produce section, and load it up

with your favorite fruits and vegetables. Buy fruits and vegetables of every

color. It would be like doing color therapy on the inside to improve your



Bear in mind that the body is ideally 80% alkaline and 20% acidic. Try to

gravitate more towards raw fruits and veggies that increase alkalinity, as

acidosis is often the cause of irritability, dullness, fatigue and depression.


the same time don’t overdo the alkaline stuff. Excessive alkalinity causes

spaciness, overexcitability, and anxiety.


Dr. Gabriel Cousens, one of America’s premier raw food experts, said that

the body can easily acidify itself, but cannot make itself alkaline.


The following is a list of alkalinizing fruits and vegetables: citrus

fruits (lemon, orange, and grapefruit), watermelon, apple, bananas,


blackberries, grapes, melon, cherries, apricot, figs, tomatoes, pineapple,

raspberries, dates, kiwi, pear, papaya, cantaloupe, and mangoes; cabbage,

alfalfa, lettuce, bok choi, chards, collards, watercress, cucumber, kale,


beets, parsley, broccoli, carrots, onions, sweet potatoes, kelp, buckwheat,

bean sprouts, peppers, eggplant, leeks, soy, celery, asparagus, and pumpkin.

Alkalizing superfoods include wheat grass, chlorella, barley grass,

spirulina, wild greens, and raw honey. Unpasteurized miso is also very

alkalizing. One

thing you can do to measure your body’s alkalinity or acidity is by buying

pH strips to use with a 24-hour urine test at home. According to Dr. Cousens,

the normal range for non-vegetarians is between 6.3-6.9, while the normal

value for vegetarians is a pH between 6.3-7.2.


If you must eat cooked food, be sure to supplement with enzymes. Lightly

steamed vegetables for a maximum of three minutes would also be a good choice


you prefer not to eat some of your veggies raw. Eating raw, organic cheeses,

yogurt, and egg yolks would also be a good move if you’re an omnivore or a

lacto-ovo vegetarian.


2. Increase your neurotransmitter reserves


Neurotransmitters are biochemical messengers or brain chemicals that pass

information from a neuron to another cell. Low levels of neurotransmitters

among adults cause various mood disorders. Lack of neurotransmitters among

children can cause ADHD and autism.


Serotonin is the predominant hormone that influences mood. It makes us feel

relaxed and optimistic. It gives us the general sense of well-being. It also

improves our ability to concentrate. Low levels of serotonin cause

depression, irritability, insomnia, feelings of negativity, and poor focus. Too


serotonin on the other hand can cause an individual to feel sleepy or drowsy.

Turkey, milk, fish and cheese are non-vegetarian sources that contain

nutrients which provide building blocks for this vital mood-regulating

neurotransmitter. Bananas, beets, blue-green algae, brown rice, fennel, figs,


nuts, pineapple, potatoes, radishes, spinach, tomatoes, and whole grains would


your best vegetarian choices.


Dopamine is the neurotransmitter responsible for alertness, excitement,

feelings of pleasure, and mental sharpness. Individuals suffering from dopamine

deficiency experience apathy, seem unable to “love,†and feel no remorse


regard to their behavior. Food sources are shellfish, fowl, soy products.


Norepinephrine, also known as noradrenaline, is responsible for appetite

control, energy, motivation, and drive. A person low on norepinephrine suffers

from depression and lacks ambition and drive. Animal flesh and products that

contain building blocks for norepinephrine are lean beef, fish, fowl,

shellfish, and cheese. Vegetarian sources include most green vegetables, soy

products, avocado, blue-green algae, grains, apples, pineapple, bananas,

almonds and

other nuts.


Endorphins are probably the most popular and familiar neurotransmitter to

most people, being the buzzword among fitness buffs and exercise gurus.

Endorphins not only induce feelings of euphoria and well-being; they’re


painkillers and antidepressants as well. Women who suffer from PMS usually lack

this neurotransmitter. Regular exercise (such as running and brisk-walking),

dancing, playing sports, acupuncture, traditional acupressure, reflexology,

emotional freedom technique (or EFT), and brainwave entrainment all boost the

level of this feel-good hormone in the body.


Enkephalins are a type of endorphins that give psychological pain relief. A

person lacking this neurotransmitter feels incomplete, unfulfilled, inferior,

inadequate, insecure, and fearful. Food sources include seafood, fowl, and

lima beans.


Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid that makes the brain produce

neurotransmitters which cause you to feel happy and motivated. Amino Acids are


main precursors to neurotransmitters because they are the building blocks to

brain chemicals. Phenylalanine is found in fish, turkey, chicken, milk,

cheese, eggs. Good vegetarian sources are cacao, beans, nuts, seeds, millet,

potatoes, sweet potatoes, green peas, avocado, corn, spinach, and swiss chard.


GABA or gamma amino butyric acid is both an amino acid and neurotransmitter.

It is responsible for generating feelings of calmness and relaxation. Lack

of this nutrient results in restlessness and anxiety. Fish and wheat bran are

good sources of GABA.


Trytophan helps produce serotonin and is commonly found in chicken, turkey,

fish, cheese and eggs. Vegetarian sources include beans, carrots, beetroots,

fennel, tofu, and oats.


5-HTP or 5-hydroxytryptophan is an amino-acid that is converted into

serotonin. It is only available in supplement form. Choose a 5-HTP supplement


is derived from its natural source, the African plant griffonia simplicifolia.


Tyrosine is an amino acid that manufactures dopamine, epinephrine, and

norepinephrine. It can be found in cucumbers, green peppers, almonds,

strawberries, and apricots.


Nutritional imbalances can affect the production of these neurotransmitters

and greatly impact mood and motivation. Build your neurotransmitter reserves

by eating foods rich in amino acids that help improve your mood. You can also

try taking a natural supplement containing an amino-acid complex to help you

increase your neurotransmitter levels faster.


3. Eat foods rich in mood-enhancing nutrients


There following are specific nutrients and foods that will greatly enhance

your mood:


Vitamin B3 assists in nerve function. Fruit sources include bananas,

cantaloupe, peaches, tomatoes, kiwi, and watermelon. Squash, artichoke, lima


carrots, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, avocado, potatoes, kale, broccoli,

peanuts, and peas are the vegetables and legumes that contain high amounts of


vitamin. Pine nuts, almonds and chestnuts are also great sources of vitamin



Vitamin B6 is very important in maintaining normal nerve function.

Deficiency in this vitamin causes irritability, dizziness, and confusion.

Bananas and

watermelon, peas, avocado, carrots and potatoes are your good bets in getting

significant amounts of B6.


Vitamin B12 is essential for central nervous system function. Nutritional

yeast, sea vegetables, animal flesh, and animal by-products are the food

sources of this important vitamin.


Folate is a naturally-occurring form of vitamin B9 found in fresh food.

Folate helps build the nervous system and maintains normal brain function.

Deficiency in this mineral causes serotonin levels to go down. Folate can be


in kiwi, orange, strawberries, blackberries, cantaloupe, bananas, tomatoes,

carrots, onions, green pepper, asparagus, peas, avocado, kale, spinach, peas,

peanuts and all tree nuts.


Calcium enables the nerves to communicate properly and is needed to maintain

proper serotonin levels. Fruits that are rich in calcium are oranges,

blackberries, kiwi, lemon, cantaloupe, strawberries, bananas. Spinach, broccoli

kale, peas, artichoke, asparagus, bok choi, collard greens, cabbage, mustard

greens, kelp, soy, dulse, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds,


and all kinds of nuts such as almonds, pistachios, pine nuts, walnuts,

macadamia and cashews also contain a considerable amount of calcium.


Zinc deficiency causes poor memory, mental lethargy, and fatigue. Pumpkin

seeds, pecans, brewer’s yeast, dulse, kelp, chickpeas, oats, cashews,


mushrooms, lentils, sunflower seeds, whole grains , soybeans, and wheat germ

are great vegetarian sources of zinc. Animal flesh and by-product sources of

this mineral are fish, sardines, seafood, chicken, turkey, eggs, and cheese.


Chromium regulates blood sugar levels, improves metabolism of amino acids,

and prevents anxiety, depression, manic rages, attention deficit disorder,

irritability, bi-polar disorder, and fatigue. Non-vegetarian sources include

fish, seafood, eggs, chicken, cheese, and other dairy products. Corn, brown

rice, blackstrap molasses, whole grains, dulse, potatoes with skin, and


are good vegetarian sources of chromium.


Magnesium activates the energy-boosting B vitamins, regulates energy

production and relaxes nerves and muscles. It also brings PMS relief. A high


(1,000 mg) of this mineral can alleviate anxiety, depression, and insomnia.

Kiwi, tomatoes, apples, cacao, figs, grapefruit, bananas, blackberries, dates,

strawberries, avocado, winter and summer squash, artichokes, corn, potatoes,

sweet potatoes, black-eyed peas, broccoli, kale, legumes, whole grains,

alfalfa sprouts, garlic, lentils, beets, dulse, kelp, most nuts, and eggs all

contain magnesium.


Selenium deficiency results in anxiety, hostility, irritability, and

depression. Foods rich in this mineral are Brazil nuts and sunflower seeds


pistachios, walnuts, peanuts, pecan, chestnuts, bananas, kiwi, apples, grapes,

peach, strawberries, orange, onions, spinach, lima beans, peas, corn,

mushrooms, kale, sweet potatoes and potatoes.


Omega 3 increases serotonin levels and enhances serotonin activity. They

also help build receptor sites and improve reception as well. Flaxseed, salmon,

mackerel, and sardines are rich in omega-3.


Last but not the least, don’t forget to drink lots of clean and pure H2O.

Chronic, mild dehydration can have a huge effect on mental and physical

performance. Dehydration can cause headaches, lightheadedness, and poor

concentration; it can weaken short-term memory, decrease arithmetic skills, and


vision. Severe dehydration can even lead to delirium. Water also provides

lubrication to your nerve cells.


4. Junk the junk and stabilize your blood sugar level


Glucose is the most important nutrient for proper brain function and it is

therefore important to maintain a steady level of glucose in the blood.

Running low on glucose can cause depression, crying spells, irritability,


poor concentration, forgetfulness, fatigue, dizziness, blurred vision,

digestive upsets, and excessive thirst. Hypoglycemia or having low blood sugar

should be avoided if you want to have a stable mood and lasting energy. Keep

hypoglycemia at bay by eating smaller, healthy, and balanced meals more



Establish an optimum blood sugar level and avoid all the food that cause

blood sugar to spike and plummet dramatically such as refined sugar and

heavily-processed carbs such as white rice, white bread, and sugar-loaded


cereals, which behave like pure sugar upon entering the body. Eating such

foods will result in a post-meal crash, even if you combine them with protein


fat. Other feel-bad foods include alcohol, fatty meats and snacks, coffee,

and fried foods. In short don’t eat the staples in the standard American diet

(SAD). Eat SAD and be sad. Don’t expect to feel great if you subsist on

nutrient-stripped, denatured and devitalized food.


Nix the tobacco habit. Don’t pollute your body further with smoking.

Cigarettes may initially produce a calming effect but are actually a


Nicotine also inhibits the action of feel-good neurotransmitters.


5. Correct other health problems that affect your mood


Some people have mood disorders due to certain health conditions. An

underactive thyroid can also be the culprit. Symptoms of hypothyroidism are

depression, poor memory, indigestion, constipation, and weight gain. Have


tested for hypothyroidism if you suspect that you have it. Enzyme

supplementation, cold-pressed extra-virgin coconut oil, and large amounts of

raw food can

help correct a poor metabolism. Ask a competent holistic health practitioner

for specific advice on how to treat hypothyroidism naturally.


Allergies can also greatly limit the production of neurotransmitters. Having

a leaky gut due to allergies greatly diminishes the body’s capacity to

digest and assimilate nutrients, leading to malnutrition and a horde of

uncomfortable and annoying symptoms. Cow’s milk and gluten have been known to


brain fog, lethargy and irritability. Consider having yourself tested for

possible delayed-onset food allergies.


6. Take out the garbage


Pesticides, toxic environmental gases, chemical fertilizers in

conventionally grown vegetables, hormones, antibiotics, genetically-modified


parasites, unfriendly bacteria, mercury in seafood, nitrates, nitrites,

artificial color and flavors, emulsifiers, bleaching agents, and other food

additives and preservatives all affect every cell, organ, and tissue in our

body. Add

to that the carcinogens present in barbecued, grilled, deep-fried,

over-baked, nuked, and roasted food. Carrying a lot of trash in the body

doesn’t feel

good. You’d have to improve the efficiency of your disposal unit (mainly the

digestive system) by doing a detox not just to improve your mood, but to

avoid serious diseases in the future as well. This is mainly done by avoiding

toxic food and by consuming large amounts of organic raw food.


Eliminating red meat would help you a lot in detoxifying. Studies show that

carcinogens are produced in the stomach as a by-product of its digestion,

apart from the toxins already present in the meat. Also, animals feel intense

fear and pain during slaughter, which triggers the release of toxic chemicals

in their bodies (same thing happens to humans when they’re having negative

emotions - see below). These are the additional toxins in dead animal flesh

(beef, pork, lamb, fish, chicken, turkey, shrimp, crab, lobster etc) that are

most of the time not mentioned. It is for this reason that the vegetarian and

vegan claim that eating animal pain causes human pain is not so mystical or

unfounded after all. Animal sources have only been included above for those who

don’t think they can remove meat from their diet. If you insist on eating

animal flesh, just make sure that it’s lean, organic, and fresh. You would


have to offset the negative effects of eating meat with lots of raw food.


Aside from eating high amounts of raw food, you can also take an herbal

digestive cleanse supplement to give your digestive tract a clean sweep. Relief

from chronic pain and a significant mood improvement are often the reported

benefits of undergoing a digestive cleanse.


It is also helpful to undergo a parasite cleansing program to rid yourself

of unfriendly organisms that could be causing your problems of malnutrition

and listlessness. Moreover you wouldn’t want competition when you start

saturating your body with nutrients. Look for parasite formulas containing


walnut hull and wormwood. Munching on sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds will also

assist your body in expelling certain types of parasites.


One big favor that you can do to your body is fasting. During a fast the

body concentrates more on healing and cleaning itself because it gets to rest

from digestion. Supervised fasts reversing psychiatric illnesses have been

well-documented. A person however can do a fast at home provided he is

well-informed and is under the guidance of a fasting expert, as some people have

had to

be rushed to the ER (some even end up dying) for not breaking their fast

properly. One can do a water fast, lemonade fast, juice fast, or even a juice

feast. Whichever mode you choose make sure you consult someone well-trained in

fasting before you start your own fast.


While detox symptoms can be rough and unpleasant, you can be sure that you’

ll end up feeling lighter, more energized and vibrant. Having a truly clean

and healthy body can work wonders on the psyche. You will realize that peace

and joy are more naturally drawn to you.


7. Learn to de-stress and relax


Stress will break your neurotransmitter bank. Lack of sleep, everyday

emotional trials and mental challenges will deplete your body’s supply of “



The problem is that the body responds to emotional stress exactly the same

way as it does to physical danger. Our body continuously reacts to anxiety,

irritation, anger, frustration, fear with the same primitive fight-or-flight

mechanism our cavemen ancestors had millions of years ago.


A person on a prolonged fight-or-flight mode eventually develops a disease

due to impaired immune function and malnutrition. The vital body processes

such as digestion, assimilation of nutrients, cell production, growth, repair,

and rejuvenation all get halted as the body shifts its focus on carrying out

emergency functions such as increasing adrenaline production. The pituitary

gland works double time to increase its manufacture of andrenocorticotropic

hormone, which triggers the release of cortisol and cortisone. Both inhibit the

function of white blood cells, resulting in poor immune defense against

disease and harmful microorganisms.


Our pre-historic ascendants were able to ferret out these harmful chemicals

from their bodies by being physically active. Furthermore, they did not live

in constant fear of being eaten by animals. They only feared the saber-tooth

tiger when leaving their cave to forage for food and forgot about it once

they made it safely back to their dwellings. Modern man on the other hand


t exercise, makes mountains out of molehills, sweats the wrong stuff, and

constantly worries about his problems, whether they’re big or trifling or



Replenish your neurotransmitter reserves by eating the right food and by

exercising. Deep breathing, acupressure, yoga, prayer/meditation,


listening to music, spending time with positive people, reading

inspirational books, watching funny movies, visualization, de-cluttering,

helping others,

seeking counseling or consulting a life coach, practicing gratitude, finding

a support group, picking up a new hobby, and going on vacation can all help

you de-stress.


Inhaling the right scents can also assist in relaxation. Essential oils that

can lift your mood are lavender, geranium, patchouli, chamomile, neroli,

ylang-ylang, rose, and sandalwood. You can pour a few drops of any of these

essential oils into your warm bath or burner to feel more calm and at peace.


If there is truly an unpleasant life event that is causing you to feel

stressed and depressed, fret not. There are many ways to help you get over it.


can do EFT on yourself, but it would be more helpful to consult a seasoned

EFT practitioner for severe depression, anxiety or stress. An EFT practitioner

would know how to dig deep and find the core issue that is causing you so

much emotional suffering. An EFT practitioner would also help you to formulate

the right phrases and teach you various tapping techniques you can do on your

own. The great thing with EFT is that you don’t only get emotional release

from negative memories and events in your life. You would be pleasantly

surprised to find your stiff neck or some other chronic pain go away. Your


blood pressure unexpectedly goes down. Your life-long craving for a certain

bad food suddenly disappears. The mind-body connection never becomes more

apparent than in the practice of EFT.


You can also try taking anti-depressant herbs such as St. John’s Wort,

valerian, and chamomile. Avoid taking selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor

(SSRI) drugs such as Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa, and Effexor. They do not increase

serotonin production. What they really do is deplete your neurotransmitter

reserves and increase your monoamine oxidase (MAO) levels. MAO triggers aging


causes depression. One potent raw superfood that you can eat to beat the

blues and blahs is raw cacao. It contains phenylethylamine, a brain chemical

that gives one the feeling of being in love, and anandamide, another bliss

chemical. Raw cacao also has dopamine and serotonin precursors, and is rich in

anxiety-reducing magnesium. MAO inhibitors are also found in cacao, which allow

dopamine and serotonin to stay intact in the bloodstream longer. You can

consume up to a tablespoon of raw cacao on most days of the week.


Happiness is not a pie in the sky as some pessimists and skeptics would have

us believe. It is not something unattainable without the help of

psychotherapy drugs as conventional medicine would have us believe. It is not


that external events or forces can take away from us as our unenlightened

mind would have us believe. Happiness is there for the taking for those who are

willing to receive it. Take care of your body, re-align with your dreams and

goals and watch your happiness soar. Never forget that you can be happy...






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Blum, Kenneth. Is Brain Nutrition A Key To Recovery? N.d.


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Cousens, Gabriel. Conscious Eating. Essene Vision Books, 1992.


Decuypere, J.D. Mineral Chart. 2002.


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Holford, Patrick. Can You eat Yourself Happy? 2007.


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International Health Supplement Education Foundation. Understanding

Neurotransmitters. N.d. (_(http://asktom-naturally.com/neurotransm..._

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About the author

Charmaine D. Mercado is a freelance writer who is passionate about natural

health, nutrition and well-being.





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