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Doctor In MMR findings was right in New study

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thanks Sepp..


The study:









Wednesday, March 17, 2010


_MMR vaccine and autism._



MMR doctor proved right in week he was condemned as **dishonest**





WDDTY10 February 2010



In the week that the doctor at the centre of the controversy over the MMR

vaccine and autism was called “dishonest, irresponsible and callous†by a

medical disciplinary board, a new study has been published that suggests he

could be right all along. Researchers in New York have discovered that

children with autism spectrum disorder also had inflammation in the ileum,

part of the small intestine – the exact same discovery made by Dr Andrew

Wakefield, who may now lose his medical license following a 30-month hearing at

the General Medical Council. Wakefield noted that the children he saw also

had been given the triple MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine, and he

speculated that it might be the cause. After the publication of his paper in

The Lancet in 1998, vaccination rates dropped dramatically as parents in the

UK refused to have their children vaccinated.


The new study, from the New York University School of Medicine, discovered

that 143 children with autism spectrum disorder also suffered from chronic

gastrointestinal symptoms, and inflammation in the small intestine. As the

vaccine is compulsory in the US, where the children live, it is reasonable

to assume that most, if not all, were vaccinated – although the

researchers do not suggest that it was the cause of the inflammation they


(Source: Autism Insights, 2010; 2: 1-11).


Posted by Stephen Tvedten at _6:47 AM_


(http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=4933538574784576216 & postID=1075835057\














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