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Why Animals Don't Get Heart Attacks - But People Do!

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Thanks to whomever provided access to Dr. Matthias Rath's online book; it was a

'God-send' ! The research in the book gave me answers to my questions about

the cause of my arrhythmia. Viola ! I know what to do now to erradicate this

annoying and energy sapping symptom. I imagine my new 'raw foods' diet will

help replace the need for excessive vitamin and mineral therapy.






surpriseshan2 wrote:


Why Animals Don't Get Heart Attacks - But People Do!

by Matthias Rath, MD

Online Book ~ Book Intro. & Chapters 1 through 10 ~ Cellular Health Recomme

ndations for Prevention & Adjunct Therapy ~ [PDF format] Excellent information

about Atherosclerosis, Heart Attack, Stroke, High Cholesterol, High BP,

Irregular Heartbeat, Heart Failure, Cardiovascular. Chapter 7 covers

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You can't get sufficient vitamin C from any food.






On 3/4/07, Mary Flanigan <queenonmountain wrote:

> Thanks to whomever provided access to Dr. Matthias Rath's online book; it was

a 'God-send' ! The research in the book gave me answers to my questions about

the cause of my arrhythmia. Viola ! I know what to do now to erradicate this

annoying and energy sapping symptom. I imagine my new 'raw foods' diet will

help replace the need for excessive vitamin and mineral therapy.


> Tiger

> Queenonmountain



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Alobar wrote:


> You can't get sufficient vitamin C from any food.



Wow that's pretty amazing, considering the fact that millions of humans

have thrived and passed on their genes to us without the need of

consuming a daily chemical cocktail of vitamin isolates! I wonder how

the Eskimos got by without their daily 3 to 5 grams of Ascorbic acid(C_6

H_8 O_6) ?


IMO we should not make sweeping statements like this, each case, each

person, is metabolically and genetically unique and their particular

life circumstances change their nutritional needs accordingly. So no one

can say what is sufficient or not for you without first considering all

the variables of your particular case!



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Eskimos have a diet which is almost entirely raw fish. Do you?

Look at how much vitamin C is in any vegetable or fruit. Humans have

a defective gene. That is why we get heart disease. Sub-clinical

scurvy. Without supplementation, humans get heart attacks. A

hundred years ago, the vitamin an mineral content of foods was higher.

" Modern agriculture " produces plants which are far less vital.

Fruits and veggies used to be picked when ripe, then eaten. Now

fruits and veggies are picked long before they ripen & spend quite a

long time in transit and sitting on the grocer's shelf before being



There is no " metabolic type " which causes people to be able to

manufacture their own vitamin C. All " metabolic types " get heart

attacks with insufficient C.




> Alobar wrote:

> >

> > You can't get sufficient vitamin C from any food.



> Wow that's pretty amazing, considering the fact that millions of humans

> have thrived and passed on their genes to us without the need of

> consuming a daily chemical cocktail of vitamin isolates! I wonder how

> the Eskimos got by without their daily 3 to 5 grams of Ascorbic acid(C_6> H_8

O_6) ?

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Are you certain, Alabor ? I try to purchase organic foods and juice organic

carrots. But I aLSO ordered some Vit C. 500 mg tabs TODAY - and will take 2 a

day to cover the lack in foods.

What did our ancesters do - or has food changed that much. Probably, so, if

the government and Big business gets their way.If the public remains unhealthy,

they will go see Alopathic docs and take drugs.




Alobar <Alobar wrote:

You can't get sufficient vitamin C from any food.




On 3/4/07, Mary Flanigan <queenonmountain wrote:

> Thanks to whomever provided access to Dr. Matthias Rath's online book; it was

a 'God-send' ! The research in the book gave me answers to my questions about

the cause of my arrhythmia. Viola ! I know

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You really think that the Supplement Industry is NOT part of big business?

It is all about the culture of convenience these days.... people want

instant gratification and they look for a pill as an expedient means of

keeping them going, and going and going, like the Energizer Bunny!

We are not born with defective genes; we are indoctrinated into a

culture of indulgence and gluttony, most of the health problems in

affluent societies are caused by the toxic byproducts of a technology

focused on convenience and greed! The real solution to our health

problem is political, time to take our minds and our country back!




Mary Flanigan wrote:


> Are you certain, Alabor ? I try to purchase organic foods and juice

> organic carrots. But I aLSO ordered some Vit C. 500 mg tabs TODAY -

> and will take 2 a day to cover the lack in foods.

> What did our ancesters do - or has food changed that much. Probably,

> so, if the government and Big business gets their way.If the

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Our ancestors also got heart attacks. Animals which make their own C do not.




On 3/5/07, Mary Flanigan <queenonmountain wrote:

> Are you certain, Alabor ? I try to purchase organic foods and juice organic

carrots. But I aLSO ordered some Vit C. 500 mg tabs TODAY - and will take 2 a

day to cover the lack in foods.

> What did our ancesters do - or has food changed that much. Probably, so, if

the government and Big business gets their way.If the public remains unhealthy,

they will go see Alopathic docs and take drugs.


> Tiger

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Why Animals Don't Get Heart Attacks - But People Do!

by Matthias Rath, MD


Online Book ~ Book Intro. & Chapters 1 through 10 ~ Cellular Health Recomme

ndations for Prevention & Adjunct Therapy ~ [PDF format] Excellent information

about Atherosclerosis, Heart Attack, Stroke, High Cholesterol, High BP,

Irregular Heartbeat, Heart Failure, Cardiovascular. Chapter 7 covers diabetes.

[Dated: Sept 2003] -

Click on each Chapter to display the document. Reproduction Authorization -

Email Contact: MR Publishing






Chapter 1 ~ Introduction

[Pgs. 14 > 31] ~ Mission to Eradicate Heart Disease, Ten Step Program for

Natural Cardiovascular Health, Cellular Medicine: Solution to Cardiovascular




Chapter 2 ~ Artherosclerosis, Heart Attack & Stroke

[Pgs. 34 > 77] ~ The Facts About Coronary Heart Disease.


Chapter 3 ~ High Cholesterol Levels & Other Secondary Risk Factors for

Cardiovascular Disease

[Pgs. 80 > 97] ~ Cholesterol Is Only a Secondary Risk Factor & Cholesterol -

Heart Disease Fallacy.


Chapter 4 ~ High Blood Pressure

[Pgs. 100 > 109] ~ Facts About High Blood Pressure.


Chapter 5 ~ Heart Failure

[Pgs.112 > 131] ~ Facts About Heart Failure & Fatal Consequences of

incomplete Treatment of Heart Failure.


Chapter 6 ~ Irregular Heartbeat (Arrhythmia)

[Pgs. 134 > 147] ~ Facts About Irregular Heartbeat.


Chapter 7 ~ Diabetes

[Pgs. 150 > 165] ~ Facts About Adult Onset Diabetes/How Diabetic

Cardiovascular Disease Develops.


Chapter 8 ~ Specific Cardiovascular Problems

[Pgs. 168 > 189] ~ Facts about Angina Pectoris/Ameliorate Angina

Pectoris/Patients After a Heart Attack, Undergoing Coronary Bypass Surgery &



Chapter 9 ~ External & Inherited Cardiovascular Risks

[Pgs. 192 > 207] ~ Unhealthy Diet/Smoking/Stress/Hormonal

Contraceptives/Pharmaceutical Drugs/Dialysis/Surgery/Inherited Risk Factors for




Chapter 10 ~ Cellular Medicine

[Pgs. 210 > 231] ~ Cellular Health Depends on Cellular Bioenergy/Scientific

Facts About Cellular Nutrients/Conventional Medicine vs. Cellular Medicine/Q &



Chapter 11 - Eradicating Heart Disease

The Ten Laws of the Pharmaceutical Industry/Why You May Not Have Heard About

this Medical Breakthrough Before/Milestones Towards Eradicating Heart

Disease/Key Tricks of the Business with Disease/ Phrinciples of a New Health







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